Top desire Quotes Collection - Page 15

Discover a curated collection of desire quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 15 provides more desire quotes.

Image of Edmund Hillary
In those days we were punished very frequently and I felt that it was often unjust, and so I would resist the desire to agree with many, many things. So I used to get beaten quite frequently and I more or less accepted it as part of life.
- Edmund Hillary
Collection: Desire
Image of Michel Houellebecq
To increase desires to an unbearable level whilst making the fulfillment of them more and more inaccessible: this was the single principle upon which Western society was based.
- Michel Houellebecq
Collection: Desire
Image of Matthew Henry
I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not everything I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me, or I shall have it in due time.
- Matthew Henry
Collection: Desire
Image of Eric Hoffer
EVERY intense desire is perhaps basically a desire to be different from what we are.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Desire
Image of Deborah Harkness
Desire urges me on as fear bridles me" Bruno.
- Deborah Harkness
Collection: Desire
Image of Jenny Holzer
How do you resign yourself to something that will never be? You stop wanting just that thing. You go numb. Or you kill the agent of desire.
- Jenny Holzer
Collection: Desire
Image of Napoleon Hill
You wouldn't desire something if you didn't have the talent to carry it out.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Desire
Image of Saint Augustine
This very moment I may, if I desire, become the friend of God.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Desire
Image of Napoleon Hill
Willpower and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Desire
Image of Kehinde Wiley
As a twin, I operate with twin desires.
- Kehinde Wiley
Collection: Desire
Image of George Herbert
Hee begins to die, that quits his desires.
- George Herbert
Collection: Desire
Image of Thomas Hobbes
Desire of praise disposeth to laudable actions.
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: Desire
Image of Saint Augustine
It is not by change of place that we can come nearer to Him who is in every place, but by the cultivation of pure desires and virtuous habits.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Desire
Image of Thomas Hobbes
... it is one thing to desire, another to be in capacity fit for what we desire.
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: Desire
Image of Paul J. Meyer
A burning desire is the greatest motivator of every human action. The desire for success implants 'success consciousness' which, in turn, creates a vigorous and ever-increasing 'habit of success'.
- Paul J. Meyer
Collection: Desire
Image of Saint Augustine
Temperance is a disposition that restrains our desires for things which it is base to desire.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Desire
Image of Saint Augustine
Let him who desires to be harsh in making demands upon his debtors consider that he is God’s debtor.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Desire
Image of Joshua Harris
Wisdom in relationships involves a selfless desire to do what's best for the other person.
- Joshua Harris
Collection: Desire
Image of Napoleon Hill
The subconscious acts first on the dominating desires.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Desire
Image of Napoleon Hill
Desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Desire
Image of Sri Aurobindo
All desires and egoism will have to be banished from the being.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Desire
Image of Eric Hoffer
The less satisfaction we derive from being ourselves, the greater is our desire to be like others.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Desire
Image of Jane Austen
She was without any power, because she was without any desire of command over herself.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Desire
Image of James Joyce
I desire to press in my arms the loveliness which has not yet come into the world.
- James Joyce
Collection: Desire
Image of Mindy Kaling
I don't need marriage. I don't need anyone to take care of all my needs and desires. I can take care of them myself now.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Desire
Image of Samuel Johnson
It is very common for us to desire most what we are least qualified to obtain.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Desire
Image of Victor Hugo
There is a material advancement; we desire it. There is, also, a moral grandeur; we hold fast to it.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Desire
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The abolition of domestic slavery is the great object of desire in those colonies, where it was unhappily introduced in their infant state.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Desire
Image of David Hume
Almost every one has a predominant inclination, to which his other desires and affections submit, and which governs him, though perhaps with some intervals, though the whole course of his life.
- David Hume
Collection: Desire
Image of William James
The desire to gain wealth and the fear to lose it are our chief breeders of cowardice and propagators of corruption.
- William James
Collection: Desire
Image of Rafael Cruz
If we remove desire to be better, we become mediocre.
- Rafael Cruz
Collection: Desire
Image of Aldous Huxley
Wild inside; raging, writhing—yes, "writhing" was the word, writhing with desire. But outwardly he was hopelessly tame; outwardly—baa, baa, baa.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Desire
Image of Victor Hugo
I'd like a drink. I desire to forget life. Life is a hideous invention by somebody I don't know. It doesn't last, and it's good for nothing. You break your neck simply living.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Desire
Image of Juvenal
Led on by impulse, and blind and ungovernable desires.
- Juvenal
Collection: Desire
Image of Samuel Johnson
Every desire is a viper in the bosom, who while he was chill was harmless; but when warmth gave him strength, exerted it in poison.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Desire
Image of Nicole Kidman
It's the desire to study the human condition, the desire for collaboration, to learn and absorb, and to lead a well-examined life.
- Nicole Kidman
Collection: Desire
Image of Franz Kafka
I have spent my life resisting the desire to end it.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Desire
Image of Ansel Adams
If you have enough craft, you've done your homework and you're practiced. You can then make the photograph you desire.
- Ansel Adams
Collection: Desire
Image of Juvenal
There will he nothing more that posterity can add to our immoral habits; our descendants must have the same desires and act the same follies as their sires. Every vice has reached its zenith.
- Juvenal
Collection: Desire
Image of William James
Events are influenced by our very great desires.
- William James
Collection: Desire
Image of Dalai Lama
What unites all beings is their desire for happiness.
- Dalai Lama
Collection: Desire
Image of Tony Kushner
If you [c]annot find your [h]eart's desire in your own backyard, you never lost it to begin with
- Tony Kushner
Collection: Desire
Image of David Levithan
Are you going to be playing for the pure thrill of unreluctant desire?
- David Levithan
Collection: Desire
Image of Milan Kundera
I feel a frantic desire to free myself. To start all over again and in another way.
- Milan Kundera
Collection: Desire
Image of D. H. Lawrence
For to desire is better than to possess, the finality of the end was dreaded as deeply as it was desired.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Desire
Image of Tanith Lee
Robespierre, crippled and blind, has yet to be healed to the knowledge that service - his desire - is a deed of savage-speaking gentleness, not soft-spoken savagery.
- Tanith Lee
Collection: Desire
Image of C. S. Lewis
Our desire is not only to SEE glory, but to participate in the glory we see.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Desire
Image of Doris Lessing
I lived in a brilliantly lit haze, shifting and flickering according to my changing desires. Of course, that is only a description of being young.
- Doris Lessing
Collection: Desire