Top Emotional Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Emotional quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Emotional quotes.

Image of Jonathan Balcombe
They (animals) are not just living things; they are beings with lives... that makes all the difference in the time you are outside...notice the first bird you see…you are beholding a unique individual with personality traits, an emotional profile, and a library of knowledge built on experience…what you are witnessing is not just biology, but a biography.
- Jonathan Balcombe
Collection: Emotional
Image of Hector Babenco
Curiosity doesn't matter anymore. These days people don't want to be transported to emotional territories where they don't know how to react.
- Hector Babenco
Collection: Emotional
Image of Tae Yun Kim
Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness. Orange vibration foods are: oranges, tangerines, apricots, mangoes, peaches and carrots.
- Tae Yun Kim
Collection: Emotional
Image of Piet Mondrian
Curves are so emotional.
- Piet Mondrian
Collection: Emotional
Image of Mary Wigman
I knew that, without killing the creative mood, I had to keep the balance between my emotional outburst and the merciless discipline of a super-personal control, thus submitting myself ti the self-imposed law of dance composition
- Mary Wigman
Collection: Emotional
Image of Robert E. Ornstein
New research shows that emotions have a separate system of nerve pathways, through the limbic system to the cortex, allowing emotional signals to avoid conscious control.
- Robert E. Ornstein
Collection: Emotional
Image of Erin Foster
Stay neurotic. Stay frustrated. Stay emotional. Stay excited. Your life is happening.
- Erin Foster
Collection: Emotional
Image of Wilson Bryan Key
As an individual becomes aware of subliminal phenomena, the shock may cause him some initial physical or emotional discomfort - possibly even concern over his sanity.
- Wilson Bryan Key
Collection: Emotional
Image of Manis Friedman
Our emotions can be either corrupted or elevated. Human love was not created to be without premeditated purpose.
- Manis Friedman
Collection: Emotional
Image of Carlos Slim
Do not allow negative feelings and emotions to control your mind. Emotional harm does not come from others; it is conceived and developed within ourselves.
- Carlos Slim
Collection: Emotional
Image of Howard Martin
Our mental and emotional diets determine our overall energy levels, health, and well-being to a far greater extent than most people realize. Every thought and feeling, no matter how big or small, impacts our inner energy reserves.
- Howard Martin
Collection: Emotional
Image of Saul Bass
My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film's story, to express the story in some metaphorical way. I saw the title as a way of conditioning the audience, so that when the film actually began, viewers would already have an emotional resonance with it.
- Saul Bass
Collection: Emotional
Image of William McFee
It is extraordinary how many emotional storms one may weather in safety if one is ballasted with ever so little gold.
- William McFee
Collection: Emotional
Image of Kate Reid
Acting is not being emotional, but being able to fully express emotion.
- Kate Reid
Collection: Emotional
Image of Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau
Nothing baffles the schemes of evil people so much as the calm composure of great souls.
- Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau
Collection: Emotional
Image of Bikram Choudhury
If you have a good spine, the gods will chase you. Nobody has psychological or emotional problems, everyone has a bad spine.
- Bikram Choudhury
Collection: Emotional
Image of Jim Shepard
I'll find something in what I read that snags my imagination in emotional terms; it resonates with me for reasons more complicated than just that it seems like it would make a good story.
- Jim Shepard
Collection: Emotional
Image of Rex Harrison
Acting is bad acting if the actor himself gets emotional in the act of making the audience cry. The object is to make the audience cry, but not cry yourself. The emotion has to be inside the actor, not outside. If you stand there weeping and wailing, all your emotions will go down your shirt and nothing will go out to your audience. Audience control is really about the actor
- Rex Harrison
Collection: Emotional
Image of Nick Carter
I get homesick a lot. That can make me so emotional that I sometimes feel like crying- but never in front of anyone. No way!
- Nick Carter
Collection: Emotional
Image of Lisa Alther
The human organism has only so much energy at its disposal. If you divert a great deal of it into any one channel, you can expect the others to collapse or atrophy. If you squander your vital energies on your emotional life, as you have been doing, plan to be physically and mentally bankrupt, as it were.
- Lisa Alther
Collection: Emotional
Image of Dainin Katagiri
If you see the intersection of time and space, you experience complete freedom of being. This state of existence is completely beyond any idea of time, space, or being. In that liberated state you can see fundamental truth and the phenomenal world simultaneously. That is called Buddha's world. That is the place where all sentient beings exist, so you can stand up there and see all beings, myriad beings. Then you know very clearly, through your own emotional and intellectual understanding, how all beings exist.
- Dainin Katagiri
Collection: Emotional
Image of Denise Austin
One of a person's greatest emotional needs is to feel appreciated. Start by appreciating yourself.
- Denise Austin
Collection: Emotional
Image of Gary Burton
But if you listen to great piano players, both classical and jazz, theres a huge range of dynamics and colors and emotional expression thats possible with the instrument.
- Gary Burton
Collection: Emotional
Image of James A.C. Brown
Communism and fascism or nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.
- James A.C. Brown
Collection: Emotional
Image of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Any attempt to capture the direct experience of the nature of mind in words is impossible. The best that can be said is that it is immeasurably peaceful and, once stabilized through repeated experience, virtually unshakable. It's an experience of absolute well-being that radiates through all physical, emotional and mental states-even those that might ordinarily be labeled as unpleasant.
- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Collection: Emotional
Image of Tamra Davis
I wanted to make a film that wasn't just a biography. When you watched it, you actually felt that you watched a movie, that you had an emotional reaction. In order to do that, I felt that I had to really keep myself emotionally raw while working on the film. I had to feel myself crying, so the audience could be moved, too.
- Tamra Davis
Collection: Emotional
Image of Tyler Blackburn
I'm very sensitive. It's always been something I'm very in tune with. I am very emotional. Sometimes to the point of where I just want to hide away, because I can't get a handle on myself.
- Tyler Blackburn
Collection: Emotional
Image of Tami Stronach
Stronach's fragile beauty belies an emotional strength, pragmatic resiliency, and intellectual courage. Her ideas and choreography are both enigmatic and playful.
- Tami Stronach
Collection: Emotional
Image of Claire Foy
I'm a very emotional person, and I love feeling things, so I tend to approach things kind of openly.
- Claire Foy
Collection: Emotional
Image of Gaby Hoffmann
I know that the emotional narrative will work in the end, and I just have to play each moment honestly even if the getting from A to B doesn't totally make sense initially.
- Gaby Hoffmann
Collection: Emotional
Image of Diana Ossana
Emotional truths can sometimes be conveyed more effectively, more compellingly, through fiction.
- Diana Ossana
Collection: Emotional
Image of Mirra Komarovsky
What is important to a relationship is a harmony of emotional roles and not too great a disparity in the general level of intelligence.
- Mirra Komarovsky
Collection: Emotional
Image of Harold Lasswell
The essential mark of the agitator is the high value he places on the emotional response of the public. Whether he attacks or defends social institutions is a secondary matter.
- Harold Lasswell
Collection: Emotional
Image of Sophie Anderton
I think it backfired. It wasn't what I expected, it was difficult. I didn't expect them to throw somany mind games into it. I didn't expect to be so emotional, but I asked for it really. I'ma glutton for punishment.
- Sophie Anderton
Collection: Emotional
Image of Polly Young-Eisendrath
Metaphor is our mental root of imagination and language. Arnold Kozak offers fertile metaphors for growing your knowledge of the Buddhadharma. If you contemplate these brief stories, your emotional intelligence and mindfulness will develop effortlessly from the insights they provide.
- Polly Young-Eisendrath
Collection: Emotional
Image of James Marsters
I tend to be emotional when... I breathe.
- James Marsters
Collection: Emotional
Image of Stephen Coonts
Here above the farms and ranches of the Great Plains aviation lives up to the promise that inspired dreamers through the ages. Here you are truly separate from the earth, at least for a little while, removed from the cares and concerns that occupy you on the ground. This separation from the earth is more than symbolic, more than a physical removal - it has an emotional dimension as tangible as the wood, fabric, and steel that has transported you aloft.
- Stephen Coonts
Collection: Emotional
Image of Arthur Penn
Good actors go to emotional places where nobody else wants to go.
- Arthur Penn
Collection: Emotional
Image of Maureen Lipman
I suppose the nearest equivalent to a bar mitzvah in terms of emotional build-up would probably not even be one's wedding day, but one's coronation.
- Maureen Lipman
Collection: Emotional
Image of Chip Conley
Many people do not distinguish between something that happens to them and their reaction to it. Yet it isn't the event or situation that holds the emotional charge; it's our beliefs that create our response.
- Chip Conley
Collection: Emotional
Image of Hilary Hahn
Bach in general was so good with the violin. He just finds the genius way around his music on the instrument. When you think about the fact that the instrument has changed significantly since he wrote for it and his music still really works, it's brilliant. He was definitely ahead of his time. There's something so satisfying about his music. It's beautifully organized and emotional at the same time. I find it highly exciting.
- Hilary Hahn
Collection: Emotional
Image of Albert Hadley
....the designer must be able to see - make a concentrated effort to absorb the essence of the project. Seeing is a very difficult thing to do. Most people "look" at a lot of thing but never "see" anything. Looking is emotional; seeing is an intellectual process.
- Albert Hadley
Collection: Emotional
Image of Stephanie Klein
People can say you're fat because you're filling a void, or you eat for all these emotional reasons. I said, 'I don't need to focus on this anymore. It doesn't matter why I'm fat. Let's fix it.
- Stephanie Klein
Collection: Emotional
Image of Pete Rozelle
Considering what Americans have been confronted with in the last ten years, domestically and internationally, it's clear that we need emotional outlets; we have to have some peace from our problems
- Pete Rozelle
Collection: Emotional
Image of Alexander Polinsky
A one woman cabaret of emotional impressionism
- Alexander Polinsky
Collection: Emotional
Image of Auberon Waugh
Politics, as I never tire of saying, is for social and emotional misfits, handicapped folk, those with a grudge. The purpose of politics is to help them overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power.
- Auberon Waugh
Collection: Emotional
Image of Pete Docter
There's something really emotional about not having any sound. That allows, I think, the audience to participate more actively and kind of imagine what are they talking about there?
- Pete Docter
Collection: Emotional
Image of Paul F. Tompkins
To achieve the intimacy between performer and audience in storytelling, I feel like I have to let the audience in on my emotional state, not just, "Here's a story I'm going to tell by rote, and you're just going to listen to it, because I'm such a wonderfully entertaining fellow." It's the idea of sharing enough of myself that it's not just all about, "Look at me, look at me." There's an element to it of, "You understand what I'm talking about, right? You've been in this place that I've been in," which makes it a richer experience.
- Paul F. Tompkins
Collection: Emotional
Image of Anthony Daniels
The nearer emotional life approaches to hysteria, to continual outward show, the less genuine it becomes. Feeling becomes equated with vehemence of expression, so that insincerity becomes permanent.
- Anthony Daniels
Collection: Emotional