Top home Quotes Collection - Page 50

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 50 provides more home quotes.

Image of Lizzie Velasquez
I used to be the definition of a people pleaser. I would say 'yes' to anything and everything and then, when I got home, I'd complain and vent to my family. I had to realise that it's okay to say 'no' sometimes.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Home
Image of Dave Abrams
With a profession such as investing, people see the 'doing' as the buying and selling. It is difficult to come home from work, and answer your spouse's question, 'what did you do today?' with 'well, I read a lot, and I talked a little.' If you're not buying or selling, you may feel you aren't doing anything.
- Dave Abrams
Collection: Home
Image of Daryl Wein
When you're an artist, your personal life and your professional life kind of blend together. I'm writing from home so I don't have an office or anything. I don't know where to draw the line between "Okay, let's stop now and watch American Idol."
- Daryl Wein
Collection: Home
Image of Chien-Ming Wang
I felt I had to work even harder in order to help two sets of parents. Most of my money I send home to let my parents manage. The rest I use for living expenses in America.
- Chien-Ming Wang
Collection: Home
Image of Eddie Lacy
Sometimes you don't feel the hits from the game until you're at home on the couch.
- Eddie Lacy
Collection: Home
Image of Violante Placido
I'm still on my demos. I'm still making my mind up and deciding what kind of artistic production to come in. I do things at home with my musicians but I would like an artistic producer to come in and work on them.
- Violante Placido
Collection: Home
Image of Joe Manchin
The time has come to make the difficult decision. Charity begins at home. We can no longer afford to rebuild Afghanistan and America. We must choose. And I choose America.
- Joe Manchin
Collection: Home
Image of G.W. Sok
Punk, and rock in general, is often very myopic. When people sing about "the world," they're generally focused almost entirely on the west and Europe. Sometimes South America. Sometimes Asia. But rarely Africa. The Ex, famously, is one of the few rock acts to travel and perform in Africa which, may be home to more musicians than just about anywhere else in the world.
- G.W. Sok
Collection: Home
Image of Cynthia Addai-Robinson
I feel comfortable in the US, the UK and in Ghana. They are all home to me in some way.
- Cynthia Addai-Robinson
Collection: Home
Image of Baron Vaughn
Surprisingly I've never really stolen anything. One time when I was really young, I was walking down the street, found a GI Joe in the mud, and took it home and I was like, "I got a GI Joe!" And then my great grandmother was like, "You stole that." I said, "What are you talking about?" and she said, "That's not yours." I'm like, "But I found it!" She's like, "But it's not yours, and therefore you stole it." So I just went and put it right back in the mud where I found it.
- Baron Vaughn
Collection: Home
Image of Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Poland does not want to remain a net recipient of EU subsidies forever. On the contrary: we want the right to develop in a fair market, and by this right, we want to one day catch up with Germany in terms of welfare and economic power. This will not take 100 years! And then many Poles who emigrated will be able to return home.
- Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Collection: Home
Image of Carson McCullers
I must go home periodically to renew my sense of horror.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Home
Image of Derek Waters
When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was to be a musician. I lost everything I had, but I just knew that someday I'd be able to tell the world to 'go big or go home.' The world needs to know.
- Derek Waters
Collection: Home
Image of Davis Schneiderman
Be on the lookout for global warming for God's sakes, although I don't think you can really "see" it. It's something you feel, deep inside, at the moment you have second thoughts about spraying those CFCs outside your home each afternoon in hopes of making it just a little friggin' warmer - is that too much to ask? - in your neck of the woods.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Home
Image of Davis Schneiderman
People like me start organizing conferences and editing journals, even become tenured professors talking about Empire of the Senseless with a bunch of wide-eyed kids from the farmland. If only one of those kids goes back home and lets her hogs out of the pen to go plum wild rolling around in their own slop while the neighboring farmers scratch their chins, then, isn't that worth it? Insert the same scenario with stockbrokers, stock-car drivers, and stock characters in the post-baccalaureate working man's sideshow, and well, that's viral reproduction.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Home
Image of Warren MacKenzie
I find it really enriching to make pots which people are using and which they come in contact with, not only visually in their homes but tactilely - when they pick them up, when they wash them after dinner, and so on and so forth.
- Warren MacKenzie
Collection: Home
Image of Lissie
I'm very much a homebody so once I have my home set up how I want it, that's my zen, my comfy little nest where I drink my wine and watch my Netflix.
- Lissie
Collection: Home
Image of Rod McKuen
I chose the shadows; they did not choose me. I stay here securely not just because I feel plain, but because disappearance is by now the easy way. The habit. The worn path that I can trod knowingly and be assured safe passage home.
- Rod McKuen
Collection: Home
Image of Clinton Smith
I love paperwhites - they smell heavenly and you can often pick them up from a big home improvement store garden center already planted in pretty terra cotta pots.
- Clinton Smith
Collection: Home
Image of John Heard
There were a lot of things in it that were important at the time to me. Cutter's Way movie was very relevant. And I wanted Cutter to succeed as a vet, as a guy coming back from 'Nam, because there were so many guys like that. And there were so many other movies at the time, like Apocalypse Now, Coming Home, and The Deer Hunter, that it was really important that the movie be believable, that I come across a pissed-off vet who'd been there and comes home angry.
- John Heard
Collection: Home
Image of Frances Beinecke
Ordinary people have an extremely important role to play in fighting climate change. Not only can you make your home more energy efficient, drive less, and eat more local food - you can also tell your leaders to take climate action.
- Frances Beinecke
Collection: Home
Image of Golda Meir
Once in a Cabinet we had to deal with the fact that there had been an outbreak of assaults on women at night. One minister suggested a curfew; women should stay home after dark. I said, 'But it's the men who are attacking the women. If there's to be a curfew, let the men stay home, not the women.
- Golda Meir
Collection: Home
Image of Burhan Sonmez
Some people are like a defeated warrior: they accept the defeat, go to work, go back home, watch TV silently. That is like a prison. You can have a life sentence in prison and it's the same in cities.
- Burhan Sonmez
Collection: Home
Image of Andre Naffis-Sahely
I'm mostly surprised by the fact he's still alive; given that people have been trying to silence him for almost fifty years, he really shouldn't be. Aged thirty, Abdellatif [Laâbi's ] was kidnapped from his home in Rabat by plainclothes policemen, bundled into the back of an unmarked car, driven to a dingy gaol, and tortured for days on end.
- Andre Naffis-Sahely
Collection: Home
Image of Antoniette Costa
I try to get back for every holiday to see my parents. Love being home and with my family.
- Antoniette Costa
Collection: Home
Image of John Mellencamp
Ain't that America, home of the free? Little pink houses for you and me.
- John Mellencamp
Collection: Home
Image of Wendy Starland
Home is a place from which you can draw strength.
- Wendy Starland
Collection: Home
Image of James DeGale
There are negatives in fighting away from home: you're not in front of your home fans, you don't have your home comforts, but I have travelled the world as an amateur and I have always managed to bring back medals. I enjoy it a little bit more when you're the underdog.
- James DeGale
Collection: Home
Image of Gordon Chan
Filmmakers need to give the audience that something extra, an incentive to spend money and go to the multiplex - the ticket prices are high. Otherwise they'd just stay home, buy DVDs or download movies. But if there were only big budget movies it would be impossible for the film industry to survive. So I emphasize the importance of mid-range films. But those films need the support of theatre owners. The theatre chains have to have the vision to realize the need to support smaller films for the growth of the domestic film industry.
- Gordon Chan
Collection: Home
Image of Phoebe Waller-Bridge
I feel like my home is stage acting.
- Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Daman
I think it's important for the viewers at home to have something accessible and attainable.
- Eric Daman
Collection: Home
Image of Norm MacDonald
Many people are skeptical about marriage of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Pressley. They say, Lisa Marie is more of a sit at home type, while Michael Jackson is more of a homosexual pedophile.
- Norm MacDonald
Collection: Home
Image of Sharon Zukin
No matter how many rich people call New York their home, we don't really have enough capital here to build and maintain the infrastructure that a population needs to live. We don't have the federal money, and for-profit investors are just not interested in anything other than making the biggest profit they can.
- Sharon Zukin
Collection: Home
Image of Sharon Zukin
The existing American laws we use in a pinch just do not adequately protect artists or any other group of rental tenants. For example, artist certification. You can always get around that. Every society that does not want to really protect tenants' rights tries historic preservation. But that says nothing about the right of people to stay in their homes. It says that the building cannot be demolished. But it does not say who is allowed to live in the building.
- Sharon Zukin
Collection: Home
Image of Bernie Finkelstein
I had promised myself when I first got started that if I got to the point my life where I started feeling 'Gee, I'd rather be at home than at work', and that started happening more often than not, that it would be time to leave. I'd wake up some days and go "Oh, I don't even know if I want to go face this anymore". I would, I would go do it, I'm a dutiful kind of person and not afraid of work.
- Bernie Finkelstein
Collection: Home
Image of Sasha Abramsky
Poverty became something one could see and experience firsthand, no matter where one was on the economic ladder; it became something you could viscerally experience through the lives of friends, family, neighbors, colleagues. I'd venture to say it's a rare person in 2013 America who knows nobody who lost a job in the recession, or knows nobody whose home went underwater or who went into foreclosure.
- Sasha Abramsky
Collection: Home
Image of Vantile Whitfield
Don't date a woman who gives you a pager number instead of a home number (she's looking for control).
- Vantile Whitfield
Collection: Home
Image of Rhys Darby
When I was a kid I thought I saw a ghost in the forest when I was on a bush walk, like a walk through the forest. I saw something weird pass from one side of the track to the other, and it was sort of a white, blurry... it's hard to describe, really, something that was almost see-through but it just moved in front of me. It was definitely something you could tell was there, and it really freaked me out. I think I was probably 10, and I ran all the way home.
- Rhys Darby
Collection: Home
Image of Lorna Luft
Every time I go out on a stage I consider myself very lucky. Because, in a time where people are economically thinking about what to go and see - so, when I am on a stage, and it doesn't matter where I am, that's my favorite show. I come home after and say "That was my favorite show".
- Lorna Luft
Collection: Home
Image of Erwin McManus
Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home.
- Erwin McManus
Collection: Home
Image of Shelby Harris
So a lot of people who work rotating shifts and they work at night, their bodies are set to want to be awake during the day and sleep at night. So there are some people who have a lot of trouble adjusting their rhythms and they have trouble working the night shift, they're sleepy, they're drowsy driving home.
- Shelby Harris
Collection: Home
Image of Bethany Cosentino
I'm working all the time. When I'm home I try to split my time evenly between resting and preparing for another tour, and writing stuff.
- Bethany Cosentino
Collection: Home
Image of Joshua James Alphonse Franceschi
I got to a crossroads in my life where basically I was asked to choose between staying at home and being with them, or being in a band and doing what I want to do.
- Joshua James Alphonse Franceschi
Collection: Home
Image of Sophia Loren
The most indespensible ingredient of all good home cooking: love for those you are cooking for.
- Sophia Loren
Collection: Home
Image of Bianca Balti
It's very different - the European way of working and the American way of working. There are two sides for each of them. In Italy, or France, we take it very slow. For example, we would have a lunch break of an hour or more. Just sitting down at the table, chitchatting. In America, it's like, "Grab your sandwich, we're ready to shoot in 10 minutes." But at the same time, everything works so much better in America. It's more efficient, so it's easier to bring the results home faster.
- Bianca Balti
Collection: Home
Image of Jane Park
Whether I'm traveling or at home in Seattle, my days rarely play out as it looks on my Outlook calendar - there's almost always something unexpected that comes up. But when I'm in town, my day usually starts at about 6 a.m., which is brutal for me because I'm really a night owl at heart.
- Jane Park
Collection: Home
Image of David Mamet
Having spent too many years in show business, the one thing I see that succeeds is persistence. It's the person who just ain't gonna go home. I decided early on that I wasn't going to go home. This is what I'll be doing until they put me in jail or in a coffin.
- David Mamet
Collection: Home
Image of Mary Matalin
Rule number one: Never make anyone uncomfortable in your home-even morons.
- Mary Matalin
Collection: Home
Image of Reese Roper
I am a pretty good actor. Most of my friendships are based on the fact that I pretend to be outgoing and funny in social situations, but when I get home, I tend to isolate myself because I am actually somewhat bipolar and introverted.
- Reese Roper
Collection: Home