Top Ease Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Ease quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Wilson Mizner
Easy street is a blind alley.
- Wilson Mizner
Collection: Ease
Image of Pete Rose
Once you accept defeat, it becomes ease to lose. If defeat comes, face it and take it, but don't accept it.
- Pete Rose
Collection: Ease
Image of Sharon Salzberg
We find greater lightness & ease in our lives as we increasingly care for ourselves & other beings.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Ease
Image of Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
Whate'er is well conceived is clearly said, And the words to say it flow with ease.
- Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
Collection: Ease
Image of Harry Shearer
Music can happen with equal ease as a solo or collaborative venture, it seems to me.
- Harry Shearer
Collection: Ease
Image of Richard Koch
What could you achieve that would make you proud, that no one else could do with the same ease?
- Richard Koch
Collection: Ease
Image of Kris Carr
Resolutions are exhausting. Embrace ease.
- Kris Carr
Collection: Ease
Image of Rodney Yee
Train yourself to be in awe of the subtle, and you will live in a world of beauty and ease.
- Rodney Yee
Collection: Ease
Image of Robert Higgs
Abetted by misguided or co-opted intellectuals, the rulers weave a cloak of legitimacy to disguise their theft and hence to ease their extraction of wealth from the rightful owners.
- Robert Higgs
Collection: Ease
Image of Pablo Casals
There is no substitute for work; what seems ease of performance comes from the greatest labor.
- Pablo Casals
Collection: Ease
Image of David A. Siegel
The Web itself doesn't as much change the way we do things as it changes the ease with which we do things. And that changes the way we do everything.
- David A. Siegel
Collection: Ease
Image of Richard Reti
No one has ever played these endgames with such elegant ease as Capablanca.
- Richard Reti
Collection: Ease
Image of Ihara Saikaku
No longer can a young woman feel at ease; for she is ever concerned with the impression that she may be making on others.
- Ihara Saikaku
Collection: Ease
Image of Jane Kirkpatrick
We seek neither convenience nor ease, but to live at the edge of possibility.
- Jane Kirkpatrick
Collection: Ease
Image of Stana Katic
Once you’re comfortable by yourself you learn to be more at ease with others.
- Stana Katic
Collection: Ease
Image of Michel de Montaigne
Virtue can have naught to do with ease. . . . It craves a steep and thorny path.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Ease
Image of Jim Rohn
Enterprise is better than ease.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Ease
Image of Louise Hay
Financial security puts me at ease and makes me reel good about my future
- Louise Hay
Collection: Ease
Image of Jackson Pollock
On the floor I am more at ease.
- Jackson Pollock
Collection: Ease
Image of Jim Butcher
Ease off the martyr throttle.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Ease
Image of John Steinbeck
Being at ease with himself put him at ease with the world.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Ease
Image of Henri Bergson
To ease another's burden, help to carry it.
- Henri Bergson
Collection: Ease
Image of David Bowie
I'm not at ease with the word "love."
- David Bowie
Collection: Ease
Image of John Milton
For to interpose a little ease, Let our frail thoughts dally with false surmise.
- John Milton
Collection: Ease
Image of Seneca the Younger
Let ease and rest at times be given to the weary.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Ease
Image of David Whyte
Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the conversation.
- David Whyte
Collection: Ease
Image of Michel de Montaigne
Virtue shuns ease as a companion. It demands a rough and thorny path.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Ease
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Ease
Image of Thomas Carlyle
And yet without labour there were no ease, no rest, so much as conceivable.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Ease
Image of Jeremy Collier
There are few things reason can discover with so much certainty and ease as its own insufficiency.
- Jeremy Collier
Collection: Ease
Image of John Calvin
First of all, Scripture draws our attention to this, that if we want ease and tranquility in our lives, we should resign ourselves and all that we have to the will of God, and at the same time we should surrender our affections to him as our Conqueror and Overlord.
- John Calvin
Collection: Ease
Image of Judith Orloff
Beyond surfaces, you must be intuitively at ease.
- Judith Orloff
Collection: Ease
Image of John Lancaster Spalding
Friends humor and flatter us, they steal our time, they encourage our love of ease, they make us content with ourselves, they are the foes of our virtue and our glory.
- John Lancaster Spalding
Collection: Ease
Image of Paulo Coelho
They say that extroverts are unhappier than introverts and have to compensate for this by constantly proving to themselves how happy and contented and at ease with life they are.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Ease
Image of Alden Ehrenreich
That was cool, because they've all [ George Clooney and Josh Brolin and Scarlett Johansson] worked with the Coens. They were much more at ease with them at the outset, and they were all kind of familiar with the shorthand that the Coens had.
- Alden Ehrenreich
Collection: Ease
Image of Suzanne Collins
I keep hoping that as time passes by, we’ll regain the ease between us, but part of me knows it’s futile. There’s no going back.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Ease
Image of Wayne Dyer
Be at ease, not dis-ease.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Ease
Image of George Eliot
There is no sense of ease like the ease we felt in those scenes where we were born.
- George Eliot
Collection: Ease
Image of Albert Einstein
I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves. This ethical basis I call the ideal of the pigsty.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Ease
Image of Benjamin Franklin
Would you live with ease, Do what you ought, and not what you please.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Ease
Image of Benjamin Franklin
The electrical matter consists of particles extremely subtile, since it can permeate common matter, even the densest metals, with such ease and freedom as not to receive any perceptible resistance.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Ease
Image of John Heywood
Let the world wagge, and take mine ease in myne Inne.
- John Heywood
Collection: Ease
Image of William Hazlitt
Elegance is something more than ease; it is more than a freedom from awkwardness or restraint. It implies, I conceive, a precision, a polish, a sparkling, spirited yet delicate.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Ease
Image of George Herbert
If you would bee at ease, all the world is not.
- George Herbert
Collection: Ease
Image of George Herbert
Thinke of ease, but worke on.
- George Herbert
Collection: Ease
Image of George Herbert
Great paines quickly find ease.
- George Herbert
Collection: Ease
Image of Samuel Johnson
The true effect of genuine politeness seems to be rather ease than pleasure.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Ease
Image of William James
Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction
- William James
Collection: Ease