Top intelligent Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of intelligent quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more intelligent quotes.

Image of Gordon Tullock
No doubt exists that rent seeking in general leads to serious inefficiencies in this direct sense, but its indirect damage is even worse. Drawing the bulk of intelligent and energetic people in society into activity that has no social product, or may have a negative social product, is more important in explaining the stagnation of these societies than the direct social cost of the rent seeking.
- Gordon Tullock
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Garret John LoPorto
Love, when released into the world, is like an intelligent energy that continues on and on, shaping the world in its own image.
- Garret John LoPorto
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Patrick Watson
A lot of loud people have been talking over the years; they have these huge voices but don't say much. I'm sure there are a lot of really quiet people who have a lot more intelligent things to say than the loud people.
- Patrick Watson
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Pablo Escobar
There are two hundred million idiots, manipulated by a million intelligent men.
- Pablo Escobar
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Alex Pentland
The largest factor in predicting group intelligence was the equality of conversational turn taking; groups where a few people dominated the conversation were less collectively intelligent than those with a more equal distribution of conversational turn taking.
- Alex Pentland
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Paul Goodman
Anarchism is grounded in a rather definite social-psychological hypothesis: that forceful, graceful and intelligent behaviour occurs only when there is an uncoerced and direct response to the physical and social environment; that in most human affairs, more harm than good results from compulsion, top-down direction, bureaucratic planning, pre-ordained curricula, jails, conscription, states.
- Paul Goodman
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Andreas Gursky
Vision is an intelligent form of thought
- Andreas Gursky
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Graham Greene
Our worst enemies here are not the ignorant and simple, however cruel; our worst enemies are the intelligent and corrupt
- Graham Greene
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Donald Shoup
Intelligent transportation technology is key to better parking management. The adage that "You can't manage what you can't measure" fits parking perfectly.
- Donald Shoup
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Harvey Dunn
Ideas are intelligent active things which present themselves to your consciousness for expression. You can only be receptive and express them as they will be expressed.
- Harvey Dunn
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Knut Hamsun
The intelligent poor individual was a much finer observer than the intelligent rich one. The poor individual looks around him at every step, listens suspiciously to every word he hears from the people he meets; thus, every step he takes presents a problem, a task, for his thoughts and feelings. He is alert and sensitive, he is experienced, his soul has been burned.
- Knut Hamsun
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Robert Barr
The present moment is ever the critical time. The future is merely for intelligent forethought.
- Robert Barr
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Kin Hubbard
Intelligent people are always on the unpopular side of anything.
- Kin Hubbard
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Michael J Cohen
The closest natural area to you is the wild, naturally intelligent biological community within you.
- Michael J Cohen
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Isaac Asimov
When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Isaac Asimov
The intelligent man is never bored.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Ian Bremmer
State capitalism is about more than emergency government spending, implementation of more intelligent regulation, or a stronger social safety net. It's about state dominance of economic activity for political gain.
- Ian Bremmer
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Whitney Balliett
Critics are biased, and so are readers. (Indeed, a critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste.) But intelligent readers soon discover how to allow for the windage of their own and a critic's prejudices.
- Whitney Balliett
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Edward Everett Hale
An intelligent class can scarce ever be, as a class, vicious, and never, as a class, indolent. The excited mental activity operates as a counterpoise to the stimulus of sense and appetite.
- Edward Everett Hale
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Kathleen Hall Jamieson
I think it's healthy to say that the American people now have direct access and that we have sufficient confidence as people in our own ability to judge, to make intelligent decisions.
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Elbert Hubbard
Progress comes from the intelligent use of experience.
- Elbert Hubbard
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Warren G. Harding
He liked to play chess and do intelligent things, and I was a serious drinker and nonthinker.
- Warren G. Harding
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Warren G. Harding
The success of our popular government rests wholly upon the correct interpretation of the deliberate, intelligent, dependable popular will of America.
- Warren G. Harding
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Alan Bock
Invaluable....the best one-stop source I've seen for what various officials actually said at various times, suffused with intelligent analysis.
- Alan Bock
Collection: Intelligent
Image of George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
I hesitate to say what the functions of the modern journalist may be, but I imagine that they do not exclude the intelligent anticipation of the facts even before they occur.
- George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Bernard Lonergan
Total surrender to the demands of the human spirit: be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible, be in love.
- Bernard Lonergan
Collection: Intelligent
Image of John Elkann
I am a big believer of what Darwin discovered in the Galapagos, proving that the species most responsive to change will survive over apparently stronger or more intelligent competitors.
- John Elkann
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Oren Moverman
I think that almost every scene was an exploration - it was never going to be just what’s on the page. So I know I was very lucky - we all were - to work with a cast of this caliber. These are extremely experienced and intelligent actors, who are also deeply emotional and - as you say - are also engaged in the world.
- Oren Moverman
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Pantha du Prince
I like the process of giving control away [at the recording]. When you give it up to people, it's another intelligent organism that digests your information completely differently from how a machine digests information. It's like you're on a sailboat, and every time you can find out how to better adjust [the sail] to make it more precise. And it's interesting to see that the musicians have their own ideas. To use their intuitive power with their knowledge that they incorporate into the music. This is the moment you give away control, you give it to someone else's intuition.
- Pantha du Prince
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Barry Ritholtz
The good news is that economists are intelligent, engaging and often charming folks. The bad news is their work is often of little use to investors.
- Barry Ritholtz
Collection: Intelligent
Image of E. Lee Spence
First understand infinity then you will understand God and how evolution is intelligent design.
- E. Lee Spence
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Michio Kaku
A related aspect of intelligent consciousness is delay of gratification: the wisdom to accurately predict whether delay rather than acting on impulse will yield greater benefit.
- Michio Kaku
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Al Kooper
Unlike so many Dylan-writer-wannabes and phony 'encyclopedia' compilers, Sean Wilentz makes me feel he was in the room when he chronicles events that I participated in. Finally a breath of fresh words founded in hardcore, intelligent research.
- Al Kooper
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Barry W. Lynn
It was an effort to include intelligent design and treat it as science, disparaging evolution along the way. That will not stand.
- Barry W. Lynn
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Jeff Pinkner
We're well aware of how intelligent our audience is. We're well aware that Fringe is a show that you really need to lean forward into and pay attention to and think about. It's not designed to be a show that you can watch while you're folding laundry.
- Jeff Pinkner
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Walt Kelly
Thar's only two possibilities: Thar is life out there in the universe which is smarter than we are, or we're the most intelligent life in the universe. Either way, it's a mighty sobering thought. (Porkypine)
- Walt Kelly
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Christopher Isherwood
Only those who are capable of silliness can be called truly intelligent.
- Christopher Isherwood
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Joseph Joubert
Old age deprives the intelligent man only of qualities useless to wisdom.
- Joseph Joubert
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Amitabh Bachchan
I am not as intelligent as Aamir Khan . I am barely managing to be in front of the camera. There are many people who know marketing well and surely Aamir knows much more than I do.
- Amitabh Bachchan
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Kim Paffenroth
The zombie threat is made worse by the fact that their victims then turn into the creature that attacked them. This too is similar to other monsters (werewolves and vampires) and also similar to the sub-genre of infection/plague films. In the case of zombies, however, this may carry a greater sense of dread and revulsion: vampires and werewolves can be seen as desirable, potent, intelligent, virile creatures whom one might like -- in some way at least -- to become; a mindless ghoul condemned to wander aimlessly across an empty, ruined earth seems much less attractive.
- Kim Paffenroth
Collection: Intelligent
Image of George M. Church
Neanderthals might think differently than we do. We know that they had a larger cranial size. They could even be more intelligent than us. When the time comes to deal with an epidemic or getting off the planet or whatever, it's conceivable that their way of thinking could be beneficial.
- George M. Church
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Phillip E. Johnson
The Intelligent Design movement starts with the recognition that "In the beginning was the Word," and "In the beginning God created." Establishing that point isn't enough, but it is absolutely essential to the rest of the gospel message.
- Phillip E. Johnson
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Zoltan Istvan
If there's something else already out there in the universe, it would almost certainly have puts limits on our growth of intelligence. And the reason it would have put limits on us is because it doesn't want us to grow so intelligent that we would one day maybe take away their superpowered intelligence. Whatever advanced intelligence evolves, it always puts a roadblock in the way of other intelligences evolving. And the reason this happens is so nobody can take away one's power, no matter how far up the ladder they've gone.
- Zoltan Istvan
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Siddharth Katragadda
No human is more intelligent than the other...just more adept at certain areas of intelligence.
- Siddharth Katragadda
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Laura Huxley
It is clear that our society can improve only if the next generation is given the chance, through loving and intelligent education, to be better developed than the present one.
- Laura Huxley
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Matt LeBlanc
The majority of my background is multi-camera format, which is very broad and a very arch perception of reality. Whereas single camera tends to be more truthful and a little more intimate of a medium. Friends was an education in intelligent comedic banter; in intelligent vernacular. It was an education in scene study. It was an education in group dynamic. I came out of there with a masters degree in comedy.
- Matt LeBlanc
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Karl Ove Knausgard
I've always been a fast reader. Now I had to do it slowly, discussing each sentence. And every time I wanted to change something I had to come up with an intelligent defense I could be pretty sure that they would turn my suggestion down, as they had so many aspects to keep in mind. However, if I argued well, I could have a chance. I had to think of every comma, every word.
- Karl Ove Knausgard
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Carole Lombard
Bill Powell is the only intelligent actor I've ever met
- Carole Lombard
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Sol LeWitt
One should be intelligent enough to know when not to be too intellectual
- Sol LeWitt
Collection: Intelligent