Top home Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more home quotes.

Image of F. Matthias Alexander
Prevent the things you have been doing and you are half-way home.
- F. Matthias Alexander
Collection: Home
Image of Joseph Cook
Only the home can found a state.
- Joseph Cook
Collection: Home
Image of Neal Ascherson
All human populations are in some sense immigrants. All hostility between different cultures in one place has an aspect of the classic immigrant grudge against the next boatload approaching the shore. To defend one’s home and fields and ancestral graves against invasion seems a right. But to claim unique possession – to compound the fact of settlement with the aspect of a landscape into an abstract of eternal and immutable ownership – is a joke.
- Neal Ascherson
Collection: Home
Image of Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
The world censures those who take up arms to defend their causes and calls on them to use nonviolent means in voicing their grievances. But when a people chooses the nonviolent path, it is all too often the case that hardly anyone pays attention. It is tragic that people have to suffer and die and the television cameras have to deliver the pictures to people's homes every day before the world at large admits there is a problem.
- Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
Collection: Home
Image of Washington Allston
Injustice allowed at home is not likely to be corrected abroad.
- Washington Allston
Collection: Home
Image of Bhagawan Nityananda
One must seek the shortest way and the fastest means to get back home-to turn the spark within into a blaze, to be merged in and to identify with that greater fire which ignited the spark.
- Bhagawan Nityananda
Collection: Home
Image of Steven Brust
I’ve heard it said: ‘By his home you shall know him’; and we all know that we must pay attention to anyone who reverses the subject and auxiliary verb in his sentence.
- Steven Brust
Collection: Home
Image of Nigel Lawson
The successful sale of British Telecom... reveals a vast and untapped yearning among ordinary people for a direct stake in the ownership of British enterprise. Investment in shares has begun to take its place, with ownership of a home and either a bank or building society deposit, as a way for ordinary people to participate in enterprise and wealth creation. We are seeing the birth of people's capitalism.
- Nigel Lawson
Collection: Home
Image of Norman Finkelstein
Why should these Palestinians, who have lived in Jerusalem for hundreds of years, be evicted from their homes so that Jews from Brooklyn can live in them?
- Norman Finkelstein
Collection: Home
Image of Jonathan Clements
If you want to see the greatest threat to your financial future, go home and take a look in the mirror.
- Jonathan Clements
Collection: Home
Image of Larry Gelbart
The subtle differences in language and humor that get lost in translation, for example, make it almost impossible for big companies to do something that will appeal at home and abroad.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Home
Image of Michel Legrand
I insist on a Steinway for my recordings, my concerts and my home. It is the only piano I want to hear my music played on.
- Michel Legrand
Collection: Home
Image of Dana Gould
Women are like pumpkins; you search and search for the perfect one, bring it home, and the next thing you know, you're looking for a knife.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Home
Image of Jean Klein
The root of all desires is the one desire: to come home, to be at peace.
- Jean Klein
Collection: Home
Image of Jean Klein
Any love is a home-sickness, a longing for a lost paradise.
- Jean Klein
Collection: Home
Image of James Ellis
Man's birth is a lottery; it may be in the pleasant home of ease and affluence, or in the hut of poverty; in either case it may be a stain or an honor. If he is born in poverty, and his future life throws a lustre over an humble birth, the reward will not only be great, but his name will stand higher on the roll of honor and virtue, than he who can only boast of his proud descent.
- James Ellis
Collection: Home
Image of William Cohen
First, we must continually reaffirm the principle that the security of the United States is not, and should never be, a partisan matter. The United States can best defend its national security interests abroad by uniting behind a bipartisan security policy at home.
- William Cohen
Collection: Home
Image of E. Haldeman-Julius
Why should the residence of a preacher be untaxed? Useful citizens must pay taxes on their homes. Yet the Preacher - actually and notoriously the least useful member of the community - lives in a tax-free dwelling.
- E. Haldeman-Julius
Collection: Home
Image of Oswald J. Smith
The light that shines the farthest will shine the brightest at home.
- Oswald J. Smith
Collection: Home
Image of Ernestine Rose
And when your minister asks you for money for missionary purposes, tell him there are higher, and holier, and nobler missions to be performed at home. When he asks for colleges to educate ministers, tell him you must educate woman, that she may do away with the necessity of ministers, so that they may be able to go to some useful employment.
- Ernestine Rose
Collection: Home
Image of Natasha Richardson
Im not the kind of actress that goes home with the character. I mean, youre thinking about the work or the next days scenes, but not staying in character. But as a film goes on, you become more and more fragile, emotionally. And physically too, actually.
- Natasha Richardson
Collection: Home
Image of Basil Bunting
Praise the green earth. Chance has appointed her home, workshop, larder, middenpit. Her lousy skin scabbed here and there by cities provides us with name and nation.
- Basil Bunting
Collection: Home
Image of D. A. Pennebaker
I think nowadays people are so used taking the camera to the family picnic - so people are less surprised by films made of them, like home movies.
- D. A. Pennebaker
Collection: Home
Image of Alexa Chung
Looking effortless takes a lot of effort. When I get new Converse I dedicate some time at home to shoving mud on them so they don't look squeaky clean.
- Alexa Chung
Collection: Home
Image of Kellie Pickler
I'm so lazy. I'm on the road all the time working, so when I'm at home, my perfect date is just laying on the couch!
- Kellie Pickler
Collection: Home
Image of Edgar Mitchell
Suddenly, from behind the rim of the moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate, sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth ... home. My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity.
- Edgar Mitchell
Collection: Home
Image of Thomas Raymond Kelly
Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Centre, a speaking voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto itself.
- Thomas Raymond Kelly
Collection: Home
Image of John H. Vincent
We are pilgrims, not settlers; this earth is our inn, not our home.
- John H. Vincent
Collection: Home
Image of Adoniram Judson
I am not tired of my work, neither am I tired of the world; yet, when Christ calls me home, I shall go with gladness.
- Adoniram Judson
Collection: Home
Image of Millard Fuller
Everyone—all of us, every last person on God’s earth—deserves decent shelter. It speaks to the most basic of human needs—our home—the soil from which all of us, every last person, either blossom or wither. We each have need of food, clothing, education, medical care, and companionship; but first, we must have a place to live and grow.
- Millard Fuller
Collection: Home
Image of William Allingham
Round the world and home again, that's the sailor's way!
- William Allingham
Collection: Home
Image of Thelonious Monk
Everyone is influenced by everybody but you bring it down home the way you feel it.
- Thelonious Monk
Collection: Home
Image of Edward Hallett Carr
History consists of a corpus ascertained facts. The facts are available to the historian in documents, inscriptions and so on, like fish in the fishmonger's slab. The historian collects them, takes them home, and cooks and serves them in whatever style appeals to him.
- Edward Hallett Carr
Collection: Home
Image of Ruth Bernhard
It is so basic. A human being is an innocent part of nature. Our civilization has distorted this universal quality that allows us to feel at home in our skin. Other animals have coats that they accept, but the human race has yet to come to terms with being nude.
- Ruth Bernhard
Collection: Home
Image of David W. Orr
A summons home to the nature that nourishes the best human qualities of creativity, intelligence, connection, and compassion.
- David W. Orr
Collection: Home
Image of Mychal Thompson
Playing 82 games is not hard. The games are easy. It's what you do between games that wears you out.It's all about maintaining your body, maintaining your fitness and you do that by eating properly, watching your alcohol intake - I know I sound like an old-fashioned guy - but you do that by going home between games and getting your rest, taking care of your body, making sure you're getting the proper rest, the proper nutrition.
- Mychal Thompson
Collection: Home
Image of George Wein
Rhode Island has become a second home to me after being involved in its cultural life for over 61 years. I look upon it as a privilege to be inducted into the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame.
- George Wein
Collection: Home
Image of Christian Morgenstern
Home isn't where our house is, but wherever we are understood.
- Christian Morgenstern
Collection: Home
Image of Christian Morgenstern
You are not at home where your residence are but where you are understood.
- Christian Morgenstern
Collection: Home
Image of George Zimmerman
As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life.
- George Zimmerman
Collection: Home
Image of Polly Adler
A house is not a home.
- Polly Adler
Collection: Home
Image of Stephen Foster
Dear Sir: I will wish to establish my name as the best Ethiopian songwriter. But I am not encouraged in undertaking this as long as 'The Old Folks At Home' stares me in the face with another's name on it.
- Stephen Foster
Collection: Home
Image of Elsa Lanchester
Comedians on the stage are invariably suicidal when they get home.
- Elsa Lanchester
Collection: Home
Image of John Henry Jowett
Anyone can build a house: we need the Lord for the creation of a home.
- John Henry Jowett
Collection: Home
Image of John Fund
Tom Coburn never forgot that members of Congress are spending the hard-earned money of the people back home. Even a lot of conservatives end up forgetting that. Here's hoping that back in the private sector, Tom Coburn keeps up the fight for his beliefs and that he remains a constant reminder to lawmakers and the White House of ethical standards to which all should aspire.
- John Fund
Collection: Home
Image of Samuel Alito
I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.
- Samuel Alito
Collection: Home
Image of Ronnie Milsap
I feel this is a family here, so kinda regardless of whatever happens in your life, you always can come home to the Grand Ole Opry, thank God.
- Ronnie Milsap
Collection: Home
Image of Lottie Moon
A young man should ask himself not if it is his duty to go to the heathen, but if he may dare stay at home. The command is so plain: “Go.”
- Lottie Moon
Collection: Home