Top jim Quotes Collection - Page 2

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Image of Jim James
It's really important to be free and be open and honest about the things you want to do. Just 'cause you want to make a solo record or another record with another band, it doesn't have to be an insult or a slight to the band you've been with for a long time.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I love the thrill of putting on a record and feeling like you got the wrong one from the factory.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
The whole Jacket thing is so much about us playing together and creating this circle of power.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I love making each record sound different.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
That's why you put out records: hoping that people will connect with them. I mean, I play music for myself, for sure, and I would still play music even if people didn't like it. But it means a lot when it connects to people and they enjoy it. But it's funny: you get criticism as much as you get praise. It kind of evens out after awhile.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I really believe in not compromising your art. I feel like I've never compromised my art.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
One thing I've learned is that the best thing a producer can do is help you be you.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
Preservation Hall is the sound of joy. When they start playing, people start moving.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I think we're going to look back on the Internet in 50 to 100 years as a big mistake.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
We should always be trying to tear down the walls and say, 'I'm no different than you.'
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I think anyone who knows the audio process knows what mixing and mastering is.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I'd write songs like 'One Big Holiday,' and we'd play it and say, 'It's too heavy for 'At Dawn.' Let's save it for the next one.' We had more time for that, but when you mix a song, the general rule of thumb for us is a song a day or usually a day and a half.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
You spend all day getting the song goo,d and you're listening to it late at night, and you're happy with it. But you should sleep on it and come back in the morning and make sure.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
The thing I take great comfort in and what I think is cool about the process is that I know in my heart that I gave it everything I had back then. That helps me sleep at night. I still feel proud and happy.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
'What's Going On' is one of the greatest albums ever made. I definitely wasn't aiming to make my 'What's Going On,' you know what I mean? That album is definitely deep in my DNA. I've probably listened to that more than maybe any other album ever in my entire life.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
It's a joy, the process itself, even instrumentally, playing and constructing music. It's just so beautiful to me.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
For a lot of people, life's been pretty good. There hasn't been true terror right in your face.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I've just had this idea pop in my head of trying to learn a new song every da, and try and play it that night. That's been fun for me because it's a little bit of a scary adventure, playing a song for the first time in front of people and letting it just be what it is.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
We don't have universal health care. Education is so expensive. We have these massive problems, you know? So it makes me really happy to think that somebody could have all the music in the world for free. But at the same time, if you have enough money to pay for it, you should pay for it.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I've never stared out at the ocean while I've made a record before - that enhances things in a strange way.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I feel like I've paid a really heavy cost, a really heavy physical health cost, for the years of touring and how physical I've been onstage.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
Youth is wasted on the young. And it doesn't even matter if you sit a young person down and tell them, 'You're so healthy, take advantage of it before it's gone!' They still can't hear it.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I feel like everybody's got their health issues and their battles, and yeah, mine go up and down. It's never really over.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
The band can't exist without the crowd, and the crowd wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the band, and it really is something magical that people need.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I date but nothing really long term. I haven't had much luck. I probably haven't met the right woman. Most probably know to stay away from me.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I love everything about Boston. The women are phenomenal, they're all dirty. It's just a really great place to do comedy.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
If the show is going really well and the comedian is still annoyed with the audience, chances are he's a Boston comic. That's the beauty of Boston comics.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
Ozzy Osbourne is one of my favorite interviews, he's so good.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
If I leave the mike in the stand, my hands absolutely move more. I'm not sure if it's a conscious thing.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I think people like to label everything. I just think it's comfortable.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I hate my hair so much.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
If someone doesn't like a comedian that's fine; a lot of people probably don't like my standup, and that's fine. But I think that the problem is people want you to get in trouble. That's the issue.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
You just have to believe in what you're saying and be able to explain why you said it. There's nothing I say that I can't back up or at least explain why I came to that conclusion, so I'm not afraid of getting in trouble.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I find when most people are offended, it's phony. It's an attention-seeking device. So I love to call them out on it from stage.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
The biggest killer to funny is hyper sensitivity to certain subject matter and Montreal is as guilty of that as L.A. or New York or San Francisco.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
All major cities are the same. People have the same sensibilities and they get afraid of the same subjects, groaning at the same things.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I wanted to do a talk show that reminded me of the old school ones I loved as a kid, without all the fake enthusiasm and sound bite-driven conversations.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
There are just some things that I don't think jokes are good for.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I think what's happening is that women are allowed to be funnier as we stop pretending that there are subjects that they shouldn't address.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I don't really like Phil Robertson and I think his opinion about gay marriage is stupid. But in a country where we want an honest conversation, we have to realize that part of the honest conversation is hearing things we don't like and discussing them.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
Regular people are the problem. It's not the government, it's not the invasive Big Brother, it's the fact that we're a nation of snitches and nosey people who then cry when somebody wants our personal information. I'm talking about people who are being voyeuristic to people's privacy.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
With 'Mouthful of Shame,' all of my fans or the majority of them said it's the best thing you've ever done and that meant a lot because as you go on with time, if they're still really enjoying it, that means you're getting better.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
You never want your greatest work to be 10 years ago.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
Don Lemon is one of my favorites. I love him.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
For me, a good comedy town is filled with people on the verge of a riot. They need something to relieve the tension.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
I love Philly so much. I know that at any time, any place, a fight can break out. Those are great comedy fans.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
No matter how many books I've sold, nothing can correct the fact I look like Alfred Hitchcock from the side.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
You can't worry about saying something that will get you in trouble because the line changes so fast. If you try to navigate it, you will not only suck but eventually say something stupid and get yourself dumb anyway.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Norton
My instinct is to be honest and make fun of things.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Jim