Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 3

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 3 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Rosalind Miles
To face a man in combat is challenge enough. To find the goddess in a woman is the life work of a man. Hard though the first may be, the second is the harder longer road. But every man seeks the woman of the dream, and only the best of men finds what he seeks.
- Rosalind Miles
Collection: Dream
Image of Harry Nilsson
Dreams are nothing more than wishes and a wish is just a dream you wish to come true.
- Harry Nilsson
Collection: Dream
Image of Christina Dodd
Are you a man?'' The question slipped out, and she regretted it. Regretted injecting reality into this delicate, lovely dream of passion. ''I thought I had conclusively proved my manhood to you. Shall I do it again?
- Christina Dodd
Collection: Dream
Image of Nancy Holder
Ostara, if one dies while in these othere states of consciousness, one dies indeed. this begs the question, are dreams truly only ever dreams?
- Nancy Holder
Collection: Dream
Image of Madam C. J. Walker
One night I had a dream, and in that dream a big black man appeared to me and told me what to mix up for my hair. I made up my mind I would begin to sell it.
- Madam C. J. Walker
Collection: Dream
Image of Koushun Takami
Even if it's a lie, even if it's a dream, please turn to me.
- Koushun Takami
Collection: Dream
Image of Mike Yaconelli
Children live in a world of dreams and imagination, a world of aliveness… There is a voice of wonder and amazement inside all of us; but we grow to realize we can no longer hear it, and we live in silence. It isn’t that God stopped speaking; it is that our lives became louder.
- Mike Yaconelli
Collection: Dream
Image of Jennifer L. Holm
Libraries help you to dream!
- Jennifer L. Holm
Collection: Dream
Image of Bjork
Love is a two way dream.
- Bjork
Collection: Dream
Image of Edward Young
The future... seems to me no unified dream but a mince pie, long in the baking, never quite done
- Edward Young
Collection: Dream
Image of Peter Straub
Could you defeat a cloud, a dream, a poem?
- Peter Straub
Collection: Dream
Image of Catherine Fisher
Despair is deep. An abyss that swallows dreams. A wall at the world's end. Behind it I await death. Because all our work has come to this.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Dream
Image of Catherine Fisher
Because I have dreams and in those dreams I see the stars
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Dream
Image of Susanna Clarke
I was told once by some country people that a magician should never tell his dreams because the telling will make them come true. But I say that is great nonsense.
- Susanna Clarke
Collection: Dream
Image of Stedman Graham
To know yourself is the first and most important step in pursuing your dreams and goals.
- Stedman Graham
Collection: Dream
Image of Álvaro Mutis
Life always holds in store surprises that are more complex and unforeseeable than any dream, and the secret is to let them come and not block them with castles in the air.
- Álvaro Mutis
Collection: Dream
Image of David Steindl-Rast
A lifetime may not be long enough to attune ourselves fully to the harmony of the universe. But just to become aware that we can resonate with it -- that alone can be like waking up from a dream.
- David Steindl-Rast
Collection: Dream
Image of Edith Piaf
I was hungry. I was cold. But I was also free. Free not to get up in the morning, not to go to bed at night, free to get drunk if I liked, to dream... to hope.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Dream
Image of Donald Trump
As long as we have faith in each other, and trust in God, then there is no goal, at all, beyond our reach. There is no dream too large, no task too great.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Dream
Image of J. C. Watts
The American dream does not happen by asking Americans to accept what's immoral and wrong in the name of tolerance.
- J. C. Watts
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Thomas Ford
I know all about dreams that make you want to scream.
- Michael Thomas Ford
Collection: Dream
Image of Anthony Minghella
I am a teller of stories. A weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather I can stand on my head. I know 7 words of Latin, I have a little magic... and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a dragon, I can fight dirty but not fair. I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I am a luxury and, in that sense, necessary.
- Anthony Minghella
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Bloomberg
If you don't encounter setbacks in your career, if you don't have doubts and disappointments , let me tell you, you're not dreaming big enough.
- Michael Bloomberg
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Bloomberg
I like the theater, dining and chasing women. Let me put it this way: I am a single, straight billionaire in Manhattan. It's like a wet dream.
- Michael Bloomberg
Collection: Dream
Image of Sarah Monette
I catch a flash of red-gold beneath the surface of the water, and realize that there are koi in the pond, massive, serene, and I wonder: are they dreams of fish, or fish who dream?
- Sarah Monette
Collection: Dream
Image of Marion Zimmer Bradley
Without a dream to light your way, the world is a very dark place.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
Collection: Dream
Image of Dylan Thomas
I love you more than anybody in the world... I love you for millions and millions of things, clocks and vampires and dirty nails and squiggly paintings and lovely hair and being dizzy and falling dreams.
- Dylan Thomas
Collection: Dream
Image of Karen Russell
It is a special kind of homelessness to be evicted from your dreams.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Dream
Image of Karen Russell
People really get myopic as they get older. We're not a culture that encourages dreaming or distraction. We're not ever good at just being. I remember reading some Adrienne Rich quote where she talks about how important it was just to watch bubbles rise in a glass.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Dream
Image of Olive Schreiner
Without dreams and phantoms man cannot exist.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Dream
Image of Sienna Miller
I'm living my dream, and that's all you can ask for. At a certain point, you have to ignore all the rest.
- Sienna Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Holly Lisle
If you have dreams you want to pursue, the time is now. There is no perfect time, and there is no better time. There is only the time you lose while you're making excuses.
- Holly Lisle
Collection: Dream
Image of Roger von Oech
We grow up thinking that the best answer is in someone else's brain. Much of our education is an elaborate game of 'guess what's in the teacher's head?' What the world really needs to know right now is what kind of dreams and ideas are in your head.
- Roger von Oech
Collection: Dream
Image of Frank Sinatra
If you don't know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he's just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes and fears. It's one world, pal. We're all neighbors.
- Frank Sinatra
Collection: Dream
Image of J. K. Rowling
In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Dream
Image of Karlheinz Stockhausen
I was horrible at everything I ever tried to do and people respect me. The American Dream has come true!!
- Karlheinz Stockhausen
Collection: Dream
Image of J. B. Priestley
Man, the creature who knows he must die, who has dreams larger than his destiny, who is forever working a confidence trick on himself, needs an ally. Mine has been tobacco.
- J. B. Priestley
Collection: Dream
Image of Sharon Osbourne
Seems like I'm in a dream. Prince dead at 57. There are no words to describe this loss.
- Sharon Osbourne
Collection: Dream
Image of Cate Blanchett
Mind the gap - it's the distance between life as you dream it and life as it is.
- Cate Blanchett
Collection: Dream
Image of Samuel Smiles
It's not enough to have a dream, Unless you're willing to pursue it. It's not enough to know what's right, Unless you're strong enough to do it. It's not enough to learn the truth, Unless you also learn to live it. It's not enough to reach for love, Unless you care enough to give it Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will always find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them, they will make them.
- Samuel Smiles
Collection: Dream
Image of Brian Selznick
If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from when you go to sleep at night, just look around. This is where they are made.
- Brian Selznick
Collection: Dream
Image of Dara Torres
I've wanted to win at everything, every day, since I was a kid. And time doesn't change a person, it just helps you get a handle on who you are. Even at age 41, I still hate losing--I'm just more gracious about it. I'm also aware that setbacks have an upside; they fuel new dreams.
- Dara Torres
Collection: Dream
Image of Sumner Redstone
To have big success, you must have big dreams, and you must be willing to take a chance.
- Sumner Redstone
Collection: Dream
Image of Peter Rollins
There is a deep sense in which we are all ghost towns. We are all haunted by the memory of those we love, those with whom we feel we have unfinished business. While they may no longer be with us, a faint aroma of their presence remains, a presence that haunts us until we make our peace with them and let them go. The problem, however, is that we tend to spend a great deal of energy in attempting to avoid the truth. We construct an image of ourselves that seeks to shield us from a confrontation with our ghosts. Hence we often encounter them only late at night, in the corridors of our dreams.
- Peter Rollins
Collection: Dream
Image of Jedediah Berry
Could a dream kill a man? Could it strangle him where he sat sleeping?
- Jedediah Berry
Collection: Dream
Image of Sam Wyly
The story of the entrepreneur... is the story of forward progress, of pursuing one's dreams and goals no matter how outlandish they seem to others. The entrepreneur, like the pioneer, pushes boundaries in search of what's new, what's next. Sometimes, he brings the whole society with him, rushing forward together into a next phase of our communal human life.
- Sam Wyly
Collection: Dream
Image of Miuccia Prada
We will always buy clothes because they let us live our dreams.
- Miuccia Prada
Collection: Dream
Image of Matt Ridley
It is the assumption of this book that there is a typical human nature. It is the aim of this book to seek it. Just like a surgeon, a psychiatrist can make all sorts of basic assumptions when a patient lies down upon the couch. He can assume that the patient knows what it means to love, to envy, to trust, to think, to speak, to fear, to smile, to bargain, to covet, to dream, to remember, to sing, to quarrel, to lie. The 'smile' of a baboon is a threat; the smile of a man is a sign of pleasure: it is human nature, the world over.
- Matt Ridley
Collection: Dream