Top Lying Quotes Collection - Page 114

Discover a curated collection of Lying quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 114 provides more Lying quotes.

Image of Mikhail Lermontov
I was lying, but I wanted to rouse him. I have an inborn urge to contradict; my whole life has been a mere chain of sad and futile opposition to the dictates of either heart or reason. The presence of an enthusiast makes me as cold as a midwinter's day, and, I believe, frequent association with a listless phlegmatic would make me an impassioned dreamer.
- Mikhail Lermontov
Collection: Lying
Image of Behdad Sami
If you're going to lie, at least be good at it.
- Behdad Sami
Collection: Lying
Image of George Henry Lewes
The prosperity of a book lies in the minds of readers. Public knowledge and public taste fluctuate; and there come times when works which were once capable of instructing and delighting thousands lose their power, and works, before neglected, emerge into renown.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Lying
Image of George Henry Lewes
Bad acting, like bad writing, has a remarkable uniformity, whether seen on the French, German, or English stages; it all seems modeled after two or three types, and those the least like types of good acting. The fault generally lies less in the bad imitation of a good model, than in the successful imitation of a bad model.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Lying
Image of Abraham Lincoln
He [Stephen Douglas] is blowing out the moral lights around us, when he contends that whoever wants slaves has a right to hold them; that he is penetrating, so far as lies in his power, the human soul, and eradicating the light of reason and the love of liberty, when he is in every possible way preparing the public mind, by his vast influence, for making the institution of slavery perpetual and national.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Lying
Image of Dalai Lama
In the modern world, the interests of a particular community can no longer be considered to lie within the confines of its own boundaries.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Lying
Image of Stephen King
You're dead, George. You just don't have the sense to lie down.
- Stephen King
Collection: Lying
Image of Bruce Lee
Concepts vs. self-actualization. - Instead of dedicating your life to actualize a concept of what you should be like, ACTUALIZE YOURSELF. The process of maturing does not mean to become a captive of conceptualization. It is to come to the realization of what lies in our innermost selves.
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Lying
Image of Anne Lamott
A writer paradoxically seeks the truth and tells lies every step of the way.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Lying
Image of Joseph Wood Krutch
The mind leaps, and leaps perhaps with a sort of elation, through the immensities of space, but the spirit, frightened and cold, longs to have once more above its head the inverted bowl beyond which may lie whatever paradise its desires may create.
- Joseph Wood Krutch
Collection: Lying
Image of Mikhail Bakunin
Theology is the science of the divine lie.
- Mikhail Bakunin
Collection: Lying
Image of Mikhail Bakunin
Those mutually opposed manifestos are written with the same eloquence, they breathe the same virtuous indignation, and one is just as sincere as the other; that is to say both of them are equally brazen in their lies, and it is only fools who are deceived by them. Sensible persons, all those who have had some political experience, do not even take the trouble of reading such manifestos.
- Mikhail Bakunin
Collection: Lying
Image of Damon Lindelof
My gravestone will say,'Here Lies Damon Lindelof - Or Does He?
- Damon Lindelof
Collection: Lying
Image of Walter Savage Landor
Of all studies, the most delightful and the most useful is biography. The seeds of great events lie near the surface; historians delve too deep for them. No history was ever true. Lives I have read which, if they were not, had the appearance, the interest, and the utility of truth.
- Walter Savage Landor
Collection: Lying
Image of Dean Koontz
In misfortune lies the seed of future triumph.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Lying
Image of Stephen King
Kids, fiction is the truth inside the lie, and the truth of this fiction is simple enough: the magic exists.
- Stephen King
Collection: Lying
Image of C. S. Lewis
I could never have gone far in any science because on the path of every science the lion Mathematics lies in wait for you.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Lying
Image of Johann Kaspar Lavater
Who, under pressing temptations to lie, adheres to truth, nor to the profane betrays aught of a sacred trust, is near the summit of wisdom and virtue.
- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Collection: Lying
Image of Jack Kirby
I'll never speak to another person without telling the truth. I've been a cruel man in my time, I've been a devious man in my time, like everybody else. I've told lies in my time. But I've seen enough suffering to experiment with the truth.
- Jack Kirby
Collection: Lying
Image of Louis L'Amour
There are shadows for the shadows of things, as a reflection seen in a mirror of a mirror. We know there are circles within circles and dimensions beyond dimension. Reality is itself a shadow, only an appearance accepted by those whose eyes shun what might lie beyond.
- Louis L'Amour
Collection: Lying
Image of Louis L'Amour
When I was a small boy I often went to the woods to lie on the grass in the shade. Somehow I had come to believe the earth could give me wisdom, but it did not. Yet I learned a little about animals and learned it is not always brave to make a stand. It is often foolish. There is a time for courage and a time for flight.
- Louis L'Amour
Collection: Lying
Image of Marty Nemko
We're in an era in which we want to believe people have roughly equal potential. IQ gives the lie to that.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Lying
Image of Nicholas D. Kristof
One of the principles of journalism is you don't lie. You never lie.
- Nicholas D. Kristof
Collection: Lying
Image of C. S. Lewis
You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Lying
Image of Dalai Lama
Always embrace the common humanity that lies at the heart of us all.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Lying
Image of Bruce Lee
It is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky..but to express oneself honestly not lying to oneself, now that my friend is very hard to do
- Bruce Lee
Collection: Lying
Image of Dennis Kucinich
Lies are weapons of mass destruction.
- Dennis Kucinich
Collection: Lying
Image of C. S. Lewis
I'm hunger. I'm thirst. Where I bite, I hold till I die, and even after death they must cut out my mouthful from my enemy's body and bury it with me. I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst. Show me your enemies.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Lying
Image of Jonah Lehrer
A lie told well is just as good as the truth.
- Jonah Lehrer
Collection: Lying
Image of George Henry Lewes
If the members of a class do not understand -- if those directly addressed fail to listen, or listening, fail to recognize a power in the voice -- surely the fault lies with the speaker, who, having attempted to secure their attention and enlighten their understandings, has failed in the attempt.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Lying
Image of John Lennon
You can go to church and sing a hymn, Judge me by the colour of my skin, You can live a lie until you die, One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside.
- John Lennon
Collection: Lying
Image of Dean Koontz
The best part of a Mr. Goodbar is not the wrapper, is it? No, and the best part of a Coke is not the can. On those nights when you lie awake, either man or boy, wondering about yourself, peeling away one layer of oddness after another, you should remember and always be grateful that the woefully imperfect person that you are, with all your contradictions and unworthy desires, is not the best of you, any more than the wrapper is the best part of a Mr. Goodbar. -Odd Thomas - Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koonts pgs. 354-355 chapter 53
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Lying
Image of Dean Koontz
Death lies dormant in each of us and will bloom in time.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Lying
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Hillary [Clinton] got defeated by the alt-right or by white supremacism or what have you. And they continue to lie to themselves, as does the entire Democrat Party.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Lying
Image of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism... We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Collection: Lying
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
To ask the 'right' question is far more important than to receive the answer. The solution of a problem lies in the understanding of the problem; the answer is not outside the problem, it is in the problem.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Lying
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
It is man's pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Lying
Image of Milan Kundera
I have to lie, if I don't want to take madmen seriously and become a madman myself
- Milan Kundera
Collection: Lying
Image of Milan Kundera
The difference between the university graduate and the autodidact lies not so much in the extent of knowledge as in the extent of vitality and self-confidence.
- Milan Kundera
Collection: Lying
Image of Honore de Balzac
Our worst misfortunes never happen, and most miseries lie in anticipation.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Lying
Image of Honore de Balzac
The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a crime forgotten, for it was properly done.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Lying
Image of Honore de Balzac
Our greatest fears lie in anticipation.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Lying
Image of C. S. Lewis
It doesn't really matter whether you grip the arms of the dentist's chair or let your hands lie in your lap. The drill drills on.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Lying
Image of Johann Kaspar Lavater
The mingled incentives which lead to action are often too subtle and lie too deep for us to analyze.
- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Collection: Lying
Image of Dean Koontz
In this age, lies were the universal lubricant of the culture. A love of Truth and commitment to it were seldom rewarded and were often punished.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Lying
Image of Rem Koolhaas
The beauty of my profession [architecture] lies in its randomness and surprise. And don't think I can choose my projects. I have to build what's offered to me.
- Rem Koolhaas
Collection: Lying
Image of Dean Koontz
We may lack riches, but the greatest fortune is what lies in our hearts.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Lying
Image of Tony Kushner
Trying every day to tell the truth is hard. There are harder things, of course - arguably, living with lies and meaninglessness, living in despair is harder, but it's hardship disguised as luxury and easier perhaps to grow accustomed to, since truth is usually the enemy of custom. There are harder things than writing, being President Obama, for instance, and having to deal with House Republicans, or trying to fix the leak at the Fukushima reactor, these are harder, but writing is hard.
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Lying