Top Common Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Common quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Janet Erskine Stuart
We can sanctify ourselves in common things. We must do so.
- Janet Erskine Stuart
Collection: Common
Image of Josiah Warren
It has now become a very common sentiment, that there is some deep and radical wrong somewhere, and that legislators have proved themselves incapable of discovering, or, of remedying it.
- Josiah Warren
Collection: Common
Image of Barbara Mertz
A fondness for martyrdom, especially of the verbal variety, is common to the young.
- Barbara Mertz
Collection: Common
Image of Sergei Lukyanenko
The common good and the individual good rarely coincide.
- Sergei Lukyanenko
Collection: Common
Image of Richard Rohr
The most common one-liner in the Bible is, "Do not be afraid." Someone counted, and it occurs 365 times.
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Common
Image of Frances Perkins
I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain common workingmen.
- Frances Perkins
Collection: Common
Image of Augustus
Nothing common can seem worthy of you.
- Augustus
Collection: Common
Image of Kathleen Raine
Nature is the common, universal language, understood by all.
- Kathleen Raine
Collection: Common
Image of Justin Martyr
And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus.
- Justin Martyr
Collection: Common
Image of R. A. Lafferty
The lowest common denominator of the universe is both low and common.
- R. A. Lafferty
Collection: Common
Image of Pope Leo XII
The civil power must not be subservient to the advantage of any one individual, or of some few persons; inasmuch as it was established for the common good of all.
- Pope Leo XII
Collection: Common
Image of Jean Craighead George
There is something all life has in common, and when I know what it is I shall know myself.
- Jean Craighead George
Collection: Common
Image of T. E. Hulme
Language is by its very nature a communal thing; that is, it expresses never the exact thing but a compromise - that which is common to you, me, and everybody.
- T. E. Hulme
Collection: Common
Image of Terry Teachout
It's actually now, more common to see conceptual productions of Shakespearian, which Hamlet is played as a Nazi, or a homosexual, or whatever concept is being laid over the play, then it is to see a production of Shakespeare in which there is no conceptual overlay and the play is simply being presented on its own terms.
- Terry Teachout
Collection: Common
Image of Jan Hus
As for antichrist occupying the papal chair, it is evident that a pope living contrary to Christ, like any other perverted person, is called, by common consent, antichrist.
- Jan Hus
Collection: Common
Image of Coventry Patmore
Uncommon things must be said in common words.
- Coventry Patmore
Collection: Common
Image of George Washington Carver
Learn to do the common things uncommonly well.
- George Washington Carver
Collection: Common
Image of Louise Bernikow
What we have in common is what keeps us apart.
- Louise Bernikow
Collection: Common
Image of Martin E. Marty
If you go deep enough into any faith tradition, you find the common ground with all faith traditions.
- Martin E. Marty
Collection: Common
Image of Colin Kaepernick
If we reach common ground, and can understand what everybody's going through, we can really affect change. And make sure that everyone is trated equally and has the same freedom.
- Colin Kaepernick
Collection: Common
Image of Gertrude the Great
Property -- the more common it becomes the more holy it becomes.
- Gertrude the Great
Collection: Common
Image of Sheri L. Dew
There is one thing the power of God and the power of Satan have in common: Neither can influence us unless we allow them to.
- Sheri L. Dew
Collection: Common
Image of Neil Abercrombie
So there's always been this clash between what is the public good - that which belongs to all of us in common - and what can be exploited for a private interest.
- Neil Abercrombie
Collection: Common
Image of Ivan Misner
Success is the uncommon application of common knowledge
- Ivan Misner
Collection: Common
Image of Randy Hultgren
There certainly are some good aspects to Common Core.
- Randy Hultgren
Collection: Common
Image of Ellis Paul
Embrace what you have in common, celebrate what sets you apart.
- Ellis Paul
Collection: Common
Image of Elijah
What do Judy Garland and Lady Gaga have in common?
- Elijah
Collection: Common
Image of Edward Brooke
My entire life has been devoted to breaking down barriers, to finding common ground.
- Edward Brooke
Collection: Common
Image of Justin Menkes
There is a common misconception that intelligence is synonymous with IQ. "Intelligence Quotient" or IQ was originally built to predict the academic aptitude of schoolchildren, and is nothing more than a measure of the skills needed for academic success. Intelligence, however, is a much broader concept that encompasses a person's level of skill for any of a number of subjects.
- Justin Menkes
Collection: Common
Image of Don Yaeger
You gotta do common things, uncommonly well.
- Don Yaeger
Collection: Common
Image of Stella Vine
A common misperception of me is that I am a victim. I am not a victim. I am just honest about how things affect me.
- Stella Vine
Collection: Common
Image of King James I
I will govern according to the common weal, but not according to the common will.
- King James I
Collection: Common
Image of Samuel Scheffler
We are all seeking to live up to normative standards that we recognize, even if we don't all recognize the same standards. This is something basic that we have in common despite our differences.
- Samuel Scheffler
Collection: Common
Image of Michael Yates
We are all, after all, just human beings, and most of us have a lot in common.
- Michael Yates
Collection: Common
Image of Matt Tyrnauer
Ralph Lauren and Valentino have a lot of common. Ralph Lauren was one of the first really to put himself at the center of the story, and Valentino was even earlier.
- Matt Tyrnauer
Collection: Common
Image of Michael Erard
The globalized environment where speaking a lot of languages is rewarded and getting access to learning materials is easier. A talent for massive language learning has not been supported by the environment until very recently, so this is a phenomenon that is going to become more common and more visible.
- Michael Erard
Collection: Common
Image of Barbara Tuchman
If it is not profitable for the common good that authority should be retained, it ought to be relinquished.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: Common
Image of Chris Rock
The material comes from whenever you realize that you and someone else have something in common. So any conversation you've had more than once, anything you see happening to you that you see happening to a friend, you go, Hmmm, that's a situation I can make funny.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Common
Image of John D. Rockefeller
Get rich by taking something common and making it uncommon.
- John D. Rockefeller
Collection: Common
Image of Oscar Wilde
The commonest thing is delightful if one only hides it.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Common
Image of Barack Obama
No one is exempt from the call to find common ground.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Common
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Go to find common ground; where you can't, you stand your ground.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Common
Image of Kim Stanley Robinson
When some French were assembling an encyclopedia of paranormal experiences, they decided to leave déjà vu out, because it was so common it could not be considered paranormal.
- Kim Stanley Robinson
Collection: Common
Image of Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Life sure is easier when you're rich." "And a natural born charmer. Don't forget that part." "How could I?" she retorted. "It's the only thing we have in common.
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Collection: Common
Image of Donald Trump
We're going to end Common Core. Going to bring our education local.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Common
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
We ought to really at least recognize the common predicament of Communists and democrats - or Americans, whatever.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: Common
Image of Agnes Repplier
The friendships of nations, built on common interests, cannot survive the mutability of those interests.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Common
Image of Wallace D. Wattles
Do every common act as a god should do it; speak every word as a god should speak it.
- Wallace D. Wattles
Collection: Common
Image of Erich Maria Remarque
Trenches, hospitals, the common grave--there are no other possibilities.
- Erich Maria Remarque
Collection: Common
Image of Blaise Pascal
Nature, which alone is good, is wholly familiar and common.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Common