Top love is Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of love is quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more love is quotes.

Image of Cherie Currie
Being a stage performer for me, was - to be in front of people was just something that just came very naturally to me. And I love to sing. I love being on stage and I love making people happy, so you just don't walk away from something like that.
- Cherie Currie
Collection: Love Is
Image of Joan Walsh Anglund
Life is in the living. Love is in the giving.
- Joan Walsh Anglund
Collection: Love Is
Image of Mary Faustina Kowalska
Love endures everything, love is stronger than death, love fears nothing.
- Mary Faustina Kowalska
Collection: Love Is
Image of Mary Faustina Kowalska
True love is measured by the thermometer of suffering.
- Mary Faustina Kowalska
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jennifer Beals
Love is large; love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of love -- love is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people, but all love between all people.
- Jennifer Beals
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jennifer Beals
Love is the greatest light, the brightest torch, and will always be the greatest instrument of change.
- Jennifer Beals
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jennifer Beals
Love is the most dangerous thing in the world.
- Jennifer Beals
Collection: Love Is
Image of Phoebe Cary
I think true love is never blind, / But rather brings an added light; / An inner vision quick to find / The beauties hid from common sight.
- Phoebe Cary
Collection: Love Is
Image of Francis William Bourdillon
The light of a whole life dies When love is gone.
- Francis William Bourdillon
Collection: Love Is
Image of Antony Flew
The Koran calls for belief and consequent obedience. It is, surely, calculated to inspire fear, indeed abject terror, rather than love.
- Antony Flew
Collection: Love Is
Image of Richard Bandler
Freedom is everything and Love is all the rest
- Richard Bandler
Collection: Love Is
Image of Heidi Baker
Obedience out of love is joy.
- Heidi Baker
Collection: Love Is
Image of Nilakanta Sri Ram
The state of love is the state of grace. The development of that state and the unlocking of its mysteries brings one to the condition where there is no separation between oneself and others
- Nilakanta Sri Ram
Collection: Love Is
Image of Arlene Francis
Self-love is so monogamous that no one is going to take the trouble to break the affair up for you.
- Arlene Francis
Collection: Love Is
Image of Ethel Person
Love is an act of imagination. For some of us, it will be the greatest creative triumph of our lives.
- Ethel Person
Collection: Love Is
Image of John Angell James
Let us never forget that, to be profited, that is, to be spiritually improved in knowledge, faith, holiness, joy and love, is the end of hearing sermons, and not merely to have our taste gratified by genius, eloquence and oratory.
- John Angell James
Collection: Love Is
Image of Rory Bremner
I love the 6 Nations rugby. I feel very Scottish then. I feel very Scottish now, sitting in the middle of Chelsea. But thats part of our heritage - being part of Britain, part of Europe. I love being European.
- Rory Bremner
Collection: Love Is
Image of Thomas Goodwin
Value God and his love more than all the world, though there were millions of them. He valued you before the world, and therefore is beforehand with you in his love. He not only loved you from everlasting, (whereas your love is but of yesterday,) but in the valuation of it, he loved you before all worlds, and preferred you to all worlds: though you loved the world first, before you loved him.
- Thomas Goodwin
Collection: Love Is
Image of Molly Haskell
One of the attributes of love . . . is to bring harmony and order out of chaos.
- Molly Haskell
Collection: Love Is
Image of Alan Rufus
Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules!
- Alan Rufus
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jack Hyles
Love is the doorway through which the human soul passes from selfishness to service.
- Jack Hyles
Collection: Love Is
Image of Phyllis Rose
Perhaps that is what love is -- the momentary or prolonged refusal to think of another person in terms of power.
- Phyllis Rose
Collection: Love Is
Image of Bel Kaufman
Love is the ultimate giving, an expression of one's best self.
- Bel Kaufman
Collection: Love Is
Image of James Freeman Clarke
Love is the spirit of life, and makes all things live.
- James Freeman Clarke
Collection: Love Is
Image of Edna Buchanan
Love is so fragile and so often fatal. I am amazed when people are brave enough to risk it.
- Edna Buchanan
Collection: Love Is
Image of Caroline Paul
You can never know anyone as completely as you want. But that’s okay, love is better.
- Caroline Paul
Collection: Love Is
Image of Carter Heyward
Love is a choice -- not simply, or necessarily, a rational choice, but rather a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile.
- Carter Heyward
Collection: Love Is
Image of Grace Lee Boggs
Love isn't about what we did yesterday; it's about what we do today and tomorrow and the day after
- Grace Lee Boggs
Collection: Love Is
Image of Sammy Cahn
Love is lovelier The second time around.
- Sammy Cahn
Collection: Love Is
Image of Catherine Doherty
What binds us together is love, and only love. For love is a Person. Love is God.
- Catherine Doherty
Collection: Love Is
Image of Augusten Burroughs
Love is a helium-based emotion; Love always takes the high road.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Love Is
Image of Laurens van der Post
The spirit of man is nomad, his blood bedouin, and love is the aboriginal tracker on the faded desert spoor of his lost self; and so I came to live my life not by conscious plan or prearranged design but as someone following the flight of a bird.
- Laurens van der Post
Collection: Love Is
Image of Jimmy Cliff
Beyond everything else, that's one of the things that kept us going, that keeps me going, you know, the eternal love, knowing that I am in the love of the all and all love is in me.
- Jimmy Cliff
Collection: Love Is
Image of Hill Harper
Love is an energy. You can feed it to people, and they in turn feed it to others, and eventually it comes back.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Love Is
Image of Hill Harper
People listen for cues - when they are searching for a decision, they look to people they know. Young people can be apathetic in certain ways unless they hear from someone they like and admire about why they should be engaged and involved. If someone you love is doing a rally or concert, you may be engaged to register.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Love Is
Image of Anna Brownell Jameson
Talk without truth is the hollow brass; talk without love is like the tinkling cymbal, and when it does not tinkle it jingles, and when it does not jingle, it jars.
- Anna Brownell Jameson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Andrew Solomon
Life is enriched by difficulty; love is made more acute when it requires exertion.
- Andrew Solomon
Collection: Love Is
Image of Philip Danforth Armour
I do not love the money. What I do love is the getting of it ... What other interest can you suggest to me? I do not read. I do not take part in politics. What can I do?
- Philip Danforth Armour
Collection: Love Is
Image of Leonid Andreyev
Bread without love is like grass without salt -- the stomach may be filled, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
- Leonid Andreyev
Collection: Love Is
Image of Muadh ibn Jabal
God Almighty (swt) says: My love is incumbent for those who love each other for Me; who sit together for Me; who visit each other for Me; and who spend on each other for Me.
- Muadh ibn Jabal
Collection: Love Is
Image of Ti-Grace Atkinson
I propose that the phenomenon of love is the psychological pivot in the persecution of women.
- Ti-Grace Atkinson
Collection: Love Is
Image of Anodea Judith
Love is a state of being in harmony with oneself.
- Anodea Judith
Collection: Love Is
Image of Ronnie James Dio
Love is a never ending smile...
- Ronnie James Dio
Collection: Love Is
Image of J. M. Coetzee
Truth is not spoken in anger. Truth is spoken, if it ever comes to be spoken, in love. The gaze of love is not deluded. It sees what is best in the beloved even when what is best in the beloved finds it hard to emerge into the light.
- J. M. Coetzee
Collection: Love Is
Image of Ravi Ravindra
What we most love is not what we know, but what knows us and draws us. . . . (78)
- Ravi Ravindra
Collection: Love Is
Image of Bill Gaede
For youth, sexual love is whim; for the aged, luxury.
- Bill Gaede
Collection: Love Is
Image of Gangaji
The love that you search for everywhere is already present within you. It may be evoked by any number of people or events. But finally, you must realize you are this love. The source of all love is within you.
- Gangaji
Collection: Love Is
Image of Gangaji
Love has nothing to do with another person. Love is Truth. Love is Beauty. Love is Self. To know yourself, to surrender to the truth of yourself, is to surrender to love.
- Gangaji
Collection: Love Is
Image of Allison Mackie
Universal love is the standard-sized socket that everyone can plug into. No adapting mechanism required.
- Allison Mackie
Collection: Love Is