Top home Quotes Collection - Page 47

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 47 provides more home quotes.

Image of Elfriede Jelinek
Anna despises two classes of people: first, those who own their own homes and have cars and families, and second, everybody else. Constantly she is on the verge of exploding. With rage. A pool of pure red. The pool is filled with speechlessness that talks away at her nonstop.
- Elfriede Jelinek
Collection: Home
Image of Taylor York
There's no place like home. And there's no toilet like your own.
- Taylor York
Collection: Home
Image of Marc Price
I think that the invasion of suburbia, our homes and our families, by this indefatigable, unstoppable force like zombies is frightening and personal. And it's so much more frightening than a national park like Disneyland being invaded by Martians. I think that's the enduring appeal of zombies.
- Marc Price
Collection: Home
Image of Aaron Dontez Yates
If Heaven is up, I'm going. I know I'm right in my heart. This world is not my home. This life will soon be gone, and, one day, I'll spread my wings, as an angel, and fly away.
- Aaron Dontez Yates
Collection: Home
Image of Aaron Dontez Yates
My wife loves me but she don't like me. I'm still in the trenches every day. I'm still buildin' my name, and it's growin' rapidly, but not fast enough to where I can relax at home with my kids and my wife. I'm always on the road, 3 months at a time, 6 months at a time.
- Aaron Dontez Yates
Collection: Home
Image of Steve Goodier
Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life - looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times.
- Steve Goodier
Collection: Home
Image of Liberty Hyde Bailey
The department of home economics was organized to train a woman in efficiency and to develop her outlook to life. Such a department is a necessity as a means of developing a society. It stands for the evolution of women's work and place.
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
Collection: Home
Image of Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Dying away from home, away from the soil of your birth - and to do so unseen and unmourned - is a profound horror.
- Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Collection: Home
Image of Marni Jackson
Home alone with a wakeful newborn, I could shower so quickly that the mirror didn't fog and the backs of my knees stayed dry. The one-minute hair conditioner was too slow for me.
- Marni Jackson
Collection: Home
Image of Dan J. Stein
America's humanitarian concern for foreign victims of natural disasters or civil strife is being abused by President Bush when he extends legal status to foreigners in the US when there is no reason that they could not go home safely.
- Dan J. Stein
Collection: Home
Image of James Bobin
My kids were always my test audience. I'd take home the dailies and show them what we'd been filming that day.
- James Bobin
Collection: Home
Image of Laurence Stallings
Ah, there should be a young man, ein schone Junge carrying Blumen, a bouquet of roses. There should be cold Rhine wine and Strausswaltzes, and on the long way home kisses in the shadow of an archway, like a Cinderella.
- Laurence Stallings
Collection: Home
Image of Josh Hutcherson
I'm so sick of the words 'gay' and 'lesbian'. They're just people... One day I want my son to come home from school and be like, 'I found this guy, and I love him.' And I'm gonna be like, 'Yes, you do, and that's ok.'
- Josh Hutcherson
Collection: Home
Image of Kesha
I was dating a guy once who spoke rudely to a taxi driver. I got out of the cab and walked home. Treat people with respect. I've waited tables, and that's why I just exceedingly overtip. It's exhausting work.
- Kesha
Collection: Home
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
We must spoil our women, boy. A happy woman makes a happy home. An unhappy one makes us drink.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Home
Image of Pico Iyer
Home is not just the place where you happen to be born. Its the place where you become yourself.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Home
Image of Pico Iyer
For more and more of us, home has less to do with a piece of soil than a piece of soul.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Home
Image of James Jeans
In this model, the sun is a very tiny speck of dust indeed-a speck less than a three-thousandth of an inch in diameter ... Think of the sun as something less than a speck of dust in a vast city, of the earth as less than a millionth part of such a speck of dust, and we have perhaps as vivid a picture as the mind can really grasp of the relation of our home in space to the rest of the universe.
- James Jeans
Collection: Home
Image of Jason Dolley
Being home schooled is awesome because you can make your own schedule, so as far as time management, its up to you how much you get done and when you get it done. Its all got to get done; how you do it is up to you. You need a lot of self-discipline, but luckily, I have it.
- Jason Dolley
Collection: Home
Image of George Colman the Elder
Love and a cottage! Eh, Fanny! Ah, give me indifference and a coach and six!
- George Colman the Elder
Collection: Home
Image of Lou Doillon
Music came as the best thing for me at home, where no one can tell you anything. For years I was so closed, wanting to do it exactly like I had it in my head, because this would be the only place that was superpersonal.
- Lou Doillon
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Pesce
Cognitive liberty begins at home, behind your eyes and between your ears. The first act of liberation is to step forward, and be counted as one of us.
- Mark Pesce
Collection: Home
Image of Daughn Gibson
Any parent would have reservations if their kid came home dressed like a skinhead, but mine understood that punk kept me focused on something when so many of my friends were out robbing 7-Elevens.
- Daughn Gibson
Collection: Home
Image of Martha Minow
Whether low-income people are dealing with access to veteran's benefits, or a protective order to guard against domestic violence, or a way to guard against the loss of their home due to foreclosure and unscrupulous behavior by mortgage providers, there's no way they can afford a lawyer. And that's a serious problem. Because that erodes respect for law, it erodes the prospects for justice.
- Martha Minow
Collection: Home
Image of Tony Judt
Contrast 1968, when the CEO of General Motors took home, in pay and benefits, about sixty-six times the amount paid to a typical GM worker. Today the CEO of Wal-Mart earns nine hundred times the wages of his average employee. Indeed, the wealth of the Wal-Mart founder's family in 2005 was estimated at about the same ($90 billion) as that of the bottom 40% of the US population: 120 million people.
- Tony Judt
Collection: Home
Image of Adrian Pasdar
More and more people are watching entertainment on their phones. On a plane or on a train, or whatever, you see people with their headphones and they're looking at their iPhone or their Galaxy. You're reducing a medium that's meant to be seen on your 65-inch plasma screen at home for your 4-inch monitor on the train. People are ready to do either, and the content has to work on both.
- Adrian Pasdar
Collection: Home
Image of Adrian Pasdar
You always have good shows and bad shows. People want a certain amount of each. It's just widening the market a little bit. The involvement of people at home is just broadening things.
- Adrian Pasdar
Collection: Home
Image of Ashley Judd
The amount of gender violence that I experience is absolutely extraordinary. And a significant part of my day today will be spent filing police reports at home about gender violence that's directed at me in social media.
- Ashley Judd
Collection: Home
Image of Heidi Julavits
Home is the place where, when you go there, they have to take you in. In other words: Home has exceedingly low standards.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Home
Image of Else Lasker-Schuler
My breath hovers over the river of God - / Softly I set my foot / On the path to my long home.
- Else Lasker-Schuler
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Hernandez
I shined off high school band, marching, jazz studies. At the time I was too cool for school, I had this professional gig and I was going home taking a shower and heading to downtown Hawaii, Waikiki.
- Eric Hernandez
Collection: Home
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
My car's my best friend. My office. My home. My location. I have a very intimate sense when I am in a car with someone next to me. We're in the most comfortable seats because we're not facing each other, but sitting side by side. We don't look at each other, but instead do so only when we want to. We're allowed to look around without appearing rude. We have a big screen in front of us and side views. Silence doesn't seem heavy or difficult. Nobody serves anybody. And many other aspects. One most important thing is that it transports us from one place to another.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Home
Image of Deborah Kara Unger
That excites me, working with really excellent people, be it wonderful directors or actors or cinematographers and especially writers. My work life is going to a set and having these great experiences and coming home shifted by them.
- Deborah Kara Unger
Collection: Home
Image of Fergus McCann
I want people to judge me on what we have achieved after five years. I will go back to my home in Bermuda, play some golf and live a healthier life.
- Fergus McCann
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Dumontier
I think it's great that people now have access to Pro Tools and other recording software at home. I've never understood how anyone could be comfortable in a recording studio
- Michael Dumontier
Collection: Home
Image of Fay Faron
[On stereotyping:] It's the mind's way of processing a lot of information quickly. If we had to sort through every bit of data before making a decision, most folks would still be going out the front door when it was time to come home for the night.
- Fay Faron
Collection: Home
Image of Paul Sears
It is the great destiny of human science, not to ease man's labors or prolong his life, noble as those ends may be nor to serve the ends of power, but to enable man to walk upright without fear in a world which he at length will understand and which is his home.
- Paul Sears
Collection: Home
Image of Bil Keane
A peaceful home is as sacred a place as any chapel or cathedral.
- Bil Keane
Collection: Home
Image of Johann Sebastian Bach
On land, on sea, at home abroad, I smoke my pipe and worship God.
- Johann Sebastian Bach
Collection: Home
Image of Rachel Hurd-Wood
I'm quite good at going away from home. I don't live with my parents or anything. But it is tough when you're so far away from everyone.
- Rachel Hurd-Wood
Collection: Home
Image of Erica Brown
I took to religion at about age 12; it was very hard for me to be Sabbath observant as a kid in a home which was not Sabbath observant. I think my parents thought the whole Jewish thing was a phase.
- Erica Brown
Collection: Home
Image of Lorna Landvik
Home was always the place she went to when she had to start over.
- Lorna Landvik
Collection: Home
Image of Whit Stillman
I can talk about Jane Austen until the cows come home.
- Whit Stillman
Collection: Home
Image of Glenda Bailey
There are traditionalists, and there are people in the middle, which is where I am. I still get my newspaper delivered. I love the ritual of it. But I also jump into the cab when I leave home and I look at some BBC on my iPad.
- Glenda Bailey
Collection: Home
Image of Jerry Lee Lewis
I'm coming on home to you instead cause they're all too ugly tonight.
- Jerry Lee Lewis
Collection: Home
Image of John Fullbright
I can't write on the road. I have to be home. I have to be around all those rusted tractors and dilapidated fences and things like that, because it just grounds me in a way that I can't find in a hotel room.
- John Fullbright
Collection: Home
Image of Masayoshi Son
I'd met Simon [Segars] for the first time in London. He struck me as a quiet, natural-born engineer and an orthodox successor [to East]. He has a home in Silicon Valley, and he said it's just a few minutes' drive away from mine.
- Masayoshi Son
Collection: Home
Image of Tanner Berryhill
Being on the road 33 weeks of the year, this becomes your community. You have to get to along with everybody. Racing becomes your life. You still have your friends at home, but you're with these people so much. You have to get along.
- Tanner Berryhill
Collection: Home
Image of David Paul
Tears are another river that takes us home. We become alive with tears. There isn't a chance to return to sleep when we are weeping.
- David Paul
Collection: Home