Top Kings Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Kings quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Kings quotes.

Image of John Dee
Although the semicircle of the Moon is placed above the circle of the Sun and would appear to be superior, nevertheless we know that the Sun is ruler and King. We see that the Moon in her shape and her proximity rivals the Sun with her grandeur, which is apparent to ordinary men, yet the face, or a semi-sphere of the Moon, always reflects the light of the Sun.
- John Dee
Collection: Kings
Image of Robin Furth
I had no idea what to expect! When the series began, I was new to comics, so I really had to keep my head down and plow forward so that I could learn as much about this new medium as possible. I wanted so much to do a good job and to please Stephen King and all the longtime Dark Tower fans.
- Robin Furth
Collection: Kings
Image of Robin Furth
Steve [King] has been incredibly supportive. He's also really good about getting back to me when I have questions about plot or characterization.
- Robin Furth
Collection: Kings
Image of Robin Furth
In the earlier novels, Steve King tells us that John Farson, and perhaps even the Crimson King himself, are but other names and faces that belong to Walter O'Dim. However, in The Dark Tower, he tells us very clearly that Walter, John Farson, and the Crimson King are actually separate individuals.
- Robin Furth
Collection: Kings
Image of Robin Furth
I suppose that, for me at least, the biggest difference betweenThe Gunslinger Born and the next two story arcs (The Long Road Home and Treachery), is that while Gunslinger Bornwas a translation of an existing novel, the next two arcs are really the stories that I've been weaving since I first started working with Steve King on the Dark Tower back in 2000/2001.
- Robin Furth
Collection: Kings
Image of Robin Furth
My job on The Gunslinger Born was to take Stephen King's novel and transform it into a detailed, seven issue, scene-by-scene story.
- Robin Furth
Collection: Kings
Image of Steve Kubby
FREEDOM CANNOT BE LICENSED, liberties cannot be regulated and rights cannot be granted. History teaches us that when the rights and liberties of a free people have restrictions upon them, they cease to be freedoms and rights. Instead, the government becomes like a king, bestowing privileges upon the chosen few and servitude upon everyone else.
- Steve Kubby
Collection: Kings
Image of Chris Farley
In the land of the skunk the man with half a nose is king!
- Chris Farley
Collection: Kings
Image of Saladin
It is not the custom of kings to kill kings.
- Saladin
Collection: Kings
Image of John Hope Bryant
Dr. King organized the Poor People's Campaign in 1968 to shut down Washington, D.C. and force legislators to tackle poverty. His efforts to shift focus from civil to silver rights were interrupted by his untimely death. He fought ardently for Black rights, but he also recognized financial literacy as the key to an America that was truly free for all people.
- John Hope Bryant
Collection: Kings
Image of John Hope Bryant
For many years, I believed racism in America was dead and that opportunity existed for all. My beliefs were shaken when the Rodney King officers were acquitted.
- John Hope Bryant
Collection: Kings
Image of Sandy Duncan
Right now were in the middle of a cultural war between the Muslims and the Western world. The politicians get in the way, but if you put two people together in a room, they can talk it out and work it out, just like Anna and the King.
- Sandy Duncan
Collection: Kings
Image of Dominick Dunne
People are fascinated by the rich: Shakespeare wrote plays about kings, not beggars.
- Dominick Dunne
Collection: Kings
Image of Frank I. Kooyman
When in the wondrous realms above Our Saviour had been called upon, To save our world of sin by love, He said, "Thy will, O Lord, be done.' The Kings of kings left worlds of light, Became the meek and lowly one; In brightest day or darkest night He said, "Thy will, O Lord, be done." No crown of thorns, no cruel cross Could make our great Redeemer shun. He counted his own will but loss, And said, "Thy will, O Lord, be done." We take the bread and cup this day, In memory of the Sinless One, And pray for strength, That we may say, As he, "Thy will, O Lord, be done."
- Frank I. Kooyman
Collection: Kings
Image of Keith Ellison
One thing that I'd just remind young people of is that when John Lewis, who's a member of Congress today, defied George Wallace and led the march from Selma to Montgomery, he was 23 years old. Martin Luther King was the old man in the bunch, and he was 35, so young people need to know that they've always been an important part of our society, have always been at the forefront of pushing for a more just America, and we can't be successful without the impatience, the vigor that young people bring to the fight for social justice.
- Keith Ellison
Collection: Kings
Image of Guido Calabresi
The reason I emphasize that is because that is exactly what happened when Mussolini was put in by the king of Italy.
- Guido Calabresi
Collection: Kings
Image of Joseph Fiennes
Youth is a predominant factor. We are seeing a young King Arthur, and thereby a young-ish - as I'm into my 40s - Merlin. It was about how to tackle it, from that point view.
- Joseph Fiennes
Collection: Kings
Image of Jack Morris
If I feel like King King, I'll throw like King King.
- Jack Morris
Collection: Kings
Image of Pam Jenoff
Krakow the city of Kings, was no longer mine. I had become a foreigner in the place i had always called home
- Pam Jenoff
Collection: Kings
Image of Warren Ellis
Stephen King says that if you forget an idea, then it can't have been any good. He means he, not you. You are not Stephen King. Do not attempt to emulate Stephen King at home.
- Warren Ellis
Collection: Kings
Image of Arthur Bryant
To the medieval mind a liberty was a right to the enjoyment of a specific property It was a freedom to do something with one's own without interference by the king or any other man.
- Arthur Bryant
Collection: Kings
Image of Arthur Bryant
When the Quaker Penn kept his hat on in the royal presence, Charles (King Charles II) politely removed his, explaining that it was the custom in that place for only one person at a time to remain covered.
- Arthur Bryant
Collection: Kings
Image of Rafe Esquith
I want my kids to know that they're just as good and just as American as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or Dr. Martin Luther King. My worst fear is they will become ordinary.
- Rafe Esquith
Collection: Kings
Image of Mavis Staples
I have to pinch myself sometimes. It's unbelievable, but it's not. Because I know that this would not be happening if it hadn't been for Dr. Martin Luther King.
- Mavis Staples
Collection: Kings
Image of Theodora
For a king, death is better than dethronement and exile.
- Theodora
Collection: Kings
Image of Samuel Wilson
There was an opening in the ER program at King Drew, so I spent the next month there, fascinated with the range of pathology that I observed, the diversity of skill that the ER physicians had to acquire, the variety of cases, and the ability to interact closely with people.
- Samuel Wilson
Collection: Kings
Image of Jack Redmond
I was playing once with the King of Samoa. I asked him what his handicap was. "Six wives," he said.
- Jack Redmond
Collection: Kings
Image of Jacques Necker
The King did not summon the Estates because he needed them, but out of his own pleasure.
- Jacques Necker
Collection: Kings
Image of Vinnie Paz
Between what is going on in Iraq and Mumia being locked up unjustly, things going on in Israel, Palestine, we don't really have anyone right now like Gandhi. We don't have anyone like Martin Luther King or Malcolm X anymore. It's really a reference to a vision of hope, like someone like Gandhi.
- Vinnie Paz
Collection: Kings
Image of Ernest Crawley
The King of Abyssinia always dines alone.
- Ernest Crawley
Collection: Kings
Image of Joseph Adam Ereli
We also call upon the king to hand over power to the political parties and for the political parties to shoulder their responsibility and turn the people's demands for democracy and good governance into reality.
- Joseph Adam Ereli
Collection: Kings
Image of Heather Anne Campbell
Like many of the people quoted on this dust-cover, I have not read Carl King's book. I am confident, however, that my review still applies: So, You're a Creative Genius is the best book available on modern cartography.
- Heather Anne Campbell
Collection: Kings
Image of Minimaks
I'm ready to forgive him for the desire to be a king, but not for wanting to have 23 million court jesters.
- Minimaks
Collection: Kings
Image of Marc Cohn
You can go a hundred miles a second Don't have to drive no lousy cab Got everything you want and more man And the King picks up the tab You walk around on streets of gold all day And you never have to listen To what these customers say and I know.
- Marc Cohn
Collection: Kings
Image of Leanda de Lisle
But as Shakespeare’s Richard II boasts, ‘Not all the water in the rough rude sea/Can wash the balm off from an anointed king.
- Leanda de Lisle
Collection: Kings
Image of William Doyle
Lafayette saw himself as the protector of royalty; they [the king and his family] considered him its gaoler.
- William Doyle
Collection: Kings
Image of Harold Clarke Goddard
Hamlet is to Macbeth somewhat as the Ghost is to the Witches. Revenge, or ambition, in its inception may have a lofty, even a majestic countenance, but when it has "coupled hell" and become crime, it grows increasingly foul and sordid. We love and admire Hamlet so much at the beginning that we tend to forget that he is as hot-blooded as the earlier Macbeth when he kills Polonius and the King, cold-blooded as the later Macbeth or Iago when he sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to death.
- Harold Clarke Goddard
Collection: Kings
Image of Nuhu Ribadu
When corruption is king, there is no accountability of leadership and no trust in authority. Society devolves to the basic units of family and self, to the basic instincts of getting what you can when you can, because you don't believe anything better will ever come along. And when the only horizon is tomorrow, how can you care about the kind of nation you are building for your children and your grandchildren? How can you call on your government to address what ails society and build stronger institutions?
- Nuhu Ribadu
Collection: Kings
Image of Viola Meynell
The dust comes secretly day after day, Lies on my ledge and dulls my shining things. But O this dust I shall drive away Is flowers and kings, Is Solomon's temple, poets, Nineveh.
- Viola Meynell
Collection: Kings
Image of Chubby Checker
Elvis, you're still King.
- Chubby Checker
Collection: Kings
Image of Robert Palmer
Someone's looking for a lead, in his duty to a king or creed. Protecting what he feels is right, fights against wrong with his life.
- Robert Palmer
Collection: Kings
Image of Cory Doctorow
Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.
- Cory Doctorow
Collection: Kings
Image of Gene Baur
Humans and other animals experience love and fear, and form deep emotional bonds with cherished companions. We mourn when a close friend dies, and so do other animals, as Barbara King's poignant book illustrates in compelling detail. How Animals Grieve helps us to connect and to better understand the complex social lives of other animals and of ourselves.
- Gene Baur
Collection: Kings
Image of David Gaider
Perhaps this was what Queens did. Perhaps they held their Kings in the darkness, deep within their castles and allowed them that moment of weakness they could never show to anyone else. Perhaps they gave strength to their Kings, because everyone else only took it from them.
- David Gaider
Collection: Kings
Image of Ben Folds
I could probably live in Bali the rest of my life and completely live in the sticks and have a f - king moped and make a record every couple of years and not step in public and break even like I do anyway. That's really tempting.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Kings
Image of Dava Sobel
Earlier maps had underestimated the distances to other continents and exaggerated the outlines of individual nations. Now global dimensions could be set, with authority, by the celestial spheres. Indeed, King Louis XIV of France, confronted with a revised map of his domain based on accurate longitude measurements, reportedly complained that he was losing more territory to his astronomers than to his enemies.
- Dava Sobel
Collection: Kings