Top Keys Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Keys quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Keys quotes.

Image of Johann Sebastian Bach
You just have to press the right keys and the right pedals at the right time and the music plays itself.
- Johann Sebastian Bach
Collection: Keys
Image of Brendan Benson
There's a combination of things [to survive the road trip]. Humor would be key. If everyone has relatively the same sense of humor, then that helps. And things in common, like food, eating.
- Brendan Benson
Collection: Keys
Image of Daniel Kahneman
Spend some effort in figuring out why each decision did or did not pan out. Doing that systematically is key: really try to question the way you make decisions, and improve it.
- Daniel Kahneman
Collection: Keys
Image of Volkmar Sigusch
Key feature of sexual revolution is the large-scale publication and commercialization of details that were once secret. Sexuality has been trivialized. The interesting thing about this is that exaggerated portrayals apparently destroy desire more effectively than any repression.
- Volkmar Sigusch
Collection: Keys
Image of Scott Herman
Having a CORE main focus is the key to being able to stay determined. Most people only set small goals and when they accomplish them... it's hard to stay on track as they are not trying to achieve anything else.
- Scott Herman
Collection: Keys
Image of Jim McElwain
Eliminate the clutter. That's the key. Eliminate the clutter and understand the important things. First and foremost, the most important thing is affecting the people around you in a positive way. Second thing is, be one of those guys that's going to out-study every person there is on what you need to do from a game-plan standpoint, what you need to do from a characteristic standpoint to stand apart. The last thing is, throw it to the color jersey we're wearing.
- Jim McElwain
Collection: Keys
Image of Sebastian Janikowski
The key is being with the right people and making the right decisions.
- Sebastian Janikowski
Collection: Keys
Image of Russell James
If you give the same 200 frames to 200 different people, they'll all probably pick a different frame. The key is editing. Be intuitive enough to be shooting at the right moment, and when you're seeing the action happening just as you want it, shoot. And in the edit you have to go with your gut.
- Russell James
Collection: Keys
Image of Charles Landry
All cities have one key resource: the special abilities of the people who live in them. You just have to find out what they are. In the Australian city of Adelaide, for example, which is overshadowed by Sydney and Melbourne, I discovered a number of experts in the penal system. I advised them to work with these special skills.
- Charles Landry
Collection: Keys
Image of Kurt Richebacher
The key reason why we are richer than our ancestors is that these ancestors have bequeathed us buildings, factories and machines that have given us a high living standard to start with. Driven by irresponsible policy makers, America's present generation is consuming the nation's capital.
- Kurt Richebacher
Collection: Keys
Image of Matt Blaze
The people working in my field also are quite skeptical of our ability to do this. It ultimately boils down to the problem of building complex systems that are reliable and that work, and that problem has long predated the problem of access to encryption keys.
- Matt Blaze
Collection: Keys
Image of Matt Blaze
From a policymaker's point of view, [the back door] must look like a perfect solution. "We'll hold onto a separate copy of the keys, and we'll try to keep them really, really safe so that only in an emergency and if it's authorized by a court will we bring out those keys and use them." And, from a policy point of view, when you describe it that way, who could be against that?
- Matt Blaze
Collection: Keys
Image of Ricardo Guadalupe
The key element of success is a product that matches all of what you've done in your message and your marketing, and all the emotion that has to be transmitted to the consumer through the product.
- Ricardo Guadalupe
Collection: Keys
Image of Patrick Lussier
The key is to work with people who are passionate about storytelling and who have a similar sensibility of the type and nature of the stories that you want to tell.
- Patrick Lussier
Collection: Keys
Image of Laura Wasser
Evening bags should be just big enough for my phone, lipstick, house key, and credit card.
- Laura Wasser
Collection: Keys
Image of Andrew Williams
The key to contentedness is not the absence of work; neither is it to cap each day with the witless abandon of hollow entertainment, but to fill your days with that which fills your life with meaning.
- Andrew Williams
Collection: Keys
Image of Lino Rulli
According to the Church, one of the key attributes of sainthood is death. You have to die first. So, I'll agree already (that) I might not have all the attributes that usually that the Church looks for when canonizing somebody because I'm supposed to be dead already.
- Lino Rulli
Collection: Keys
Image of Rohit Shetty
By nature, I am a low-key person and like being behind the camera.
- Rohit Shetty
Collection: Keys
Image of Michael Korda
Concentration is the magic key that opens the door to accomplishment. By concentrating our efforts upon a few major goals, our efficiency soars, our projects are completed we are going somewhere.
- Michael Korda
Collection: Keys
Image of Tom Gegax
Leaders must attend to one key growth question: How authentically am I showing up in the world and my organization?
- Tom Gegax
Collection: Keys
Image of Keith Rabois
The key metric of whether you've succeeded is what fraction of your employees use that dashboard everyday.
- Keith Rabois
Collection: Keys
Image of Mal Fletcher
Confidence, not paper or digital money, is the key currency in a capitalist system.
- Mal Fletcher
Collection: Keys
Image of Jean-Francois Chevrier
To look, to record, to inscribe, to reproduce, to imitate, to reveal, to imagine are for me the seven keys of photographic imagination.
- Jean-Francois Chevrier
Collection: Keys
Image of Martin Shkreli
The key word in profiteering is profit.
- Martin Shkreli
Collection: Keys
Image of Tatyana Golikova
It is very important to have a correct socio-economic development forecast and plan, in which inflation being a vital investment factor should be the key indicator
- Tatyana Golikova
Collection: Keys
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
Universality has been the key enabler of innovation on the Web and will continue to be so in the future.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Keys
Image of Ray Kroc
The key to success is being in the right place at the right time, recognizing that you are there, and taking action!
- Ray Kroc
Collection: Keys
Image of Amy Rodriguez
Comfort is key. I need to make sure the cleat first my foot perfectly. Weight is important, too.
- Amy Rodriguez
Collection: Keys
Image of Lawrence M. Krauss
Science has been effective at furthering our understanding of nature because the scientific ethos is based on three key principles: (1) follow the evidence wherever it leads; (2) if one has a theory, one needs to be willing to try to prove it wrong as much as one tries to prove that it is right; (3) the ultimate arbiter of truth is experiment, not the comfort one derives from one's a priori beliefs, nor the beauty or elegance one ascribes to one's theoretical models.
- Lawrence M. Krauss
Collection: Keys
Image of Bob Chiarelli
Building a smarter grid has long been a key part of our government's plan to modernize our energy infrastructure and provide clean, reliable affordable power to consumers. By supporting Ryerson's Centre for Urban Energy we are building a whole new landscape for innovations that will be the backbone for our energy system for future generations.
- Bob Chiarelli
Collection: Keys
Image of Micah Lexier
I'm a collector. I was born a collector. I came out of the womb a collector. I can trace it back to childhood - collecting used keys.
- Micah Lexier
Collection: Keys
Image of Dan Mazer
I don't want to sound arrogant and say that I know everything about directing and I've got it cracked, but it was just all in all a joyous experience. To me, the key to directing, to be honest, is just surround yourself with brilliant people and let them do their thing
- Dan Mazer
Collection: Keys
Image of Alfred Gough
Some of the key components, we wanted it to be so far into the future that you weren't talking about our time. I was joking that the AMC cinematic universe is after the zombie apocalypse by hundreds and hundreds of years.
- Alfred Gough
Collection: Keys
Image of John Lloyd Young
It was a surprise to me and a happy accident that it was such a skill [natural falsetto] - a latent skill and that there was a way to exploit it. And it was a key to playing great role Frankie Valli in such a huge show.
- John Lloyd Young
Collection: Keys
Image of Lorraine Toussaint
We actors are superstitious creatures. We do all the homework and we put all of the components together, but there's always one key aspect that we're not in charge of, really, and that's magic. You are always on the lookout for where and how that magic is going to ignite. When you have worked as much as I have and have sought it out as often as I do, you get very clear that it will come at very, very odd, unexpected moments.
- Lorraine Toussaint
Collection: Keys
Image of Ruba Nadda
Don't take no for an answer. Don't let yourself get pushed around, and don't be afraid to be the bad guy. Find a producer who will be there to back you up when things get difficult. Make sure you work with key crew that you trust.
- Ruba Nadda
Collection: Keys
Image of Will Compton
There's a ceiling when it comes to genetics. I'm a huge believer in the mind. I feel like anticipation is a key to the success of the game and I feel that's where I thrive. Being able to anticipate, prepare and live in the details of the game.
- Will Compton
Collection: Keys
Image of Demetri Martin
The key to life is balance, especially if you are on a ledge.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Keys
Image of Cosima Spender
Paradoxically, in the field being a woman actually helps you: people often feel more comfortable talking to women, which is key in documentaries.
- Cosima Spender
Collection: Keys
Image of Darren Hardy
Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.
- Darren Hardy
Collection: Keys
Image of Laurie Glimcher
The key to HIV/AIDS was to say let's give a patient multiple different therapies at the same time and that makes the virus much less likely to mutate.
- Laurie Glimcher
Collection: Keys
Image of Kurt Meyer
We thought, you know, this will just be kind of low-key. And no one will ever know we're here, and we're tucked back in.
- Kurt Meyer
Collection: Keys
Image of Will Farquarson
It became a bit of a challenge to make an album that is essentially quite alternative sounding, and has a lot of sounds that could be guitar - for instance on "Overjoyed," there's what sounds like guitar but is actually a lot of keys.
- Will Farquarson
Collection: Keys
Image of Douglas MacArthur
Preparedness is the key to success and victory.
- Douglas MacArthur
Collection: Keys
Image of Guinevere Van Seenus
The key to longevity in any industry is respect.
- Guinevere Van Seenus
Collection: Keys
Image of Max Lucado
The key is this: Meet today's problems with today's strength. Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow's strength yet. You simply have enough for today.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Keys
Image of Michael Brenner
There are three objectives for content marketing: reach engagement conversion. Define key metrics for each.
- Michael Brenner
Collection: Keys
Image of Mohammad Marandi
If one were to claim that the U.S. occupation forces in Iraq have been provided with "keys to heaven" by the Pentagon, would that need historical research to be disproved or would you just say, "That's just propaganda"? Indeed, how can you disprove the claim that U.S. soldiers have such keys? Or why should you disprove such ridiculous claims? It is the accusers who must provide the evidence.
- Mohammad Marandi
Collection: Keys
Image of Marian McPartland
The key of D is daffodil yellow, B major is maroon, and B flat is blue.
- Marian McPartland
Collection: Keys