Top Europe Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Europe quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Europe quotes.

Image of Charles de Gaulle
It will not be any European statesman who will unite Europe: Europe will be united by the Chinese.
- Charles de Gaulle
Collection: Europe
Image of Timothy Garton Ash
Well, that's the way democracy works. We have to build this Europe with the material we have at our disposal. And this material is national democracy.
- Timothy Garton Ash
Collection: Europe
Image of Timothy Garton Ash
Europe's biggest problem is its success.
- Timothy Garton Ash
Collection: Europe
Image of Timothy Garton Ash
America is divided by a great argument about itself. Europe is divided by a great argument about America.
- Timothy Garton Ash
Collection: Europe
Image of Frederick The Great
Christianity is an old metaphysical fiction, stuffed with fables, contradictions and absurdities: it was spawned in the fevered imagination of the Orientals, and then spread to our Europe, where some fanatics espoused it, where some intriguers pretended to be convinced by it and where some imbeciles actually believed it.
- Frederick The Great
Collection: Europe
Image of Joseph Rickaby
Half Europe thought... that with the Pope the Papacy was dead.
- Joseph Rickaby
Collection: Europe
Image of Yitzhak Gruenbaum
When they asked me, couldn't you give money out of the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe, I said, 'NO!' and I say again 'NO!' ... one should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance.
- Yitzhak Gruenbaum
Collection: Europe
Image of Ciaran Hinds
In fact, most of the work that I have done for the American Hollywood things have not been in Hollywood. The studios are going out in Europe or around the place working.
- Ciaran Hinds
Collection: Europe
Image of Robert Edison Fulton, Jr.
In London it had seemed impossible to travel without the proper evening clothes. One could see an invitation arriving for an Embassy ball or something. But on the other side of Europe with the first faint tinges of faraway places becoming apparent and exciting, to say nothing of vanishing roads and extra weight, Embassy balls held less significance.
- Robert Edison Fulton, Jr.
Collection: Europe
Image of Amrita Sher-Gil
I can only paint in India. Europe belongs to Picasso, Matisse, Braque India belongs only to me.
- Amrita Sher-Gil
Collection: Europe
Image of Devin Nunes
ISIL presents a growing threat not only in Syria and Iraq, but throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and now in the United States as well. Terrorists and their enablers will continue to receive the unwavering attention of law enforcement and the intelligence community.
- Devin Nunes
Collection: Europe
Image of Gisela Stuart
The only continent with a growth rate lower than Europe is Antarctica.
- Gisela Stuart
Collection: Europe
Image of Pierre Vimont
We have to be in a listening mode: it is about dialogue, about listening to what the others have to say, about cooperating in the best way possible. These are the values and principles that we put forward.
- Pierre Vimont
Collection: Europe
Image of Sigmar Gabriel
Maybe it is the last chance for Europe to influence standards for world trade. Next it will be between the US and the Asia-Pacific region.
- Sigmar Gabriel
Collection: Europe
Image of Rick Tramonto
One of the things that helped me a lot as I was starting out in my career was that I got myself to France and Europe and California, and spent time immersing myself in those culinary traditions. I'd encourage future chefs to dive into whatever culture most excites them, and that they want to cook.
- Rick Tramonto
Collection: Europe
Image of Sergei Ivanov
When it comes to culture, religion and mentality, most Russians identify with Europe.
- Sergei Ivanov
Collection: Europe
Image of Leopold Sedar Senghor
The equilibrium you admire in me is an unstable one, difficult to maintain. My inner life was split early between the call of the Ancestors and the call of Europe, between the exigencies of black-African culture and those of modern life.
- Leopold Sedar Senghor
Collection: Europe
Image of John Slattery
I do voiceovers, but being on-camera and selling something? I wasn't really interested. And then I thought, well, wait a minute. Everybody's selling something. When you turn on the tube... And then if you go to Europe or Asia, everyone is selling something. All the guys that don't want to be seen selling something here are selling something there. So I thought what the hell?
- John Slattery
Collection: Europe
Image of Daniel Hannan
The next Euro-elections will be a step towards a United States of Europe
- Daniel Hannan
Collection: Europe
Image of Daniel Hannan
Europe tends to favor stability over democracy, America democracy over stability.
- Daniel Hannan
Collection: Europe
Image of Bernard Holland
Pandit Pran Nath has given much of his later life to America and Europe and has influenced many of our younger composers.
- Bernard Holland
Collection: Europe
Image of Martin Schulz
We agree: Brussels can't regulate everything. I'm driven by something else: There are forces in Europe that want to generally give national policy priority over a common European approach. We have to prevent this.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: Europe
Image of Martin Schulz
Britain, Europe's second largest economy, a member of the G-7 and the UN Security Council, wants to leave the EU. That weakens us and it weakens Britain.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: Europe
Image of Martin Schulz
Trump has a clear goal: the division of Europe and the destruction of the European domestic market. The fact that Brexit propagandist Nigel Farage was the first European he received in his tower speaks volumes. That is why we must strengthen the European domestic market and work even more closely together in Europe. That is absolutely compulsory for Germany.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: Europe
Image of Mark Hoppus
You guys are lucky, cuz in Europe, like you can show boobs on TV and like in magazines and what not. We're Americans so the slightest, the slightest glimpse of a nipple will.
- Mark Hoppus
Collection: Europe
Image of Francois Hollande
The German-French friendship is indispensable for Europe. And I will never let myself be carried away to making statements that would change it.
- Francois Hollande
Collection: Europe
Image of Hamid Drake
When I started doing improvise music in Europe, in the beginning I thought the way that Europeans were interpreting the reconstruction of deconstruction of this thing that we call jazz - of course it's different than what Americans do, because Europeans have a different history, a different sensibility and so forth - the nature of the creative process itself it's the same; but what comes from that creative process is different, because you have a different history, you have a different society, different language.
- Hamid Drake
Collection: Europe
Image of Jeremy Corbyn
I would have set out very quickly the relationship with Europe.
- Jeremy Corbyn
Collection: Europe
Image of Helen Waddell
for ... austere and gracious allegory, as for so much of its mysticism and its chivalry, its ardours and its endurances, the world is in debt to Spain.
- Helen Waddell
Collection: Europe
Image of Taika Waititi
Hitler rounded up all of the vampires in Europe.
- Taika Waititi
Collection: Europe
Image of Joseph Pisani
In 1995, when I was backpacking through Europe solo, I would head to the train station, look up at the big board, and decide right there and then where I would go that day.
- Joseph Pisani
Collection: Europe
Image of Bernd Becher
We simply thought that we would be considerably poorer in Europe if we didn't have the sacred buildings of earlier epochs. It's still possible to experience the Gothic period, not to mention the Romantic. Only nothing remains of the industrial age. So we thought that our photos would give the viewer the chance to go back to a time that is gone forever.
- Bernd Becher
Collection: Europe
Image of Subhash Kak
Europe has resurrected its pagan gods.
- Subhash Kak
Collection: Europe
Image of Susan Moody
Istanbul ... the constant beating of the wave of the East against the rock of the West.
- Susan Moody
Collection: Europe
Image of Arjuna Mahendran
Unlike in the 1980s and 1990s, this time the Japanese are going to be more circumspect and invest in their end markets, which would include Europe and the United States.
- Arjuna Mahendran
Collection: Europe
Image of Joachim Peiper
I was a National-Socialist and I remain one...The Germany of today is no longer a great nation, it has become a province of Europe.
- Joachim Peiper
Collection: Europe
Image of Ann Bridge
Americans ... attach such a fantastic importance to their baths and plumbing and gadgets of all sorts. They talk as if people could hardly be human beings without all that; we in Europe are beginning to wonder if people can be human beings with it.
- Ann Bridge
Collection: Europe
Image of Ann Bridge
In Europe, a product must be good, or it will not sell in competition with other products; with you, it is enough to say that it is good, often enough and sufficiently loudly. The keenest competition is not in the making of things but in the advertising of them!
- Ann Bridge
Collection: Europe
Image of Isabel Burton
all the salt of Turkish life consists of politics and official intrigue.
- Isabel Burton
Collection: Europe
Image of Andrea Tantaros
We're having this conflict in Syria is because [Vladimir] Putin wants to take Iranian oil and channel that oil up to Europe.
- Andrea Tantaros
Collection: Europe
Image of Richard Sammel
If you have a big idea, you can do 10% of it, and then maybe, if it's a huge success, you might go all-in [in Europe]. Here [in U.S], you go all-in earlier. You risk more and you get more, so you do more. That's what I like.
- Richard Sammel
Collection: Europe
Image of Marian Hooper Adams
Holland seems like a quaint toy.
- Marian Hooper Adams
Collection: Europe
Image of Jack Goldstone
Europe is not managing its capitalism very well, it is not a good advertisement of capitalism
- Jack Goldstone
Collection: Europe
Image of Jan Peter Balkenende
The necessity for co-operation between Europe and the United States is bigger than ever. Only by close transatlantic co-operation can we face the world's challenges.
- Jan Peter Balkenende
Collection: Europe
Image of Christopher A. Pissarides
Germany is dictating its policy in Europe
- Christopher A. Pissarides
Collection: Europe
Image of Yehuda Levi
In North America and Western Europe, ten percent of the population of the world consumes fifty percent of its energy.
- Yehuda Levi
Collection: Europe
Image of Vaclav Klaus
The development of European integration can be divided into two phases. The first era ended with the Maastricht Treaty. It was a liberalization phase, with the main goal of European integration at the time being the removal of various barriers and borders in Europe. The second phase is a homogenization or standardization phase, one that involves regulation from the top and growing control over our lives. This no longer has anything to do with freedom and democracy.
- Vaclav Klaus
Collection: Europe
Image of Vaclav Klaus
EU didn't advance our [Eastern Europe] democracy by a single millimeter.
- Vaclav Klaus
Collection: Europe
Image of Stanley Baldwin
Whether we like it or not we are consideably bound to Europe.
- Stanley Baldwin
Collection: Europe