Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Travis Fimmel
[In acting] I like the fight scenes because you don't have to remember lines.
- Travis Fimmel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Spinks
I had did so much to Larry [Holmes] in the ring that I made him respect me in the fight.
- Michael Spinks
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cindy Crawford
I just find that each year I try something new. You can't fight the march of time. To balance that out, each year you should develop one more good habit. It levels the playing field.
- Cindy Crawford
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeffrey Donovan
As much as theyll let me I do my own stunts and I do all my own fighting.
- Jeffrey Donovan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mark Kaylor
I've only ever seen Errol Christie fight once before and that was the best I've ever seen him fight.
- Mark Kaylor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Justine Musk
The enemy of feminism isn’t men. It’s patriarchy, and patriarchy is not men. It is a system, and women can support the system of patriarchy just as men can support the fight for gender equality.
- Justine Musk
Collection: Fighting
Image of Edouard de Pomiane
Throughout history, the Poles have defended Europe. They would fight, and - between battles - they would eat and drink.
- Edouard de Pomiane
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kevin Myers
No longer will our penises remain flaccid and unused! From now on, we fight will for every man out there who isn't getting laid when he should be! This is our day! This is our time! And, by God, we're not gonna let history condemn us to celibacy! We will make a stand! We will succeed! We will get laid!
- Kevin Myers
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jim Bouchard
Remember that quitting is always an option, and it's the only one that guarantees a predictable result. Stay in the fight and everything is at risk. Quit and you know what will happen NOTHING!
- Jim Bouchard
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Kraus
Fight piracy; don't squash innovation.
- Joe Kraus
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Cooper
Fight back! Whenever you are offered violence, fight back! The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. Whatever the risk, and at whatever the cost, fight back!
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeff Cooper
The perfect fight is one that is over before the loser really understands what is going on. The perfect defense is a counterattack that succeeds before the assailant discovers that he has bitten off more than he can chew.
- Jeff Cooper
Collection: Fighting
Image of Maura Tierney
I have so many insecurities they fight for prominence.
- Maura Tierney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Helen Eustis
It isn't ever the world you fight. Always, always, it's yourself.
- Helen Eustis
Collection: Fighting
Image of Agnes Smedley
Subjection of any kind and in any place is beneath the dignity of man ... the highest joy is to fight by the side of those who for any reason of their own making or ours, are unable to develop to full human stature.
- Agnes Smedley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daniel Gillies
It's all just venom to the soul and symptomatic of a larger issue: the idea of the shortcut. The result without the fight. The fight is the thing. The work.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Fighting
Image of Matthew Tobin Anderson
And I realize that the decision to be human is not one single instant, but is a thousand choices made very day. It is choices we make every second and requires constant vigilance. We have to fight to remain human.
- Matthew Tobin Anderson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Oriah Dreamer
When we surrender when we do not fight with life when it calls upon us we are lifted and the strength to do what needs to be done finds us.
- Oriah Dreamer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Katrina vanden Heuvel
I would say one thing people need to do - and his is how Roosevelt's New Deal began - let us go back to cities and states where we can, build emblematic progressive reforms, like the Fight for 15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, things that improve the conditions of people's lives and that drive them into a national message.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Creed Bratton
I love it [music]. I always have loved it. There's something about playing music that inspires me. When I've had some really down periods in my life, debauched beyond belief, not knowing what the hell I'm gonna do with my life, [Rolling Stones'] "Street Fighting Man" or something like that would come on the radio, and I'm pounding the dash and the rock and roll will inspire me to keep going. It inspires me. It's true.
- Creed Bratton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hector Camacho
I stop two hours before a fight
- Hector Camacho
Collection: Fighting
Image of Takeru Kobayashi
I'm not really interested in anyone's record or anyone - I'm always fighting with myself. I always try to do my best.
- Takeru Kobayashi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gwen Bristow
We can get the new world we want, if we want it enough to abandon our prejudices, every day, everywhere. We can build this world if we practice now what we said we were fighting for.
- Gwen Bristow
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sonny Barger
I remain committed to my core family as one I can trust and depend on. The end result is the assurance that I'm surrounded by the people who will help me, stick by me, and fight alongside me, through good and bad, life and death.
- Sonny Barger
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joe Calzaghe
[Tyson] Fury is big and [Wladimir] Klitschko's not used to fighting someone his size. If Fury can stop Klitschko grabbing and avoid that big right hand, he's got a chance. In the heavyweight division, it only takes one punch.
- Joe Calzaghe
Collection: Fighting
Image of Raymond Aubrac
If you begin feeling beaten, you will achieve nothing. If you fight, you will perhaps have a chance of achieving something.
- Raymond Aubrac
Collection: Fighting
Image of James Arthur
I don't think I'd ever get any better as a poet if I didn't push myself, very deliberately, to grow. My best poems surprise me, as they should, but I fight them at every turn, possibly just because I'm stubborn.
- James Arthur
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sho Baraka
Make sure you don't become the very thing you find yourself fighting against.
- Sho Baraka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Henry Mackenzie
Fame is a revenue payable only to our ghosts; and to deny ourselves all present satisfaction, or to expose ourselves to so much hazard for this, were as great madness as to starve ourselves, or fight desperately for food, to be laid on our tombs after our death.
- Henry Mackenzie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Martin Zweig
To me, the "tape" is the final arbiter of any investment decision. I have a cardinal rule: Never fight the tape!
- Martin Zweig
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nicholas Udall
That same manne, that renneth awaye,Maye again fight, an other daye.
- Nicholas Udall
Collection: Fighting
Image of Anna Mae Aquash
I'm Indian all the way and always will be. I'm not going to stop fighting until I die, and I hope I'm a good example of a human being and of my tribe.
- Anna Mae Aquash
Collection: Fighting
Image of Glenn Frank
All the remedies for all the types of conflicts are alike in that they begin by finding the facts rather than by starting a fight.
- Glenn Frank
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Carlos
I'm a man that has a vision as to how this world can be, and I've gathered myself through all the ordeals that I had to make me a well-rounded person and still fight for justice.
- John Carlos
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ivica Dacic
Yugoslavia and Serbia will fight against terrorists regardless of whether a political agreement is reached or not.
- Ivica Dacic
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eliot Ness
Never stop fighting till the fight is done.
- Eliot Ness
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steve Blake
I am a passionate believer that Britain has benefited the whole world and that our heritage, our culture, our values and more importantly our people who created those things, are worth fighting for.
- Steve Blake
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jonathan Morduch
Microfinance stands as one of the most promising and cost-effective tools in the fight against global poverty.
- Jonathan Morduch
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patrick Pearse
We seem to have lost. We have not lost. To refuse to fight would have been to lose; to fight is to win. We have kept faith with the past, and handed on a tradition to the future.
- Patrick Pearse
Collection: Fighting
Image of R. W. Apple
Could Afghanistan become another Vietnam? Is the United States facing another stalemate on the other side of the world? Premature the questions may be, three weeks after the fighting began. Unreasonable they are not, given the scars scoured into the national psyche by defeat in Southeast Asia. For all the differences between the two conflicts, and there are many, echoes of Vietnam are unavoidable.
- R. W. Apple
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vijay Prashad
When you are threatened, when your life is threatened, you have to fight back.
- Vijay Prashad
Collection: Fighting
Image of James Nicoll
Never bring a gun to a fight where the other guy has a time-machine and tomorrow's newspapers.
- James Nicoll
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Farley
You gotta fight for your right to vote!
- Chris Farley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jean-Marie Lehn
The pace at which science has progressed has been too fast for human behaviour to adapt to it. As I said we are still apes. A part of our brain is still a paleo-brain and many of the reactions come from our fight or flight instinct. As long as this part of the brain can take over control the rational part of the brain (we will face these problems).
- Jean-Marie Lehn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Poul Henningsen
Being conservative has never been regarded as old-fashioned. But if you fight for a sensible step in the right direction which others has deserted you will be branded "reactionary".
- Poul Henningsen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dory Previn
Beware of barking at underdogs; don't fight with people who have nothing to lose.
- Dory Previn
Collection: Fighting
Image of Billy Bishop
In nearly all cases where machines have been downed, it was during a fight which had been very short, and the successful burst of fire had occurred within the space of a minute after the beginning of actual hostilities.
- Billy Bishop
Collection: Fighting
Image of Christian Blanc
It is obvious we are fighting for the Air France Group. . . . But in actual fact, we are also fighting for France.
- Christian Blanc
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carla Bruni
Feminism is just like HIV awareness: It's not something we don't need anymore, it's something that is just as important as it was a few decades ago. It is a very important fight.
- Carla Bruni
Collection: Fighting