Top Lying Quotes Collection - Page 120

Discover a curated collection of Lying quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 120 provides more Lying quotes.

Image of Mary McCarthy
The horror of Gandhi's murder lies not in the political motives behind it or in its consequences for Indian policy or for the future of non-violence; the horror lies simply in the fact that any man could look into the face of this extraordinary person and deliberately pull a trigger.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Lying
Image of Mary McCarthy
I really tried, or so I thought, to avoid lying, but it seemed to me that they forced it on me by the difference in their vision of things, so that I was always transposing reality for them into something they could understand.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Lying
Image of Carson McCullers
Day and night she had drudged and struggled and thrown her soul into her work, and there was not much of her left over for anything else. Being human, she suffered from this lack and did what she could to make up for it. If she passed the evening bent over a table in the library and later declared that she had spent that time playing cards, it was as though she had managed to do both those things. Through the lies, she lived vicariously. The lies doubled the little of her existence that was left over from work and augmented the little rag end of her personal life.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Lying
Image of Andre Maurois
In a discussion, the difficulty lies, not in being able to defend your opinion, but to know it.
- Andre Maurois
Collection: Lying
Image of Jack London
The Law is a lie, and through it men lie most shamelessly.
- Jack London
Collection: Lying
Image of Chris Matthews
Isn't Hollywood - and I love movies - a lot of it about a big lie?
- Chris Matthews
Collection: Lying
Image of Terence McKenna
LSD burst over the dreary domain of the constipated bourgeoisie like the angelic herald of a new psychedelic millennium. We have never been the same since, nor will we ever be, for LSD demonstrated, even to skeptics, that the mansions of heaven and gardens of paradise lie within each and all of us.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Lying
Image of Jack London
You have grudged the very fire in your house because the wood cost overmuch!" he cried. "You have grudged life. To live cost overmuch, and you have refused to pay the price. Your life has been like a cabin where the fire is out and there are no blankets on the floor." He signaled to a slave to fill his glass, which he held aloft. "But I have lived. And I have been warm with life as you have never been warm. It is true, you shall live long. But the longest nights are the cold nights when a man shivers and lies awake. My nights have been short, but I have slept warm
- Jack London
Collection: Lying
Image of John Adams
The History of our Revolution will be one continued Lye from one End to the other. The Essence of the whole will be that Dr Franklins electrical Rod, Smote the Earth and out Spring General Washington. That Franklin electrified him with his Rod - and thence forward these two conducted all the Policy Negotiations Legislation and War.
- John Adams
Collection: Lying
Image of James Russell Lowell
Not only around our infancy Doth heaven with all its splendors lie; Daily, with souls that cringe and plot, We Sinais climb and know it not.
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Lying
Image of Martin Luther
If I had to refute all the other articles of the Jewish faith, I should be obliged to write against them as much and for as long a time as they have used for inventing their lies - that is, longer than two thousand years.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Lying
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leaders should get out of their comfort zone but stay in their strength zone. When their work lies within their natural gifting and strengths, leaders experience the greatest return in productivity and contentment. Life is too short to live in the comfort zone, where growing and accomplishing and achieving your potential takes a back seat. I suggest you refocus if the comfort zone is your leadership priority.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Lying
Image of George R. R. Martin
Half-truths are worth more than outright lies.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Lying
Image of John Adams
Tom, had you and I been 40 days with Moses, and beheld the great God, and even if God himself had tried to tell us that three was one ... and one equals three, you and I would never have believed it. We would never fall victims to such lies.
- John Adams
Collection: Lying
Image of James Russell Lowell
Be NOBLE! and the nobleness that liesIn other men, sleeping, but never dead,Will rise in majesty to meet thine own.
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Lying
Image of Rod McKuen
It happens just because we need to want and to be wanted too, when love is here or gone to lie down in the darkness and listen to the warm.
- Rod McKuen
Collection: Lying
Image of Joan Lunden
Show me a person who doesn't like french fries and we'll swap lies.
- Joan Lunden
Collection: Lying
Image of Og Mandino
True happiness lies within you.
- Og Mandino
Collection: Lying
Image of Martin Luther
Christ and his word can hardly be recognized because of the great vermin of human ordinances. However, let this suffice for the time being on their lies against doctrine or faith.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Lying
Image of Bernie Mac
Shut up before I drop yo ass off at Koreatown. Now hold on, America, don't start writing no letters. I'm just kidding. But am I lying?
- Bernie Mac
Collection: Lying
Image of Clare Boothe Luce
Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego, lessens the friction of social contacts. . . . It is only in lies, wholeheartedly and bravely told, that human nature attains through words and speech the forebearance, the nobility, the romance, the idealism, that-being what it is-it falls so short of in fact and in deed.
- Clare Boothe Luce
Collection: Lying
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
An author spends months writing a book, and maybe puts his heart's blood into it, and then it lies about unread till the reader has nothing else in the world to do.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Lying
Image of Robert Davi
I had a little bit of a vocal strain at a certain period of time that made me lay off the singing, and while I was lying off the singing, I was pursuing the acting.
- Robert Davi
Collection: Lying
Image of Rose Macaulay
The last sin, the sin against the Holy Ghost - to lie to oneself. Lying to other people - that's a small thing in comparison.
- Rose Macaulay
Collection: Lying
Image of Herbert Marcuse
Behind the aesthetic form lies the repressed harmony of sensuousness and reason
- Herbert Marcuse
Collection: Lying
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Every day is a lie. But you are dying. That is not a lie.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Lying
Image of Thomas B. Macaulay
Facts are the mere dross of history. It is from the abstract truth which interpenetrates them, and lies latent among them, like gold in the ore, that the mass derives its whole value; and the precious particles are generally combined with the baser in such a manner that the separation is a task of the utmost difficulty.
- Thomas B. Macaulay
Collection: Lying
Image of George MacDonald
For the bliss of the animals lies in this, that, on their lower level, they shadow the bliss of those--few at any moment on the earth--who do not 'look before and after, and pine for what is not,' but live in the holy carelessness of the eternal now.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Lying
Image of George MacDonald
The greatest forces lie in the region of the uncomprehended.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Lying
Image of Joyce Maynard
As for me, I've chosen to follow a simple course: Come clean. And wherever possible, live your life in a way that won't leave you tempted to lie. Failing that, I'd rather be disliked for who I truly am than loved for who I am not. So, I tell my story. I write it down. I even publish it. Sometimes this is a humbling experience. Sometimes it's embarrassing. But I haul around no terrible secrets.
- Joyce Maynard
Collection: Lying
Image of George R. R. Martin
The heart lies and the head plays tricks on us, but the eyes see true. Look with your eyes. Hear with your ears. Taste with your mouth. Smell with your nose. Feel with your skin. Then comes the thinking, afterward, and in a way knowing the truth.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Lying
Image of George R. R. Martin
All men lie when they are afraid. Some tell many lies, some but a few. Some have only one great lie they tell so often that they almost come to believe it... though some small part of them will always know that it is still a lie, and that will show upon their faces. (a servant in the House of Black and White)
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Lying
Image of Martin Luther
A lie is like a snowball: the further you roll it the bigger it becomes.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Lying
Image of H. L. Mencken
No sane man objects to palpable lies about him; what he objects to is damaging facts.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Lying
Image of Mic Geronimo
I'm human so I'd be lying if I said that it's not times where you sit back like damn all these niggas is poppin what's up?
- Mic Geronimo
Collection: Lying
Image of Margaret Mead
There are unidentified flying objects. That is, there are a hard core of cases-perhaps 20 to 30 percent in different studies-for which there is no explanation. We can only imagine what purpose lies behind the activities of these quiet, harmlessly cruising objects that time and again approach the Earth. The most likely explanation, it seems to me, is that they are simply watching what we are up to
- Margaret Mead
Collection: Lying
Image of Margaret Mead
If man has not found ways to deal with environmental problems such as water and air pollution by 1998, it will be too late. The future is not determined and it lies in our own hands.
- Margaret Mead
Collection: Lying
Image of Jack Ma
Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are.
- Jack Ma
Collection: Lying
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
Fields can lie fallow but we can't; we have less time.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Lying
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All the means of action -- the shapeless masses -- the materials -- lie everywhere about us. What we need is the celestial fire to change the flint into the transparent crystal, bright and clear. That fire is genius.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Lying
Image of Karl Barth
Man can certainly keep on lying (and does so), but he cannot make truth falsehood.
- Karl Barth
Collection: Lying
Image of Nelson Mandela
I would like it to be said: here lies a man who has done his duty on earth
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Lying
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The wrath of God lies sleeping. It was hid a million years before men were and only men have the power to wake it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Lying
Image of George MacDonald
To say on the authority of the Bible that God does a thing no honourable man would do, is to lie against God; to say that it is therefore right, is to lie against the very spirit of God.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Lying
Image of Thomas B. Macaulay
In that temple of silence and reconciliation where the enmities of twenty generations lie buried, in the great Abbey which has during many ages afforded a quiet resting-place to those whose minds and bodies have been shattered by the contentions of the Great Hall.
- Thomas B. Macaulay
Collection: Lying
Image of H. L. Mencken
Deep within the heart of every evangelist lies the wreck of a car salesman.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Lying
Image of David Mamet
It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.
- David Mamet
Collection: Lying
Image of Martin Luther
What man, if he were God, would humble himself to lie in the feedbox of a donkey or to hang upon a cross?
- Martin Luther
Collection: Lying
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Round about what is, lies a whole mysterious world of might be, a psychological romance of possibilities and things that do not happen.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Lying