Liberty and Freedom: Quotes to Inspire Free Spirits - Page 20

Explore powerful quotes about freedom and liberty from world-renowned leaders and thinkers. Ignite your spirit of independence. Page 20 provides more freedom quotes.

Image of William Ellery Channing
The only freedom worth possessing is that which gives enlargement to a people's energy, intellect, and virtues.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: Freedom
Image of Suzanne La Follette
It is necessary to grow accustomed to freedom before one may walk in it sure-footedly.
- Suzanne La Follette
Collection: Freedom
Image of Allen Dulles
One of our greatest assets is that all men aspire to be equal and free. This fact haunts the rulers of the Kremlin today for even they cannot change this law of nature and they know it. It is up to us, not only by example but by positive acts, to make the most of this driving force within mankind.
- Allen Dulles
Collection: Freedom
Image of Anthony Kennedy
The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech.
- Anthony Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Martin Niemoller
Ask the first man you meet what he means by defending freedom, and he'll tell you privately he means defending the standard of living.
- Martin Niemoller
Collection: Freedom
Image of Murray Levin
No truly sophisticated proponent of repression would be stupid enough to shatter the facade of democratic institutions.
- Murray Levin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Herman Lee Donovan
The objectives of education and industry are identical. Both are interested in good citizenship, in serving society, in a better life-and both firmly believe in freedom.
- Herman Lee Donovan
Collection: Freedom
Image of Noam Chomsky
It’s ridiculous to talk about freedom in a society dominated by huge corporations. What kind of freedom is there inside a corporation? They’re totalitarian institutions - you take orders from above and maybe give them to people below you. There’s about as much freedom as under Stalinism.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Freedom
Image of Iqbal Quadir
Top-down approaches do not work. The bottleneck is at the top of the bottle.
- Iqbal Quadir
Collection: Freedom
Image of Oscar Arias
Hope is the strongest driving force for a people. Hope which brings about change, which produces new realities, is what opens man's road to freedom.
- Oscar Arias
Collection: Freedom
Image of Samuel Eliot Morison
If the American Revolution had produced nothing but the Declaration of Independence, it would have been worthwhile.
- Samuel Eliot Morison
Collection: Freedom
Image of Vilayat Inayat Khan
We first have to find the way of freedom from involvement before we can introduce freedom in involvement.
- Vilayat Inayat Khan
Collection: Freedom
Image of Gustav Radbruch
A constitutional state is like daily bread, like water to drink and air to breath, and the best thing about democracy is that it is the only system capable of securing the constitutional state.
- Gustav Radbruch
Collection: Freedom
Image of Patricia Schroeder
I always preferred having wings to having things.
- Patricia Schroeder
Collection: Freedom
Image of Hildegard Hamm-Brucher
Calm and order can be just as dangerous to democracy as uneasiness and disorder.
- Hildegard Hamm-Brucher
Collection: Freedom
Image of Henry Grady Weaver
Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well-meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom, except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind.
- Henry Grady Weaver
Collection: Freedom
Image of Gerald Holton
If the layman cannot participate in decision making, he will have to turn himself over, essentially blind, to a hermetic elite. ... [The fundamental question becomes] are we still capable of self-government and therefore freedom? Margaret Mead wrote in a 1959 issue of Daedalus about scientists elevated to the status of priests. Now there is a name for this elevation, when you are in the hands of-one hopes-a benevolent elite, when you have no control over your political decisions. From the point of view of John Locke, the name for this is slavery.
- Gerald Holton
Collection: Freedom
Image of Sami Al-Arian
To be patriotic is to be able to question government policy in times of crisis. To be patriotic is to stand up for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in times of uncertainty and insecurity. To be patriotic is to speak up against the powerful in defense of the weak and the voiceless. To be patriotic is to be willing to pay the price to preserve our freedoms, dignity, and rights. To be patriotic is to challenge the abuses of the PATRIOT Act.
- Sami Al-Arian
Collection: Freedom
Image of Sami Al-Arian
One cannot achieve peace without realizing justice, realize justice without seeking out the truth, seek out the truth without practicing freedom. So living and thinking free is the root of achieving peace in our world.
- Sami Al-Arian
Collection: Freedom
Image of Harvey Dorfman
Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear-and doubt. Self-discipline allows a pitcher to feel his individuality, his inner strength, his talent. He is master of, rather than a slave to, his thoughts and emotions.
- Harvey Dorfman
Collection: Freedom
Image of Heinz Galinski
Democracy cannot be forced upon a society, neither is it a gift that can be held forever. It has to be struggled hard for and defended everyday anew.
- Heinz Galinski
Collection: Freedom
Image of Honore Daumier
Freedom and justice for all are infinitely more to be desired than pedestals for a few.
- Honore Daumier
Collection: Freedom
Image of Iain Benson
Complete equality isn't compatible with democracy, but it is a agreeable to tolitarianism. After all the only way to ensure the equality of the slothful, the inept and the immoral is to suppress everyone else.
- Iain Benson
Collection: Freedom
Image of Dmitry Pisarev
So easily do weak men put in high positions turn villains.
- Dmitry Pisarev
Collection: Freedom
Image of Dmitry Pisarev
The more developed a nation is, the more complete is the independence of the individual, and the safer the individual from encroachments by another.
- Dmitry Pisarev
Collection: Freedom
Image of Adam Michnik
As a rule, dictatorships guarantee safe streets and terror of the doorbell. In democracy the streets may be unsafe after dark, but the most likely visitor in the early hours will be the milkman.
- Adam Michnik
Collection: Freedom
Image of Julius Nyerere
Freedom to many means immediate betterment, as if by magic. Unless I can meet at least some of these aspirations, my support will wane and my head will roll just as surely as the tickbird follows the rhino.
- Julius Nyerere
Collection: Freedom
Image of Frank I. Cobb
The Bill of Rights is a born rebel. It reeks with sedition. In every clause it shakes its fist in the face of constituted authority. It is the one guaranty of human freedom to the American people.
- Frank I. Cobb
Collection: Freedom
Image of George W. Bush
We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Freedom
Image of Alex Kozinski
My excellent colleagues have forgotten these bitter lessons of history. The prospect of tyranny may not grab the headlines the way vivid stories of gun crime usually do. But few saw the Third Reich coming until it was too late. The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed only for those exceptionally rare circumstances when all other rights have failed. A free people can only afford to make this mistake once.
- Alex Kozinski
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert H. Jackson
Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.
- Robert H. Jackson
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ossie Davis
It is necessary to stay on the march, to be on the journey, to work for peace wherever we are at all times, because the liberty we cherish, which we would share with the world, demands eternal vigilance.
- Ossie Davis
Collection: Freedom
Image of Bernard Iddings Bell
The free man is not he who defies the rules ... but he who, recognizing the compulsions inherent in his being, seeks rather to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest each day's experience.
- Bernard Iddings Bell
Collection: Freedom
Image of Denis Fonvizin
It is far more honest to be undeservedly ignored than to be honoured without merit.
- Denis Fonvizin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Denis Fonvizin
A fool is very dangerous when in power.
- Denis Fonvizin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Helen Gahagan Douglas
Freedom is not won on the battlefields. The chance for freedom is won there. The final battle is won or lost in our hearts and minds.
- Helen Gahagan Douglas
Collection: Freedom
Image of Friedrich Ratzel
Arbitrary rule has its basis, not in the strength of the state or the chief, but in the moral weakness of the individual, who submits almost without resistance to the domineering power.
- Friedrich Ratzel
Collection: Freedom
Image of Harold Sherman
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
- Harold Sherman
Collection: Freedom
Image of Janet Fish
I think it is important to do what you believe in and ignore the critics.
- Janet Fish
Collection: Freedom
Image of Philipp Melanchthon
In essentials, unity; in differences, liberty; in all things, charity.
- Philipp Melanchthon
Collection: Freedom
Image of Mary Edwards Walker
Let the generations know that women in uniform also guaranteed their freedom.
- Mary Edwards Walker
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ilya Ehrenburg
There is nothing more wonderful than freedom of speech.
- Ilya Ehrenburg
Collection: Freedom
Image of Konstantin Ushinsky
People despise the lust for power that originates from a craving for homage and for the attributes of power.
- Konstantin Ushinsky
Collection: Freedom
Image of Georgi Plekhanov
Only the person who does not evade conflict and directs his efforts in keeping with the course of society's development can be an effective leader.
- Georgi Plekhanov
Collection: Freedom
Image of Georgi Plekhanov
Politics needs a flexible mind, for it has no immutable or eternal rules. In politics immutable or eternal rules lead to inevitable and swift defeat.
- Georgi Plekhanov
Collection: Freedom
Image of Emile Faguet
It would be equally reasonable to say that sheep are born carnivorous, and everywhere nibble grass.
- Emile Faguet
Collection: Freedom
Image of Giuseppe Mazzini
No nation deserves freedom or can long retain it which does not win it for itself. Revolutions must be made by the people and for the people.
- Giuseppe Mazzini
Collection: Freedom