Top Global Warming Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Global Warming quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Gus Hall
Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible.
- Gus Hall
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Ivar Giaever
I am a skeptic...Global warming has become a new religion.
- Ivar Giaever
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Sammy Wilson
Global warming my gluteus maximus
- Sammy Wilson
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Richard Lindzen
...there is no substantive basis for predictions of sizeable global warming due to observed increases in minor greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.
- Richard Lindzen
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Dusty Springfield
I used so much hairspray that I feel personally responsible for global warming!
- Dusty Springfield
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Kerry Emanuel
It is tempting to ascribe Katrina, Rita and now Wilma to global warming effects, but I am not sure that would pass statistical muster.
- Kerry Emanuel
Collection: Global Warming
Image of David Bellamy
They say this is global warming: I say this is poppycock.
- David Bellamy
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Andrey Kapitsa
the biggest ever scientific fraud
- Andrey Kapitsa
Collection: Global Warming
Image of James McCarthy
There is no debate among any statured scientists of what is happening. The only debate is the rate at which it is happening.
- James McCarthy
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Mason Jennings
I am really concerned about all of the chemicals. Global warming is another huge one, but the amount of chemicals being used in like laundry detergents and fertilizers is concerning.
- Mason Jennings
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Nick Minchin
I am not at all convinced that human emissions of CO2 are adding to global warming.... I remain to be convinced about the theory of anthropogenic global warming.
- Nick Minchin
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Zach Braff
If global warming is such a bad thing, then why is it taking out all of mankind's competitors? It just seems to me that the less species are out there, killing all our Caribou, the better.
- Zach Braff
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Jon Stewart
Here's the thing about global warming that I didn't realize: it would all happen at once.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Global Warming
Image of James Hansen
As you get more global warming, you should see an increase in the extremes of the hydrological cycle - droughts and floods and heavy precipitation.
- James Hansen
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Rush Limbaugh
There is no science in global warming. "Mr. Limbaugh, that's typical of what you! That's the most outrageous statement I've ever heard anybody ever make! No science in global warming?" Do you know how I know there's no science in global warming, folks? Because they tell us a "consensus of scientists" agrees that X. There is no consensus in science.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Global Warming
Image of Paul Krugman
The planet will continue to cook.
- Paul Krugman
Collection: Global Warming