Philip Doddridge

Image of Philip Doddridge
Awake, my soul! Stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Race
Image of Philip Doddridge
Perish each thought of human pride, let God alone be magnified.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Doddridge
Let us live while we live.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Life
Image of Philip Doddridge
I am more afraid of doing what is wrong than of dying.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Dying
Image of Philip Doddridge
His goodness stands approved,Unchanged from day to day;I'll drop my burden at His feet,And bear a song away.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Song
Image of Philip Doddridge
Religion, in its most general view, is such a Sense of God in the soul, and such a conviction of our obligations to him, and of our dependence upon him, as shall engage us to make it our great care to conduct ourselves in a manner which we have reason to believe will be pleasing to him.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Believe
Image of Philip Doddridge
If nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Love You
Image of Philip Doddridge
Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes, The Saviour promised long; Let every heart exult with joy, And every voice be song!
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Song
Image of Philip Doddridge
Ye servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Observant of the heavenly word, And watchful at his gate.
- Philip Doddridge
Collection: Office