Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 30

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 30 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Ayya Khema
"Wholeheartedly" means that we give our time, love, and energy unstintingly.
- Ayya Khema
Collection: Mean
Image of Carol Leifer
Some people have their marriages annulled, which means they never existed. Boy, talk about denial! What do you say when people see your wedding album? 'Oh that was just some play I was in.
- Carol Leifer
Collection: Mean
Image of Rudolf Virchow
'Science in itself' is nothing, for it exists only in the human beings who are its bearers. 'Science for its own sake' usually means nothing more than science for the sake of the people who happen to be pursuing it.
- Rudolf Virchow
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Ostenso
I don't see as it matters much how well you mean if it's harm you're doin'.
- Martha Ostenso
Collection: Mean
Image of Rob Mariano
I really consider myself very fortunate over the years to have the experiences that I had and to be able to come out on top tonight means the world. It's been a long road and it's a lot of hard.
- Rob Mariano
Collection: Mean
Image of Margaret Chan
Everyone needs to remember that Ebola was not a worst-case scenario. Preparedness for the future means preparedness for a very severe disease that spreads via the airborne route or can be transmitted during the incubation period, before an infected person shows telltale signs of illness.
- Margaret Chan
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Campbell
For a long time I was embarrassed to say I was a 'B' movie actor, ... But now that I see what Hollywood's putting out, I realized 'B' actually means 'better.'
- Bruce Campbell
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Campbell
If you have it you don't need it. If you need it, you don't have it. If you have it, you need more of it. If you have more of it, you don't need less of it. You need it to get it. And you certainly need it to get more of it. But if you don't already have any of it to begin with, you can't get any of it to get started, which means you really have no idea how to get it in the first place, do you? You can share it, sure. You can even stockpile it if you like. But you can't fake it. Wanting it. Needing it. Wishing for it. The point is if you've never had any of it ever people just seem to know.
- Bruce Campbell
Collection: Mean
Image of John Frederick Demartini
Incurable means curable from within.
- John Frederick Demartini
Collection: Mean
Image of Cindy McCain
I just want to be who I am. I think all women go through the belief that they need to be superwoman - that to be successful in any way, and I don't necessarily mean in business or anything, but just to be a successful person, you have to be superwoman.
- Cindy McCain
Collection: Mean
Image of Cindy McCain
I have very distinct things that I like. I have very distinct opinions. Just because I choose to be a little less overt out on the campaign [trail] doesn't mean I'm anything less than very opinionated and very intelligent.
- Cindy McCain
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Bush
I'm a liberal when it comes to human rights, the poor; so's George Bush. . . . But Liberal and Conservative don't mean much to me anymore. Does that mean we care about people and are interested and want to help? And if that makes you a Liberal, so be it.
- Barbara Bush
Collection: Mean
Image of Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur
An infinity of these tiny animals defoliate our plants, our trees, our fruits... they attack our houses, our fabrics, our furniture, our clothing, our furs ... He who in studying all the different species of insects that are injurious to us, would seek means of preventing them from harming us, would seek to cause them to perish, proposes for his goal important tasks indeed.
- Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur
Collection: Mean
Image of David Horowitz
According to a Pew poll, 49% of young Americans have a favorable view of socialism. What is socialism? it is a system that leads to mass misery, mass impoverishment, and human slaughter. That's what it means. Yet almost half of the young think it's benign.
- David Horowitz
Collection: Mean
Image of Dwight Macdonald
Conversation means being able to disagree and still continue the discussion
- Dwight Macdonald
Collection: Mean
Image of Dwight Macdonald
By 'socialism' I mean a classless society in which the State has disappeared, production is cooperative, and no man has political or economic power over another. The touchstone would be the extent to which each individual could develop his own talents and personality.
- Dwight Macdonald
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sprat
Invention is an Heroic thing, and plac'd above the reach of a low, and vulgar Genius. It requires an active, a bold, a nimble, a restless mind: a thousand difficulties must be contemn'd with which a mean heart would be broken: many attempts must be made to no purpose: much Treasure must sometimes be scatter'd without any return: much violence, and vigour of thoughts must attend it: some irregularities, and excesses must be granted it, that would hardly be pardon'd by the severe Rules of Prudence.
- Thomas Sprat
Collection: Mean
Image of Janusz Korczak
If I had means, I would like to spend half a year in Palestine in order to contemplate what has been, and half a year in Poland in order to preserve what remains.
- Janusz Korczak
Collection: Mean
Image of Giorgio de Chirico
It is essential that the revelation we receive, the conception of an image which embraces a certain thing, which has no sense in itself, which has no subject, which means 'absolutely nothing' from the logical point of view.. ..should speak so strongly in us, evoke such agony or joy, that we feel compelled to paint.
- Giorgio de Chirico
Collection: Mean
Image of Ernest Bramah
When Ling was communicating to any person the signs by which messengers might find him, he was compelled to add, "the neighbourhood in which this contemptible person resides is that officially known as 'the mean quarter favoured by the lower class of those who murder by treachery'," and for this reason he was not always treated with the regard to which his attainments entitled him, or which he would have unquestionably received had he been able to describe himself as of "the partly-drained and uninfected area reserved to Mandarins and their friends.
- Ernest Bramah
Collection: Mean
Image of Kay Arthur
When you know what God says, what He means, and how to put His truths into practice, you will be equipped for every circumstance of life.
- Kay Arthur
Collection: Mean
Image of James Bryce
The People, though we think of a great entity when we use the word, means nothing more than so many millions of individual men.
- James Bryce
Collection: Mean
Image of Norman Lamm
However, the word madda in modern Hebrew specifically means science.
- Norman Lamm
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Carroll
The fact that I’m silent doesn’t mean I have nothing to say.
- Jonathan Carroll
Collection: Mean
Image of Gerald McRaney
Even though I smoke, just because I'm a dumbass doesn't mean anyone else has to be.
- Gerald McRaney
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicholas Meyer
But you have to understand what that really did is that it opened these DVDs to be sources of oral history instead of puff pieces for the studio, because people involved with them being in fear of being sued by somebody, so it became another form of movie history. I mean I didn't plan it, but I'm proud that it happened. Which is probably why they didn't interview me for this DVD.
- Nicholas Meyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary Busey
Relationship. R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P means this: Really exciting love affair turns into overwhelming nightmare. Sobriety hangs in peril.
- Gary Busey
Collection: Mean
Image of Jim Dodge
Anarchy doesn't mean out of control; it means out of their control.
- Jim Dodge
Collection: Mean
Image of Josiah Royce
By an individual being, whatever one's metaphysical doctrine, one means an unique being, that is, a being which is alone of its own type, or is such that no other of its class exists.
- Josiah Royce
Collection: Mean
Image of Martyn Lloyd-Jones
If you look at your past and are depressed it means that you are listening to the devil.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert M. Hensel
I have a Disability yes that's true, but all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you.
- Robert M. Hensel
Collection: Mean
Image of Coventry Patmore
The Spirit of man is like a kite, which rises by means of those very forces which seem to oppose its rise; the tie that joins it to the earth, the opposing winds of temptation, and the weight of earth-born affections which it carries with it into the sky.
- Coventry Patmore
Collection: Mean
Image of Caryl Churchill
Painting doesn't mean just describing; it's a state of spirit.
- Caryl Churchill
Collection: Mean
Image of Milton H. Erickson
You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn.
- Milton H. Erickson
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Solow
The fact that there is no such thing as a perfect anti-sepsis does not mean that one might as well do brain surgery in a sewer.
- Robert Solow
Collection: Mean
Image of John Baldoni
Purposeful organizations develop the next generation, not simply the next leader. My friend Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling author and leading executive coach, does not like the term succession planning. Better to say, "succession development." That means you are focusing on multiple managers and grooming them to lead.
- John Baldoni
Collection: Mean
Image of John Baldoni
Leaders who lead purposeful organizations are those who put people first. No, it's not a cliché when they actually do it. It means they set clear expectations, provide adequate resources, coach for success, and evaluate for results.
- John Baldoni
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Medawar
All scientists know of colleagues whose minds are so well equipped with the means of refutation that no new idea has the temerity to seek admittance. Their contribution to science is accordingly very small.
- Peter Medawar
Collection: Mean
Image of Carl Van Vechten
The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who still manages to find a living in the city.
- Carl Van Vechten
Collection: Mean
Image of Carrie Brownstein
For me, being in shape means, like, not having cynicism out-weigh optimism on a daily basis.
- Carrie Brownstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Lapworth
Darwin was a biological evolutionist, because he was first a uniformitarian geologist. Biology is pre-eminent to-day among the natural sciences, because its younger sister, Geology, gave it the means.
- Charles Lapworth
Collection: Mean
Image of Julia Hill
Why is everything that's good for our bodies, our communities, our world, and our planet called the 'alternative'? That means everything bad for us is the accepted norm.
- Julia Hill
Collection: Mean
Image of Yokoyama Sakujiro
In holding your antagonist, therefore, you should hold him lightly as if your arms were nothing but chains which connect you with him, so that you may stretch or contract them at will when necessary, and pull or push him in any direction you choose. If you pull your opponent or apply your tricks on him by putting from the beginning too much strength in your arms, then you are going to contest with him by means of your power and against the principles of Judo. In doing so, you can never expect to succeed in your contest.
- Yokoyama Sakujiro
Collection: Mean
Image of Woody Allen
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Mean
Image of C. E. M. Joad
It all depends what you mean by.
- C. E. M. Joad
Collection: Mean
Image of Alice B. Toklas
I have just learned a delicious French usage. On wedding invitations when they say the mass is at noon they mean one o'clock -when they say at noon precise they mean half after twelve - and when they say at very precisely noon they mean noon.
- Alice B. Toklas
Collection: Mean
Image of Sri Yukteswar Giri
Remember that finding God will mean the funeral of all sorrows.
- Sri Yukteswar Giri
Collection: Mean
Image of Camille Desmoulins
What is this much repeated phrase 'active citizen' supposed to mean? The active citizens are the ones who took the Bastille.
- Camille Desmoulins
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexander MacLaren
Conflict, not progress, is the word that defines man's path from darkness into light. No holiness is won by any other means than this, that wickedness should be slain day by day, and hour by hour.
- Alexander MacLaren
Collection: Mean