Hill Harper

Image of Hill Harper
Men and women can absolutely be friends, and that's what we need to be. Part of the problem is that we aren't friends enough. Our relationships are negotiations, and that is not friendship.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Friendship
Image of Hill Harper
I've done romantic comedy, and I don't get to flex that muscle often.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Romantic
Image of Hill Harper
The most impactful place that I've been to where I was just completely awestruck, happy, moved is Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is probably the most beautiful and romantic place in the world.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Romantic
Image of Hill Harper
I think our biggest problem is lack of real, honest communication between black men and black women. A lot of men talk amongst men, and a lot of women speak amongst women.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Communication
Image of Hill Harper
The word 'courage,' one of my favorite words, the root or the etymology of that word is 'cour,' which means heart. I think true courage is actually following your heart and not getting or succumbing to what other people's definition of what your life should be. Live your life.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Courage
Image of Hill Harper
The real important things are kindness and a sense of humor. I've been fortunate to have dated and could have easily married women who have those qualities, and time and circumstances didn't work out. Timing plays a big part.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Humor
Image of Hill Harper
'The Conversation' will hopefully touch on issues that will move people to want to strengthen communication and look to each other for solutions.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Communication
Image of Hill Harper
You can't build anything with a flimsy foundation. Friendship is the foundation.
- Hill Harper
Collection: Friendship
Image of Hill Harper
When I'm acting, that's all I'm doing. When I'm not acting, I'm not thinking about acting. If I'm writing, I'm just writing.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Intimacy can be about holding someone's hand. It could be about stroking their hair.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I say 'date potential.' The reason why is no matter who you date, anyway, five years from now, you're going to be different, and he's going to be different. The key is to really find somebody that you can grow with that you can change with, evolve with and that you can be partners with.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
What I've found in doing research is that men want a relationship that feels fun. In other words, they want a relationship that has qualities or elements of their same-sex relationships - just like women do, too.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
We're living in a time, unfortunately, where, you know, a lot of young men, particularly young men of color, being raised by single mothers. And their mothers so desperately want to connect with them, but I found, in talking with a lot of young men, that sometimes it's difficult.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
With my first book, 'A Letter to a Young Brother,' I figured it would be my only book I was ever going to write. What happened with that is a lot of young men would reach out to me.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I'm really proud of the characters I've been able to play. Certainly, playing the character on 'CSI' as Dr. Sherman Hawkes is a wonderful stereotype-busting role.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Whenever there's an opportunity to celebrate the written word and celebrate the folks that read the written word, and, I think, to encourage other writers to write and encourage folks to read more and get connected to it in a personal way, it's a positive thing.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
For me, self-esteem-building and confidence-building is the foundation for anything that we do, whether you want to be a writer, a painter, or a entrepreneur.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
People always think about what prison is. What prison really is - it's not a physical challenge, it's mental.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
We all have inherited so many types of fears, whether they're race-based, culture-based, gender-based, age-based, family-based. And then we get comfortable with these fears.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
It's important for someone like me - who's known Obama for 20 years - to speak the truth. I know him to be a Christian man. I know him to be one of the greatest patriots.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
People are afraid of an unorganized, wasteful government.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
It's heartening when people hear for the first time that their vote really matters.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
In acting class, teachers talk about how the 'givens' of a situation help define a character.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
My first two books, 'Letters to a Young Brother' and 'Letters to a Young Sister,' were... distributed pretty widely. Judges in juvenile justice facilities started citing the book as required reading.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
No matter how bad something gets, no matter where you come from, you can achieve anything. I really do believe that.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
If you can't get excited about living life, then what are you doing?
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
My friend is a former race car driver, so he races for Mercedes, and I root for him. I have a car that I love to race, I'll take it to the track.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
All work and no play make any forensic pathologist a dull boy.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
We all have choices we have to make, and with those choices come certain sacrifices.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
The wealth cure is looking at your life step by step - making a diagnosis and saying, 'Am I using money or is money using me?'
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Certainly, those of us in the entertainment industry, we are part of creating fear in people - 'fear' for me stands for 'false evidence appearing real.' We create fantasy, and in certain ways that's wonderful because it allows people to escape. But it can suck people into wanting to achieve something that isn't real.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I love being athletic and doing things that are active, even when I'm traveling.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
My favorite vacation spot is a beautiful beach. I've been to many, many beaches on many continents: Mombasa, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Barbados, Mexico and the U.S. What's beautiful about beach communities is for whatever reason, they feel like vacation to me.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I've gotten a firsthand view at the destruction that black men and black women not being able to stay and build healthy relationships has had on the black family and black children.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
There will always be crazy things that happen in our lives, but love is the central connector. If we commit to love and partnership, the other stuff doesn't matter.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
What's interesting is with a lot of the work I do through my foundation, the 'Manifest Your Destiny' foundation, we really encourage people, and we attempt to empower, uplift and inspire people to live out their dreams, live out their destiny.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
The longer you hold a dollar, the longer you hold money, the more valuable it becomes over time. So the younger you are, the more ability you have to hold money longer term.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I'm not telling anyone, 'Quit your job and be homeless to go for your dream.'
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I've read a number of relationship books out there. A lot are written towards women.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
There's nothing wrong with wanting a partner and doing the things to have one. To protect ourselves, we have to say, 'I don't need one.'
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I will not reach my full potential as a man unless I find my partner.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Even when you're out with someone, you need to get out of your head. And you can try exercises by putting yourself in situations where you may not feel completely comfortable, like going to a gallery opening on your own.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
We all have different timetables in reaching and realizing that being in healthy partnership is better than being on our own.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Part of the problem in today's world is that many men are taught that they have to 'make it' before they should even consider committed to a healthy partnership.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Part of getting other people to focus on the future rather than being myopically focused on the present is about living that way yourself and showing that you can make choices today that are about future outcomes and still be having a great time into the present and enjoying your life.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
My undergraduate studies at Brown and graduate degrees from Harvard prepared me for a multifaceted career as an actor, entrepreneur and philanthropist.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
I've made money in real estate, hotel, and restaurant investments.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
At the end of a down day on Wall Street, we all need to be able to sleep peacefully at night. That comfort won't come from our bank balance.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
Being a celebrity doesn't have an iota of value when you're looking death in the eye.
- Hill Harper
Image of Hill Harper
You never know what's going on in someone's life. You never know what's really going on behind what they present.
- Hill Harper