Knowledge is Power: Enlightening Quotes on Learning and Growth - Page 16

Explore the depths of knowledge with quotes that inspire learning and personal growth. Wisdom from the ages for today’s seekers. Page 16 provides more knowledge quotes.

Image of Susanne Langer
If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new questions.
- Susanne Langer
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Aime Cesaire
Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge.
- Aime Cesaire
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Anthony J. D'Angelo
In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in all the information.
- Anthony J. D'Angelo
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Elbert Hubbard
The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.
- Elbert Hubbard
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Alexander Graham Bell
My knowledge of electrical subjects was not acquired in a methodical manner but was picked up from such books as I could get hold of and from such experiments as I could make with my own hands.
- Alexander Graham Bell
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Lee Iacocca
There is no substitute for accurate knowledge. Know yourself, know your business, know your men.
- Lee Iacocca
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Henry Gray
Surgical Anatomy is, to the student of medicine and surgery, the most essential branch of anatomical science, having reference more especially to an accurate knowledge of the more important regions, and consisting in the application of anatomy generally to the practice of surgery.
- Henry Gray
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John Young
The greatest enemy of progress is the illusion of knowledge.
- John Young
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John Tyndall
Knowledge once gained casts a light beyond its own immediate boundaries.
- John Tyndall
Collection: Knowledge
Image of A. E. Housman
All knowledge is precious whether or not it serves the slightest human use.
- A. E. Housman
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Nostradamus
The perfect knowledge of events cannot be acquired without divine inspiration, since all prophetic inspiration receives its prime motivating force from God the creator, then from good fortune and nature.
- Nostradamus
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Aldous Huxley
Thought must be divided against itself before it can come to any knowledge of itself.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Although modesty is natural to man, it is not natural to children. Modesty only begins with the knowledge of evil.
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Philippe Petit
I am a thief of knowledge, and in a survival way, I had to solve all the problems around me.
- Philippe Petit
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Paul Tudor Jones
The secret to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an indefatigable and an undying and unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge.
- Paul Tudor Jones
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Auguste Comte
Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage.
- Auguste Comte
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John M. Grunsfeld
Hubble isn't just a satellite; it's about humanity's quest for knowledge.
- John M. Grunsfeld
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Adam Weishaupt
G is Grace, the Flaming Star is the Torch of Reason. Those who possess this knowledge are indeed Illuminati.
- Adam Weishaupt
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Erno Rubik
If you find a solution with the Cube, it doesn't mean you find everything. It's only a starting point. You can work on and find something else: you can improve your solution, you can make it shorter, you can go deeper and deeper and collect knowledge and many other things.
- Erno Rubik
Collection: Knowledge
Image of James D. Watson
You move forward through knowledge. You prevail through knowledge. I love the word 'prevail.' Prevail!
- James D. Watson
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The knowledge from an enlightened person breaks on the hard rocks of ignorance.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Thomas Bulfinch
Without a knowledge of mythology much of the elegant literature of our own language cannot be understood and appreciated.
- Thomas Bulfinch
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Margaret Murray
The trend of all knowledge at the present is to specialize, but archaeology has in it all the qualities that call for the wide view of the human race, of its growth from the savage to the civilized, which is seen in all stages of social and religious development.
- Margaret Murray
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Frederick Sanger
It is like a voyage of discovery into unknown lands, seeking not for new territory but for new knowledge. It should appeal to those with a good sense of adventure.
- Frederick Sanger
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jimmy Wales
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.
- Jimmy Wales
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Abraham Cowley
Solitude can be used well by very few people. They who do must have a knowledge of the world to see the foolishness of it, and enough virtue to despise all the vanity.
- Abraham Cowley
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Konrad Lorenz
Every man gets a narrower and narrower field of knowledge in which he must be an expert in order to compete with other people. The specialist knows more and more about less and less and finally knows everything about nothing.
- Konrad Lorenz
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Max Weber
Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs - these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration.
- Max Weber
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John Millington Synge
The general knowledge of time on the island depends, curiously enough, on the direction of the wind.
- John Millington Synge
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Willis R. Whitney
In the advance of civilization, it is new knowledge which paves the way, and the pavement is eternal.
- Willis R. Whitney
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Willis R. Whitney
The regularity with which we conclude that further advances in a particular field are impossible seems equaled only by the regularity with which events prove that we are of too limited vision. And it always seems to be those who have the fullest opportunity to know who are the most limited in view. What, then, is the trouble? I think that one answer should be: we do not realize sufficiently that the unknown is absolutely infinite, and that new knowledge is always being produced.
- Willis R. Whitney
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Frances Wright
Knowledge signifies things known. Where there are no things known, there is no knowledge. Where there are no things to be known, there can be no knowledge. We have observed that every science, that is, every branch of knowledge, is compounded of certain facts, of which our sensations furnish the evidence. Where no such evidence is supplied, we are without data; we are without first premises; and when, without these, we attempt to build up a science, we do as those who raise edifices without foundations. And what do such builders construct? Castles in the air.
- Frances Wright
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Lewis Thomas
I am entitled to say, if I like, that awareness exists in all the individual creatures on the planet-worms, sea urchins, gnats, whales, subhuman primates, superprimate humans, the lot. I can say this because we do not know what we are talking about: consciousness is so much a total mystery for our own species that we cannot begin to guess about its existence in others.
- Lewis Thomas
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Hugh Nibley
True knowledge never shuts the door on more knowledge, but zeal often does.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Hugh Nibley
No matter where we begin, if we pursue knowledge diligently and honestly, our quest will inevitably lead us from the things of the earth to the things of heaven.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Joseph Addison
Knowledge is, indeed, that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Mary Roberts Rinehart
when knowledge comes in at the door, fear and superstition fly out of the window.
- Mary Roberts Rinehart
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Studs Terkel
Think of what's stored in an 80- or a 90-year-old mind. Just marvel at it. You've got to get out this information, this knowledge, because you've got something to pass on. There'll be nobody like you ever again. Make the most of every molecule you've got as long as you've got a second to go.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Charles Sanders Peirce
It is not knowing, but the love of learning, that characterizes the scientific man.
- Charles Sanders Peirce
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Chip Heath
Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine what it was like not to know it.
- Chip Heath
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Hannah More
It is not so important to know everything as to know the exact value of everything, to appreciate what we learn and to arrange what we know.
- Hannah More
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Claude Bernard
We achieve more than we know. We know more than we understand. We understand more than we can explain.
- Claude Bernard
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Claude Bernard
It has often been said that, to make discoveries, one must be ignorant. This opinion, mistaken in itself, nevertheless conceals a truth. It means that it is better to know nothing than to keep in mind fixed ideas based on theories whose confirmation we constantly seek, neglecting meanwhile everything that fails to agree with them.
- Claude Bernard
Collection: Knowledge
Image of James Randi
Science is best defined as a careful, disciplined, logical search for knowledge about any and all aspects of the universe, obtained by examination of the best available evidence and always subject to correction and improvement upon discovery of better evidence. What's left is magic. And it doesn't work.
- James Randi
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jonas Salk
I think of the need for more wisdom in the world, to deal with the knowledge that we have. At one time we had wisdom, but little knowledge. Now we have a great deal of knowledge, but do we have enough wisdom to deal with that knowledge?
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Knowledge
Image of David Sarnoff
I ... began my career as a wireless amateur. After 43 years in radio, I do not mind confessing that I am still an amateur. Despite many great achievements in the science of radio and electronics, what we know today is far less than what we have still to learn.
- David Sarnoff
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Susan Glaspell
The only man who knows just what he thinks at the present moment is the man who hasn't done any new thinking in the past ten years.
- Susan Glaspell
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Amartya Sen
Any classification according to a singular identity polarizes people in a particular way, but if we take note of the fact that we have many different identities - related not just to religion but also to language, occupation and business, politics, class and poverty, and many others - we can see that the polarization of one can be resisted by a fuller picture. So knowledge and understanding are extremely important to fight against singular polarization.
- Amartya Sen
Collection: Knowledge