Top james Quotes Collection - Page 6

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Image of James Madison
The internal effects of a mutable policy poisons the blessings of liberty itself.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
Any reading not of a vicious species must be a good substitute for the amusements too apt to fill up the leisure of the labouring classes.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
All that seems indispensible in stating the account between the dead and the living, is to see that the debts against the latter do not exceed the advances made by the former.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
By rendering the labor of one, the property of the other, they cherish pride, luxury, and vanity on one side; on the other, vice and servility, or hatred and revolt.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Madison
The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right.
- James Madison
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
A lot of people like the idea of eternal love and eternal romance. The notion of love that is more profound and deeper because it is eternal is very powerful.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
I write larger than life. It's what I do.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
I'm very emotional. I do feel stuff, for better or worse.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
The fact is that our kids aren't reading books - or frankly, much of anything lately. Schools are under funded, some schools even closing their libraries. Parents have to realize that it's their job, and not the school's job, to get kids into the habit of reading for fun.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
If the White House could do more to tell parents that getting children reading is their business too, we'd see a big difference. Hollywood and the NBA or NFL could step in, too. In England they have an event called Book Day, where every child receives a pound to use at any bookstore.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
The best way to get kids reading more is to give them books that they'll gobble up - and that will make them ask for another.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
Kids say the No. 1 reason they don't read more is that they can't find books they like. Freedom of choice is a key to getting them motivated and excited.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
There are terrific models for success with reluctant readers, but many school systems and state governments need to set aside their 'not invented here' and 'we have more important problems than education' attitudes.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
Let's face it: Most of us don't realize it, but we are failing our kids as reading role models. The best role models are in the home: brothers, fathers, grandfathers; mothers, sisters, grandmothers. Moms and dads, it's important that your kids see you reading. Not just books - reading the newspaper is good, too.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
There is a lot to be said for collaboration, and it should be seen as just another way to do things as it is in other forms of writing, such as for television, where it is standard practice.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
My life revolves around my writing, my wife and my son.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
I love the idea of expanding the universe of games to some extent. At one point, they were kind of limited to boys, fanboys and whatever. I like the idea of liberation for games.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
I love this idea of expanding the game universe. It has been limited. I guess probably because the genre was so successful, and the people who were creating those games made so much money at it they just had no desire to sort of open it up.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James Patterson
As we go through this transition where a lot more people will be reading on devices, nobody is paying enough attention to make sure it's a smooth transition. I believe we still need places where people can go to handle, hold and talk about books, get information about what books are out there, and so on.
- James Patterson
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Leaders receive and give assignments. This is an important part of the necessary principle of delegating. No one appreciates a willing volunteer more than I, but the total work cannot be done as the Lord wants it done merely by those doing the work who may be present at meetings.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
If we look upon fulfilling of assignments as building the kingdom of God and as being an opportunity as well as a privilege and an honor, then assignments and challenges should certainly be given to every member of the quorum.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Being a father or a mother is not only a great challenge, it is a divine calling. It is an effort requiring consecration.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
While few human challenges are greater than that of being good parents, few opportunities offer greater potential for joy. Surely, no more important work is to be done in this world than preparing our children to be God-fearing, happy, honorable, and productive.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
I have the greatest respect for single parents who struggle and sacrifice, trying against almost superhuman odds to hold the family together. They should be honored and helped in their heroic efforts. But any mother's or father's task is much easier where there are two functioning parents in the home.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
When I was a deacon, my father took me and my older brother to general priesthood meeting in the Tabernacle. I remember how thrilled I was to be in the presence, for the first time, of the prophet of God, President Heber J. Grant, and the other prophets and apostles.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
The holy scriptures as well as the local and General Authorities of the Church provide a safety net of counsel and guidance for the people of the Church.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
The President of the Church will not lead the people of the Church astray. It will never happen.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
If children are expected to be honest, parents must be honest. If children are expected to be virtuous, parents must be virtuous. If you expect your children to be honorable, you must be honorable.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
One of the most difficult parental challenges is to appropriately discipline children. Child rearing is so individualistic. Every child is different and unique. What works with one may not work with another.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
An essential part of teaching children to be disciplined and responsible is to have them learn to work.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
For many, living a Christlike life every day may be even more difficult than laying down one's life.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Discipleship does not come from positions of prominence, wealth, or advanced learning. The disciples of Jesus came from all walks of life.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
I feel deeply my responsibility to teach sacred things. I am so aware that the world is changing and will be vastly different from the one I have known. Values have shifted. Basic decency and respect for good things are eroding.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person's physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one's eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one's eternal welfare.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
No one ever had a better father than I did. Father was a disciplinarian, and Mother was a very loving woman who taught us out of the scriptures. The Book of Mormon was her favorite.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
I have been grateful for the influence of my grandmother and my grandfather in my life. I remember my grandmother as a queenly woman. My father could be stern, and my grandparents would remind him that we were just boys.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Boys and girls, have confidence in the direction and counsel and advice of your parents and grandparents who love you more than anybody else in the world does.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
I have sometimes questioned the advice and direction I received from my parents and grandparents, but I never questioned the fact that they loved me. I learned that they were in a better position to know more about right and wrong than I did from my limited understanding and from my limited experience.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
When holiness is achieved by conforming to God's will, one knows intuitively that which is wrong and that which is right before the Lord. Holiness speaks when there is silence, encouraging that which is good or reproving that which is wrong.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
To receive all of the promised blessings, we must accept the gospel in faith and in full. However, this certain faith does not usually come all at once. We learn spiritually line upon line and precept upon precept.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
For those whose faith has faded, the reasons may be real to them, but these reasons do not change the reality of what Joseph Smith restored.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
To those who believe but wish their belief to be strengthened, I urge you to walk in faith and trust in God. Spiritual knowledge always requires an exercise of faith.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
I believe that every person's individual testimony of Jesus as the Christ comes as a spiritual gift. No one can successfully dispute or challenge it because it is so personal a gift to the one to whom it has been given.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Secularism does not accept many things as absolutes. Its principal objectives are pleasure and self-interest. Often, those who embrace secularism have a different look about them.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
God and His Son are glorified personages. God the Father is our living Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and Redeemer. We have been created in God's image.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Each woman brings her own separate, unique strengths to the family and the Church. Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James
Image of James E. Faust
Unfortunately, some of our poor choices are irreversible, but many are not. Often, we can change course and get back on the right track.
- James E. Faust
Collection: James