Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 80

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 80 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Adam Smith
All jobs are created in direct proportion to the amount of capital employed.
- Adam Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Nighy
Somebody asked me recently, 'Have you done a lot of plays?' I thought hang on. I used to do nothing but plays. I've been very fortunate that on several occasions I've had jobs where I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world whatever you had to offer - however much money you've got.
- Bill Nighy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin O'Leary
Let's not forget, there are three languages in Canada - English, French, and there's the language of jobs.
- Kevin O'Leary
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherynne M. Valente
All jobs are odd, or they would be games or naps or picnics.
- Catherynne M. Valente
Collection: Jobs
Image of Timothy Keller
You are under-qualified for the job of God.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rand Paul
If Senator Rubio were doing his job and in Congress more, he might know that the program 'phone records of a potential terrorist cause' continues. It's been ongoing for the last six months. So the Paris tragedy, this tragedy happened while we were still doing bulk collection, all bulk collection. Also in France, they have a program a thousand-fold more invasive, collecting all of the data of all of the French.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce H. Lipton
I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny. (Prologue, xv)
- Bruce H. Lipton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Yates
Intelligent, thinking people could take things like this in their stride, just as they took the larger absurdities of deadly dull jobs in the city and deadly dull homes in the suburbs. Economic circumstances might force you to live in this environment, but the important thing was to keep from being contaminated. The important thing, always, was to remember who you were.
- Richard Yates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Yates
...his job was the very least important part of his life, never to be mentioned except in irony.
- Richard Yates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
Call Loretta Lynch for a vote. Get her confirmed. Put her in place. Let her do her job.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
Whether it's dangerous materials being smuggled across the border, terrorists entering on visas or Americans losing their jobs to foreign workers, these are the problems we must now focus on fixing.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Taylor Swift
It's not our job to make people like us if they don't.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Sowell
Unfortunately, the real minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the laws, and that is the wage that many workers receive in the wake of the creation or escalation of a government-mandated minimum wage, because they lose their jobs or fail to find jobs when they enter the labor force. Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tupac Shakur
Suge is the boss of Death Row, the don, you understand? But im the underboss, the capo. That's my job to what's best for Death Row
- Tupac Shakur
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
The jobs left, and the factories closed... the wealth, strength and confidence of America has disappeared over the horizon.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
The United States cannot continue to lose vast amounts of business, vast amounts of companies, and millions and millions of people losing their jobs.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shania Twain
This job's a pain-it's so mundane It sure don't stimulate my brain.
- Shania Twain
Collection: Jobs
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
The Soviet constitution guarantees everyone a job. A pretty scary idea, I'd say.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
If jazz education in our colleges were free to all it would provide thousands of good jobs in the music industry which has been taken over by corrupt millionaires and billionaires.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
I believe what Martin Luther King Jr. believed. You remember what the title of the March on Washington was? "Jobs and Freedom." What King understood is that you have to deal with the economic issues as well as the political issues and the civil rights issues.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bernie Sanders
You all remember how many years ago, we were younger, it was uppity women who are trying to take our jobs as men. It was those gay people who wanted to make everybody homosexual in our school system. It was Blacks wanted to take white jobs. That's what demagoguery is about. It is to obfuscate the real problems facing our society and find somebody you can blame and rally the American people.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Some jobs are worse than actual wives. Ad agency vs. Matrimony, for instance: Even the most capricious and demanding spouse is not going to divorce you for refusing to spend forty hours a week making up lies about toilet paper.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendell Berry
The worst example of rural poverty is that of migrant farm workers. They have no permanent jobs, so they have no equity in the places where they work. They're not shareholders, let alone entrepreneurs. They're not small farmers, they're not market gardeners, they're just temporary - uprooted, isolated, easily exploitable people.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ellen Hopkins
And now life has become the future. Every moment of your life is lived for the future-you go to high school so you can go to college so you can get a good job so you can get nice house.
- Ellen Hopkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Vaughan
Some idea of inflation comes from seeing a youngster get his first job at a salary you dreamed of as the culmination of your career.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Will
Jay Carney, whose unenviable job is not to explain but to explain away what his employers say, calls the IRS’s behavior “inappropriate. ” No, using the salad fork for the entree is inappropriate. Using the Internal Revenue Service for political purposes is a criminal offense.
- George Will
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicholas Sparks
You should read something else." Why would he have done that to him?" I don't know," she said. Do you ever feel like Job?" She smiled, a little twinkle in her eyes. Sometimes." But you haven't lost your faith?" No," I knew she hadn't, but I think I was losing mine. Is it because you think you might get better?" No," she said,"its because its the only thing I have left.
- Nicholas Sparks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Conan O'Brien
The big story today, Barack Obama was accused of insulting Sarah Palin when he criticized Republican policies by saying, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. Political experts say that if Obama keeps insulting Palin, he could lose the election and win a job at MSNBC.
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Jobs
Image of Conan O'Brien
Thousands of Mexicans gathered in Mexico City to protest high food prices. The protest only lasted an hour, because everyone had to leave for their jobs in Los Angeles
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Jobs
Image of Conan O'Brien
I dont need a pardon. I need a job.
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Jobs
Image of Conan O'Brien
According to a new study, most men would like women to occasionally pick up the check. The study also found that most women would occasionally like to be paid as much as men for doing the same job.
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alice Munro
I loved taking off. In my own house, I seemed to be often looking for a place to hide - sometimes from the children but more often from the jobs to be done and the phone ringing and the sociability of the neighborhood. I wanted to hide so that I could get busy at my real work, which was a sort of wooing of distant parts of myself.
- Alice Munro
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gloria Steinem
When you stand up for yourself and try to be autonomous and self-determining, you're called a lot of names that we all know and that are very common. You may lose your job. You may lose custody of your child. You may be blamed for the failure of your marriage even though it was the man who couldn't tolerate an equal relationship.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The best philosophers were not academics, but had another job, so their philosophy was not corrupted by careerism.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neal Shusterman
And next to Allie, the screamer, once more reminded of his job, began to wail in Allie's ear. Reflexively Allie clapped her hand over his mouth. "That," she said, "is totally uncalled for. Don't do that again. Ever." The screamer looked at her with worried eyes. "Are we clear on this subject?" said Allie. The screamer nodded and she removed her hand. "Can I scream a little?" he asked. "No," said Allie. "Your screaming days are over." "Darn." And he was quiet thereafter.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
In order to make reforms sustainable, the Greek economy needs the space to return to growth and start creating jobs again.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cate Blanchett
It's part of my job. You can't play Veronica Guerin sounding like this. It just wouldn't wash. But what I find fascinating about doing an accent - unless it's a farce - is that it's not slapped on.
- Cate Blanchett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard M. Nixon
I'm not for women, frankly, in any job. I don't want any of them around. Thank God we don't have any in the Cabinet.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Geoff Dyer
I always like to be in the presence of people who are good at and love their jobs, Irrespective of their jobs.
- Geoff Dyer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Meg Whitman
I got to get the right people in the right job. Because a lot of costs can be taken out in the context of your administration without the legislature.For example, using technology to do more with less. Using technology to fight fraud. Reorganizing and streamlining can be done within the context of the administration.
- Meg Whitman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Meg Whitman
And I want to be able to - you know, make Republicans and Democrats famous for keeping jobs in California
- Meg Whitman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Meg Whitman
I think maybe it is about time for a governor who has created jobs, who's managed a budget, who's led and inspired large organizations, who listens well, and who can drive an agenda
- Meg Whitman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Meg Whitman
We also need to reduce corporate tax rates. This applies to small, medium and large businesses. At 35 percent, we have the second highest corporate rates in the world. It restricts the growth of small enterprises that need to plow capital back into their businesses and forces companies and jobs to move overseas.
- Meg Whitman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Meryl Streep
I don't think we can say that all working women will get divorced - it's so dangerous to make these things emblematic of anything - but having said that, every person who has a big, important job and tries to have a family, has to make decisions every single minute.
- Meryl Streep
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phyllis Schlafly
The men sometimes do a better job of concealing their hate than the women. With the feminists, you can see it in their faces.
- Phyllis Schlafly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phyllis Schlafly
Non-criminal sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for the virtuous woman except in the rarest of cases.
- Phyllis Schlafly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norman Schwarzkopf
I can't say enough about the two Marine divisions. If I use words like 'brilliant,' it would really be an under description of the absolutely superb job that they did in breaching the so-called 'impenetrable barrier.' It was a classic- absolutely classic- military breaching of a very very tough minefield, barbed wire, fire trenches-type barrier.
- Norman Schwarzkopf
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eliot Spitzer
The big lie out there, the big lie that the Republicans propagate day after day, is that cutting marginal rates for those at the top is going to create jobs. It's simply not true.
- Eliot Spitzer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
When we attempt to find meaning in the pursuit of pleasure, the commitment to a job, or through plumbing intellectual depths, we all eventually find in each of these pursuits a dead end.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Jobs