Top courage Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of courage quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more courage quotes.

Image of Martha Shelley
...I discovered that I could take a risk and survive. I could march in Philadelphia. I could go out in the street and be gay evenin a dress or a skirt without getting shot. Each victory gave me courage for the next one.
- Martha Shelley
Collection: Courage
Image of Mary E. DeMuth
Dare to be brave today, and trust that when you extend your wings, you will fly.
- Mary E. DeMuth
Collection: Courage
Image of Lauren Mackler
People become discouraged when they listen to their 'inner critic'... Whatever that voice is saying, articulate a response, drawing from the part of you that feels strong and confident. Be your own cheerleader.
- Lauren Mackler
Collection: Courage
Image of William Rounseville Alger
Courage makes a man more than himself; for he is then himself plus his valor.
- William Rounseville Alger
Collection: Courage
Image of Criss Jami
To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Courage
Image of John W. Gardner
We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling. If you want to keep on learning, you must keep on risking failure-all your life.
- John W. Gardner
Collection: Courage
Image of Marie Colvin
Bravery is not being afraid to be afraid.
- Marie Colvin
Collection: Courage
Image of Richard Stengel
Courage is not the absence of fear...
- Richard Stengel
Collection: Courage
Image of James Goldsmith
The ultimate risk is not taking a risk.
- James Goldsmith
Collection: Courage
Image of Ken Evoy
Some folks never try to grow beyond lives that have not realized that potential. And as long as they don't regret that, that's fine. Live and let live. But for those who regret never trying, it's a shame because the Web, as complex as it may seem, makes it all possible
- Ken Evoy
Collection: Courage
Image of Edward Gibbon
In the end, they wanted security more than they wanted freedom.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Courage
Image of John Grisham
Some people have more guts than brains.
- John Grisham
Collection: Courage
Image of Khalil
We were a silent, hidden thought in the folds of oblivion, and we have become a voice that causes the heavens to tremble.
- Khalil
Collection: Courage
Image of Tiko Kerr
Be Bold. It's just canvas, just paint. If it doesn't work for you, paint over it and start again. Don't be afraid that you are wasting supplies. Every failure teaches something, if only what not to do.
- Tiko Kerr
Collection: Courage
Image of Vaclav Havel
Courage means going against majority opinion in the name of the truth.
- Vaclav Havel
Collection: Courage
Image of Earl A Grollman
Courage is not the absence of fear and pain, but the affirmation of life despite fear and pain.
- Earl A Grollman
Collection: Courage
Image of Nhat Hanh
Hatred and fear blind us. We no longer see each other. We see only the faces of monsters, and that gives us the courage to destroy each other.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Courage
Image of Augustus Hare
Few persons have courage enough to appear as good as they really are.
- Augustus Hare
Collection: Courage
Image of Barbara
Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you. Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional. Physical pain is a fact that comes with living, just as illness or financial woes or broken relationships are facts. But misery is a state of mind, a reaction to the facts, that can be controlled or altered by an act of will.
- Barbara
Collection: Courage
Image of Paul Hogan
The secret to my success is that I bit off more than I could chew and I chewed as fast as I could.
- Paul Hogan
Collection: Courage
Image of Jack Crawford
Courage is the only asset That will conquer in the fight If you have the will to mass it On the lines of truth and right.
- Jack Crawford
Collection: Courage
Image of John Claypool
We must never forget that today's legendary achievements-awesome as they may seem-were yesterday's risky adventures. Courage is not the capacity never to be afraid; as Karl Barth reminds us, "Courage is fear that has said its prayers."
- John Claypool
Collection: Courage
Image of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The valor that struggles is better than the weakness that endures.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Collection: Courage
Image of Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone
Most men have more courage than even they themselves think they have.
- Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone
Collection: Courage
Image of William Halsey
[Admiral Nelson's counsel] guided me time and again. On the eve of the critical battle of Santa Cruz, in which the Japanese ships outnumbered ours more than two to one, I sent my task force commanders this dispatch: ATTACK REPEAT ATTACK. They did attack, heroically, and when the battle was done, the enemy turned away. All problems, personal, national, or combat, become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly, and it pricks you; grasp it boldly, and its spines crumble. Carry the battle to the enemy! Lay your ship alongside his!
- William Halsey
Collection: Courage
Image of Asaram
Never be frightened! Be fearless! There is no room for fear. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is adharma and fear is disloyalty. All delusions emanate from this evil called fear.
- Asaram
Collection: Courage
Image of Oscar Hammerstein II
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart.
- Oscar Hammerstein II
Collection: Courage
Image of Oscar Hammerstein II
For when I fool the people I fear, I fool myself as well.
- Oscar Hammerstein II
Collection: Courage
Image of Francis of Assisi
Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage.
- Francis of Assisi
Collection: Courage
Image of Thomas Southerne
There is no courage but in innocence; no constancy but in an honest cause.
- Thomas Southerne
Collection: Courage
Image of Immanuel Kant
Do the right thing because it is right.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Courage
Image of Zora Neale Hurston
I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions.
- Zora Neale Hurston
Collection: Courage
Image of Linda Seger
It's not just a matter of saying you have to have courage, because you learn courage.
- Linda Seger
Collection: Courage
Image of Elizabeth Samet
courage isn't simply a matter of leading charges: sometimes it consists in speaking up, sometimes in stoic silence, sometimes in forging ahead, sometimes in circumspection, and sometimes in nothing less than preserving our own humanity.
- Elizabeth Samet
Collection: Courage
Image of Pretty Shield
A brave man is seldom unkind.
- Pretty Shield
Collection: Courage
Image of Maia Wojciechowska
you cannot confuse bravery or courage with lack of fear. Real courage, true bravery is doing things in spite of fear, knowing fear.
- Maia Wojciechowska
Collection: Courage
Image of Leigh Hunt
When moral courage feels that it is in the right, there is no personal daring of which it is incapable.
- Leigh Hunt
Collection: Courage
Image of Peter Hans Kolvenbach
The spirit of Dr. [Martin Luther] King and the thousands of people he worked with set the races on a different course in the United States... In that same spirit, we must have the courage - and teach our students the courage - to be bearers to the world of this transforming love, co-creators of a more deeply human world, collaborators with Christ in the building of God's Kingdom.
- Peter Hans Kolvenbach
Collection: Courage
Image of John H. Johnson
I decided once and for all that I was going to make it or die.
- John H. Johnson
Collection: Courage
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Courage
Image of Mo Mowlam
It takes courage to push things forward.
- Mo Mowlam
Collection: Courage
Image of Roger Kahn
To age with dignity and with courage cuts close to what it is to be a man.
- Roger Kahn
Collection: Courage
Image of Mercedes Lackey
Give your enemy a face, If he is human, do not dehumanize him. Know him and know why he is your enemy. If your enemy is within you, understand what it is and why you are afraid. Put a face on your fear. When you understand it, and it is no longer vague and shapeless, you will find that your fear is no longer so formidable.
- Mercedes Lackey
Collection: Courage
Image of Aung San Suu Kyi
You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Collection: Courage
Image of Aung San Suu Kyi
Fearlessness may be a gift but perhaps more precious is the courage acquired through endeavour, courage that comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one's actions, courage that could be described as 'grace under pressure' - grace which is renewed repeatedly in the face of harsh, unremitting pressure.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Collection: Courage
Image of Letitia Elizabeth Landon
The fearless make their own way.
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Collection: Courage
Image of Jet Li
A mob is a group of persons with heads but no brains.
- Jet Li
Collection: Courage
Image of Madeleine L'Engle
We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Collection: Courage