Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Francis Frangipane
In an attempt to hinder, if not altogether halt, the next move of God, Satan has sent forth an army of faultfinding demons against the church. The purpose of this assault is to entice the body of Christ away from the perfections of Jesus and onto the imperfections of one another.
- Francis Frangipane
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robin Jones Gunn
Lord Jesus,' Christy whispered, 'I want You to hold the key. I want You to decide what should happen in my heart's garden. I want You to let in or send out anything or anybody You want. Especially with guys. I don't want to ever unlock that gate again. I want you to open it only when the right man comes along. Take the key, Lord. Take all my keys. I'll wait for you.
- Robin Jones Gunn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robin Jones Gunn
When the devil comes knocking on your door simply say "Jesus, it's for you.
- Robin Jones Gunn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Even if I believed there was a real Jesus, I wouldn't fall for that line of hogwash. The "Virgin" Mary should get a posthumous medal for telling the biggest goddamn lie that was ever told. Anybody who believes that will believe that the moon is made out of green cheese.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
About six years ago, Life magazine ran an article on the historicity of Jesus and I was floored to find that they conceded the only evidence we have for his existence is in the Gospels. But don't take Life's word for it. In his book The Quest of the Historical Jesus, the most definitive study that's ever been done on the subject, Albert Schweitzer admitted that there isn't a shred of conclusive proof that Christ ever lived, let alone was the son of God. He concludes that one must therefore accept both on faith.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
In his book The Quest of the Historical Jesus, the most definitive study that's ever been done on the subject, Albert Schweitzer admitted that there isn't a shred of conclusive proof that Christ ever lived, let alone was the son of God. He concludes that one must therefore accept both on faith. I reject both for the same reason.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Jesus
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
Behind the debris of these self-styled, sullen supermen and imperial diplomatists, there stands the gigantic figure of one person, because of whom, by whom, in whom, and through whom alone mankind might still have hope. The person of Jesus Christ.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
The world says love yourself, grab all you can, follow your heart. Jesus says deny yourself, grab your cross and follow me.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
Life is about Jesus. We are not here to tell our story, but His.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
The truth is that the Spirit of the living God is guaranteed to ask you to go somewhere or do something you wouldn't normally want or choose to do. The Spirit will lead you into the way of the cross, as He led Jesus to the cross, and that is definitely not a safe or pretty or comfortable place to be. The Holy Spirit of God will mold you into the person you were made to be.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
When you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael W. Smith
So I'm taking a stand-and I hope others will-to really live what I believe and embrace who I am in Jesus Christ.
- Michael W. Smith
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael W. Smith
I think if Jesus came for the first time, and he was 33 1/2 years old and hung out with these guys, where would he be? They'd probably be at a coffee bar getting a latte or something.
- Michael W. Smith
Collection: Jesus
Image of Neil Peart
It is impossible to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and be a Republican. It's philosophically absolutely opposed - if they could only think about what they were saying for a minute. That's when you get caught up in the webs of what people call themselves and how they behave.
- Neil Peart
Collection: Jesus
Image of MaryJanice Davidson
I know it's practical for career women, but sneakers with suits? Jesus couldn't possibly weep harder than I did.
- MaryJanice Davidson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Richard Wurmbrand
Whoever wishes to meet Jesus must meet him in places where brothers and sisters of Jesus are hungry, thirsty, naked, unwanted, sick or in prison. Whoever keeps himself distant from these places remains distant from Jesus.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Collection: Jesus
Image of Richard Wurmbrand
There was once a fiddler who played so beauitully that everybody danced. A deaf man who could not hear the music considered them all insane. Those who are with Jesus in suffering hear this music to which other men are deaf. They dance and do not care if they are considered insane.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Collection: Jesus
Image of Richard Wurmbrand
As communist atheists allowed no place for Jesus in their hearts, I decided I'd leave not the smallest place for satan in mine.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jaroslav Hašek
Jesus Christ was innocent too,' said Svejk, 'and all the same they crucified him. No one anywhere has ever worried about a man being innocent. Maul halten und weiter dienen ['Grin and bear it and get on with the job'] - as they used to tell us in the army. That's the best and finest thing of all.
- Jaroslav Hašek
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bo Burnham
If Jesus can walk on water, can he swim on land?
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Turner
It's hard to know how many rank-and-file nineteenth-century church members accepted the idea that Jesus was married to multiple women and fathered children, but the idea received support from many high-ranking leaders, including Brigham Young and Joseph F. Smith.
- John Turner
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
No one is too bad for Jesus. A lot of people think they are too good for Jesus.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer. He suffered so that when you suffer, you’ll become more like him. The gospel does not promise you better life circumstances; it promises you a better life.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus didn't come to tell us the answers to the questions of life, he came to be the answer.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dan Barker
There is not a single contemporary historical mention of Jesus, not by Romans or by Jews, not by believers or by unbelievers, during his entire lifetime. This does not disprove his existence, but it certainly casts great doubt on the historicity of a man who was supposedly widely known to have made a great impact on the world. Someone should have noticed.
- Dan Barker
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin Hearne
Awesome! I'd just bullied Jesus into doing a shot with me. Nobody would ever believe it, but I didn't care. We ordered the insanely expensive stuff, seventy-five dollars for a 1.75-ounce pour of premium Irish whiskey, because if you're doing a shot with Jesus, you don't buy him scotch.
- Kevin Hearne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin Hearne
Wooo!’ he said, slamming his shot glass down and coughing a bit. ‘That’s good stuff.’ I agreed heartily. ‘Shall we do another one?’ I asked. ‘Oh no,’ Jesus said quietly, his eyes growing round. ‘This is one of those situations where I have to stop and ask myself, what would I do?
- Kevin Hearne
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Wilkerson
The Word says, ‘Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world’ (1 John 2:15). Jesus warned, ‘Beware of covetousness: for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses’ (Luke 12:15). Things—our possessions—can tie us down to this world. While heaven and hell prepare for war, we go shopping. Eternal values are at stake! The end of all we know is near—and we are busy playing with our toys!
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Wilkerson
Jesus didn't save you so you could cruise to heaven in a luxury liner. He wants you to be useful in His kingdom! The moment you got saved, He enrolled you in His school the school of suffering and affliction.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Manny Pacquiao
My heart wants to read the Bible, wants to obey God. When you have Jesus in your life, when you have God in your life, like the thing in this world is not important to your heart. The more important is God in your heart. That's how God changed my life.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joni Eareckson Tada
God doesn't just give us grace; He gives us Jesus, the Lord of grace.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Noble
In Revelation 12, we see a pure, holy woman giving birth to a son - a corporate son who brings victory by the blood of Jesus, their testimony and sacrifice. My vision is to see that kind of church moving in the authority, the sacrifice and love of Jesus.
- John Noble
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rachel Scott
I am not going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus... If I have to sacrifice everything... I will.
- Rachel Scott
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bernardo Bertolucci
A name? Oh, Jesus Christ. Ah, God, I've been called by a million names all my life. I don't want a name. I'm better off with a grunt or a groan for a name.
- Bernardo Bertolucci
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
When Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth, it's not just because wealth might be lost; it's because wealth will always be lost. Either it leaves us while we live, or we leave it when we die. No exceptions....Realizing its value is temporary should radically affect our investment strategy.... According to Jesus, storing up earthly treasures isn't simply wrong. It's just plain stupid.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
If we get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn’t matter what else we get right.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
Nothing is more often misdiagnosed than our homesickness for Heaven. We think that what we want is sex, drugs, alcohol, a new job, a raise, a doctorate, a spouse, a large-screen television, a new car, a cabin in the woods, a condo in Hawaii. What we really want is the person we were made for, Jesus, and the place we were made for, Heaven. Nothing less can satisfy us.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Tessa Dare
Jesus. Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Delilah, Jezebel, Salome, Judith, Eve. Trouble, every last one. Add Minerva Highwood to the list.
- Tessa Dare
Collection: Jesus
Image of Blaise Pascal
Apart from Jesus Christ, we do not know what is our life, nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Jesus
Image of Blaise Pascal
Jesus Christ came to tell men that they have no enemies but themselves.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Jesus
Image of Johannes Brahms
In my study I can lay my hand on the Bible in the pitch dark. All truly inspired ideas come from God. The powers from which all truly great composers like Mozart, Schubert, Bach and Beethoven drew their inspirations is the same power that enabled Jesus to do his miracles.
- Johannes Brahms
Collection: Jesus
Image of Goldwin Smith
The mighty and supreme Jesus, who was to transfigure all humanity by his divine wit and grace-this Jesus has flown.
- Goldwin Smith
Collection: Jesus
Image of Tullian Tchividjian
Jesus plus nothing equals everything; everything minus Jesus equals nothing.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Batterson
Jesus didn’t die to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous. Faithfulness is not holding the fort. It’s storming the gates of hell. The will of God is not an insurance plan. It’s a daring plan. The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ isn’t radical. It’s normal. It’s time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It’s time to go all in and all out for the All in All. Pack your coffin!
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Batterson
Jesus didn't die to make us safe. He died to make us dangerous.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Erich von Däniken
Could it be that God was an extra-terrestrial? What do we mean when we say that heaven is in the clouds? From Jesus Christ to Elvis Presley, every culture tells us of high-flying bird men who zoom around the world creating magnificent works of art and choosing willing followers to share in the eternal glory from beyond the stars. Can all these related phenomena merely be dismissed as coincidence?
- Erich von Däniken
Collection: Jesus
Image of Angelus Silesius
The name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth; It nourishes, and illumines, and stills the anguish of the soul.
- Angelus Silesius
Collection: Jesus
Image of James E. Talmage
The world's greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus the Christ.
- James E. Talmage
Collection: Jesus