Top Kings Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Kings quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Kings quotes.

Image of Cardinal Richelieu
One must believe neither the people of the palace, who ordinarily measure the power of the king by the shape of his crown, which, being round, has no end, nor those who, in the excesses of an indiscreet zeal, proclaim themselves openly as partisans of Rome.
- Cardinal Richelieu
Collection: Kings
Image of James Crumley
Youth endures all things, kings and poetry and love. Everything but time.
- James Crumley
Collection: Kings
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
Her queen danced like a flame in the wind, and the mercurial king like the weight at the center of the earth.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Kings
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
The king lifted a hand to her cheek and kissed her. It was not a kiss between strangers, not even a kiss between a bride and groom. It was a kiss between a man and his wife, and when it was over, the king closed his eyes and rested his forehead in the hollow of the queen's shoulder, like a man seeking respite, like a man reaching home at the end of the day.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Kings
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
I am not sure I trust you." "You can trust me with your life, My King." "But not with my wine, obviously. Give it back.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Kings
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
I thought that being king meant I didn't have to kill people myself. I see know that was another misconception.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Kings
Image of Sara Teasdale
Into my heart's treasury I slipped a coin That Time cannot take Nor a thief purloin- O better than the minting Of a gold-crowned king Is the safe-kept memory Of a lovely thing.
- Sara Teasdale
Collection: Kings
Image of Maximilien Robespierre
Peoples do not judge in the same way as courts of law; they do not hand down sentences, they throw thunderbolts; they do not condemn kings, they drop them back into the void; and this justice is worth just as much as that of the courts.
- Maximilien Robespierre
Collection: Kings
Image of Maximilien Robespierre
Formerly, when a king died at Versailles the reign of his successor was immediately announced by the cry: "The king is dead, long live the king", in order to make it understood that despotism is immortal! Now an entire people, moved by a sublime instinct, cried: Long live the Republic! to teach the universe that tyranny died with the tyrant.
- Maximilien Robespierre
Collection: Kings
Image of Sharon Shinn
So do I wish I was to be king? That is not a question I ask myself. I ask myself, Would I be a good king? Would I be quick witted and generous of spirit and full of that boundless energy? Or would I be clumsy and stupid and dulled by my own prejudices? I try to be a good man, since I am alive at all, and hope that that teaches me what I would need to know if I was ever faced with a higher challenge.
- Sharon Shinn
Collection: Kings
Image of Ahmed Yassin
Where are the Muslim people's sponsors? Where are its kings? Where are its leaders? The Muslim people is calling upon you, Jerusalem is appealing to you, will anyone answer?
- Ahmed Yassin
Collection: Kings
Image of Horatio Nelson
Firstly, you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman, as you do the devil.
- Horatio Nelson
Collection: Kings
Image of Horatio Nelson
You must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your King, and you must treat every Frenchman as if he were the Devil himself.
- Horatio Nelson
Collection: Kings
Image of Brigham Young
After men have got their exaltations and their crowns--have become Gods, even the sons of God--are made Kings of kings and Lords of lords, they have the power then of propagating their species in spirit; and that is the first of their operations with regard to organizing a world. Power is then given to them to organize the elements, and then commence the organization of tabernacles.
- Brigham Young
Collection: Kings
Image of Wilbur Smith
A man follows the path laid out for him. He does his duty to God and his King. He does what he must do, not what pleases him. God's truth, boy, what kind of world would this be if every man did what pleased him alone? Who would plough the fields and reap the harvest, if every man had the right to say, 'I don't want to do that.' In this world there is a place for every man, but every man must know his place.
- Wilbur Smith
Collection: Kings
Image of K.P. Yohannan
Maybe it doesn't seem like anyone ever watches or appreciates you. Maybe no one on earth understands you. But your King is always watching you. Do it all for Him.
- K.P. Yohannan
Collection: Kings
Image of John Bolton
Let me ask, who died and made him king? Who gave him the authority to endanger 300 million Americans? That's not the way it works, and if he thinks he can get away with that, he's got another think coming.
- John Bolton
Collection: Kings
Image of Shiro Amano
King Mickey- "Even in the Darkest of Darkness, there is always a Light".
- Shiro Amano
Collection: Kings
Image of Ernest Cline
I've heard Stephen King say that when you write a novel you end up revealing everything about yourself.
- Ernest Cline
Collection: Kings
Image of Charles Willeford
I can't see any point to hanging around a Burger King all day, no matter how much money you make. .... I'll tell you why. Your life would depend on the random desires of people who wanted a hamburger. So you can just forget about Burger King.
- Charles Willeford
Collection: Kings
Image of Richard Simmons
When the king gets depressed, he doesn't call for his wife. He doesn't call for the cook. He calls for the court jester.
- Richard Simmons
Collection: Kings
Image of Cressida Cowell
Most of us are lucky not to be Kings and Heroes, because we do not have to make the choices that Kings and Heroes have to make.
- Cressida Cowell
Collection: Kings
Image of Cressida Cowell
Sometimes a King has to do terrible things in order to protect those he has sworn to look after. When the stakes are so high, dreadful decisions have to be taken. It is the responsibility of a King to take on that burden, that guilt.
- Cressida Cowell
Collection: Kings
Image of Louise Fitzhugh
Ole Golly: The time has come, the walrus said... Harriet M. Welsch: To talk of many things... Ole Golly: Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax... Harriet M. Welsch: Of cabbages and kings... Ole Golly: And why the sea is boiling hot... Harriet M. Welsch: And whether pigs have wings!
- Louise Fitzhugh
Collection: Kings
Image of Kate Bornstein
Sex is f-king, everything else is gender.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Kings
Image of Douglas Malloch
The tree that never had to fight for sun and sky and air and light but stood out in the open plain and always got it share of rain, never became a forest king but lived and died a scrubby thing. Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
- Douglas Malloch
Collection: Kings
Image of Suzanne Weyn
When King Lear dies in act five, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He has written, 'He dies.' No more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential piece of dramatic literature is, 'He dies.' Now I am not asking you to be happy at my leaving but all I ask you to do is to turn the page and let the next story begin. -- Mr. Magorium
- Suzanne Weyn
Collection: Kings
Image of Michelle Rodriguez
I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks.
- Michelle Rodriguez
Collection: Kings
Image of Michael Eric Dyson
I was born in '58, so the riot in Detroit in 1967 was a memorable introduction to the issue of race and how race made a difference in American society. And then the next year, of course, Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. And the Detroit Tigers winning the World Series. All of that made a huge impression on my growing mind.
- Michael Eric Dyson
Collection: Kings
Image of Ike Turner
When you think of blues, all you think about is crying guitar like B.B. King's guitar. You think about someone crying that their woman's gone. And how bad life is and all that. Why can't it be something happy with the blues? Why can't it have a hip-hop beat to which you can do the dances of today?
- Ike Turner
Collection: Kings
Image of R. A. Salvatore
"A man inferior with the blade or with his thoughts can still so elevate himself," Entreri explained curtly, "if he can impart the belief that some god or other speaks through him. It is the greatest deception in all the world and one embraced by kings and lords, while the minor lying thieves on the streets or Calimport and other cities lose their tongues for so attempting to coax the purses of others."
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Kings
Image of Cameron Dokey
For surely a king is first a man. And so it must follow that a king does as all men do: the best he can.
- Cameron Dokey
Collection: Kings
Image of Yitzhak Rabin
[Israel will] create in the course of the next 10 or 20 years conditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the refugees from the Gaza Strip and the west Bank to Jordan. To achieve this we have to come to agreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat.
- Yitzhak Rabin
Collection: Kings
Image of Randall "Tex" Cobb
King gives you this 'bro' stuff and tells you that the white man did this and we should stick together. Then he starts cutting your purse. I was with him for six years. You put your head in a noose when you sign with Don King.
- Randall "Tex" Cobb
Collection: Kings
Image of Peter David
I knew if we could pull in the Stephen King fans, we'd have a ball game. The point at which I finally became confident of the audience interest was when I showed up at one of the Marvel midnight openings to launch the very first issue of Dark Tower.
- Peter David
Collection: Kings
Image of Angus Young
I love the music from Nat King Cole, BB King, Albert King... When I think of it, I wouldn't mind being renamed Angus King.
- Angus Young
Collection: Kings
Image of Samuel Pepys
I see it is impossible for the King to have things done as cheap as other men.
- Samuel Pepys
Collection: Kings
Image of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
He [the King of Morocco] spends half his time asleep and the rest of it buried between the legs of the fairer sex.
- Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Collection: Kings
Image of Burton Raffel
Quickly, the dragon came at him, encouraged As Beowulf fell back; its breath flared, And he suffered, wrapped around in swirling Flames -- a king, before, but now A beaten warrior. None of his comrades Came to him, helped him, his brave and noble Followers; they ran for their lives, fled Deep in a wood. And only one of them Remained, stood there, miserable, remembering, As a good man must, what kinship should mean.
- Burton Raffel
Collection: Kings
Image of Frances Hardinge
Ordinary life did not stop just because kings rose and fell, Mosca realized. People adapted. If the world turned upside down, everyone ran and hid in their houses, but a very short while later, if all seemed quiet, they came out again and started selling each other potatoes.
- Frances Hardinge
Collection: Kings
Image of Boyd K. Packer
You are a child of God. He is father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the King of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God!
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Kings
Image of Sharon Kay Penman
Richard, might I ask you something? We've talked tonight of what you must do, of what you can do, of what you ought to do.But we've said nothing of what you want to do.Richard, do you want to be King?" At first, she thought he wasn't going to answer her. But as she studied his face, she saw he was turning her question over in his mind, seeking to answer it as honestly as he could. "Yes," he said at last. "Yes...I do.
- Sharon Kay Penman
Collection: Kings
Image of Lauren DeStefano
Time was our very first king. We all live our lives to the aggressive ticking of the clock. We don't question that our lives are a grid of seconds; even our pulses oblige. No succeeding king can hope to hold this kind of power.
- Lauren DeStefano
Collection: Kings
Image of John Roberts
The Romans had been able to post their laws on boards in public places, confidant that enough literate people existed to read them; far into the Middle Ages, even kings remained illiterate.
- John Roberts
Collection: Kings
Image of Kage Baker
England was a cold, backward, rebellious little kingdom. It's king: Henry the Eighth, remembered principally for his six wives and the chicken legs clutched in his fat fists.
- Kage Baker
Collection: Kings
Image of Gary Vaynerchuk
Content is king, but context is God.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
Collection: Kings
Image of James Stockdale
Well, first of all, I was asked by Ross Perot on a telephone call in March of 1992 if, since he had committed on the Larry King Show to becoming a candidate for president, to get on all 50 ballots
- James Stockdale
Collection: Kings