Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 45

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Image of Neil Armstrong
A picture does a great job, but it's not nearly like being there.
- Neil Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joan Clarke
I'm a woman in a man's job and I don't have the luxury of being an ass.
- Joan Clarke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Goran Visnjic
Making my English better is a hard job, a slow job. But it's getting better. Three years ago it would have taken me a half hour to say this sentence.
- Goran Visnjic
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg Perry
Politicians cannot create jobs or wealth. Such is axiomatic to straight thinkers.
- Greg Perry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Walz
To jump-start our economy, we must leave cash in your hands - because if youve got money in your pocket, youll spend it at the hardware store or the corner market, and that will drive job growth in our private sector.
- Tim Walz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Walz
When the brave men and women who serve our nation in uniform leave to deploy overseas, they dont just leave behind their family and friends, often times they leave behind jobs and livelihoods as well. After the sacrifices they have made, making sure that they have access to a good paying job to support their families when they return is the least we can do.
- Tim Walz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Creativity does not belong exclusively to professional artists and geniuses; it is the birthright of every single human being. Creativity is our common heritage. You don’t need to quit your job and move to Paris in order to lay claim to this heritage - all you have to do is clear some space in your life for whimsy, invention, sensory pleasure, and play. Most of all, you have to learn how to follow your curiosity more than your fear.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Beau Willimon
My jobs on campaigns were pretty low on the totem pole - I was an advance man.
- Beau Willimon
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Gandolfini
Work-do plays, learn your craft, and go to school. Keep working. Nobody is going to give you jobs for going to parties or any of that nonsense. Go out, look around, do things.
- James Gandolfini
Collection: Jobs
Image of Casey Neistat
Our job as creators is to further define any medium.
- Casey Neistat
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Godin
Are you doing work worth doing, or are you just doing your job?
- Seth Godin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thakoon Panichgul
If you can't stop thinking about your job, in a positive way that energizes you, then you're probably where you're meant to be.
- Thakoon Panichgul
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lea Salonga
Don't expect a pat on the back for merely doing your job, but know that you'll get one for doing it exceptionally well.
- Lea Salonga
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ilya Kovalchuk
I don't care about [being a star]. The most important thing for me now is just do my job.
- Ilya Kovalchuk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eugene Jarecki
If we went back to the imprisonment rate we had in the early '70s, something like four out of five people employed in the prison industry would lose their jobs. That's what you're up against.
- Eugene Jarecki
Collection: Jobs
Image of Susan Hockfield
To recover from the current economic downturn, it has been estimated that we need to create on the order of 17 million to 20 million new jobs in the coming decade...And it's very hard to imagine where those jobs are going to come from unless we seriously get busy reinventing manufacturing.
- Susan Hockfield
Collection: Jobs
Image of Esme Raji Codell
But certain people just think it's their job to freak out. As long as they're freaking out, they feel busy, like they must be doing work. Getting upset is force, but no motion. Unless we are moving the children forward, we aren't doing work.
- Esme Raji Codell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Walsh
The majority of people who come to America come for a better life, just like the Italians, the Jews, the Irish, and the Polish did in generations before. A lot of the Irish came here back in the turn of the 19th to the 20th century because there were no opportunities and no options at home for them. There were no jobs and there was extreme poverty. They came here to be able to send money back home.
- Marty Walsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kathy Wakile
I was just worried about my nose-job.
- Kathy Wakile
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Reid
The good doctor reassured John these were people who put their psychopathy to good use. They lived productive, well-adjusted lives as surgeons, CEOs and ambulance drivers. The light bulb went on. The CSC [Correctional Service of Canada] doesn't have to go through all these gyrations to reprogram anyone, they just have to find every inmate the right job!
- Stephen Reid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Josh Fox
They're a lot of great scientists and their mission is to protect people. It's the Environmental Protection Agency, but it's really a people protection agency. And they're out there trying to do their job and do the science.
- Josh Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Josh Fox
Sometimes I feel like there isn't enough Prozac in the world to make Environmental Protection Agency people feel better about their jobs. They're going out there, they're trying to protect Americans and then time and time and time again they get their knees cut off at the policy level.
- Josh Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Baratunde Thurston
By the time I got to Harvard, I feel like I knew who I was, and my job there was to throw as much against the wall as possible, to see what would stick.
- Baratunde Thurston
Collection: Jobs
Image of Judy Bonds
There are no jobs on a dead planet.
- Judy Bonds
Collection: Jobs
Image of Judy Bonds
In Southern West Virginia we live in a war zone. Three and one-half million pounds of explosives are being used every day to blow up the mountains. Blasting our communities, blasting our homes, poisoning us, trying to intimidate us. I don't mind being poor. I mind being blasted and poisoned. There ARE no jobs on a dead planet.
- Judy Bonds
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Shorten
What I believe to be every Australian's right - a good, safe job with proper pay and conditions.
- Bill Shorten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Shorten
Labor should not be about creating monuments on hills or statues in parks. Labors monuments and statues are when a young person can find a job, when a person with disability can get access to the ordinary life that others take for granted.
- Bill Shorten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Shorten
The whole time I was a union leader, we had to put up with John Howard and Tony Abbott attacking workers' conditions. I'm proud of being a moderate trade union official, working co-operatively between employees and employers. I'm interested in better wages for workers, better safety, job security, and, profitable companies, because I understand that if you get co-operation in the workplace, everyone wins.
- Bill Shorten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sia Furler
Worst music ever sells millions. The worst music with the shittiest lyrics. The fact is that they pay radio stations to put it on the radio, then you've heard it a million times when you're driving from your shitty job to your shitty house. It's indoctrination, it's sad.
- Sia Furler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gemma Arterton
I've worked on jobs where there are almost 200 people on set... you always make an effort to have a relationship but you can't really when there's 200.
- Gemma Arterton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aaron Stanford
The best compliment was Ben Kingsley coming up to me, putting his hand on the back of my neck, and saying, "Good job, son.".
- Aaron Stanford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chellie Pingree
A good place to start a more civil dialog would be for my Republican colleagues in the House to change the name of the bill they have introduced to repeal health care reform. The bill, titled the "Repeal the Job Killing Health Care Law Act," was set to come up for a vote this week, but in the wake of Gabby's shooting, it has been postponed at least until next week. Don't get me wrong - I'm not suggesting that the name of that one piece of legislation somehow led to the horror of this weekend - but is it really necessary to put the word "killing" in the title of a major piece of legislation?
- Chellie Pingree
Collection: Jobs
Image of Iliza Shlesinger
If I could have any job I would be a cat... but that's not something I'm supposed to talk about in public.
- Iliza Shlesinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lidia Yuknavitch
I don't have any problem understanding why people flunk out of college or quit their jobs or cheat on each other or break the law or spray-paint walls. A little bit outside of things is where some people feel each other. We do it to replace the frame of family. We do it to erase and remake our origins in their own images. To say, I too was here.
- Lidia Yuknavitch
Collection: Jobs
Image of C. B. Cebulski
These days, you don't just break into comics once. You have to break in again and again after each job is finished.
- C. B. Cebulski
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shaun Micallef
For me the breakthrough was the realization that I wasn't the center of the universe or even the centre of my own world. That you and your work, your living, are not the only reason you're here. Your role is to shepherd your children through to adulthood. That's the point of life. Your own little sessions and needs and passions are just there to flavour you and help you do that job for your children.
- Shaun Micallef
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Spillman
My aunt could never understand how writing could be a full-time job. She'd keep asking when I'd get a real job!.
- Ken Spillman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marcus Garvey
God does not... give people positions or jobs or... good conditions such as they desire; they must do that for themselves.. God does not build cities nor towns nor nations, nor homes, nor factories; men and people do that and all those who want must work for themselves and pray to God to give them strength to do it.
- Marcus Garvey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wayne Campbell
I've had plenty of jo-jobs. Nothing I'd call a career. Let me put it this way. I have an extensive collection of name tags and hair nets.
- Wayne Campbell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Avi Arad
Listen, my day job is also Chief Creative Officer for Marvel, and it's a very painful job because we publish a lot of books, and there are things I see where I can punch people out. Therefore, we have some new people now, and the kids are going to read our books.
- Avi Arad
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Glover
When you've moved past a point where you're just scrambling for jobs, you think about the things that you want to do. And the things that you want to do are governed by what you've seen, what you choose to embrace
- Danny Glover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ali Liebegott
I'm always wondering what is the job that gives the writer the most amount of time to write. I still don't know what the answer is as someone who has taught and is now working at a grocery store.
- Ali Liebegott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jamie Sives
Acting is rare. You can be rehearsing Ibsen with Sir Richard Eyre and suddenly he has to take a call on his mobile telling him his friend Arthur Miller has died. Or you can come back from a job on the Isle of Man to be told by your agent you're going straight out to South Africa on another shoot. There's not even any time to wash your pants.
- Jamie Sives
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed Speleers
My job isn't about pursuing fame and then becoming an actor. It's about becoming an actor and if fame follows suit, that's fine.
- Ed Speleers
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Hall Wheelock
The job of an editor in a publishing house is the dullest, hardest, most exciting, exasperating and rewarding of perhaps any job in the world.
- John Hall Wheelock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Mills
My job is to be a DJ and make people dance so if people dance, I've done my job.
- Jeff Mills
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert H. Frank
Questions like, "Is my suit OK?", or "Is my job performance satisfactory?", are impossible to think about in the absence of a suitable frame of reference. For an interview suit to serve its purpose, it must make you look good relative to other candidates for the job you want. For your job performance to be satisfactory, it must compare favorably with the performance of others who want the same promotion you do. As Charles Darwin saw clearly, much of life is graded on the curve, and conventional economic models completely ignore that fact.
- Robert H. Frank
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert H. Frank
It is no exaggeration to say that rising inequality has driven many of the 99 percent into a financial ditch. It also helped spawn the housing bubble that gave us the financial crisis of 2008, the lingering effects of which have forced many OWS protesters to try to launch their careers in by far the most inhospitable labor market we've seen since the Great Depression. Even those recent graduates who manage to find jobs will suffer a lifelong penalty in reduced wages.
- Robert H. Frank
Collection: Jobs
Image of Antonella Gambotto-Burke
What's required of me in the field is to feel,' Stirton says with emphasis. 'And trying to take that feeling and put it in a form that communicates a particular set of emotions or circumstances - whether that involves depicting masculine pride, or a particular kind of suffering, or love, or closeness - my primary job is to feel and to try to put that feeling into some kind of visual form. My goal is to get to the heart of each story, you know? I’m trying to evolve in my work.
- Antonella Gambotto-Burke
Collection: Jobs