Top home Quotes Collection - Page 51

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 51 provides more home quotes.

Image of Renee Watson
Students can't leave their lives at the door when they come to school. They bring with them whatever is going on at home and in their communities. Poetry and theater provide an outlet for students to express themselves and process what they're going through.
- Renee Watson
Collection: Home
Image of Andrea Gabriel
I'm an actor. I'm just a creative person. I figure if I wasn't a good writer, I'd take to renovating homes... not renovating... decorating homes.
- Andrea Gabriel
Collection: Home
Image of Adele Logan Alexander
When we look at women, we have to look at the significance of their work in a different way from the way we look at it with men. Women have more often worked within the home, working equally as hard, I would argue, but not always out there where they're counted, not always up there in the labor unions, certainly not in leadership positions.
- Adele Logan Alexander
Collection: Home
Image of Clara Barton
My business is stanching blood and feeding fainting men; my post the open field between the bullet and the hospital. I sometimes discuss the application of a compress or a wisp of hay under a broken limb, but not the bearing and merits of a political movement. I make gruel--not speeches; I write letters home for wounded soldiers, not political addresses.
- Clara Barton
Collection: Home
Image of Melissa Gira Grant
Women in the past thought all they had to do was see if he comes home late, or smells like cigarettes. But nothing's really changed, right? People still cheat. They're going to do what they're going to do. But now that sex work is more private, there's that chance to have a double life.
- Melissa Gira Grant
Collection: Home
Image of Kristen Hager
I know for me, specifically, L.A. is just an overwhelming and scary place. I like spending part of my year there, but I love having Canada as my home to come back to.
- Kristen Hager
Collection: Home
Image of Diego Maradona
What I love most about Norway is you ladies. Back home I'm used to fat and hairy women journalists.
- Diego Maradona
Collection: Home
Image of Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Collaboration is everything from getting along with others to controlling your impulses so you can get along and not kick someone else off the swing. It's building a community and experiencing diversity and culture. Everything we do, in the classroom or at home, has to be built on that foundation.
- Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Collection: Home
Image of Joe Louis Walker
At home in the states, I think there's a tendency in the states to go for the latest, greatest thing. The latest, greatest is the latest greatest. I think when you're talking about France, England, things like that, they look for the history of an artist and they go back when it comes to music like this anyway. They will go back a little bit further. I think the United States is very knowledgeable and it's a good place to play.
- Joe Louis Walker
Collection: Home
Image of Mauro Remiddi
Home is not fixed - the feeling of home changes as you change. There are places that used to feel like home that don't feel like home anymore. Like, I would go back to Rome to see my parents, and I would feel at home then. But if my parents were not in Rome, which is my city where I was born, I would not feel at home. It's connected to people. It's connected to a person I love.
- Mauro Remiddi
Collection: Home
Image of Tracy McGrady
My heart is definitely here, and there's no place like home.
- Tracy McGrady
Collection: Home
Image of David L. Cohen
If you look at the families who live below the poverty line, only 47% of them have internet access at home. And of that low income population, they are disproportionately urban and people of color, which makes it a social justice issue.
- David L. Cohen
Collection: Home
Image of David L. Cohen
I live by statistics, so if look at U.S. Census statistics regarding families making over $100,000 dollars a year, 93% of them have broadband internet at home.
- David L. Cohen
Collection: Home
Image of Katie Dippold
It can be stressful if I wrote something that I realize doesn't sound right. I can write something at home and be like, "Great. Nailed it." Then I'm like, "No one should have to say those words. That doesn't make any sense." It's a lot of scrambling.
- Katie Dippold
Collection: Home
Image of Nomi Ruiz
New York is very intense. Every time I go back to New York, I'm starting from scratch. You could have all these achievements - records, a tour - and then you get home and get back to the basics. It whips you into shape.
- Nomi Ruiz
Collection: Home
Image of Joyce Maynard
Wherever it is you make your home, there is always this other place, this other person, calling to you. Come to me. Come back.
- Joyce Maynard
Collection: Home
Image of Joyce Maynard
A good home must be made, not bought.
- Joyce Maynard
Collection: Home
Image of Naguib Mahfouz
Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease.
- Naguib Mahfouz
Collection: Home
Image of Melissa Breen
I used to live on the other side of Canberra so it'd take me about 20-25-minutes to come into training. I was so thankful to have a car. Mum was also happy because she had all this extra time instead of driving me to training, waiting around, and then taking me home.
- Melissa Breen
Collection: Home
Image of Kris Kobach
It used to be that conservatives who were in government, like myself, we would get what we felt was unfair coverage, we'd go home, we would grumble, we would complain about it, but we actually wouldn't say anything to the reporter or to the reporters while they're asking us additional questions.
- Kris Kobach
Collection: Home
Image of Mike Tindall
A French player, Sylvain Marconnet, broke his tibia skiing in 2007 and missed his home World Cup. For me the risk of breaking something versus the reward was never worth it.
- Mike Tindall
Collection: Home
Image of Charles C. Mann
Major power and telephone grids have long been controlled by computer networks, but now similar systems are embedded in such mundane objects as electric meters, alarm clocks, home refrigerators and thermostats, video cameras, bathroom scales, and Christmas-tree lights - all of which are, or soon will be, accessible remotely.
- Charles C. Mann
Collection: Home
Image of Josie Ho
I do have a busy work life. So I would say that the positive atmosphere at home combined with the support I receive from my family and loved ones is really what helps me balance it all.
- Josie Ho
Collection: Home
Image of Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer
I think I am most comfortable when I am on stage. I feel free, like I can be or do anything and it feels like home.
- Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer
Collection: Home
Image of Justin Hires
I'm really quiet at home. I don't speak that much. However, when I'm in public, I make sure to speak to everyone.
- Justin Hires
Collection: Home
Image of Zoe McLellan
The cause I am most passionate about is natural birthing. I had my son at home, and it was the most primal, intuitive, empowering, and loving experience I've ever had.
- Zoe McLellan
Collection: Home
Image of Rose Macaulay
It wasn't really touching to be young; it was touching not to be young, because you had less of life left. Touching to be thirty; more touching to be forty; tragic to be fifty; and heartbreaking to be sixty. As to seventy, as to eighty, one would feel as one did during the last dance of a ball, tired but fey in the paling dawn, desperately making the most of each bar of music before one went home to bed.
- Rose Macaulay
Collection: Home
Image of Sadiq Khan
I'm going to bring in something called the London Living Rent. These are homes where rent is one third of average local earnings.
- Sadiq Khan
Collection: Home
Image of Volker Bertelmann
I also remember riding home from a wonderful day with only my bathing shorts, losing the chain of my bicycle, having no hand breaks, and slipping high speed on a street covered with stones. I had to go to the hospital.
- Volker Bertelmann
Collection: Home
Image of Moddi
There are trade-offs in everything we do in life, and I have accepted that if I would like to be principled - and just principled - my best call would be to sit at home and shut up, because nothing I preached would be connectable to the practice.
- Moddi
Collection: Home
Image of Louis MacNeice
Today I am so at home in Dublin, more than in any other city, that I feel it has always been familiar to me. But, as with Belfast it took me years to penetrate its outer ugliness and dourness, so with Dublin it took me years to see through its soft charm to its bitter prickly kernel - which I quite like too.
- Louis MacNeice
Collection: Home
Image of Li Bingbing
To me, my nephew is the angel of my world. It is my absolute happiest moment whenever he smiles at me. I have stopped working 24 hours a day like I was before, and I rush back home to see him whenever I can after work. That always makes my day.
- Li Bingbing
Collection: Home
Image of William H. Macy
It's hard to be depressed around a ukulele. You just pick it up and you're halfway home.
- William H. Macy
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Abetz
I've always enjoyed mixing and mingling with the Tasmanian community and that's, if you like, the bread and butter of politics. And from my perspective, it's meant more time at home, which I also enjoy and it's also meant the greater interaction with the Tasmanian community. And it's also given me freedom to speak out.
- Eric Abetz
Collection: Home
Image of Erika Jayne
"Dancing with the Stars" is a great way to take Erika Jayne into more people's homes so she can have a good time and show them what she's all about. It's also a great opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone to perform and learn something new every week.
- Erika Jayne
Collection: Home
Image of Julia Kent
I can really only can record at home.
- Julia Kent
Collection: Home
Image of Julia Kent
I find when I'm touring or when I'm traveling, I just enter this other world kind of. It's much easier for me to be creative and be unselfconscious about creating when I'm home.
- Julia Kent
Collection: Home
Image of Peter Navarro
Unfair trade practices drive up rents for younger people. They will drive up home prices for first-time home-buyers. So it's not just that we're losing jobs and factories. We're giving away our homes, our businesses, our companies, our technologies.
- Peter Navarro
Collection: Home
Image of David C. Driskell
I remember an experience once of a young man in our home who was gay. We just assumed it, based on his outward appearance. Gay people had a hard time in those days, in fifties since the police would create situations to lock them up.
- David C. Driskell
Collection: Home
Image of Renee Montagne
Jason Rezaian is finally headed home. He's the correspondent for The Washington Post who was held in Iran for a year and half while U.S. diplomats, his family and his editors worked to win his release. Rezaian was one of the four Americans released from prison in Tehran in a swap for seven Iranians held in U.S. prisons.
- Renee Montagne
Collection: Home
Image of Diana L. Eck
My first intellectual challenge was to try to understand this incredible city of Banaras (also called Varanasi) in India and its meaning for Hindus. That was the place I lived for the first year I was in India and I've been back many times. It's a kind of home to me.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Home
Image of Diana L. Eck
I guess one of the things that is an advantage of the world in which we live is that I can at least I can have multiple homes. I can have that attachment to Montana and to Cambridge and to India.
- Diana L. Eck
Collection: Home
Image of Kathy Freston
I missed a tuna-fish sandwich with mayo on toasted wheat bread more than anything. Six months after I went vegan, I snuck into a deli and took one home. And, of course, it wasn't nearly as good as I fantasized. It tasted, well, fishy.
- Kathy Freston
Collection: Home
Image of Chelsea Martin
I don't really like to write anywhere but my own apartment. I send a lot of text messages to myself as email when I'm not at home. My texts are usually like, "If I ever break up with my boyfriend I want to date a very angry rapper."
- Chelsea Martin
Collection: Home
Image of John Zaffis
A lot of times, when doing the paranormal research and doing an investigation, you don't know what you're going to encounter. You don't know what you're going to come up against. People have to realize that we don't know them and they don't know us. I'm talking about the people that live in the homes. Sometimes you don't know what you're going to encounter, what type of situation you're going to walk into.
- John Zaffis
Collection: Home
Image of John Perry Barlow
I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.
- John Perry Barlow
Collection: Home
Image of Julianna Margulies
The hardest thing about being an actor, and especially when you're a woman trying to also have a family and a relationship, is to maintain some sort of normalcy. With television, you might not be home a lot, but you have a routine.
- Julianna Margulies
Collection: Home
Image of Paula Nelson
Women's battle for financial equality has barely been joined, much less won. Society still traditionally assigns to woman the role of money-handler rather than money-maker, and our assigned specialty is far more likely to be home economics than financial economics.
- Paula Nelson
Collection: Home
Image of Melanie Lynskey
I think there's so many little specific things in the script [of "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore"]. And the script was also structured so beautifully that I didn't want to mess with it.
- Melanie Lynskey
Collection: Home