Top Fame Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Fame quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Lana Turner
Fame is one thing, notoriety is another.
- Lana Turner
Collection: Fame
Image of Cato the Elder
Lighter is the wound foreseen.
- Cato the Elder
Collection: Fame
Image of Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
None despise fame more heartily than those who have no possible claim to it.
- Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
Collection: Fame
Image of Elvis Presley
Fame and fortune, how empty they can be.
- Elvis Presley
Collection: Fame
Image of Charles Sumner
No true and permanent fame can be founded, except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.
- Charles Sumner
Collection: Fame
Image of Peter Criss
I'll always be the catman.
- Peter Criss
Collection: Fame
Image of Katt Williams
Invisibility is the only thing that fame cost me. I used to be able to go places and blend in. Anonymity is something you lose on this side of things.
- Katt Williams
Collection: Fame
Image of Benjamin De Casseres
Fame is the beauty parlor of the dead.
- Benjamin De Casseres
Collection: Fame
Image of Shane Smith
Success. Money. Fame. Whatever you're going after. You have one kick at the can, I always say. It's very rare that you have many kicks at the can. You're there at the right place at the right time, you have your shot, and it either works or it doesn't. And I've had many shots.
- Shane Smith
Collection: Fame
Image of Theresa Villiers
A mans fame and hayre grow most after death, and are both equally uselesse.
- Theresa Villiers
Collection: Fame
Image of Claudius
Acquaintance lessens fame.
- Claudius
Collection: Fame
Image of Robert A. Burton
Every schoolboy hath that famous testament of Grunnius Corocotta Porcellus at his fingers end.
- Robert A. Burton
Collection: Fame
Image of Dave Kellett
You can't choose what you're famous for in life.
- Dave Kellett
Collection: Fame
Image of Joy-Ann Reid
I have to say that Donald Trump is on probably about the 13th minute of fame.
- Joy-Ann Reid
Collection: Fame
Image of Rob Halford
I would love to be in the Hall Of Fame.
- Rob Halford
Collection: Fame
Image of Curtis Martin
Jerome Bettis should be in the Hall of Fame
- Curtis Martin
Collection: Fame
Image of Raymond Roussel
My fame will outshine that of Victor Hugo or Napoleon
- Raymond Roussel
Collection: Fame
Image of Hugh Grant
I could do with more mobbing. Particularly from women. I'd like to be treated like Ricky Martin.
- Hugh Grant
Collection: Fame
Image of Tove Styrke
You get a lot of fame, but haven't created anything musically.
- Tove Styrke
Collection: Fame
Image of Gertrude Berg
It's such a corrosive chemical: fame.
- Gertrude Berg
Collection: Fame
Image of Terry Bozzio
Money and fame are very inconvenient and very problematic.
- Terry Bozzio
Collection: Fame
Image of Terry Bozzio
There's nothing that can prepare you for fame and for the music business at any point in history.
- Terry Bozzio
Collection: Fame
Image of Alexander Pope
What is fame? a fancied life in others' breath.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Fame
Image of Cat Stevens
I'm not the best of you, but I'm not the worst either.
- Cat Stevens
Collection: Fame
Image of Cat Stevens
Vanity is the most dangerous thing about fame.
- Cat Stevens
Collection: Fame
Image of Edmund Spenser
Dan Chaucer, well of English undefyled,On Fames eternall beadroll worthie to be fyled.
- Edmund Spenser
Collection: Fame
Image of Voltaire
Fame is a heavy burden.
- Voltaire
Collection: Fame
Image of Sivananda
Fame is the penalty of success. Jealousy is the penalty of fame.
- Sivananda
Collection: Fame
Image of Amity Shlaes
Fame is worth less than service.
- Amity Shlaes
Collection: Fame
Image of L. Frank Baum
I have learned to regard fame as a will-o-the-wisp...
- L. Frank Baum
Collection: Fame
Image of Ai Weiwei
This so-called fame or being better off doesn't really attract me at all.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Fame
Image of Aesop
Notoriety is often mistaken for fame.
- Aesop
Collection: Fame
Image of Solon
He that will sell his fame will also sell the public interest.
- Solon
Collection: Fame
Image of David Bowie
Fame puts you there where things are hollow.
- David Bowie
Collection: Fame
Image of Victoria Beckham
Fame is not like a jacket. You can't put it on and then take it off.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Fame
Image of Sharon Stone
There are a lot of good things about being famous but there are a few not so good things too
- Sharon Stone
Collection: Fame
Image of Little Richard
I got fame and fortune, and I lost my sense of reasoning.
- Little Richard
Collection: Fame
Image of Rajneesh
Without possessions, success, fame; who are you?
- Rajneesh
Collection: Fame
Image of Martial
If fame is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it.
- Martial
Collection: Fame
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Even the best things are not equal to their fame.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Fame
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
Fame is a form, perhaps the worst form, of incomprehension.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Fame
Image of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poet's food is love and fame.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Collection: Fame
Image of Russell Brand
I'm famous now. But now that I've got fame and some of the other things I thought would make me happy - it ain't worked
- Russell Brand
Collection: Fame
Image of Neil Strauss
Fame won't make you feel any better about yourself.
- Neil Strauss
Collection: Fame
Image of Robert Pattinson
I suppose I should understand it [fame] better by this point, but I really don't.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fame
Image of Robert Pattinson
I never set out to achieve anything, certainly not fame like this,I still have to deal with how to actually make my life work.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fame
Image of J. K. Rowling
Tut, tut — fame clearly isn't everything.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Fame
Image of Asher Roth
I'd pick fortune over fame any day.
- Asher Roth
Collection: Fame
Image of Madonna Ciccone
Fame is a form of misunderstanding.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Fame