Top lonely Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of lonely quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more lonely quotes.

Image of Patricia Lockwood
I don't experience much loneliness, oddly. Sometimes I have thought I was lonely and it turned out I was in reality wanting a snack, just like sometimes I have thought I was mad and it turned out I was actually wearing too many sweaters. I've always been very content in the company of my own thoughts, and I prefer to spend much of my time alone. But I do like conversation - for the exercise, for the spark, for the let's-see-where-it-takes-us, for being able to dip into communal creativity when you're tired of your own air.
- Patricia Lockwood
Collection: Lonely
Image of Charlie Kaufman
Say who you are, really say it in your life and in your work. Tell someone out there who is lost, someone not yet born, someone who won’t be born for 500 years. Your writing will be a record of your time. It can’t help but be that. But more importantly, if you’re honest about who you are, you’ll help that person be less lonely in their world because that person will recognise him or herself in you and that will give them hope.
- Charlie Kaufman
Collection: Lonely
Image of Jack Johnson
A lot of people spend their time just floating/ We were victims together but lonely.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Lonely
Image of How to Dress Well
Traveling is amazing. You meet so many great, positive people. You get to see new faces all the time. I don't think that loneliness, it's not like you have no one in your life. Well, I'd say it's like . . . you can have everyone you need in your life and still be lonely. Everyone knows that. Being on the road is complicated and shitty; it's also really, really rad.
- How to Dress Well
Collection: Lonely
Image of Blanche Willis Howard
writing, like living, is lonely work.
- Blanche Willis Howard
Collection: Lonely
Image of Etgar Keret
My first and biggest love was always fiction writing. But it is a very lonely pastime.
- Etgar Keret
Collection: Lonely
Image of Babs Deal
maybe the lonely places are the only things that make human beings of us all.
- Babs Deal
Collection: Lonely
Image of Henrik Ibsen
The strong must learn to be lonely.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Lonely
Image of Paul Kane
Writing can be a very solitary business. It's you sat at a desk typing words into a computer. It can get lonely sometimes and lots of writers live quite isolated lives.
- Paul Kane
Collection: Lonely
Image of Zhou Xun
I have an idea I want to test, for combining old peoples homes and orphanages. Old people are lonely without children, children are lonely without parents. Why not bring them together?
- Zhou Xun
Collection: Lonely
Image of Jamie Tworkowski
Don't live only in your head. It's lonely and it's dangerous.
- Jamie Tworkowski
Collection: Lonely
Image of Dallas Clayton
Cheers to the albums written fortunes earned lives touched in the millions and generations defined by one lonely person placing an ad in the back of a free paper seeking a guitarist, bassist, and drummer just looking to jam.
- Dallas Clayton
Collection: Lonely
Image of Marion Winik
Yanagihara's most impressive trick is the way she glides from scenes filled with those terrifying hyenas to moments of epiphany. 'Wasn't it a miracle to have survived the unsurvivable? Wasn't friendship its own miracle, the finding of another person who made the entire lonely world seem somehow less lonely? Wasn't this house, this beauty, this comfort, this life a miracle?' A Little Life devotes itself to answering those questions, and is, in its own dark way, a miracle.
- Marion Winik
Collection: Lonely
Image of Barbara Johnson
We can never untangle all the woes in other people's lives. We can't produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart.
- Barbara Johnson
Collection: Lonely
Image of Omar Khayyam
Give me a flagon of red wine, a book of verses, a loaf of bread, and a little idleness. If with such store I might sit by thy dear side in some lonely place, I should deem myself happier than a king in his kingdom.
- Omar Khayyam
Collection: Lonely
Image of Robinson Jeffers
The world's in a bad way, my man, And bound to be worse before it mends; Better lie up in the mountain here Four or five centuries, While the stars go over the lonely ocean.
- Robinson Jeffers
Collection: Lonely
Image of Michelle Mone
What happened in my personal life affected my career too. I am not perfect and I have made a lot of mistakes. Being an entrepreneur is incredibly lonely. There were many hurdles along the way. From starting out, to making it, and almost losing it, to fighting back, to nearly losing it all again. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows.
- Michelle Mone
Collection: Lonely
Image of Drew Goddard
I do love writing but it is a lonely profession. You're lonely and optimistic at the same time.
- Drew Goddard
Collection: Lonely
Image of Elizabeth Swados
It's all the same when you're lonely
- Elizabeth Swados
Collection: Lonely
Image of Joshua Jackson
If I only dated actresses, Id be a very lonely man.
- Joshua Jackson
Collection: Lonely
Image of Slavenka Drakulic
I realize that I only have words and that, from time to time, as I hold them in my arms I am less lonely.
- Slavenka Drakulic
Collection: Lonely
Image of Mary Karr
I get so lonely sometimes, I could put a box on my head and mail myself to a stranger.
- Mary Karr
Collection: Lonely
Image of Ellar Coltrane
People in New York just go about their business. Maybe living there for a long time, it would get lonely, but there's something really nice about being able to go about your business and not feel like anybody is really paying attention to you or what you're doing.
- Ellar Coltrane
Collection: Lonely
Image of Carol Bly
your soul needs to be lonely so that its strangest elements can moil about, curl and growl and jump, fail and get triumphant, all inside you. Sociable people have the most trouble hearing their unconscious. They have trouble getting rid of clichés because clichés are sociable.
- Carol Bly
Collection: Lonely
Image of Barbara Abercrombie
Writing can be a lonely business. But gradually your characters, or the scenes and peopl from your past, begin to rise up around you, and you find yourself writing your way out of loneliness, writing into your own company.
- Barbara Abercrombie
Collection: Lonely
Image of Johan Huizinga
The modern city hardly knows a pure darkness or true silence anymore, nor does it know the effect of a single small light or that of a lonely distant shout.
- Johan Huizinga
Collection: Lonely
Image of Haile Gerima
When you don't work together you can't emerge as a force. It becomes what some call a "lonely struggle" and individual self-destruction.
- Haile Gerima
Collection: Lonely
Image of Lloyd Kaufman
It's a lonely world, being independent, and they can come away with the idea that if Lloyd Kaufman can make movies with people getting their heads squashed, with hard-bodied lesbians, women masturbating with pickles, graphic diarrhea, and singing and dancing chicken zombies - if he can do that for 40 years and put his kids through Yale, Columbia, and Duke - if that idiot can do it, anybody can do it.
- Lloyd Kaufman
Collection: Lonely
Image of Kristen Johnston
It's a very lonely place, being an addict.
- Kristen Johnston
Collection: Lonely
Image of Mercedes Lackey
It's just as easy to be lonely in a city as out in the wilderness. Easier, really. It's harder to get to know someone when you meet in a crowded place. People can freely ignore you in the city; they can assume they don't have any responsibility for you. When there are fewer people, (...) they begin assuming some kind of responsibility, simply because you naturally do the same.
- Mercedes Lackey
Collection: Lonely
Image of Lisa Loeb
Too much to ask for may leave me feeling lonely. Too little leaves me nothing.
- Lisa Loeb
Collection: Lonely
Image of Jalil Lespert
For me, Yves Saint Laurent is a hero because he fought his whole life against illness. Maybe the only way to fight this illness for him was to make it positive with creation. Otherwise he would have been lonely or in the hospital. He had so many issues with alcohol, drugs, and everything, this explains a lot about his necessity to create.
- Jalil Lespert
Collection: Lonely
Image of Ezra Koenig
If you're lonely, bored, or unhappy, remember you are mad young. There is so much time to meet new people and go to new places.
- Ezra Koenig
Collection: Lonely
Image of Samuel Barnett
The thing about Dirk [Gently] is that he's very lonely.
- Samuel Barnett
Collection: Lonely
Image of Richard Linklater
Being alone is better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely.
- Richard Linklater
Collection: Lonely
Image of Hiroshi Sakurazaka
If there's a heaven, it's a cold place. A dark place. A lonely place.
- Hiroshi Sakurazaka
Collection: Lonely
Image of Nicole Krauss
lonely people are always up in the middle of the night.
- Nicole Krauss
Collection: Lonely
Image of Jessa Crispin
I wish other people would write about loneliness more. It's hard to remember that it's not personal. We live in a world that is built to make people lonely... It's difficult to remember that your loneliness is not really about you and everyone has it.
- Jessa Crispin
Collection: Lonely
Image of Anne Bancroft
... family and friends aren't always ready to make the journey when you are, and you just have to keep plowing along whether they have confidence in you or not. That can be very lonely.
- Anne Bancroft
Collection: Lonely
Image of Donal Logue
The desert feels Irish in a way - lonely and barren. If someone said, 'Think of a happy place for you,' I'd say a glacial plane near the South Pole, the wind howling, nobody in sight, a shack with a pot-belly stove and some tea.
- Donal Logue
Collection: Lonely
Image of Lillie Langtry
I am happy as happiness goes, for a woman who has so many memories and who lives the lonely life of an actress
- Lillie Langtry
Collection: Lonely
Image of Jonathan Larson
but i know blue only blue lonely blue without you
- Jonathan Larson
Collection: Lonely
Image of Joanna Noelle Levesque
I'd like to hope you end up a miserable, lonely woman. But actually, I hope you have children one day, Ellie Haworth. Then you'll know how it feels to be vulnerable. And to have to fight, to be constantly vigilant, just to make sure your children get to grow up with a father.
- Joanna Noelle Levesque
Collection: Lonely
Image of Adam Rodriguez
Feeling alone is what most likely sparked this way of thinking. Realizing that everyone (consciously or subconsciously) feels alone too - but no matter what, we're actually ALL together - is what has helped evolve my way of thinking about it. Life feels less lonely, and that's a big obstacle to overcome.
- Adam Rodriguez
Collection: Lonely
Image of Yusef Komunyakaa
Blue is the insides of something mysterious and lonely. I'd look at fish and birds, thinking the sky and water colored them. The first abyss is blue. An artist must go beyond the mercy of satin or water-from a gutty hue to that which is close to royal purple. All seasons and blossoms inbetween. Lavender. Theatrical and outrageous electric. Almost gray. True and false blue. Water and oil. The gas jet breathing in oblivion. The unstruck match. The blue of absence. The blue of deep presence. The insides of something perfect.
- Yusef Komunyakaa
Collection: Lonely
Image of Phil Klay
Sin is a lonely thing, a worm wrapped around the soul, shielding it from love, from joy, from communion with fellow men and with God. The sense that I am alone, that none can hear me, none can understand, that no one answers my cries, it is a sickness over which, to borrow from Bernanos, “the vast tide of divine love, that sea of living, roaring flame which gave birth to all things, passes vainly.” Your job, it seems, would be to find a crack through which some sort of communication can be made, one soul to another.
- Phil Klay
Collection: Lonely
Image of Shane Koyczan
I'm not the only kid who grew up this way, surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones, as if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called, and we got called them all. So we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us, that we'd be lonely forever, that we'd never meet someone to make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in their toolshed. So broken heartstrings bled the blues, and we tried to empty ourselves so we'd feel nothing. Don't tell me that hurts less than a broken bone...
- Shane Koyczan
Collection: Lonely
Image of Ann Landers
Warmth, kindness, and friendship are the most yearned for commodities in the world. The person who can provide them will never be lonely.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Lonely
Image of Laurel Nakadate
I present the thing we're going to do as a simple starting point. They all know it's an art piece and that it's all going to be recorded. And I have never had an experience where one of these men tried to take advantage of the situation. If they were guilty of anything it was of being lonely. It was never that they were violent or dangerous.
- Laurel Nakadate
Collection: Lonely