Top jim Quotes Collection

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Image of Jim Breuer
I don't follow politics. I don't read news and I don't watch TV.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
Don't ever underestimate someone's ability to live for the moment. At the end of the day everyone has a 'Mr. Rock n Roll' in them.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I really look up to any relationships that last for years, and people tough it out and fight it out.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
Me and my wife started with absolutely nothing.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I'm clean but I'm not Disney.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
There's a lot of dynamics that can really break a human down.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
Kids are like roosters, up at the first sign of dawn.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
If there are kids in the crowd, I try to be more animated for them. It does change a little bit each show. There's a lot of improv.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I'm still blue collar in my heart. It comes from strong Long Island family roots.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
There's a confusion of what I do. Are you the rock guy? Are you the family guy? Who are you? I'm the people's entertainer.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I don't bring politics, religion or media to the table.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
As a kid, we were outdoors as much as possible.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
On the DVD 'Hardcore,' half the material was about me growing up in Valley Stream.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
No matter how many times I was tempted with fame and vanity I always go back to Valley Stream, which was always about community and family.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I started a family and I didn't ever want to be away from them. I'm sure it hurt my career, but I didn't care.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I wanted nothing to do with Hollywood. It's everything I'm against. I'm all for one and one for all, and there, it's 'All for me and I will do anything to get it.' And that is not a way of living for me.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I can't see myself every leaving. I love New Jersey.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
If I can bring you to the point where you're almost in tears one minute and laughing so hard the next and you've healed a bit at the same time, that's when I get to use the gift I was given.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I found myself trying to appeal to the 'Half Baked' crowd and I wasn't that guy. It's like dressing up as Batman every day. It's not Halloween every day. It's fun on Halloween, but I can't dress up in that outfit every day when I'm not that anymore or never was that guy.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
Past? I never look back to the past.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
You'll very rarely hear me curse now. I think I've changed since I've had children.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I wanted to travel and I was fascinated with stand-up and I just knew nothing was ever going to stop me from doing it. My mom tried to, she'd say 'You need to go to school and have a back up.' Nah, mom, this is it.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I was hoping for big TV, film, and this and that, but stand-up was the only thing I knew.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I like old-school, riff-driven, hard rock music with big hooks!
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
When you're in this business, you're chasing false identities, chasing money and stardom, which is nothing you can hold onto.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
SNL' pushed my limits. It was great. It taught me about fame, it taught me about the business; it was definitely the best experience, or one of the best, that I've had so far. It was a primer for what was to come and what I want out of life.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I realized I don't want anyone to control my destiny, whether it's a network TV show or not. I would rather invest in my own projects and if they fail, they fail on their own merits, not because somebody else mangled it.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
There's nothing more powerful than stand-up. Crushing with your own material, with your own energy, controlling an audience: There's no better high. It's awesome.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
So I started as a comic at 18 and got really into it by the time I was 21, 22, so I was on the road a lot. I lived everything I needed to live like a rock star.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I don't dwell on the lows too long. I kind of put them away and just start fighting back.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
There's not a lot of comics with anything to say. It's entertaining, but when you think of Chris Rock, Richard Pryor or Bill Cosby, they all had something to say.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
Hannibal Buress keeps popping up. His delivery cracks me up. He's smart and funny.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
SNL' and 'Half-Baked' came and certainly brought me a bigger audience. But I lost the perspective of being a real good comedian.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
No matter what happens in the future, I still want to be like Carlin, like Dangerfield where I can hit a stage when I'm 85 and still here people cracking up.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
On stage, you have the instant reaction. I'm in control of my own destiny up there. If I fail, I can always say, 'I should have read that audience better. I don't know why I went in that direction.' In the commercial world, you're not writing your character.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I think the premises of my comedy are Cosby-esque, but I don't come out with a sweater. I come out with a Metallica shirt.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
I'm a huge fan of Giuliani, as a person. Down-to-earth, talks to you like a human.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim Breuer
My passions are stand-up comedy, hard rock and metal, and baseball and the Mets.
- Jim Breuer
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
When people are recording, and they're like, 'I want to get the drum sound of the Beatles,' I hate that.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
The gospel funk soul era, that's what I'm obsessed with - pretty much all the '70s through early '80s.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
For me, it's more powerful to hear people sing about God than love in most circumstances because I've been hearing people sing about love for most of my life.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I'll only pick up my guitar if something is knocking on the door. Once the melodies have sort of been bothering me for a time, then I pick up my guitar and try to find them. But only if they want to be found.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I always think of albums as the format. I think it's perfect. I don't think you can tamper with that. It's not just sound, the analog, which is so much richer. It's the format. You're constrained by just 45 minutes, and it's perfect to me. I don't want to listen to any more than, and I live and breathe music.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I feel like the 'Supernova' record, those songs are very me. It's a more honest representation of me than any record I have made prior to that.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I really have a lot of respect for music, the art form of music. It's my whole life. I don't care about any of that other stuff. And I have always felt that way. I'll build a career on my own merits, my own hard work and nothing else.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
You want to make a record that stands the test of time and that people enjoy.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I feel like the world gets so consumed and gobbled up by action, and the pace of life is so frantic, and people feel like, in order to move somebody, you have to do something shocking or violent or something insane and fast.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
There were lots of songs that were on 'It Still Moves' that I had written, and we had played - rehearsed, but also played live a couple of times - that could've gone on 'At Dawn', but we always knew we wanted to make a record that was more quote-unquote 'rock n' roll.'
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
We wanted 'At Dawn' to be what it was: kinda spaced-out.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim
Image of Jim James
I love hearing old Bob Marley recordings that he did before he made the versions everybody knows.
- Jim James
Collection: Jim