Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Master P
I want to get paid for doing my job and whoever don't like it or whoever don't give me my just due then that's on them.
- Master P
Collection: Jobs
Image of Yakov Smirnoff
In America, your job determines your marks. In Soviet Russia, Marx determine your job!
- Yakov Smirnoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jo Brand
Having done a normal job for 10 years, as a psychiatric nurse dealing with emergencies, I know what terrible, hopeless lives some people have. So in many ways, it's great to be able to wield the financial power that I can, and do gigs, fundraisers or give money. I feel lucky I can help out.
- Jo Brand
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Russell
Friendship is a full-time job.
- Bill Russell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Romola Garai
I feel that it's important to fail now and again. For instance, if I go for a job and I don't get it, that makes me not a better person, but more balanced, more aware of what life is really like.
- Romola Garai
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Mullan
I love acting. It's the one job I know of where you can go in, go through complete catharsis - emotionally, physically sometimes and mentally - and at the end of the day say, 'See you in the pub, guys.
- Peter Mullan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Randy Pausch
No job is beneath you. You ought to be thrilled you got a job in the mailroom And when you get there, here's what you do: Be really great at sorting mail.
- Randy Pausch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Spock
The fact is that child rearing is a long, hard job, the rewards are not always immediately obvious, the work is undervalued, and parents are just as human and almost as vulnerable as their children.
- Benjamin Spock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate Beckinsale
I think you approach a part the same way and just find out in what's making them tick and who they are. In a movie like this you may have a little less time and few dialogue scenes and exposition scenes for your character to really get that across, and so I wanted to be able to convey that she's not somebody who's just punching a clock but she has this weird emotional investment in her job to where she does get quite myopic and that's what makes her relentless.
- Kate Beckinsale
Collection: Jobs
Image of Helen Rowland
A man always mistakes a woman's clinging devotion for weakness, until he discovers that it requires the strength of Samson, the patience of Job, and the finesse of Solomon to untwine it.
- Helen Rowland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Paterno
Failure is not getting beat. Failure is when you don't do a good job preparing.
- Joe Paterno
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Postel
I think they called me the closest thing to a God of the Internet. But at the end, that article wasn't very complimentary, because the author suggested that I wasn't doing a very good job, and that I ought to be replaced by a "professional." Of course, there isn't any "God of the Internet." The Internet works because a lot of people cooperate to do things together.
- Jon Postel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ruben Studdard
You can be confident and secure and know that you do a good job at what you do. But you don't know to be arrogant about it.
- Ruben Studdard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rod Steiger
The first thing that your should do when you win an Oscar is thank God. The second thing you should do is forget it. The third thing you should do is call your agent and tell him you need a job.
- Rod Steiger
Collection: Jobs
Image of A.M. Homes
My mind leaps to my theory about presidents - that there are two kinds, ones who have a lot of sex and the others who start wars. In short - and don't quote me, because this is an incomplete expression of a more complex premise - I believe blow jobs prevent war.
- A.M. Homes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael A. Stackpole
Even being a Jedi is something where you look for more. At first you acted as if Jedi was synonymous with hero. It isn't. Being a hero isn't what all these folks are here to do. They're here to do their jobs." -Jaina Solo
- Michael A. Stackpole
Collection: Jobs
Image of Geoff Mulgan
There are hardly any apprenticeships in care; hardly any schools preparing teenagers for jobs in care; and few signs that politicians know what to do to raise the status and rewards for what will soon be one of our most important industries.
- Geoff Mulgan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neal Boortz
Greed: A word commonly used by liberals, low achievers, anti-capitalists and society's losers to denigrate, shame and discredit those who have acquired superior job skills and decision-making capabilities and who, through the application of those, a job.
- Neal Boortz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hyman Rickover
What it takes to do a job will not be learned from management courses. It is principally a matter of experience, the proper attitude, and common sense — none of which can be taught in a classroom... Human experience shows that people, not organizations or management systems, get things done.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hyman Rickover
When doing a job — any job — one must feel that he owns it, and act as though he will remain in that job forever.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hyman Rickover
I believe it is the duty of each of us to act as if the fate of the world depended on him. Admittedly, one man by himself cannot do the job. However, one man can make a difference. We must live for the future of the human race, and not for our own comfort or success.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alfred P. Sloan
Give a man a clear-cut job and let him do it.
- Alfred P. Sloan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alfred P. Sloan
The late Alfred P. Sloan, Ir., long-time executive of General Motors Corporation, had a fivepoint "secret of success." It was: 1. Get the facts. 2. Recognize the equities of all concerned. 3. Realize the necessity of doing a better job every day. 4. Keep an open mind. 5. Work hard.
- Alfred P. Sloan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alfred P. Sloan
... Too often we fail to recognize and pay tribute to the creative spirit. It is that spirit that creates our jobs.
- Alfred P. Sloan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lord Mountbatten
It never entered my father's mind nor my mind ever to do a job other than at one's best ability.
- Lord Mountbatten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Irvine Welsh
Most people with good jobs, middle-class occupations, what have you, are only one pitfall away from social embarrassment and destitution. It's so precarious. Even salaried people in the West now feel this sense of being trapped, not having the freedom to strike out.
- Irvine Welsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ross Perot
We must return immigration to a logical, orderly process where people fill out their applications and wait for approval. We must make sure illegal immigrants stop storming our borders. We must establiesh the correct criteria, such as our need for certain job skills or education, for granting the right to immigrate into the United States.
- Ross Perot
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Welch
Getting the right people in the right jobs is a lot more important than developing a strategy.
- Jack Welch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Welch
Companies don't give job security. Only satisfied customers do.
- Jack Welch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Butler-Bowdon
Anyone can get a job, but do you have a purpose?
- Tom Butler-Bowdon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karen Mills
I recently had the opportunity to participate in 'Inc.''s first-ever 'Hire Power Awards' event in Washington, D.C. The event was a testament to the power of American entrepreneurship and the role that it plays in driving job creation and innovation in a wide array of industries.
- Karen Mills
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Nichols
I love to take actors to a place where they open a vein. That’s the job. The key is that I make it safe for them to open the vein.
- Mike Nichols
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Reich
Corporations don't create jobs, customers do. So when all the economic gains go to the top, as they're doing now, the vast majority of Americans don't have enough purchasing power to buy the things corporations want to sell - which means businesses stop creating enough jobs.
- Robert Reich
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Surowiecki
Older people do a better job of managing their impulses, and so they're better able to put off putting off.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Jobs
Image of James A. Michener
The job of a storyteller is to tell stories, and I have concentrated on that obligation.
- James A. Michener
Collection: Jobs
Image of Haki R. Madhubuti
Many people have serious academic degrees but cannot find a job, and sadly their degrees are so limited that they cannot even think about how to create a job for themselves.
- Haki R. Madhubuti
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Sinegal
Our attitude has always been that if you hire good people and provide good wages and good jobs and more than that - if you provide careers - that good things will happen to your company. I think we can say that that has been proved by the quality of people that we have and how they have built our organization.
- James Sinegal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guy Adams
As a journalist, you know you are doing your job properly when you manage to upset rich, powerful and entitled people who are used to getting their own way,and you know you’ve really got under their skin when they pursue censorship, the avenue of last resort since time immemorial.
- Guy Adams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dana Stabenow
Over a third of the Newenhan population was under eighteen,which didn't make his job any easier, the hormonally challenged being terminally and all too often fatally prone to acts of stupidity.
- Dana Stabenow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat Paulsen
No Taxes. Let's just tip the government 15% if they do a good job.
- Pat Paulsen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mickey Rooney
When I was 19 years old, I was the number one star of the world for two years. When I was 40, nobody wanted me.
- Mickey Rooney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Prince William
I know that I am very fortunate. I have the support of my family and friends, I do a job I enjoy and I have Catherine.
- Prince William
Collection: Jobs
Image of Regis Philbin
You know, I never knew if I had any talent when I started in this business. My first job was being a page at The Tonight Show. I saw Jack Paar come out one night and sit on the edge of his desk and talk about what hed done the night before. I thought, I can do that! I used to do that on a street corner in the Bronx with all my buddies.
- Regis Philbin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aaron Sorkin
An artist’s job is to captivate… if we stumble into truth, we got lucky.
- Aaron Sorkin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mariano Rivera
I know, it's amazing, but I never feel like I have done anything. When people say that, it makes me uncomfortable because I'm not that kind of person. I just go out there and try to do my job.
- Mariano Rivera
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Paul
Ive been fortunate to be short my entire life. Theres only one position Ive ever had to play, and thats point guard. So Ive always had to be that leader. And that was my job: you know, to talk.
- Chris Paul
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Gilmour
When I was given this job I said I would only teach the people that I truly, truly love. Unfortunately, none of those happen to be Chinese, or women.
- David Gilmour
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margaret Chase Smith
My creed is that public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought, that smears are not only to be expected but fought, that honor is to be earned, not bought.
- Margaret Chase Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of William T. Vollmann
I wish I could go back and rewrite my first book, You Bright and Risen Angels; I could do a better job. But in the meantime, nobody knows as much about my books as I do. Nobody has the right but me to say which words go into my books or get deleted or edited. When I'm dying, I'll smile, knowing I stood up for my books. If I die with more money, that wouldn't bring a smile to my face. Unless I got better drugs or more delicious-looking nurses.
- William T. Vollmann
Collection: Jobs