Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 51

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 51 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Eddie Gibbs
Emerging church leaders are not impressed by those who defend the Christian faith by promoting definitive answers to convince those who doubt the faith.
- Eddie Gibbs
Collection: Christian
Image of Dwight Edwards
We're all in full-time Christian service. We have different disguises, but the same vocation; to be out and out lovers and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ... no dichotomy exists between ministry and lifestyle.
- Dwight Edwards
Collection: Christian
Image of Ruth Graham
End of Construction - Thank you for your patience.
- Ruth Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Hosoi
I want to be an example, the person who when they look at, they say, "That guy is a Christian, there's no doubt about it." I want to be blameless. I want to be an encouragement. I want to be a role model for the believer.
- Christian Hosoi
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Oyakhilome
As a Christian, you ought to be less concerned about where God is bringing you out from, rather, focus on where He's taking you to.
- Chris Oyakhilome
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary Gulman
I sometimes throw in a couple of swears just to keep the Christian right off my tail. I wouldn't want to be the tea party's go-to comedian.
- Gary Gulman
Collection: Christian
Image of Farah Diba
Fanaticism exists in every religion, whether Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.
- Farah Diba
Collection: Christian
Image of Jeffrey Burton Russell
If it were true that Christianity and science were incompatible, there would be no Christians who were respected scientists. If fact, about forty percent of professional natural scientists are practicing Christians, and many others are theists of other kinds. Fewer than thirty percent are atheists.
- Jeffrey Burton Russell
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard S. Wheeler
Our Founding Fathers deliberately used the Bible as their guide. They tried to ensure that schools, likewise, use the Bible to teach Christian self-government, the true source of liberty. These Scriptural principles were so instilled in the minds of our forefathers that they would fight and die for liberty. This divine fight, however, is not easily won our arch foe is ruthless in enslaving mankind.
- Richard S. Wheeler
Collection: Christian
Image of Chuck Grassley
John Marshall's warning that the power to tax is the power to destroy has taken on far greater meaning... more specifically, the power of the Internal Revenue Service is threatening to destroy the freedom of religion , guaranteed by the First Amendment. As part of that guarantee, Congress has granted tax exemptions for churches to avoid excessive interference in their religious activities.
- Chuck Grassley
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
Those who are anti-God and anti-Christian in America have infiltrated the highest levels of the educational establishment. They have a philosophical commitment to eliminating any vestige of biblical Christianity from American thought and life. They are well-positioned, well-funded and well-connected. They are a very small minority in America, yet their level of commitment is rarely matched among Christians.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
Beginning in 1962... the courts began to systematically secularize the nation, reflecting its view that God and the Scripture had no place in the public arena.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
In one generation of silent neglect, we have allowed the revisionists of our history to rewrite our past and deny that we have a Christian heritage.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
In America, about the only thing censored today is Christianity, the same Christianity that was the driving force behind the building of this great nation.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
As our culture has become increasingly hostile to Christianity, it has become correspondingly open to wickedness.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Scarborough
A very small number of non-Christians, including those with radical anti-Christian agendas, have been able to control and manipulate the civil politics of America with little or no opposition.
- Rick Scarborough
Collection: Christian
Image of Deborah Davis
What does the Christian faith say about Mary's childhood. We do not know much of Mary's childhood.
- Deborah Davis
Collection: Christian
Image of Bruno Bauer
The pure Christian State is a State in which theological law prevails. This law attains to real power or, to be more exact, absolute power, when through its results which are identical with those of opium, it puts all parts of humanity to sleep. If some occasionally awake they carry out crimes that horrify humanity which has not yet become Christian in the full sense of the word or has already abandoned the Christian framework.
- Bruno Bauer
Collection: Christian
Image of William E. Woodward
No man can be a Christian and a soldier at the same time, for the two ideas are wholly incompatible.
- William E. Woodward
Collection: Christian
Image of Israel Shamir
The short interregnum of civil society built on the ruins of the Bastille came to its end with the establishment of the Jews as the new Priestly caste. The alternative Church of our society, the Jews, survived in abeyance for hundreds of years. As long as the Christian Church attended to the discourse, the Jews plainly had no chance to compete; but when its power was broken by liberty-seekers, the alternative arrangement came forward.
- Israel Shamir
Collection: Christian
Image of Gerald Priestland
Rabbi Kushner writes from a wealth of Jewish wisdom and pastoral devotion, but his theology is, I find, is wholly in keeping with contemporary Christian thought. So far as there is an answer to the conflict between the goodness of God and the bitterness of suffering, this is it
- Gerald Priestland
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Norman
I don't know how people can easily remain Christian if they get no fellowship. They may be able to do it intellectually, but part of the body of man is composed of spirit and parts of soul and of flesh.
- Larry Norman
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Norman
I don't live my life as a Christian with trepidation, feeling that perhaps I've failed to give the best gospel possible on each occasion, but realising that God's taking care of a lot through his Holy Spirit.
- Larry Norman
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Norman
All music written by a Christian should be as integrated as everything else done by a Christian.
- Larry Norman
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Norman
Christians don't seem to be as aware of, or as sensitive to, the dire state of humanity as they are about the pleasant growth of their Christian walk.
- Larry Norman
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Norman
I never sent promotional copies to Christian radio stations in my life. It's not what I'm interested in.
- Larry Norman
Collection: Christian
Image of Helmuth James Graf von Moltke
Today, not a numerous, but an active part of the German people are beginning to realize, not that they have been led astray, not that bad times await them, not that the war may end in defeat, but that what is happening is sin and that they are personally responsible for each terrible deed that has been committed - naturally, not in the earthly sense, but as Christians.
- Helmuth James Graf von Moltke
Collection: Christian
Image of Ronald H. Nash
If the Christian church is to move responsibly towards the future, it must restore or renew its ties with its past. Contemporary Catholic and Protestant radicals want to claim that Christianity means whatever Christian today happen to believe and practice, be it pantheism, unitarianism, or sodomy. The Christian faith has suffered immeasurable harm because of the tendency of people to use the word Christian in a careless and non-historical way. Nothing in this argument would preclude liberal Protestants and Catholics from developing and practicing any religion they like.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Christian
Image of Ronald H. Nash
One thing evangelicals want is a reprieve from intolerance against their beliefs, values, and practices.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Christian
Image of Ronald H. Nash
The religious opponents of Christian conservatives are presented as moderates.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Christian
Image of Ronald H. Nash
Extremist groups like People for the American Way attack Christians who run for public office as a threat to the 'separation of church and state,' though they never specify why conservatives are any more of a threat than churchmen and church women on the Left who have led religiously inspired causes for decades.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Christian
Image of Ronald H. Nash
The secular and religious Left find it convenient to demonize politically conservative Christians.
- Ronald H. Nash
Collection: Christian
Image of Wayne Mack
Becoming mature Christians will require the sovereign work of God. Only God can save and sanctify. Still, God uses men and means. Certainly we as parents must seek to bring our children to Jesus Christ for salvation. But salvation is not the end of the journey. It is only the beginning. The destination toward which we are headed with our children is nothing less than maturity in Christ.
- Wayne Mack
Collection: Christian
Image of Gordon Klingenschmitt
You know what, citizens? If you don't have a gun - I'm telling you as a Christian chaplain - sell your clothes, and buy a gun. It's time! The government persecution will be coming against you, and you needs to arm yourselves.
- Gordon Klingenschmitt
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Lehmann
Christians who have influence in political life must feel as individuals responsibility in front of their own faith. And the duty of encouraging laws that are not in contradiction with the Commandments comes within the mission of the Church.
- Karl Lehmann
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Lehmann
The interest in the supernatural in a very generic sense and in the spiritual is not in itself a factor that helps the communication of the Christian faith.
- Karl Lehmann
Collection: Christian
Image of Baldur von Schirach
They say of us that we are an anti-Christian movement. They even say that I am an outspoken paganist.... I solemnly declare here, before the German public, that I stand on the basis of Christianity, but I declare just as solemnly that I will put down every attempt to introduce confessional matters into our Hitler Youth.
- Baldur von Schirach
Collection: Christian
Image of D. A. Fisher
History, when rightly written, is but a record of providence; and he who would read history rightly, must read it with his eyes constantly fixed on the hand of God. This statement of a nineteenth-century historian sums up the responsibility of the Christian teacher of history, for he who would teach history or any subject matter rightly, must teach it with his eyes constantly fixed on the hand of God.
- D. A. Fisher
Collection: Christian
Image of William Cornelius Van Horne
Prosperity too often has the same effect on a Christian that a calm at sea has on a Dutch mariner; who frequently, it is said, in those circumstances, ties up the rudder, gets drunk, and goes to sleep.
- William Cornelius Van Horne
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Clayton
I always thought that the way to believe more deeply was to surround myself with other Christians. After all, isn't that the traditional tool for religious socialization?
- Philip Clayton
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Clayton
There is something new in the air. There is, there is a - a hunger for an open, non-dogmatic, form of Christian faith and practice, which adapts itself to a rapidly changing world; and speaks to that world the message of Jesus Christ. And a freedom to rediscover some of the language of the tradition now that's it's not handed down to us, you know, with a strict framework of doctrinal, fixed structures.
- Philip Clayton
Collection: Christian
Image of Syncletica of Alexandria
Do good when you remember, and what you forget will be revealed to you; and do not surrender your mind to blind forgetfulness.
- Syncletica of Alexandria
Collection: Christian
Image of Syncletica of Alexandria
It is written, 'Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves' (Mt. 10:16). Being like serpents means not ignoring the attacks and wiles of the devil. Like is quickly shown to like. The simplicity of the dove denotes purity of action.
- Syncletica of Alexandria
Collection: Christian
Image of Patrick Peyton
If families give Our Lady fifteen minutes a day by reciting the Rosary, I assure them that their homes will become, by God's grace, peaceful places.
- Patrick Peyton
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Coren
It might be comforting to assume that intolerance is an aberration within Islam but discrimination against Christians or any other non-Muslim is in fact integral to orthodox Muslim teaching, and the more profound issue to the serious-minded is not the existence of sectarianism but its extent.
- Michael Coren
Collection: Christian
Image of Martin Harris
I do hereby assert and declare that in four years from the date hereof, every sectarian and religious denomination in the United States shall be broken down, and every Christian shall be gathered unto the Mormonites, and the rest of the human race shall perish. If these things do not take place, I will hereby consent to have my hand separated from my body.
- Martin Harris
Collection: Christian
Image of Leland Ryken
A Christian philosophy of literature begins with the same agenda of issues that any philosophy of literature addresses. Its distinctive feature is that it relates these issues to the Christian faith.
- Leland Ryken
Collection: Christian
Image of Leland Ryken
The secularization of Western culture was accompanied by the elevation of art to the position of a substitute religion to replace Christianity.
- Leland Ryken
Collection: Christian
Image of Leland Ryken
In Puritan thinking, the Christian life was a heroic venture, requiring a full quota of energy.
- Leland Ryken
Collection: Christian