Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Rebecca Solnit
It is the job of artists to open doors and invite in prophesies, the unknown, the unfamiliar; it’s where their work comes from, although its arrival signals the beginning of the long disciplined process of making it their own. Scientists too, as J. Robert Oppenheimer once remarked, ‘live always at the ‘edge of mystery’­—the boundary of the unknown.’ But they transform the unknown into the known, haul it in like fishermen; artists get you out into that dark sea.
- Rebecca Solnit
Collection: Jobs
Image of Piper Perabo
And so when I graduated I moved to New York, and I was waitressing here and auditioning - and I got my first job pretty soon after.
- Piper Perabo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emily Mortimer
Every time you start a new job, you're starting from the beginning again and it's terrifying. And you feel like you're going to be fired and told to go home and never to darken the doors of these people ever again.
- Emily Mortimer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat Summitt
Discipline helps you finish a job, and finishing is what separates excellent work from average work.
- Pat Summitt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alyssa Milano
I'm lucky to have a job where I can bring my kids to work. I love the days they come visit me on set. My goal is and has always been to do work that my kids can be proud of - to set a good example for them. As long as I can still spend quality time with my kids, I'll continue to do what I'm doing and hopefully make them proud.
- Alyssa Milano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ernie Pyle
I try not to take any foolish chances, but there's just no way to play it completely safe and still do your job.
- Ernie Pyle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Timothy Olyphant
I remember years ago being on the set of 'Dreamcatcher' and not only did I have such great admiration for Morgan Freeman and was just thrilled to be around him, I was struck by the fact that he seemed to be having perhaps more fun than I was at his job. And I thought, 'Well, that's very promising.
- Timothy Olyphant
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michka Assayas
Look, the job of life is to turn your negatives into positives
- Michka Assayas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bo Schembechler
Every coach, every executive, every leader: They all know right from wrong. Even those Enron guys. When someone uncovers a scandal in their company, I don't think they can say, "I didn't know that was going on." They're just saying they're too dumb to do their job! And if they really are too dumb, then why are they getting paid millions of dollars to do it? They know what's going on.
- Bo Schembechler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bo Schembechler
For God's sakes, quit worrying about your next job. Just do the best you can at the job you have now, and the offers will come. And when they do, if you have confidence in yourself you don't have to feel that you can't turn it down if it isn't quite right for you because you fear you'll never get another offer. You will. Wait for the right opportunity, and turn down all the rest. It will make all the difference.
- Bo Schembechler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ludwig von Mises
Government spending cannot create additional jobs. If the government provides the funds required by taxing the citizens or by borrowing from the public, it abolishes on the one hand as many jobs as it creates on the other.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Agate
A professional is a man who can do his job when he doesn't feel like it. An amateur is a man who can't do his job when he does feel like it.
- James Agate
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hannibal Buress
I applied for a job at Starbucks. One of the questions was, 'Why do you want to work at Starbucks?' Uh, because my life is in shambles.
- Hannibal Buress
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard M. Nixon
I don't think a woman should be in any government job whatever. I mean, I really don't. The reason why I do is mainly because they are erratic and emotional.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terri Windling
The simple truth is that being a creative artist takes courage; it’s not a job for the faint of heart. It takes courage each and every time you put a book or poem or painting before the public, because it is, in fact, enormously revealing.
- Terri Windling
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Westmoreland
My wife was my greatest asset. I didn't marry her until after World War II, but she has complemented me in every job I've ever had
- William Westmoreland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terri Irwin
Say my husband had a dangerous job and I wasn't with him, I don't know how you go, 'Oh honey, how was it with the police department today? You got all your fingers and toes today?' It would scare me. I'd have to become a police officer and work with him; I couldn't do it.
- Terri Irwin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Millar
First, believe in your ability to create the future. That's what leaders do-that is our job. Understand reality but never be imprisoned by it. Reality is a moment in time. The future has not yet been written-it is written by leaders.
- Mark Millar
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lawrence Summers
There are children who are working in textile businesses in Asia who would be prostitutes on the streets if they did not have those jobs
- Lawrence Summers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Hand
I went to college to study drama where I discovered I had no talent and after a period of dropping out majored in cultural anthropology which of course meant more masks and dancing. I studied what interested me and so I had to become a writer because my education had left me unsuited for a decent well-paying job.
- Elizabeth Hand
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lester B. Pearson
Prime ministers require the hide of a rhinoceros, the morals of St. Francis, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the leadership of Napoleon, the magnetism of a Beatle and the subtlety of Machiavelli.
- Lester B. Pearson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Spider Robinson
In 1971, after seven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system!
- Spider Robinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Candice Swanepoel
Good genetics are a start, but I have to go to the gym, look after my skin, and drink lots of water. It's my job to take care of myself and my body. Happiness plays a big part in your appearance too.
- Candice Swanepoel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Beverley Mitchell
Sure, I have a job now, but the acting business isn't always that solid, and so I wanted something to fall back upon.
- Beverley Mitchell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim C. Hines
I have a day job, which means my family isnt dependent on the writing income. So if I have an idea I like, I write it.
- Jim C. Hines
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Scheer
I was able to do something that people cant do these days, which is to have quality time with the guys who were trying to be president and a number of them who got the job.
- Robert Scheer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Scheer
The journalist's job is to get the story by breaking into their offices, by bribing, by seducing people, by lying, by anything else to break through the palace guard.
- Robert Scheer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Rubin
I really like the challenge of working with different kinds of music. I feel like my role is really like a coach, so I feel like I can do my job for different kinds of music that may not necessarily be what I listen to.
- Rick Rubin
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Archibald Wheeler
The job of a theoretical physicist is to make mistakes as fast as possible .
- John Archibald Wheeler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Dreier
When you find a man who knows his job and is willing to take responsibility, keep out of his way and don't bother him with unnecessary supervision. What you may think is cooperation is nothing but interference.
- Thomas Dreier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donnie Wahlberg
Every job in Hollywood is a risk. You don't know, when you sign a contract, if something is going to pop, you don't know whether this or that network is going to support your show. You just show up and do the best work you can do, gravitate towards the best material, you know, and try to make the right choices. And the rest of it is a roll of the dice.
- Donnie Wahlberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Guillebeau
To truly live without regrets, pay attention. Ask yourself hard questions and see where they lead. Do I really want this job? Is this relationship right for me? If I could do anything, would it be what I'm doing today ... or something different?
- Chris Guillebeau
Collection: Jobs
Image of Al Sharpton
I don't think Dr. King helped racial harmony, I think he helped racial justice. What I profess to do is help the oppressed and if I cause a load of discomfort in the white community and the black community, that in my opinion means I'm being effective, because I'm not trying to make them comfortable. The job of an activist is to make people tense and cause social change.
- Al Sharpton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ingrid Bergman
The best way to keep young is to keep going in whatever it is that keeps you going. With me that's work, and a lot of it. And when a job is finished, relax and have fun.
- Ingrid Bergman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christopher Paul Curtis
I do think it is important to look at the writing as a job though and to commit to it like you'd have to commit to a regular nine-to-five.
- Christopher Paul Curtis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alia Shawkat
I still do a form of sense memory. It honestly depends on the job. It depends on the other people you're working with, how the other actor works. It's take a little from here, take a little from there.
- Alia Shawkat
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lea Michele
How many managers told me, 'Get a nose job. You're not pretty enough'? But I proved them wrong.
- Lea Michele
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russell Pearce
You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I'd do is get [female recipients] Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job.
- Russell Pearce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Biden
I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Nachtwey
If I can upset people, if I can ruin their day, then I have done my job.
- James Nachtwey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Tucker
I feel like every time I go out I want to do a good job. I want people to say that he's just as good at stand-up as he is in some of the movies I've seen him in, so I try to do the best every time I go out there.
- Chris Tucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael J. Sullivan
Another last-minute, good-deed job,” Royce grumbled as he stuffed supplies into his saddlebag. “True,” Hadrian said, slinging his sword belt over his shoulder, “but this is at least a paying job.” “You should have told him the real reason we saved him from Trumbul— because we wouldn’t see the hundred tenents otherwise.” “That was your reason. Besides, how often do we get to do royal contracts? If word gets around, we’ll be able to command top salaries.” “If word gets around, we’ll be hanged.
- Michael J. Sullivan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roy Moore
We may have failed to teach our children right from wrong, but we've done a great job of teaching self-esteem!
- Roy Moore
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jordana Brewster
I've always been kind of picky because I've always been interested in lots of different things. I chose to take three years off and go to school, and that helped keep me sane. Hollywood can make you crazy, if all you're thinking about is your next job.
- Jordana Brewster
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Woods
Filmmaking, like sex, isn't a polite enterprise. It involves a lot of mess and the bottom line is, if somebody ain't screaming, you're not doing your job.
- James Woods
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jean Rostand
We are not naïve enough to ask for pure men; we ask merely for men whose impurity does not conflict with the obligations of their job.
- Jean Rostand
Collection: Jobs
Image of Haven Kimmel
They did a lot of cleaning in their house, which I considered to be a sign of immoral parenting. The job of parents, as I saw it, was to watch television and step into a child's life only when absolutely necessary, like in the event of a tornado or a potential kidnapping.
- Haven Kimmel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Kay Andrews
Many years ago I had two small children, and I wanted to be able to be home when they got home from school. And I didn't like the direction journalism was taking. I thought if I could write books, I could work at home and have the best of both worlds. I wrote my first mystery while still working full time, and it didn't sell, but the next one did sell, so I quit my job for the world of fiction. Scary, but I've never regretted it for a single day.
- Mary Kay Andrews
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Pitt
I think that it's important not to take [acting] too seriously. It's all pretend. It's a strange job.
- Michael Pitt
Collection: Jobs