Top investing Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of investing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Robert J. Shiller
Stock prices are likely to be among the prices that are relatively vulnerable to purely social movements because there is no accepted theory by which to understand the worth of stocks....investors have no model or at best a very incomplete model of behavior of prices, dividend, or earnings, of speculative assets.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Investing
Image of Paul Zane Pilzer
Before you invest in anything else, exhaust the possibilities of investing in your own business first.
- Paul Zane Pilzer
Collection: Investing
Image of Paul Samuelson
Forsake search for needles that are so very small in haystacks that are so very large.
- Paul Samuelson
Collection: Investing
Image of Thomas Szasz
'Statistics' show that 66% of clients are cured with psychotherapy; what statistics don't show is that 72% are cured without it.
- Thomas Szasz
Collection: Investing
Image of John Templeton
If you want to have a better performance than the crowd, you must do things differently from the crowd.
- John Templeton
Collection: Investing
Image of John Templeton
To buy when others are despondently selling and sell when others are greedily buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest reward.
- John Templeton
Collection: Investing
Image of Bernard Baruch
In trading/ investing it's not about how much you make, but how much you don't lose
- Bernard Baruch
Collection: Investing
Image of Guy Spier
The entire pursuit of value investing requires you to see where the crowd is wrong so that you can profit from their misperceptions.
- Guy Spier
Collection: Investing
Image of Charles R. Schwab
Most of the mutual fund investments I have are index funds, approximately 75%.
- Charles R. Schwab
Collection: Investing
Image of Louis Bacon
As a speculator you must embrace disorder and chaos.
- Louis Bacon
Collection: Investing
Image of Seth Klarman
It is crucial to have a strategy in place before problems hit, precisely because no one can accurately predict the future direction of the stock market or economy. Value investing, the strategy of buying stocks at an appreciable discount from the value of the underlying businesses, is one strategy that provides a road map to successfully navigate not only through good times but also through turmoil.
- Seth Klarman
Collection: Investing
Image of Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Don't take action with a trade until the market, itself, confirms your opinion. Being a little late in a trade is insurance that your opinion is correct. In other words, don't be an impatient trader.
- Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Collection: Investing
Image of Phil Harding
No economic measure has more value for a nation than investing in a clean & sustainable low carbon future
- Phil Harding
Collection: Investing
Image of Charlie Munger
Great investing requires a lot of delayed gratification.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Investing
Image of Charlie Munger
Investing is where you find a few great companies and then sit on your ass.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Investing
Image of Francois Guizot
The world belongs to optimists; the pessimists are only spectators.
- Francois Guizot
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
To be an investor you must be a believer in a better tomorrow.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
A great company is not a great investment if you pay too much for the stock.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
Before you invest, you must ensure that you have realistically assessed your probability of being right and how you will react to the consequences of being wrong.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
Individuals who cannot master their emotions are ill-suited to profit from the investment process.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
It should be remembered that a decline of 50% fully offsets a preceding advance of 100%.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Benjamin Graham
The value of any investment is, and always must be, a function of the price you pay for it.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Investing
Image of Leon G. Cooperman
An outstanding addition to the volumes written on value investing. Not only do the authors offer their own valuable insights but they have provided in one publication invaluable insights from some of the most accomplished professionals in the investment business. I would call this publication a must-read for any serious investor.
- Leon G. Cooperman
Collection: Investing
Image of Carol Leifer
You can never go wrong betting on Americans' bad eating habits. So I've made a ton investing in all fast food chains, while at the same time investing in Dockers, spandex, Spanx, and sweatpants. Basically, anything with an elastic waistband is a goldmine.
- Carol Leifer
Collection: Investing
Image of Philip Arthur Fisher
Practical investors usually learn their problem is finding enough outstanding investments, rather than choosing among too many.
- Philip Arthur Fisher
Collection: Investing
Image of Scott D. Cook
Mutual funds were created to make investing easy, so consumers wouldn't have to be burdened with picking individual stocks.
- Scott D. Cook
Collection: Investing
Image of Cherie Blair
All the research shows that investing in women is a good investment
- Cherie Blair
Collection: Investing
Image of Bruce Berkowitz
The trick in life is not to die. The trick in investing is not to lose.
- Bruce Berkowitz
Collection: Investing
Image of Herbert Stein
If something cannot go on for ever, it will stop
- Herbert Stein
Collection: Investing
Image of Robert Rubin
The only certainty is that there is no certainty.
- Robert Rubin
Collection: Investing
Image of Robert Rubin
Rigor is always appropriate when investing in markets, whatever the ultimate conclusions may be.
- Robert Rubin
Collection: Investing
Image of Martin Zweig
Patience is one of the most valuable attributes in investing.
- Martin Zweig
Collection: Investing
Image of William Forsyth Sharpe
Some investments do have higher expected returns than others. Which ones? Well, by and large they're the ones that will do the worst in bad times.
- William Forsyth Sharpe
Collection: Investing
Image of James Grant
Debt is always repaid, either by the borrower or by the lender.
- James Grant
Collection: Investing
Image of Merton Miller
Diversification is your buddy.
- Merton Miller
Collection: Investing
Image of Merton Miller
Everybody has some information. The function of the markets is to aggregate that information, evaluate it and get it incorporated into prices.
- Merton Miller
Collection: Investing
Image of Phoebe Philo
To offer women something that feels more about investing in something and less about being disposable is a complete corrective to the world we live in
- Phoebe Philo
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
We like to buy stocks which we feel are undervalued and then we have to have the guts to buy more when they go down.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
You have to invest the way that's comfortable for you.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
Earnings can change dramatically. Usually assets change slowly.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
Don't be in too much of a hurry to sell.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
If the stock goes down we want to buy more.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
A lot of companies have lots of assets tied up in plant and equipment. Well, is it old plant, or is it new plant?
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
If the market is so cheap, you want to get something with a little more zip in it, or potential.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
You never really know a stock until you own it.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
If the market were way over priced, I wouldn't own any stocks.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
If there are not too many value stocks that I can find, the market isn't all that cheap.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
Some kinds of stocks are easier to analyse than others.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing
Image of Walter Schloss
Have patience. Stocks don't go up immediately.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Investing