Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 172

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 172 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Neil Diamond
Acting is a specific discipline. Just because you can sing doesn't mean you have the sensitivities of being an actor.
- Neil Diamond
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Colbert
Obamacare takes effect in less than eight months. Do you realize what this means? If you go to the emergency room now, you'll be covered by the time you finally see a doctor.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Dawkins
I can't be sure God does not exist. On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn't, I call myself a six. That doesn't mean I'm absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don't.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Robinson
The very nature of economics is rooted in nationalism. ... It [was] developed ... in the hope of throwing light upon questions of policy. But policy means nothing unless there is an authority to carry it out, and authorities are national.
- Joan Robinson
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Cockburn
Sometimes I catch myself doing something that I've already done. The more I've done, the more that's likely to happen. Then I just throw it away. I wait until I've got the right way of getting a thing done, which means my songwriting proceeds at a very slow pace. But it's the only way I can really work.
- Bruce Cockburn
Collection: Mean
Image of Billy Corgan
I'm passionate about creating new systems that are more holistic to humankind. What do I mean by that? I mean, create new systems of business so that people with ethics both exploit their goods and their gifts while not exploiting the earth, exploiting one another.
- Billy Corgan
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Metzinger
Subjectivity means to catch yourself in the act.
- Thomas Metzinger
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamie Dimon
I know the President [Barack Obama]. I like him and respect him. That does not mean I agree with all of our government's policies, whether they come from Democrats or Republicans.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Mean
Image of Ted Cruz
I'm not going to play pundit on Donald Trump and criticize him. I will say the media's treatment of that illustrates a very, very different - I mean, it dominated the news for a week to 10 days once he was the nominee. In the primary, it didn't get, seemingly, even 30 seconds of news.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Mean
Image of Clarence Darrow
Men have always been obliged to fight to preserve liberty. Constitutions and laws do not safeguard liberty. It can be preserved only by a tolerant people, and this means eternal conflict.
- Clarence Darrow
Collection: Mean
Image of Diablo Cody
When I do encounter young women or aspiring filmmakers who tell me that I've inspired them or that my work means something to them, that's amazing. That's really exciting!
- Diablo Cody
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
Understanding one another means that objects, including sounds, have the same value for both with respect to carrying on a common pursuit.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
Since education is not a means to living, but is identical with the operation of living a life which is fruitful and inherently significant, the only ultimate value which can be set up is just the process of living itself. And this is not an end to which studies and activities are subordinate means; it is the whole of which they are ingredients.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of John Dewey
You can teach students to develop the ability to think reflectively, and you can help them understand what this means, but if they are not inclined to do so they never will.
- John Dewey
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Hadley
Too much of what passes for design now is theater. It's one thing to be eccentric- and by the way, most eccentrics tend to be rather well-educated people - and quite another to be a faddist, by which I mean someone who tries to conjure a totally foreign aesthetic in a misplaced environment.
- Albert Hadley
Collection: Mean
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
Weakness is hard, but it doesn't have to mean defeat. It's our opportunity to experience God's power firsthand.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Mean
Image of e. e. cummings
Take the matter of being born. What does being born mean to most people?
- e. e. cummings
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Senge
The problems with willpower are many, but they may hardly be noticed by the person focused narrowly on success. First, there is little economy of means; in systems thinking terms, we act without leverage. We attain our goals, but the effort is enormous and we may find ourselves exhausted and wondering if it was worth it when we have succeeded. Ironically, people hooked on willpower may actually look for obstacles to overcome, dragons to slay, and enemies to vanquish--to remind themselves and others of their own prowess.
- Peter Senge
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
We ask advice but we mean approbation.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby coat; and worldly wisdom dictates to her disciples the propriety of dressing somewhat beyond their means, but of living somewhat within them,--for every one, sees how we dress, but none see how we live, except we choose to let them. But the truly great are, by universal suffrage, exempted from these trammels, an may live or dress as they please.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Mean
Image of Kingsley Amis
More always means worse.
- Kingsley Amis
Collection: Mean
Image of Kingsley Amis
I've been trying to write for as long as I can remember. But those first fifteen years didn't produce much of great interest. I mean, it embarrasses me very much to look back on my early poems--very few lines of any merit at all and lots of affectation. But there were quite a lot of them. That's a point in one's favor.
- Kingsley Amis
Collection: Mean
Image of Chuck D
I think hip hop should be a living word. And what I mean by the living word is like yo, you gotta have the words that provide life.
- Chuck D
Collection: Mean
Image of Aleister Crowley
The 'lords of the earth' are those who are doing their Will. It does not necessarily mean people with coronets and automobiles; there are plenty of such people who are the most sorrowful slaves in the world. The sole test of one's lordship is to know what one's true Will is, and to do it.
- Aleister Crowley
Collection: Mean
Image of Aleister Crowley
I've often thought that there isn't any "I" at all; that we are simply the means of expression of something else; that when we think we are ourselves, we are simply the victims of a delusion.
- Aleister Crowley
Collection: Mean
Image of Niki Lauda
When things change a lot, some guys handle the change better than others, but that doesn't mean the guys that take longer to get the hang of things are suddenly slow drivers!
- Niki Lauda
Collection: Mean
Image of Bobby Darin
I could have a roomful of awards and it wouldn't mean beans
- Bobby Darin
Collection: Mean
Image of Alfonso Cuaron
A budget is not an issue. I mean a budget is used if you need more weeks or more time or more elements, but the creative process is exactly the same. In some instances you become more of a boss when you are doing a small movie. So that is not so relevant. The only thing is that the bigger a movie is in terms of budget, is that there are more people giving opinions.
- Alfonso Cuaron
Collection: Mean
Image of Sylvia Day
Can I take advantage of you in the limo?” His eyes laughed at me. “By all means, angel mine.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Mean
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
It's one of the things that attracted me to the role [Doctor Strange] is the fact that it's a really widely origin story, I mean this is part of it, but of course there's the whole chapter before where he's the neurosurgeon who has the accident. It's fantastic.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Mean
Image of Vin Diesel
Any film that you see is never just the director. If it's a film that you love, it's not so easy to say, "Oh it's directed by this person - that means everything that person directs is going be wonderful."
- Vin Diesel
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Dessen
I mean, it's impossible to fake anything if you've already seen the other person in a way they'd never choose for you to. You can't go back from that.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Critchley
Christianity in the West, opens up a perspective of depth into what it means to be a self. And that depth of the self is something that is experienced in the sight of God. So that the great thinkers of self and subjectivity are Paul and Augustine. They look at the self from the perspective of God and they find themselves wretched and interesting. Constituted by conflictual desires.
- Simon Critchley
Collection: Mean
Image of Suzanne Collins
Then I get it, what it means. At least, for me. District 12 only has three existing victors to choose from. Two male. One female... I am going back into the arena.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Suzanne Collins
Not daring to flee since my general location has just been broadcast to any killer who cares. I mean, I know it's cold out here and not everybody has a sleeping bag.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Cuban
Kids should go to college, but they should go to the best school they can afford to get through with minimal or no debt. That might mean going to a community college or an inexpensive local state school. Whatever it takes.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Darwin
At last gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. Heaven forfend me from Lamarck nonsense of a 'tendency to progression', 'adaptations from the slow willing of animals', &c! But the conclusions I am led to are not widely different from his; though the means of change are wholly so. I think I have found out (here's presumption!) the simple way by which species become exquisitely adapted to various ends.
- Charles Darwin
Collection: Mean
Image of David
Being a journalist, I never feel bad talking to journalism students because it’s a grand, grand caper. You get to leave, go talk to strangers, ask them anything, come back, type up their stories, edit the tape. That’s not gonna retire your loans as quickly as it should, and it’s not going to turn you into a person who’s worried about what kind of car they should buy, but that’s kind of as it should be. I mean, it beats working.
- David
Collection: Mean
Image of Toks Olagundoye
Basically, we are all different and we all have something to learn and it doesn't mean people need to change who you are but one should be open to new things and, above all, tolerance and understanding are essential for growth and happiness.
- Toks Olagundoye
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Van Booy
Succes is really nothing more than the record of failure. To be successful means you must be willing to fail more than anyone else.
- Simon Van Booy
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Van Booy
Coincidences mean you're on the right path.
- Simon Van Booy
Collection: Mean
Image of Plato
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
- Plato
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Dawkins
Do you really mean the only reason you try to be good is to gain God's approval and reward? That's not morality, that's just sucking up.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Mean
Image of Debbie Reynolds
Joe DiMaggio was quite mean to Marilyn Monroe when they were married. But after she died, he did tend to her grave, which made up for it.
- Debbie Reynolds
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Colbert
Sir, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty, because 32% means it's 2/3 empty. There's still some liquid in that glass is my point, but I wouldn't drink it. The last third is usually backwash. (Said to President Bush at the White House Correspondents Dinner)
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Colbert
Ghost of Bobby: no, no you can't eat me. I'm a ghost. Stephen Colbert: That just means that there's less bones to pick out.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Dane Cook
If haters or whatever want to find you - I mean, some of them are so tenacious. You want to hire them to work for you. Theyre very, very savvy in terms of how they find you and get to you.
- Dane Cook
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Daltrey
I have to tell you, and I don't mean this as sour grapes or anything, but it is hard to play for fans who see you all the time, makes it much harder.
- Roger Daltrey
Collection: Mean
Image of Jamais Cascio
Sustainability is a seemingly laudable goal - it tells us we need to live within our means, whether economic, ecological, or political - but it's insufficient for uncertain times. How can we live within our means when those very means can change, swiftly and unexpectedly, beneath us?
- Jamais Cascio
Collection: Mean