Top james Quotes Collection

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Image of James Nesbitt
If I get to the end of my life, and people say, 'He was in 'Cold Feet,' well, I was, and it was great. I thought the fourth series wasn't great. I thought there were weak episodes throughout. Overall, I thought it was a good show, it had an impact, it dealt with a lot of issues, and it was a great part.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I'm not very good at standard English.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I've never felt that acting was my vocation - never had that tortured thing. I love acting, but it doesn't feed my soul.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
When you're brought up in a Unionist culture, you can't help but feel Unionist.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
The whole process of making 'Bloody Sunday' was difficult but extraordinary.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I get an awful lot of people coming up and saying they went to school with me. There must have been 80,000 pupils at that school!
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
It's easy to get carried away with yourself.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
When I did the film 'Hear My Voice' a few years ago, I disappeared fully up my own backside for a while. Because I thought my career was taking off, I became a bit of an egomaniac and a pain in the neck. I thought I was God's gift to mankind and the greatest Irishman since George Best.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
My mother certainly doesn't think I'm charming!
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I am in the public eye, and I accept that my actions may be open to question.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Who am I to pass judgment? Judgment has been passed on me, but I adhere to, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.'
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
You can get a bit world-weary in this job, and 'The Passion' reminded me of what a fantastic job acting is and how lucky I am to be doing it.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
If you are a Northern Irish actor, maybe subconsciously more than consciously, you do have an instinctive responsibility at some point to tackle the recent history of where we have come from. It's not only a responsibility, but a privilege.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Ever since I left Northern Ireland, I've always been pretty comfortable on my own, which contradicts a lot of people's perceptions of me.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I've got a history in my life of difficult times.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
When you see a tumour in the brain, it's an ugly looking thing. It's kind of black, grisly and messy. Or it can be white. To see it taken away is just amazing.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
My agent Sue realised after 'Cold Feet' that I could have spent the rest of my life doing similar roles. So she was instrumental in moving me away from that.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Tumours can come out of nowhere.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Although surgeons know how to deal with bits of the brain, they don't really know how it works.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
There's no such thing as unwanted attention for an actor.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
The best way of enjoying your money is to spend it on other people. I don't need much.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Acting is something you didn't do in Ireland.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I think teaching should be a vocation, and they should be paid more for it.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I actually started out on the stage as a singer.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I have three older sisters who, when we were children, used to hold me down on a bad day and put make-up all over me, so I've had an aversion to it all my life and hate sitting down in the make-up chair.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
My wife would say I'm more Hyde than Jekyll!
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Some actors can distance themselves from the parts they play, but I fall into the category who use bits of themselves.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Love your parents, but don't have them as your mates.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I love nothing more than going to eat by myself with a newspaper.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I've always been a family man and count myself as one of those who are lucky to have the comfort of a family.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
When I turned 40, subconsciously, life was a blank sheet. Before, it was disjointed, and I was very displaced and quite mad, but it was a brilliant time. Everyone thinks I must have been unhappy.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Acting was a godsend. I found myself because I loved acting.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
My preference is for good writing. It doesn't matter if it's for film or TV. Whatever. It starts with the writing. Even though I've had problems with writers, it doesn't matter how great of an actor you are. If the writing is bad, you're going to struggle.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
That thing of briefly losing sight of a child happened to me when the kids were younger, and you can't see them in the supermarket or wherever. It's a terrible, terrible moment... the most unimaginable horror.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Perhaps our imagination needs crime stories to fulfill some craving we have, as a way to assuage a darkness in ourselves.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I'm an actor, learning lines and saying them in the right order.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I'm Ulster Presbyterian. We understand the need to work hard from an early age.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Brain surgeons are dealing with the very last thread of life, and they have to be very confident, but I think they tend to remember their failures rather than their successes, and that must be very hard. Who do you share that failure with? That's why their personal lives are often disastrous.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Northern Ireland has treated me well, you know?
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
While I've never 'phoned in' a performance, I think I have given some performances where I could have been a bit braver.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Kids at a certain age don't necessarily want to be dragged to the other side of the world.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
We have to get behind the scientists and push for a dementia breakthrough. It could be that we fear dementia out of a sense of hopelessness, but there is hope, and it rests in the hands of our scientists.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
When I was growing up, Belfast City Hall was surrounded by security, and we had no access to it. But now, people come in and out of it all the time. On a nice day, office workers and students sit on the lawn outside and have lunch. It's great to see how Northern Ireland has changed. To be part of that is fantastic.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Unification is less important than the fact Ireland is now conflict-free.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
As fabulous as technology is, it can also make us very anxious.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Supporting drama for young people is close to my heart.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
I loved my time growing up in Northern Ireland doing youth drama, that is where it all began for me.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
No one wanted to own Bloody Sunday.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
The reality of life in Northern Ireland is that if you were Protestant, you learned British history, and if you were Catholic, you learned Irish history in school.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James
Image of James Nesbitt
Improvising political dialogue is not easy.
- James Nesbitt
Collection: James