Top Labs Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Labs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jim Benton
I can't imagine the scientists wanting me to walk into the lab and start fiddling around with some big bowl of electrons they had out.
- Jim Benton
Collection: Labs
Image of Philippe Kahn
We are less than a decade away from the medical lab the size of a sugar cube.
- Philippe Kahn
Collection: Labs
Image of Chris Asplen
Ultimately it all comes down to money, ultimately it all comes down to lab capacity. One thing we are clear about is if that money were to pass (in Congress), thousands of lives will be saved.
- Chris Asplen
Collection: Labs
Image of Colin Humphreys
Start with a small product in lab environment and grow it!
- Colin Humphreys
Collection: Labs
Image of Veronica Roth
It's then that I realize: Of course Tris would go into the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb. Of course she would.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Labs
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
If there's something that someone else can do, let them do it. If I couldn't do it uniquely, let someone else do it and I would get back to the lab.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Labs
Image of Ingrid Newkirk
That's what the Nazis did, isn't it? Treated those "others" they thought subhuman by making them lab subjects and so on. Even the Nazis didn't eat the objects of their derision.
- Ingrid Newkirk
Collection: Labs