Top home Quotes Collection - Page 46

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 46 provides more home quotes.

Image of Tove Jansson
You must go on a long journey before you can really find out how wonderful home is.
- Tove Jansson
Collection: Home
Image of Tove Jansson
There are those who stay at home and those who go away, and it has always been so. Everyone can choose for himself, but he must choose while there is still time and never change his mind.
- Tove Jansson
Collection: Home
Image of Janis Ian
Those of us with ravaged faces, lacking in the social graces, desperately remained at home, inventing lovers on the phone.
- Janis Ian
Collection: Home
Image of How to Dress Well
I've come to realize that most of my intellectual postures and a lot of my intellectualism is super defensive and really symptomatic of basic fears. My one thing with the record is that I wanted to make something alien that wasn't alienating. And I think that the last thing I want is to dedicate my life to something which renders me further and further from being at home in my life - progressively more alienated and separate from myself.
- How to Dress Well
Collection: Home
Image of Lauren Bacall
You spend a good part of your adult life acquiring things: building a home, filling it with objects that please your eye and make you feel comfortable. Then you spend the last part of your life trying to figure out how to get rid of it all.
- Lauren Bacall
Collection: Home
Image of Kirby Wright
I'm fascinated how owning something, especially something as big as a home, can affect your political leanings. Home ownership spawns thoughts of equity and maintaining value.
- Kirby Wright
Collection: Home
Image of Lola Kirke
You don't have that interaction with the audience when you're acting for film; you're kind of acting in a vacuum. You're acting for a disinterested grip who just wants to reply to his wife about what time he'll be home for dinner. Everyone else on a film set is also there because they're paid to be there. They're not there because they're passionate about what you do necessarily.
- Lola Kirke
Collection: Home
Image of Michelle Gomez
A good antidote to nostalgia is to go home, and then you remember why you left.
- Michelle Gomez
Collection: Home
Image of Ann Burton
Sloths actually are like furry living ecosystems all by themselves! Algae grows on their fur and they are also home to "sloth moths" who call them home and drink their tears.
- Ann Burton
Collection: Home
Image of Frankie Knuckles
I have worked with a lot of different great people. One of the things my partner, my manager Judy Weinstein, instilled in [David] Morales and myself is that the quality goes in before the name goes home.
- Frankie Knuckles
Collection: Home
Image of Derek Jeter
You have to be confident, if you're not confident you might as well go home.
- Derek Jeter
Collection: Home
Image of Jason Kidd
I've learned a lot at home and been able to take what I've learned at home to the court.
- Jason Kidd
Collection: Home
Image of Odilo Globocnik
I know that you observe Christmas Day as you learned it at home. I do not observe it. However, as assistant director of this prison, I allow all the Catholics to observe freely and with some joy this day in this home.
- Odilo Globocnik
Collection: Home
Image of Trina Gulliver
I am very well known in the world of darts and in my home town of Southam but unfortunately women's darts does not have the high profile of the men's game and so is not featured on TV very much. I think you need to be seen on world wide TV to become really famous.
- Trina Gulliver
Collection: Home
Image of Justin Nozuka
As much as we think that it is important to just focus at home, by focusing on other places in the world we really do take steps towards creating a more peaceful structure. It is all something that we can enjoy.
- Justin Nozuka
Collection: Home
Image of Crispian Mills
Seeing a film at the cinema, or a DVD or whatever at home, your brain is really receptive to not only whether the script's working, or if the actors are acting well, but also the colours.
- Crispian Mills
Collection: Home
Image of Lawrence Beesley
Think of it! A few more boats, a few more planks of wood nailed together in a particular way at a thrifty cost and all those men and women whom the world can so ill afford to loose would be with us today. There would be no mourning in thousands of homes which now are desolate and these words need not have been written.
- Lawrence Beesley
Collection: Home
Image of Gorilla Zoe
People really don't know the extent of what I actually do. I'm not one of those rappers... "Hey! Make a hit. Throw it on an album! Sit at home and make more music." I put 4 or 5 mixtapes out and do shows all year long.
- Gorilla Zoe
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Lyons
One day there were two out in the ninth, and I hit a pop fly so high that the fans got tired of waiting for it to come down. So they all went home and listened to it drop by turning on the radio.
- Ted Lyons
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Jones
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
- Tom Jones
Collection: Home
Image of Donovan Bailey
Im Jamaican, man. Im Jamaican first. You gotta understand thats where Im from. Thats home. That you can never take away from me. Im a Jamaican-born Canadian sprinter.
- Donovan Bailey
Collection: Home
Image of Shirley Jones
I wanted some family structure and stability, and thats what The Partridge Family afforded me, not only financially but in the fact that I could be at home with my kids.
- Shirley Jones
Collection: Home
Image of Sadie Jones
I love writing on trains. The joy of being a writer is it's all in your head; you don't need materials apart from the laptop. It's like taking your work home with you, so you can feel grounded in your own insane writerly realities wherever you are.
- Sadie Jones
Collection: Home
Image of Bindi Irwin
Everyone we love builds a home in our heart. And when they are gone we spend eternity staring at their empty seat.
- Bindi Irwin
Collection: Home
Image of Anthony Heald
I love going into rehearsals day after day for three, four weeks, trying stuff, coming back the next day, building on that. So many times I'd drive home from the studio [after] shooting and I'd be thinking about a certain moment, and I'd think, "Oh, I know what to do!"
- Anthony Heald
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Moss
Have you ever noticed how some rooms exude a certain energy, warmth, and a harmony of spirit? If you have, then you have experienced the language of the home. A language softly spoken, and univerally understood.
- Charlotte Moss
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Moss
Decorating is like music. Harmony is what we constantly strive for. At home, we want a peaceful atmosphere where the objects are the notes and nothing is off-key.
- Charlotte Moss
Collection: Home
Image of Julia McNair Wright
fully half of Household miseries arise from a lack of order.
- Julia McNair Wright
Collection: Home
Image of Julia McNair Wright
Home is the place where true politeness tells.
- Julia McNair Wright
Collection: Home
Image of Laura Ramsey
In L.A., it's very easy to be healthy, because everybody there is so health conscious that no matter where you go, everybody is exercising or eating very healthy, and they have a lot of farmers markets. The problem is when you go on location or I go home to Wisconsin. That's where it gets difficult.
- Laura Ramsey
Collection: Home
Image of Christine Swanson
Some people are swimmers and they're born to swim. They're like fish in the water. I will definitely say it's someplace that I feel at home.
- Christine Swanson
Collection: Home
Image of Daniel Johns
I don't know if sitting home everyday is normal, but that's what I do.
- Daniel Johns
Collection: Home
Image of Hank Ketcham
You don't go home and talk about the great tennis courts that you played, but you do talk about the golf courses you played.
- Hank Ketcham
Collection: Home
Image of Wendi Deng Murdoch
I studied and worked in a Chinese restaurant to support myself. People would say to me 'Oh you must be missing home', but I had grown up hard. I was so happy to be there. I had never even been in a supermarket before coming to America. At home, my parents wouldn't let me open the refrigerator, because they worried I'd damage the door by opening it too many times.
- Wendi Deng Murdoch
Collection: Home
Image of Alice-Leone Moats
For a second marriage a lady has to content herself with a quiet ceremony in a chapel or at home, if she doesn't want to be married by a magistrate. Having, it is to be hoped, lost her right to white satin she wears a simple afternoon frock and hat.
- Alice-Leone Moats
Collection: Home
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Four. That's what I want you to remember. If you don't get your idea across in the first four minutes, you won't do it. Four sentences to a paragraph. Four letters to a word. The most important words in the English language all have four letters. Home. Love. Food. Land. Peace. . .I know peace has five letters, but any damn fool knows it should have four.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Home
Image of Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo
We understand that in this globalized world we all need to work together. As the Pope says in his encyclical, "Laudato Si," the Earth is our common home.
- Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo
Collection: Home
Image of Camila Cabello
I'm excited to be home, not wear makeup, and wear onesies.
- Camila Cabello
Collection: Home
Image of Dom Kennedy
Having a son had an immediate impact on me, that's when I started taking my business, my time and having something to show for myself seriously. My time has to be compensated. People may call me materialistic or whatever but if I spend 20 hours away from my son, if I don't bring anything home, then what was I doing with my time? It's simple, it's my son and then everything else.
- Dom Kennedy
Collection: Home
Image of Lady Bird Johnson
My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth. I wanted future generations to be able to savor what I had all my life.
- Lady Bird Johnson
Collection: Home
Image of Diego Corrales
I actually have the Arcade PC at home, and it has 5,500 games on it. Everything from the old school, Galaga, Tron, Missile Command, anything you can think of, theyre all on there. I love the old school games.
- Diego Corrales
Collection: Home
Image of Colin Angle
The way that the robotics market is going to grow, at least in the home, is that we'll have a number of different special purpose robots.
- Colin Angle
Collection: Home
Image of Colin Angle
One of the big things coming out of healthcare reform is a thing called the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS) which is a mechanism to reimburse people staying at home for technology and services that allow them to stay at home.
- Colin Angle
Collection: Home
Image of Storm Jameson
Lord, if there is a heartache Vienna cannot cure I hope never to feel it. I came home cured of everything except Vienna.
- Storm Jameson
Collection: Home
Image of Doug Liman
What I really found was that the one similarity between Covert Affairs and Fair Game is a deep love and admiration and fascination with the home life of a spy.
- Doug Liman
Collection: Home
Image of John Kador
One of the most useful tasks of apology is to bring home to us how keenly, honestly, and painfully past generations pursued aims that now seem to us wrong and disgraceful. It behooves us to consider if future geenrations will similarly regard the aims we most defend today.
- John Kador
Collection: Home
Image of Masiela Lusha
In the end we're all searching for our home, that one place where we belong.
- Masiela Lusha
Collection: Home
Image of Steven J Lawson
Unless the Holy Ghost blesses the Word, we who preach the gospel are of all men most miserable, for we have attempted a task that is impossible. We have entered on a sphere where nothing but the supernatural will ever avail. If the Holy Spirit does not renew the hearts of our hearers, we cannot do it. If the Holy Ghost does not regenerate them, we cannot. If He does not send the truth home into their souls, we might as well speak into the ear of a corpse.
- Steven J Lawson
Collection: Home
Image of Robert M
One day you'll make peace with your demons, and the chaos in your heart will settle flat. And maybe for the first time in your life, life will smile right back at you and welcome you home.
- Robert M
Collection: Home