Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 42

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 42 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Isaac
The Christian ministry is the worst of all trades, but the best of all professions.
- Isaac
Collection: Christian
Image of Pamela Geller
Canon law pertains to Catholics. Jewish law pertains only to Jews. But the sharia dictates every basic aspect of human life, asserts its authority over non-Muslims, unlike Jewish law and unlike canon law, which is why they're slaughtering Christians, they're slaughtering secular Muslims across the Muslim world.
- Pamela Geller
Collection: Christian
Image of Pamela Geller
Roman Catholics don't like when their religion is mocked. Christians don't like it. Jews don't like it. But this is what it takes to live in a pluralistic society. You have the right to offend and be offended.
- Pamela Geller
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis George
From a Christian perspective, the answer to all of that is not power, as it is in the modern perspective. It's love. It's self-sacrifice. That's what love is all about. The marriage ceremony says it very well: sacrifice is difficult, but love can make it a joy.
- Francis George
Collection: Christian
Image of Daniel Everett
I went from being a Christian missionary to an atheist.
- Daniel Everett
Collection: Christian
Image of Chip Ingram
Christians are like teabags, you don't really know what they're like until you put them in hot water.
- Chip Ingram
Collection: Christian
Image of Chip Ingram
Nothing breaks down barriers and preconceived ideas about 'Christians and Christianity' more than when we treat people the way Jesus treated His enemies.
- Chip Ingram
Collection: Christian
Image of Chip Ingram
Many Christians 'stall out' in the faith when the call to total commitment is received or viewed as something too high or too hard to acquire...or they have never been taught that total commitment is Christ's demand for all His followers.
- Chip Ingram
Collection: Christian
Image of Robin Mark
Jesus, all for Jesus, all I am and have and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these into Your hands... For it's only in Your will that I am free.
- Robin Mark
Collection: Christian
Image of Raniero Cantalamessa
We are not heading for an eternal void and an eternal silence but we are on our way to an encounter, an encounter with Him who created us and loves us more than mother and father.
- Raniero Cantalamessa
Collection: Christian
Image of Raniero Cantalamessa
Laypeople are a kind of nuclear energy in the Church on a spiritual level. A layperson caught up with the gospel and living next to other people can "contaminate" two others, and these two, four others, etc. Since lay Christians number not only tens of thousands like the clergy but hundreds of millions, they can truly play a decisive role in spreading the beneficial light of the gospel in the world.
- Raniero Cantalamessa
Collection: Christian
Image of Raniero Cantalamessa
It is true that not even Christ is seen, but he exists; he is risen, he is alive, he is close to us, more truly than the most enamored husband is close to his wife. Here is the crucial point: to think of Christ not as a person of the past, but as the risen and living Lord, with whom I can speak, whom I can even kiss if I so wish, certain that my kiss does not end on the paper or on the wood of a crucifix, but on a face and on the lips of living flesh (even though spiritualized), happy to receive my kiss.
- Raniero Cantalamessa
Collection: Christian
Image of Raniero Cantalamessa
The immense wealth of doctrine and institutions can become a handicap if we are trying to present all of that to a person who has lost all contact with the Church and no longer knows who Jesus is. That would be like clothing a baby with one of those enormous, heavy brocaded copes that priests and bishops used to wear. Instead, it is necessary to help this person establish a relationship with Jesus.
- Raniero Cantalamessa
Collection: Christian
Image of William Hendriksen
Scars are the price which every believer pays for his loyalty to Christ.
- William Hendriksen
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahathir Mohamad
I'm a fundamentalist in the true sense. That is to say, I follow the fundamentals of religion... But for over 1,400 years people have been interpreting and re-interpreting the religion to suit their own purpose! ... These [extremist and terrorist acts] are not Islamic fundamentals any more than the Christians who burned people at the stake are fundamentalist. They are actually deviating from the teachings of the religion!
- Mahathir Mohamad
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahathir Mohamad
Once started, religious strife has a tendency to go on and on - to become permanent feuds. Today we see such intractable inter-religious wars in Northern Ireland, between Jews and Muslims and Christians in Palestine, Hindus and Muslims in South Asia and in many other places. Attempts to bring about peace have failed again and again. Always the extremist elements invoking past injustices, imagined or real, will succeed in torpedoing the peace efforts and bringing about another bout of hostility.
- Mahathir Mohamad
Collection: Christian
Image of Carolyn Chute
I'd rather be a born-once hog than a born-again Christian any day.
- Carolyn Chute
Collection: Christian
Image of Rod Dreher
...whatever the self-righteous excesses of the environmentalist left, it is impossible to be true to traditional conservative values (to say nothing of the Christian faith conservatives like me profess) and hold laissez faire attitudes about the use and abuse of the natural world.
- Rod Dreher
Collection: Christian
Image of Rebecca Harding Davis
Every child was taught from his cradle that money was Mammon, the chief agent of the flesh and the devil. As he grew up it was his duty as a Christian and a gentleman to appear to despise filthy lucre, whatever his secret opinion of it might be.
- Rebecca Harding Davis
Collection: Christian
Image of Rosamund Lupton
My job isn't to go around judging people. Priests are meant to teach love and forgiveness. That to me is the essence of being a Christian. And trying to find that love and forgiveness in ourselves and others every day should be a challenge that we want to achieve.
- Rosamund Lupton
Collection: Christian
Image of Kathleen Parker
Of course, certain religious expressions are fine. If a tribe of Aqualishes wants to boil rhino horns in frog saliva on the National Mall to honor their deity, we'd have a commemorative postage stamp ready by next December. But let a Christian mention the baby Jesus to a kindergarten class and the ACLU wants an exorcism.
- Kathleen Parker
Collection: Christian
Image of Calvin Seerveld
A faith project in Christian artistry will never be healthy among us until there is a living sense of Christian community, and the misplaced emphasis on the 'individual' has been corrected. God has set things up so that cultural endeavour is always a communal enterprise, done by trained men and women in concert, gripped by a spirit that is larger than each one individually and that pulls them together as they do their formative work.
- Calvin Seerveld
Collection: Christian
Image of Calvin Seerveld
It is short-sighted, not to say stupid, in the correct desire to be relevant as Christian artists in an unchristian age, to pick up the secular fashion of the immediate generation before us and immerse oneself in that as your tradition. That's why Christian artists so often seem to be a generation late.
- Calvin Seerveld
Collection: Christian
Image of Calvin Seerveld
Atrocities are now shown in 30-second bites. Hardcore artistic horror is an expression of hating your neighbour. The gruesome imagination feeds on vanity, lust, self-indulgence and despair, rather than the hope of the Holy Spirit. The Body of Christ needs to look and repent of our own fallenness.... Whatever arena Christians withdraw from goes to hell.
- Calvin Seerveld
Collection: Christian
Image of Glenn Danzig
It's okay for Christians throughout centuries to exterminate races and for their priests to rape little kids throughout decades, but trying to give the people the power to think and be individual, that's evil?
- Glenn Danzig
Collection: Christian
Image of William E. Rees
One of the gifts of the Jewish culture to Christianity is that it has taught Christians to think like Jews, and any modern man who has not learned to think as though he were a Jew can hardly be said to have learned to think at all.
- William E. Rees
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Sadler
The goal of every married couple, indeed, every Christian home, should be to make Christ the Head, the Counselor and the Guide.
- Paul Sadler
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert Flello
True Christians are not bigoted and this is actually not a matter of equality, no matter how often it is referred to as equal marriage. Civil partnerships are equal to marriage - they might not have the same name but they are equal.
- Robert Flello
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Doddridge
Perish each thought of human pride, let God alone be magnified.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Christian
Image of Amanda Smith
To stay here and disobey God - I can't afford to take the consequence. I would rather go and obey God than to stay here and know that I disobeyed.
- Amanda Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Heyman
Christian! His parents had nine months to to think of a name, and the best they came up with was Christian!? My parents had nine months and they didn't call me Jew!
- Paul Heyman
Collection: Christian
Image of Ali Sina
Muslims insult all other religions. The Quran is an insult to the Jews, the Christians and everyone else. It calls the Jews apes, pigs and rats. All the non-believers are najis (filthy, impure) and hell bond. The Quran even instructs the Muslims to fight the unbelievers, chop their fingertips, behead them, crucify them and deal with them harshly. 5:33, 9:14, 9:73 However, Muslims went berserk when a Danish Newspaper published a few cartoons of Muhammad.
- Ali Sina
Collection: Christian
Image of Ali Sina
The Christians and the Jews do not believe that the Bible is the verbatim words of God. In fact it is clear that the books of the Bible are written by men - allegedly inspired men - but humans nonetheless. God in the Bible is spoken of in third person. This gives the believer a degree of caution. If the writers of the Bible were humans and humans are fallible, the Bible should not be taken literally. It is possible to interpret it, use one's logic to understand it in the light of science and adapt its teachings to meet the needs of the time.
- Ali Sina
Collection: Christian
Image of Matt Walsh
Anyone who believes in a Jesus who condones abortion does not believe in the real Jesus, and therefore is not Christian.
- Matt Walsh
Collection: Christian
Image of Malidoma Patrice Some
Nakedness is very common in the tribe. It is not a shameful thing; it is an expression of one's relationship with the spirit of nature. To be naked is to be open-hearted. Normally kids stay naked until puberty and even beyond. It was only with the introduction of cheap cloth from the West, through Goodwill and other Christian organisations, that nakedness began to be associated with shame.
- Malidoma Patrice Some
Collection: Christian
Image of Malidoma Patrice Some
Historically the customs and traditions of day-to-day life in Africa have been dismissed by Western cultural anthropologists as primitive, chaotic, pagan activities that should be replaced by Christianity, the only civilized religion. The West has also long assumed that it should convert tribal cultures to literacy, which is to say an entirely different way of looking at the world, of living in the world. Most Africans who have achieved a comfortable Western lifestyle are Christian. Why? Because it comes with the package: Christian-ity, literacy, and a material lifestyle all come together.
- Malidoma Patrice Some
Collection: Christian
Image of Winthrop W. Aldrich
If we can implant in our people the Christian virtues which we sum up in the word character, and, at the same time, give them a knowledge of the line which should be drawn between voluntary action and governmental compulsion in a democracy, and of what can be accomplished within the stern laws of economics, we will enable them to retain their freedom, and at the same time, make them worthy to be free.
- Winthrop W. Aldrich
Collection: Christian
Image of Riane Eisler
That both Muslim fundamentalists and the Christian right are today focusing their attempts to regain control in a rapidly changing world on frantic efforts to maintain control over women, particularly over women's sexuality. Moreover, given their mythologies about "holy wars," it is also understandable that they should use "divinely approved" violence to do so.
- Riane Eisler
Collection: Christian
Image of Eugenia Price
I feel it is my Christian duty to be at least as careful in my personal grooming, if not more so, than before my conversion. You may have dry hair and my habits may not be workable for you. But shampooing my hair twice a week is as much a part of my spiritual life as my daily quiet time.
- Eugenia Price
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Martyn
The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.
- Henry Martyn
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Martyn
I am immortal until God's work for me to do is done. The Lord reigns.
- Henry Martyn
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Martyn
I have rightfully no other business each day but to do God's work as a servant, constantly regarding His pleasure. May I have grace to live above every human motive, simply with God and to God.
- Henry Martyn
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Martyn
I am born for God only. Christ is nearer to me than father, or mother, or sister - a near relation, a more affectionate Friend; and I rejoice to follow Him, and to love Him. Blessed Jesus! Thou art all I want - a forerunner to me in all I ever shall go through as a Christian, a minister, or a missionary.
- Henry Martyn
Collection: Christian
Image of Evagrius Ponticus
The Holy Spirit, out of compassion for our weakness, comes to us even when we are impure. And if He finds our intellect truly praying to Him, He enters it and puts to flight the whole array of thoughts and ideas circling within it, and He arouses it to a longing for spiritual prayer.
- Evagrius Ponticus
Collection: Christian
Image of Evagrius Ponticus
He who has mastery over his incensive power has mastery also over the demons. But anyone who is a slave to it is a stranger to the ways of the Saviour, for as the Saviour enjoined us: 'Learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart: and you will find rest for your souls' (Mt. 11:29). Now if a man abstains from food and drink, but becomes incensed to wrath because of evil thoughts, he is like a ship sailing the open sea with a demon for a pilot.
- Evagrius Ponticus
Collection: Christian
Image of Evagrius Ponticus
Provide yourself with such work for your hands as can be done, if possible, both during the day and at night, so that you are not a burden to anyone, and indeed can give to others, as St. Paul the Apostle advises (cf. I Thess. 2:9; Eph. 4:28). In this manner you will overcome the demon of listlessness and drive away all the desires suggested by the enemy; for the demon of listlessness takes advantage of idleness. 'Every idle man is full of desires' (Prov. 13:4 LXX).
- Evagrius Ponticus
Collection: Christian
Image of Evagrius Ponticus
Remember how the Lord rebukes Martha when He says: 'You are anxious and troubled about many things: one thing alone is needful' (Lk. 10:41-42) ? to hear the divine word; after that, one should be content with anything that comes to hand.
- Evagrius Ponticus
Collection: Christian
Image of Evagrius Ponticus
... we should not worry about clothes or food? Such anxiety is a mark of? unbelievers, who reject the providence of the Lord and deny the Creator. An attitude of this kind is entirely wrong for Christians who believe that even? sparrows? are under the care of the holy angels (cf. Mt. 10:29). The demons, however? suggest worries of this kind? The divine word can bear no fruit, being choked out by our cares. Let us, then, renounce these cares, and throw them down before the Lord, being content with what we have at the moment?
- Evagrius Ponticus
Collection: Christian
Image of Derek Jarman
The slow-witted approach to the HIV epidemic was the result of a thousand years of Christian malpractice and the childlike approach of the church to sexuality. If any single man was responsible, it was Augustine of Hippo who murdered his way to sainthood spouting on about the sins located in his genitals.
- Derek Jarman
Collection: Christian