Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Marsha Norman
on the whole the American theater, dominated by men, does not perceive women fighting for their lives as a central issue.
- Marsha Norman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marsha Norman
When you fight something long enough, it becomes a center pole right in your life and you count on it to be there to fight with.
- Marsha Norman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Enoch Powell
I hope those who shouted "Fascist" and "Nazi" are aware that before they were born I was fighting against Fascism and Nazism.
- Enoch Powell
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Petraeus
Fighting in cities is a totally different endeavor than obviously fighting out in the open.
- David Petraeus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Berg
One of the challenges assembling the film was that gun fight went on for three and a half hours and we obviously couldn't spend three and a half hours of the film with one gun fight. It was trying to figure out the balance of how much an audience could take before they either became repulsed or desensitized or bored or just overwhelmed.
- Peter Berg
Collection: Fighting
Image of Martin Sheen
Find something in your life worth fighting for
- Martin Sheen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Martin Sheen
We have to fight for something. It has to cost us. Our lives, our faith, have to cost us something; otherwise we're left to question its value.
- Martin Sheen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Martin Sheen
The Irish tell the story of a man who arrives at the gates of heaven and asks to be let in St. Peter says, “Of course, just show us your scars.” The man says, “I have no scars”. St. Peter says, “What a pity was there nothing worth fighting for”?
- Martin Sheen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Karen Joy Fowler
Marriage seemed like such a small space whenever I was in it. I liked the getting married. Courtship has a plotline. But there's no plot to being married. Just the same things over and over again. Same fights, same friends, same things you do on a Saturday. The repetition would start to get to me.
- Karen Joy Fowler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jun Mochizuki
Even if I'm to be tortured, to be mistreated, to be humiliated, Echo doesn't have a right to fight against it.
- Jun Mochizuki
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Weiss
Fight on land and sea All men want to be free If they don't never mind we'll abolish all mankind
- Peter Weiss
Collection: Fighting
Image of Natalia Vodianova
You cannot leave the house to take the garbage out without full-on makeup and your hair done. You have to fight for your man out there.
- Natalia Vodianova
Collection: Fighting
Image of L. Neil Smith
Taxes are a barbaric remnant of ancient times in which early farmers, tied to the land, no longer able to roam freely, unable to fight back with awkward agricultural tools the way they once could with hunting implements, became victims, first, of itinerant plunderers, then of bandits settling down beside them to become the governments we know today.
- L. Neil Smith
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barbara Mikulski
We’re going to foment our own revolution. So I say to the women out there in America, let’s keep this fight going! Put on your lipstick, square your shoulders, suit up, and let’s fight for a new American revolution where women are paid equal pay for equal work, and let’s end wage discrimination in this century once and for all!
- Barbara Mikulski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Baer
There is a tendency in any conflict, especially in a democracy, to fight the enemy you can, not the enemy you should.
- Robert Baer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patricia Velasquez
We [Latinos] must be proud. We have the same rights in the U.S. as anybody else. Instead of crying and getting upset about visa problems and having our families come join us, go fight for your rights. Make yourself a productive individual in the society.
- Patricia Velasquez
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adam Braun
Your twenties are the time to both accept and fight your way into the person you're destined to become.
- Adam Braun
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gerard Way
In those perfect moments you find beauty you never knew existed. You find yourself and you friends all over again, you find something to fight for, something to love. Something to show the world.
- Gerard Way
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Kadrey
I came ready to fight Genghis Khan and I walk in on a shut-in playing the biggest Dungeons and Dragons game in history.
- Richard Kadrey
Collection: Fighting
Image of Norman Reedus
It's really easy to take something small and make it big in your head and fight against it.
- Norman Reedus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charlotte Bronte
But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well!
- Charlotte Bronte
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jim Bouton
How come nobody wants to argue with me? Is it because I'm always so right?
- Jim Bouton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erma Bombeck
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cory Monteith
I didn't have any definition of self. I never fit in, so I started pretending I was other people. I'd find people I thought were cool and dress how they dressed, talk how they talked, do whatever they were into. This led to a period of drugs and anchohol. When his family gave him an ultimatum to get clean or they'd report him to the police Corey said, "I was done fighting myself. I finally said, "I'm gonna start looking at my life and figure out why I'm doing this.
- Cory Monteith
Collection: Fighting
Image of Wes  Moore
Fighting for your convictions is important. But finding peace is paramount.
- Wes Moore
Collection: Fighting
Image of William Butler Yeats
It takes more courage to dig deep in the dark corners of your own soul and the back alleys of your society than it does for a soldier to fight on the battlefield.
- William Butler Yeats
Collection: Fighting
Image of J. Michael Straczynski
Life isn't about the final moments, it's about the journey, it's about process. What makes Rocky work as a movie is seeing him working his way up from the streets to the arena and the fight of his life. You could just show that fight, and it would be great, but seeing that journey illuminates that fight and adds profound meaning to it.
- J. Michael Straczynski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Taslima Nasrin
I have had fatwas issued against me, some three in Bangladesh and another five in India. I will not be cowed by these threats and shall fight for my rights.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Georg Solti
Fight the tendency to become complacent and do one kind of music - that is the death of a musician.
- Georg Solti
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andrzej Sapkowski
Only death can finish the fight, everything else only interrupts the fighting.
- Andrzej Sapkowski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Albert Schweitzer
We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it. Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.
- Albert Schweitzer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brad Pitt
The things you own end up owning you.
- Brad Pitt
Collection: Fighting
Image of Richard Preston
You can’t fight off Ebola the way you fight off a cold. Ebola does in ten days what it takes AIDS ten years to accomplish.
- Richard Preston
Collection: Fighting
Image of Arundhati Roy
Empathy may be the single most important quality that must be nurtured to give peace a fighting chance.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diana Palmer
Get used to it. Life doesn't give, it takes. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.
- Diana Palmer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Danny Strong
To have a show have lawyers fighting civil rights cases week in and week out, I think it's exactly what we need.
- Danny Strong
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jimmy Reid
Arthur Scargill’s leadership of the miners’ strike has been a disgrace. The price to be paid for his folly will be immense. He will have destroyed the NUM as an effective fighting force within British trade unionism for the next 20 years. If kamikaze pilots were to form their own union, Arthur would be an ideal choice for leader.
- Jimmy Reid
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andrew Vachss
The worst place to be is in the middle. When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled.
- Andrew Vachss
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
We must ever keep in mind that collectivized socialism is part of the communist strategy. Communism is fundamentally socialism. We will never win our fight against communism by making concessions to socialism.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
There are some who apparently feel that the fight for freedom is separate from the Gospel. They express it in several ways, but it generally boils down to this: Just live the gospel; there's no need to get involved in trying to save freedom and the Constitution or stop communism.... Should we counsel the people, 'Just live your religion - there's no need to get involved in the fight for freedom?' No we should not, because our stand for freedom is a most basic part of our religion.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abigail Van Buren
Fighting fire with fire only gets you ashes!
- Abigail Van Buren
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Clement-Davies
Fear is an instinct, like hunger or anger. We need it to help us survive, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. It lets us know whether we should fight or flee.
- David Clement-Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Clement-Davies
In that moment she learnt one of the greatest secrets of life: It is often easier to fight for others than it is for yourself.
- David Clement-Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Clement-Davies
It's those that fight hardest for freedom who are never free.
- David Clement-Davies
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carl Icahn
A lot of people died fighting tyranny. The least I can do is vote against it.
- Carl Icahn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ann Aguirre
There were different kinds of strength. I knew that now. It didn't always come from a knife or a willingness to fight. Sometimes it came from endurance, where the well ran deep and quiet. Sometimes it came from compassion and forgiveness.
- Ann Aguirre
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nalini Singh
To fight evil, you have to understand the dark.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tite Kubo
Remember this well. There are two kind of fights. As long as we place ourselves in battle, we must always know the difference: fights to defend life... and fights to defend pride.
- Tite Kubo
Collection: Fighting
Image of Olympia Snowe
Ive never backed down from a fight and I relish a good debate.
- Olympia Snowe
Collection: Fighting