Quotes on Happiness: Find Joy in Every Day - Page 58

Find joy through our inspiring quotes about happiness. Discover the keys to a fulfilling and joyful life. Page 58 provides more happiness quotes.

Image of Cathy Guisewite
So often, happiness is the extent to which we balance our grandiose expectations with reality.
- Cathy Guisewite
Collection: Happiness
Image of Vernon Howard
Happiness is liberty from everything that makes us unhappy.
- Vernon Howard
Collection: Happiness
Image of John Heywood
Happy man, happy dole.
- John Heywood
Collection: Happiness
Image of Ernest Holmes
The Power which creates and sustains everything is now creating everything necessary to my happiness.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: Happiness
Image of Elbert Hubbard
Who are the happiest people on earth? A craftsman or artist whistling over a job well done. A little child building sand castles. A mother, after a busy day, bathing her baby. A doctor who has finished a difficult and dangerous operation, and saved a human life. Happiness lies in a constructive job well done. Get your happiness out of your work or you will never know what happiness is.
- Elbert Hubbard
Collection: Happiness
Image of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The History of the world is not the theatre of happiness. Periods of happiness are blank pages in it, for they are periods of harmony--periods when the antithesis is in abeyance.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Collection: Happiness
Image of Marcus Aurelius
Take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
- Marcus Aurelius
Collection: Happiness
Image of Jane Austen
[I]t is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Happiness
Image of Nhat Hanh
Our joy, peace and happiness depend very much on our practice of recognizing and transforming habit energies. There are positive habit energies that we have to cultivate, and negative habit energies that we have to recognize, embrace and transform. The energy with which we do these things is mindfulness.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Happiness
Image of Eric Hoffer
There is a perfect ant, a perfect bee, but man is perpetually unfinished...Moreover, the incurable unfinishedness keeps man perpetually immature, perpetually capable of learning and growing.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Happiness
Image of Kedar Joshi
The most fundamental law of tragedy is that the moments of greatest happiness are the hardest to attain.
- Kedar Joshi
Collection: Happiness
Image of Nhat Hanh
Walk so that your footprints bear only the marks of peaceful joy and complete freedom. To do this you have to learn to let go. Let go of your sorrows, let go of your worries. That is the secret of walking meditation.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Happiness
Image of Nhat Hanh
Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Happiness
Image of Douglas Horton
It's not a question of happiness, it's a requirement. Consider the alternative.
- Douglas Horton
Collection: Happiness
Image of David Hume
When we reflect on the shortness and uncertainty of life, how despicable seem all our pursuits of happiness.
- David Hume
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aldous Huxley
Universal happiness keeps the wheels steadily turning, truth and beauty can't.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Happiness
Image of John Keats
The roaring of the wind is my wife and the stars through the window pane are my children. The mighty abstract idea I have of beauty in all things stifles the more divided and minute domestic happiness.
- John Keats
Collection: Happiness
Image of John F. Kennedy
As far as the job of President goes, its rewarding and I've given before this group the definition of happiness for the Greeks. I'll define it again: the full use of your powers along lines of excellence. I find, therefore, that the Presidency provides some happiness.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Happiness
Image of Garrison Keillor
I remember when I switched from Christmas to sex as the secret of happiness.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Happiness
Image of Carl Jung
Perhaps this sounds very simple, but simple things are always the most difficult. In actual life it requires the greatest discipline to be simple, and the acceptance of oneself is the essence of the moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook upon life.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Happiness
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Of all the cankers of human happiness none corrodes with so silent, yet so baneful an influence, as indolence.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Happiness
Image of William James
Regarding mutual tolerance: It is negative in one sense, but positive in another. It absolutely forbids us to be forward in pronouncing on the meaninglessness of forms of existence other than our own; and it commands us to tolerate, respect, and indulge those whom we see harmlessly interested and happy in their own ways, however unintelligible these may be to us. Hands off.
- William James
Collection: Happiness
Image of Jack Kerouac
Happy. Just in my swim shorts, barefooted, wild-haired, in the red fire dark, singing, swigging wine, spitting, jumping, running—that's the way to live. All alone and free in the soft sands of the beach by the sigh of the sea out there, with the Ma-Wink fallopian virgin warm stars reflecting on the outer channel fluid belly waters. And if your cans are redhot and you can't hold them in your hands, just use good old railroad gloves, that's all.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
That all who are happy are equally happy is not true. A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied, but not equally happy. A small drinking glass and a large one may be equally full, but the large one holds more than the small.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Daisaku Ikeda
It is by fighting and triumphing over the enemies of the Buddha that we ourselves become Buddhas.
- Daisaku Ikeda
Collection: Happiness
Image of Helen Keller
What if in my waking hours a sound should ring through the silent halls of hearing? ... Would the bow and string tension of life snap? Would the heart over weighted with sudden joy stop beating for very excess of happiness?
- Helen Keller
Collection: Happiness
Image of William James
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed. which give happiness. Thomas Jefferson We never enjoy perfect happiness; our most fortunate successes are mingled with sadness; some anxieties always perplex the reality of our satisfaction.
- William James
Collection: Happiness
Image of William James
The attitude of unhappiness is not only painful, it is mean and ugly. What can be more base and unworthy than the pining, puling, mumping mood, no matter by what outward ills it may have been engendered? What is more injurious to others? What less helpful as a way out of the difficulty? It but fastens and perpetuates the trouble which occasioned it, and increases the total evil of the situation. At all costs, then, we ought to reduce the sway of that mood; we ought to scout it in ourselves and others, and never show it tolerance.
- William James
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
The fountain of contentment must spring up in the mind.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Thomas Jefferson
In every country where man is free to think and to speak, difference of opinion will arise from difference of perception, and the imperfection of reason; but these differences, when permitted, as in this happy country, to purify themselves by free discussion, are but as passing clouds overspreading our land transiently, and leaving our horizon more bright and serene.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Helen Keller
Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within
- Helen Keller
Collection: Happiness
Image of John Keats
Though the most beautiful creature were waiting for me at the end of a journey or a walk; though the carpet were of silk, the curtains of the morning clouds; the chairs and sofa stuffed with cygnet's down; the food manna, the wine beyond claret, the window opening on Winander Mere, I should not feel -or rather my happiness would not be so fine, as my solitude is sublime.
- John Keats
Collection: Happiness
Image of John Keats
Wine is only sweet to happy men.
- John Keats
Collection: Happiness
Image of Meher Baba
If we suffer in the sufferings of others and feel happy in the happiness of others, we are loving God.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Happiness
Image of Meher Baba
Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aldous Huxley
Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn't nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Happiness
Image of Hazrat Inayat Khan
Mankind is interdependent, and the happiness of each depends upon the happiness of all, and it is this lesson that humanity has to learn today as the first and the last lesson.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Collection: Happiness
Image of David Hume
Human happiness seems to consist in three ingredients; action, pleasure and indolence. And though these ingredients ought to be mixed in different proportions, according to the disposition of the person, yet no one ingredient can be entirely wanting without destroying in some measure the relish of the whole composition.
- David Hume
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
Labor, if it were not necessary for existence, would be indispensable for the happiness of man.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
For who is pleased with himself.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
Good sense alone is a sedate and quiescent quality, which manages its possessions well, but does not increase them; it collects few materials for its own operations, and preserves safety, but never gains supremacy.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
None are happy but by anticipation of change.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
Nothing is more idle than to inquire after happiness, which nature has kindly placed within our reach.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
So scanty is our present allowance of happiness that in many situations life could scarcely be supported if hope were not allowed to relieve the present hour by pleasures borrowed from the future.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
Terrestrial happiness is of short duration. The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odors.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Samuel Johnson
We seldom require more to the happiness of the present hour than to surpass him that stands next before us.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Perfect happiness, I believe, was never intended by the Deity to be the lot of one of his creatures in this world; but that he has very much put in our power the nearness of our approaches to it is what I have steadfastly believed.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Happiness
Image of Helen Keller
Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds, but we know it is there.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Happiness
Image of William James
The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is non-interference with their own particular ways of being happy, provided those ways do not assume to interfere by violence with ours.
- William James
Collection: Happiness