Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Steve Wozniak
If my son wants to be a pimp when he grows up, that's fine with me. I hope he's a good one and enjoys it and doesn't get caught. I'll support him in this. But if he wants to be a network administrator, he's out of the house and not part of my family.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Jobs
Image of Horace Bushnell
Somewhere under the stars God has a job for you to do and nobody else can do it.
- Horace Bushnell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Pressfield
Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Boreanaz
As an actor playing a character, you look for all of those avenues to see if there's any sense of vulnerability or love that you can bring to a character, and decide how that's portrayed and how that's going to be a struggle with the other characters. It's your job to take that on and challenge yourself, and meet that head on and see what happens with it.
- David Boreanaz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Soderbergh
To me the director’s job is to leave it in better shape than you found it, literally.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Miller
A good rule of thumb is if you've made it to 35 and your job still requires you wear a nametag, you've probably made a serious vocational error.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liam Neeson
Listen, I know how old I am and that I'm just a shoulder injury from losing roles like the one in Taken. So I stay with the training, I stay with the work. It’s easy enough to plan jobs, to plan a lot of work. That's effective. But that’s the weird thing about grief. You can’t prepare for it. You think you’re gonna cry and get it over with. You make those plans, but they never work.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anne M. Mulcahy
The Obama campaign is one of the greatest examples of what is possible in the brave new world of 21st Century marketing. They did a masterful job of connecting with minds, personalizing messages, refining old and new media, sending clear messages, and providing the feedback that enabled them to respond to the messages they heard.
- Anne M. Mulcahy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Clay Aiken
I'm around a lot of good people who keep me grounded and don't let me get too high above my raisings. I have some good friends who don't talk about my job, and that's nice. Those are the friends who are my favorites. That helps a lot.
- Clay Aiken
Collection: Jobs
Image of Florence Nightingale
Starting a job and working hard is how to be successful.
- Florence Nightingale
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jef Raskin
What I proposed was a computer that would be easy to use, mix text and graphics, and sell for about $1,000. Steve Jobs said that it was a crazy idea, that it would never sell, and we didn't want anything like it. He tried to shoot the project down.
- Jef Raskin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jef Raskin
I hate mice. The mouse involves you in arm motions that slow you down. I didn't want it on the Macintosh, but Jobs insisted. In those days, what he said went, good idea or not.
- Jef Raskin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lois Wyse
No matter what the job description says, your real job is to make the boss look good.
- Lois Wyse
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Hoffman
I often think how unadventurous my life must seem from the outside, though I do like my job.
- Mary Hoffman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amber Benson
If I wasn't an actress I'd want to be a writer or else find a job where I got to read books and watch movies all day, everyday, for the rest of my life.
- Amber Benson
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Carlos Williams
The job of the poet is to use language effectively, his own language, the only language which is to him authentic.
- William Carlos Williams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Nurse
How scientists go about their job: and it's a process, it's a question of asking questions, respecting observation, respecting experiment, having tentative explanations and then testing them.... There is a problem sometimes with how we teach science at schools. Because we sometimes teach it as if it has been chiseled in stone.
- Paul Nurse
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Taibbi
The new America, instead, is fast becoming a vast ghetto in which all of us, conservatives and progressives, are being bled dry by a relatively tiny oligarchy of extremely clever financial criminals and their castrato henchmen in government, whose job is to be good actors on TV and put on a good show.
- Matt Taibbi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Taibbi
Washington politicians basically view the People as a capricious and dangerous enemy, a dumb mob whose only interesting quality happens to be their power to take away politicians' jobs... When the government sees its people as the enemy, sooner or later that feeling gets to be mutual. And that's when the real weirdness begins.
- Matt Taibbi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Casey Affleck
Definitely, my approach is me-oriented. I feel like my job is to safeguard the believability of the emotions of the character.
- Casey Affleck
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leon Panetta
The reason we've always had a civilian in that job [Secretary of Defence] is because we really believe that it is policymakers who ought to control the military and not have the military control the military.
- Leon Panetta
Collection: Jobs
Image of Studs Terkel
Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Ridge
The programs supported by the International Affairs Budget are as essential to our national security as defense programs. Development and diplomacy protect our nation by addressing the root causes of terrorism and conflict. But it's not just about security. By building new markets overseas for American products, the International Affairs Budget creates jobs and boosts the economy here at home.
- Tom Ridge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Ridge
Ohioans know who cut their taxes. Nobody else on the ballot did. Ohioans know who is responsible for job growth, and nobody else on the ballot was.
- Tom Ridge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed O'Neill
I used to say things like, 'My name's not Al (Bundy), you know?' Not to the press, but to fans. 'My name is actually Ed.' I'd find myself saying that, and I'd think, 'Who do you think they think you are? They only know you from that!' And finally I just got...I don't know, I guess a switch went on for me, and I realized, 'This was the greatest job that you've ever had in your life. Why are you acting like an asshole?' So from that minute on, I kind of...well, I hate the word 'embraced,' but I just kind of went, 'Yeah, okay.' 'So you're Al, right?' 'Yep!'
- Ed O'Neill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Nolan
One of my first experiences with the space program was with the memorial that was built for the Challenger. When I was in 7th grade my entire class spent the entire school year preparing to launch a spaceship all together. We all had our different jobs that we had to learn how to do, we learned the math that you needed, we learned the practical skills that you needed, and I thought that was really cool. So I think that if you can take a tragedy and find the gold in it and turn it into something positive, that's great.
- Jonathan Nolan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rebel Wilson
As part of my job, I got malaria really badly and was put in intensive care, and I had a hallucination because they give you this cocktail of drugs to fix you so you don't die, and I had this hallucination that I was at the Oscars and I won and I was a really good actress, and it was so real that when I came out of the hospital, I started saying to people I'm going to become an actress.
- Rebel Wilson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Bomer
What we really have to do is stop the adjective before the job title — whether it's 'black actor,' a 'gay actor' or 'anything actor,' Everybody thinks that equality comes from identifying people, and that's not where equality comes from. Equality comes from treating everybody the same regardless of who they are. I hope the media and the press catches on to that because it's time to move out of 1992.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Jobs
Image of China Mieville
My job is not to try to give readers what they want but to try to make readers want what I give.
- China Mieville
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Minghella
There's a great tradition at the BFI of giving fellowships and I thought one of the great jobs that I'd have at the BFI would be to give them out on a regular basis.
- Anthony Minghella
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Pence
I was raised to believe in hard work, in faith and family. ... The most important job I'll ever have is spelled D-A-D.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrei Codrescu
It is the job of the market to turn the base material of our emotions into gold.
- Andrei Codrescu
Collection: Jobs
Image of Darynda Jones
An integral part of any best friend's job is to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Darynda Jones
Reyes Farrow. Because perfection is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Louise Slaughter
The Defense Department must do a better job of providing the best possible care for service women who are victims of sexual assault.
- Louise Slaughter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Louise Slaughter
Surely the Department of Defense can and needs to do a better job of training new and existing first responders to respond to sexual assaults occurring in the military.
- Louise Slaughter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Roth
I have a bad time between jobs because I'm always convinced I'll never work again. I think it may be an English thing, this fear of unemployment.
- Tim Roth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Enid Blyton
When you're paid to do a job, it's better to give a few minutes more to it, than a few minutes less. That's one of the differences between doing a job honestly and doing it dishonestly! See?
- Enid Blyton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marisha Pessl
It's kind of funny...the moments on which life hinges. I think growing up you always imagine your life - your success - depends on your family and how much money they have, where you go to college, what sort of job you can pin down, starting salary...But it doesn't, you know. You wouldn't believe this, but life hinges on a couple of seconds you never see coming. And what you decide in those few seconds determines everything from then on... And you have no idea what you'll do until you're there.
- Marisha Pessl
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Rollins
Your job is to take notes, my job is to make that impossible.
- Peter Rollins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Rancic
If it really was a no-brainer to make it on your own in business there'd be millions of no-brained, harebrained, and otherwise dubiously brained individuals quitting their day jobs and hanging out their own shingles. Nobody would be left to round out the workforce and execute the business plan.
- Bill Rancic
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Reiser
Middle names are kind of like vice presidents: It's a fine distinction and certainly an honor, but you're never not aware that someone else got the real job.
- Paul Reiser
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Ridley
In a massive, long-term study of 17,000 civil servants, an almost unbelievable conclusion emerged: the status of a person's job was more likely to predict their likelihood of a heart attack than obesity, smoking or high blood pressure.
- Matt Ridley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Malin Akerman
I feel really lucky that I love my job. I really do.
- Malin Akerman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gordon Ramsay
Being a chef never seems like a job, it becomes a true passion.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gordon Ramsay
Being a chef is the best job in the world.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jill Shalvis
Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with.
- Jill Shalvis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Bell
Creating my own roles, as an actor, is great. You're so at the mercy of other people, and you're waiting for a job. That's just a horrible way to live, so I just decided to take matters into my own hands, find my own projects, and create them myself, and then do other stuff that people might throw my way as well.
- Catherine Bell
Collection: Jobs