Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 43

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Image of Anson Carter
You never have enough competition at any position, ... Several of the players listed at right wing have played center in the NHL, like Trevor Linden. Some can play both wings. I've been skating on a line with the Sedin twins. They are a lot more skilled than some people give them credit. Look at their point totals and they are right up there in their point-per-minute averages. My job will be to complement them and try to get our line to provide secondary scoring behind the big line of Naslund, Bertuzzi and Morrison. Those guys look good and I expect they'll be the top line in the NHL again.
- Anson Carter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anson Carter
People in the East Conference are starting to see how good the twins are. They make my job easy. I just go to the net and look for holes and they keep finding me.
- Anson Carter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mitchell Hurwitz
One of the best ways into the business is to get a job with a production, which you can do by cold-calling or by getting your résumé out there, and also through contacts. That's where nepotism really helps.
- Mitchell Hurwitz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Epstein
I am proud to work with the fossil fuel industry. I think it has historically done a horrible job of educating the public and I think my ideas will help it make a better case for freedom.
- Alex Epstein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Weir
The thing that is really hard about adaptation is that I try to only pick things I love because if it is something where you think, "Oh, that sounds like an interesting idea but I don't love it," then I can't do my job well.
- Andy Weir
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amy Pascal
The most important thing in the job is to make movies about women where they are characters that have consequences in the story. They can be villains, they can be protagonists, I don't care but their movements, their actions what they do in the plot has to actually matter.
- Amy Pascal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dwayne McDuffie
I've always felt that the cool thing about being a writer is that all you need is paper to do the job.
- Dwayne McDuffie
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Medina
We must do a better job of encouraging lifelong curiosity.
- John Medina
Collection: Jobs
Image of Todd Bentley
It's not my job to produce results. But it is my job to lay my hands on the sick, the oppressed, and to preach the Gospel.
- Todd Bentley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Storm Saulter
You can rely on your team to do their jobs, but you have to carry the torch and do anything you need to, not just to shoot and finish, but to get the film seen. You have to know within yourself that you're going to have to take this. Don't sit back and think other people in your team are going to make it happen now because you've done your part. You have to carry that torch, and no one is going to care as much as you do, and nobody is going to live with it as long as you are because it's your film.
- Storm Saulter
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Hayter
Acting is the most pure fun as far as jobs go, but it can be limiting in terms of freedom of expression. You are never the master of the story, just a part of it. But writing and directing give you the power of the gods.
- David Hayter
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Hayter
I love acting. I think that's the best job in the world, but I don't really enjoy the career of it so much. You don't have as much control over your life or the material as you do, well, certainly when you're a director or a producer, so while I love acting, I prefer to make my living as a filmmaker, but my rule on acting is if somebody asks me to do a part, I'll do it.
- David Hayter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Grammer
When your dad makes a living as a children's singer, you figure, 'I can do anything.' He made up his own job and did it.
- Andy Grammer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Raymond
I have a feeling the writers who find screenwriting difficult are usually just not lazy enough for the job. They don't know how to stop before the task is done. I've always had a knack for leaving things unfinished, which makes screenwriting easier for me than most.
- Jonathan Raymond
Collection: Jobs
Image of Irene Parlby
If politics mean…the effort to secure through legislative action better conditions of life for the people, greater opportunities for our children and other people’s children…then it most assuredly is a woman’s job as much as it is a man’s job.
- Irene Parlby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Dano
I feel like rumors get crazy and people blow up the whole internet with news. I feel like, once you're doing a job, you shouldn't talk about it.
- Paul Dano
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Frum
Donald Trump is not supposed to save jobs one by one. He's supposed to build a sound macro economy in which private enterprises create jobs.
- David Frum
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Popper
I was a bleeding-heart liberal, until I got a job.
- John Popper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barrett Brown
The US government decided today that because I did such a good job investigating the cyber-industrial complex, they’re now going to send me to investigate the prison-industrial complex.
- Barrett Brown
Collection: Jobs
Image of Trip Lee
What we do with our lives every day, whether at school, a desk job, or keeping the home in order, is our most basic opportunity to glorify God. That's what your role in His story looks like day in and day out. Instead of waiting to be offered a new role, play the current one well.
- Trip Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of G. Harry Stine
Initially, the laser was called an invention looking for a job.
- G. Harry Stine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Susan Crandall
God's job ain't to make our lives easier, it's to make us better souls by the lessons He gives us.
- Susan Crandall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Balfour
Skyline is an alien invasion film that really takes an interesting look at the genre. The writers did an amazing job of creating a new take at how life from other planets come and plan to invade Earth.
- Eric Balfour
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Balfour
I think directors can be a little insensitive to how vulnerable an actor is, when he's giving a performance. Part of the job of an actor is to invite scrutiny, but with that, the people around them have to nurture that and put them in an environment where they feel safe and they feel like they can risk something.
- Eric Balfour
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Balfour
There are always going to be people who are more famous and more bankable than you, and then conversely, you may be more famous and more bankable than other people. But, there was a time that I would take jobs because they were there.
- Eric Balfour
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julia Scheeres
Reading Gypsy Boy, I felt invited into a secret society. I've always found Gypsies mysterious and even slightly dangerous, and Mikey Walsh does an excellent job describing the cloistered lifestyle and fascinating traditions of the Romani people. Moreover, Mikey's personal story of being a misfit among misfits is both compelling and universal. I cheered for him every step of the way.
- Julia Scheeres
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick McCallum
I don't have to do emails, I don't have to protect myself about anything, I don't have any chain of command. My job is just to try and give everybody the tools that they need to express themselves.
- Rick McCallum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martha Gellhorn
People often say, with pride, 'I'm not interested in politics.' They might as well say, 'I'm not interested in my standard of living, my health, my job, my rights, my freedoms, my future or any future.' ... If we mean to keep any control over our world and lives, we must be interested in politics.
- Martha Gellhorn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dean Spade
When we approach legal reform work, we can ask questions like: Will this provide actual relief to people facing violence or harm or will it primarily be a symbolic change? Will this divide our constituency by offering relief only to people with certain privileged statuses (such as people with lawful immigration status, people with jobs, married people, etc.)?
- Dean Spade
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wolfgang Schauble
My job is not to predict everything that might happen in the future, but to address what we can do today.
- Wolfgang Schauble
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Shaw Billings
There's nothing really difficult if you only begin - some people contemplate a task until it looms so big, it seems impossible, but I just begin and it gets done somehow. There would be no coral islands if the first bug sat down and began to wonder how the job was to be done.
- John Shaw Billings
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Bernstein
A fast food job, for most people, should be an entry level position. If you see no path for advancement beyond that, it's time to take a real fast look at your human capital and learn a skill that will make you more money.
- William J. Bernstein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Wolf
I don't like the fact that we're not creating jobs the way we used to create jobs in Pennsylvania. I lament the fact that we're not setting the table for really robust economic development, here in Pennsylvania, where we can do that. I lament the fact that our schools are being hollowed out. We need a fresh start. I think we need to go in a different direction. I think we need a new governor.
- Tom Wolf
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gabrielle Aplin
I think being a singer-songwriter... your job is to tell a story that other people can't really tell themselves.
- Gabrielle Aplin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeanine Basinger
A small town is automatically a world of pretense. Since everyone knows everyone else's business, it becomes the job of the populace to act as if they don't know what is going on instead of its being their job to try to find out.
- Jeanine Basinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Louis Gates
The truth is I would do my job for free! I love it every day. If you can possibly choose a vocation that's an avocation, a job that's really a hobby, then you'll be way ahead of the game. You should not pick an occupation because your think your parents want you to do it, or because you think it's the noble thing to do. You should only pick a job because it turns you on.
- Henry Louis Gates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ira Glass
You will be stupid. You will worry your parents. You will question your own choices, your relationships, your jobs, your friends, where you live, what you studied in college, that you went to college at all... If that happens, you're doing it right.
- Ira Glass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ira Glass
Don't wait till you're older, or in some better job than you have now. Don't wait for anything. Don't wait till some magical...idea drops into your lap. That's not where ideas come from. Go looking for an idea and it'll show up. Begin now.
- Ira Glass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amanda Marcotte
I have a counter-theory...I believe men built most things because women were shut out of political power, job opportunities, and education for most of history, and instead forced into servitude towards men in the home. I believe my theory has a lot of evidence for it, in the form of all of history.
- Amanda Marcotte
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vincent Gallo
I want to thank Gus Van Sant for selling out so that I could use his editor Curtis Clayton, who did a great job.
- Vincent Gallo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruth Gordon
I never got a job I didn't create for myself.
- Ruth Gordon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Cray
Blues for me is having things not go your way - life, love, job, money, ... It is not about the oppression of my ancestors, who were trying to get back at the overseers. Blues is different for my generation.
- Robert Cray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Rogers
From the early days of the telegraph, to be a telegrapher was a job, and there weren't many of those folks. They could recognize each other's style by their dots and dashes.
- Adam Rogers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bastianich
Aside from hospitality and delicious food, our [restaurateurs'] job is to entertain people. Restaurants should make people feel special, excited and fulfilled.
- Joe Bastianich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Elumelu
Entrepreneurship is the cornerstone to African development and the key to local value creation in Africa. I am determined to ensure that Africa's next generation of entrepreneurs have the platform they need to turn their entrepreneurial aspirations into sustainable businesses that will drive economic growth and job creation across Africa.
- Tony Elumelu
Collection: Jobs
Image of Genevieve Gorder
That's my job. To imagine harder than you can.
- Genevieve Gorder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cliff Curtis
As an actor ... at some point you've got to forget that the crew's there in order to do your job.
- Cliff Curtis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Derber
Quite simply, there can be no popular sovereignty without a real belief in the value of government. If government does not assume and carry out public responsibilities, less accountable institutions such as the corporation will do the job in their own self-interest.
- Charles Derber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Rempel
Our Government’s top priority remains jobs and economic growth. Today’s announcement demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the continued success of western Canadian businesses and entrepreneurs in the apparel and textile sector.
- Michelle Rempel
Collection: Jobs