Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 6

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 6 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Jean-Pierre de Caussade
The present moment holds infinite riches beyond your wildest dreams.
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Collection: Dream
Image of Jim Sensenbrenner
I believe it is essential to have English as the official language of our National Government, for the English language is the tie that binds the millions of immigrants who come to America from divergent backgrounds. We should, and do, encourage immigrants to maintain and share their traditions, customs and religions, but the use of English is essential for immigrants and their children to participate fully in American society and achieve the American dream.
- Jim Sensenbrenner
Collection: Dream
Image of Trudi Canavan
Inspiration comes from so many sources. Music, other fiction, the non-fiction I read, TV shows, films, news reports, people I know, stories I hear, misheard words or lyrics, dreams
- Trudi Canavan
Collection: Dream
Image of Adam Young
Writing music is like tasting the sky. It keeps me dreaming in color.
- Adam Young
Collection: Dream
Image of Fritz Leiber
Yet for all the childish innocence of its bizarre glamor, Venice developed an atmosphere, or became the outpost of a sinister deep-rooted power.... It is a place of dreams, not only the tinseled ones.
- Fritz Leiber
Collection: Dream
Image of Fritz Leiber
We're free out here, really free for the first time. We're floating, literally. Gravity can't bow our backs or break our arches or tame our ideas. You know, it's only out here that stupid people like us can really think. The weightlessness gets our thoughts and we can sort them. Ideas grow out here like nowhere else - it's the right environment for them. Anyone can get into space, if he wants to hard enough. The ticket is a dream.
- Fritz Leiber
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Reed
Rather than seeing dreams as containing hidden messages, see dreams as experiences of empathy. Then use empathy with the dream to reconnect with the experience of dreaming itself.
- Henry Reed
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Reed
When we awaken, we cannot account for the time spent. We simply don't remember. About the only evidence we have of experiences while we were asleep is when we happen to remember a dream.
- Henry Reed
Collection: Dream
Image of Henry Reed
Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Cayce's son, is quoted as saying, The best interpretation of a dream is one you apply.
- Henry Reed
Collection: Dream
Image of Sam Lipsyte
One of my big revelations was that nobody cares whether you write your novel or not. They want you to be happy. Your parents want you to have health insurance. Your friends want you to be a good friend. But everyone’s thinking about their own problems and nobody wakes up in the morning thinking, ‘Boy, I sure hope Sam finishes that chapter and gets one step closer to his dream of being a working writer.’ Nobody does that. If you want to write, it has to come from you. If you don’t want to write, that’s great. Go do something else. That was a very liberating moment for me.
- Sam Lipsyte
Collection: Dream
Image of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Humankind is able to create new conditions, a new reality. We are not fated to swim forever among the realities that are here now. ... Everything that is worthwhile in human civilization has not only originated from but has been inspired by dreams, by imagination.
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Collection: Dream
Image of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
I will not close my eyes, neither those in my head nor those in my soul, as the ship carries me away, along with my future, my dreams, and my beliefs. Buru Island is no happy land somewhere; it's but a way station on my journey in life—though to believe even that much will require no small measure of hope.
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Collection: Dream
Image of Susan Kay
I had reached up and pulled the castle of dreams down around him.
- Susan Kay
Collection: Dream
Image of Tara Brach
Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns.
- Tara Brach
Collection: Dream
Image of Selma Blair
I remember the audition process for Xena: Warrior Princess; I was driving there and I was listening to The Cranberries' "Dreams," so I was thinking of that audition again recently with the sudden passing of Dolores O'Riordan, Cranberries singer. And I remember that song, I was like, "Okay, I can do anything" as I was driving onto the lot at Universal.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Dream
Image of David Abram
...along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast imagination, or Dreaming, of the world.
- David Abram
Collection: Dream
Image of Barbara Mikulski
We work on macro issues and macaroni and cheese issues. When women are in the halls of power, our national debate reflects the needs and dreams of American families.
- Barbara Mikulski
Collection: Dream
Image of Barbara Mikulski
College is part of the American dream. It shouldnt be part of a financial nightmare for families
- Barbara Mikulski
Collection: Dream
Image of Jean Rhys
Only the magic and the dream are true — all the rest's a lie.
- Jean Rhys
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Morpurgo
Stories make you think and dream; books make you want to ask questions.
- Michael Morpurgo
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Morpurgo
Often it's the latest novel that I've written that is my favourite. I'd been dreaming it for so long, living and breathing its story so that when it finally arrives as a newly published book, smelling wonderful and fresh out of the box, there is nothing like it.
- Michael Morpurgo
Collection: Dream
Image of Jonathan Rhys Meyers
When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them.
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Collection: Dream
Image of Jeff Bridges
I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see, and day....I got in!
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Dream
Image of Maltbie Davenport Babcock
Be strong: we are not here to play, to dream, to drift, we have hard work to do and loads to lift, shun not the struggle, face it, 'tis god's gift. Be strong: say not the days are evil - who's to blame! And fold your hands and acquiesce - o shame! Stand up, speak out, and bravely in god's name. Be strong! It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong. How hard the battle goes, the day, how long! Faint not, fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.
- Maltbie Davenport Babcock
Collection: Dream
Image of Guru Nanak
The world is a drama, staged in a dream
- Guru Nanak
Collection: Dream
Image of W. E. B. Du Bois
I believe in Liberty for all men: the space to stretch their arms and their souls; the right to breathe and the right to vote, the freedom to choose their friends, enjoy the sunshine, and ride on the railroads, uncursed by color; thinking, dreaming, working as they will in a kingdom of beauty and love.
- W. E. B. Du Bois
Collection: Dream
Image of Wayne Gerard Trotman
You must learn to control your dreams or your dreams will forever control you.
- Wayne Gerard Trotman
Collection: Dream
Image of Wayne Gerard Trotman
What you call life is but a dream, and reality is relative.
- Wayne Gerard Trotman
Collection: Dream
Image of Surya Das
When the sunset of life arrives, and its twilight shadows fade away; while dreams of the next begin to appear more vividly; may the inner-light essence of the Buddha, and all the radiant awakened ones, continuously guide us onwards and upwards, on the path of spiritual enlightment.
- Surya Das
Collection: Dream
Image of Kevin Powers
The war came to me in my dreams and showed me its sole purpose: to go on, only to go on.
- Kevin Powers
Collection: Dream
Image of Hudson Taylor
Dream a dream so big that unless God intervenes it will fail.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Dream
Image of Hubert Selby, Jr.
Obviously, I believe that to pursue the American Dream is not only futile but self-destructive because ultimately it destroys everything and everyone involved with it. By definition it must, because it nurtures everything except those things that are important: integrity, ethics, truth, our very heart and soul. Why? The reason is simple: because Life/life is giving, not getting.
- Hubert Selby, Jr.
Collection: Dream
Image of Hubert Selby, Jr.
I suspect there will never be a requiem for a dream, simply because it will destroy us before we have the opportunity to mourn it's passing.
- Hubert Selby, Jr.
Collection: Dream
Image of Seth
Your impulses are your closest communication with your inner self, because in the waking state they are the spontaneous urgings toward action, rising from that deep inner knowledge of yourself that you have in dreams.
- Seth
Collection: Dream
Image of Adam Braun
Big Dreams start with small unreasonable acts
- Adam Braun
Collection: Dream
Image of Diana Nyad
You have a dream and you have obstacles in front of you as we all do. None of us ever get through this life without heartache, without turmoil, and if you believe and you have faith and you can get knocked down and get back up again and you believe in perseverance as a great human quality, you find your way.
- Diana Nyad
Collection: Dream
Image of Diana Nyad
When you achieve your Dreams It's not so much what you get, It's who you become.
- Diana Nyad
Collection: Dream
Image of Diana Nyad
This is a lifelong dream of mine and I'm very very glad to be with you.
- Diana Nyad
Collection: Dream
Image of Nick Jonas
Dreams are reality waiting to happen
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Dream
Image of Stephen Cosgrove
She fell into a long sleep and dreamed the dreams of the Dream Tree.
- Stephen Cosgrove
Collection: Dream
Image of Indra Nooyi
My parents made us dream that we could be anyone that we wanted to.
- Indra Nooyi
Collection: Dream
Image of P.B. Kerr
To grant all a man's wishes is to take away his dreams and ambitions. Life is only worth living if you have something to strive for. To aim at.
- P.B. Kerr
Collection: Dream
Image of Harry Styles
A dream is only a dream.. until you decide to make it real
- Harry Styles
Collection: Dream
Image of Vera Nazarian
It is interesting that we call something good a “dream,” but being called a “dreamer” is somewhat of a putdown. Without dreamers, no dream would ever be given reality, and we would live in a very small and shallow world. If you are a secret dreamer, it’s your time to announce yourself.
- Vera Nazarian
Collection: Dream
Image of Jim Morrison
Give me songs to sing and emerald dreams to dream and I'll give you love unfolding.
- Jim Morrison
Collection: Dream
Image of Zoë Heller
Always mind the distance between your dreams and your reality.
- Zoë Heller
Collection: Dream
Image of Daniel Pinkwater
My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams.
- Daniel Pinkwater
Collection: Dream