Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Madison Smartt Bell
I dont call myself a very good Christian, but I think I know one when I see one, and I also think I know when I dont.
- Madison Smartt Bell
Collection: Christian
Image of Gerd R. Puin
My idea is that the Koran is a kind of cocktail of texts that were not all understood even at the time of Muhammad. Many of them may even be a hundred years older than Islam itself. Even within Islamic traditions there is a huge body of contradictory information, including a significant Christian substrate; one can derive a whole Islamic anti-history from them if one wants.
- Gerd R. Puin
Collection: Christian
Image of Sherwin B. Nuland
Even putting aside the Judeo-Christian morality upon which the Constitution and our nations culture are based, the notion of forced euthanasia would contradict the long-held body of medical ethics to which all American doctors must adhere.
- Sherwin B. Nuland
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury
Whoever considers the study of anatomy, I believe will never be an atheist; the frame of man's body, and coherence of his parts, being so strange and paradoxical, that I hold it to be the greatest miracle of nature.
- Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury
Collection: Christian
Image of Phineas F. Bresee
We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it.
- Phineas F. Bresee
Collection: Christian
Image of Loren Cunningham
If we want to be known in heaven and feared in hell we must be willing to lose our reputation here on earth.
- Loren Cunningham
Collection: Christian
Image of Loren Cunningham
Sometimes God does something dramatic to get our attention. That's what happened to me in 1975. My family and I were enjoying the peace and quiet of a borrowed cabin in the Colorado Rockies. I was stretched out on a lounge chair in the midday warmth, praying and thinking. I was considering how we Christians - not just the mission I was part of, but all of us - could turn the world around for Jesus.
- Loren Cunningham
Collection: Christian
Image of Jamie Dornan
I'm not afraid to play the role of Christian Grey. Because I'm not like him. But I perfectly understand him. I never thought that he was a monster. He is simply woven from desires. As every one of us.
- Jamie Dornan
Collection: Christian
Image of Jamie Dornan
I am never going to please all 100 million people who read the book. I'll be lucky if half that number are happy with me playing Christian Grey. I know there are campaigns of hate against me already.
- Jamie Dornan
Collection: Christian
Image of Luke Johnson
All of Christian existence ... stands within an expectation. Its fulfillment may be sure, but its timing is unknown.
- Luke Johnson
Collection: Christian
Image of Harold Wallace Rosenthal
We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand.
- Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Collection: Christian
Image of Isaac of Nineveh
Someone who bears a grudge while he prays is like a person who sows in the sea and expects to reap a harvest.
- Isaac of Nineveh
Collection: Christian
Image of Isaac of Nineveh
As a handful of sand thrown into the ocean, so are the sins of all flesh as compared with the mind of God.
- Isaac of Nineveh
Collection: Christian
Image of Isaac of Nineveh
The man who follows Christ in solitary mourning is greater than he who praises Christ amid the congregation of men.
- Isaac of Nineveh
Collection: Christian
Image of Clare of Assisi
Loving one another with the charity of Christ, let the love you have in your hearts be shown outwardly in your deeds so that compelled by such an example, the sisters may also grow in the love of God and charity for one another.
- Clare of Assisi
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert A. Cook
The question is not How much may I indulge in and still be saved. God forbid! I must rather ask, What about Christ's will and the example I set for my fellow Christians?
- Robert A. Cook
Collection: Christian
Image of Cecil Frances Alexander
Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as He. . . . . For He is our childhood's pattern, Day by day like us He grew, He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew; And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness.
- Cecil Frances Alexander
Collection: Christian
Image of Cecil Frances Alexander
Christian children all must be mild, obedient, good as He.
- Cecil Frances Alexander
Collection: Christian
Image of Heidi Montag
God says in the bible that we should love our neighbor and he created us all as equals. I know in my heart that gays and lesbians should have the same government rights that Spencer and I will when we get married. So, yes, this blonde Christian believes in gay marriage...
- Heidi Montag
Collection: Christian
Image of Rebecca Kleefisch
This is a slippery slope in addition to that. At what point are we going to OK marrying inanimate objects? Can - can I marry this table, or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? This is ridiculous.
- Rebecca Kleefisch
Collection: Christian
Image of Rebecca Kleefisch
And biblically, again, I'm going to go right back to my fundamental Christian beliefs marriage is between one man and one woman.
- Rebecca Kleefisch
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius IX
Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.
- Pope Pius IX
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius IX
Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.
- Pope Pius IX
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius IX
Now you know well that the most deadly foes of the Catholic religion have always waged a fierce war, but without success, against this Chair [of St. Peter]; they are by no means ignorant of the fact that religion itself can never totter and fall while this Chair remains intact, the Chair which rests on the rock which the proud gates of hell cannot overthrow and in which there is the whole and perfect solidity of the Christian religion.
- Pope Pius IX
Collection: Christian
Image of Dee Snider
I was born and raised a Christian and I still adhere to those principles.
- Dee Snider
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Mayes Wigg
Make sure the thing you're living for is worth dying for.
- Charles Mayes Wigg
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Oden
Protestant Christianity, whether in its liberal or conservative garb, finds itself waking up each morning in bed with a deteriorating modern culture, between sheets with a raunchy sexual reductionism, despairing scientism, morally normless cultural relativism, and self-assertive individualism. We remain resident aliens, OF the world but not profoundly in it, dining at the banquet table of waning modernity without a whisper of table grace. We all wear biblical name tags (Joseph, David, and Sarah), but have forgotten what our Christian names mean.
- Thomas Oden
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Oden
There is a quality of lightness, easiness, and in some sense blatant unseriousness that pervades Classical Christianity's dialogue with modernity. The Christian intellect has no reason to be intimidated in the presense of later-stage modernity. Christianity has seen too many 'modern eras' to be cowed by this one.
- Thomas Oden
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
On the most elementary level, you do not have to go to church to be a Christian. You do not have to go home to be married either. But in both cases if you do not, you will have a very poor relationship.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
Fixing our thoughts on Jesus requires time, for true reflection cannot happen with a glance. No one can see the beauty of the country if he hurries through it on the interstate.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
Marriage is a call to die [to self]... Christian marriage vows are the inception of a lifelong practice of death, of giving over not only all you have, but all you are. Is this a grim gallows call? Not at all! It is no more grim than dying to self and following Christ. In fact, those who lovingly die for their [spouses] are those who know the most joy, have the most fulfilling marriages, and experience the most love.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
Today, there is a whole generation of Christian men who are laughing at things that ought to make them weep, and not a few of them will suffer shipwreck, and some-the loss of their souls. Let the indiscriminate viewer beware.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
It is impossible for any Christian who spends the bulk of his evenings, month after month, week upon week, day in and day out watching the major TV networks or contemporary videos to have a Christian mind. This is always true of all Christians in every situation! A Biblical mental program cannot coexist with worldly programming.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of R. Kent Hughes
Genesis 1 logs God's commitment to excellence when it says, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (v. 31). Christians should always do good work. Christians ought to be the best workers wherever they are. They ought to have the best attitude, the best integrity, and be the best in dependability.
- R. Kent Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of Matt Dillahunty
The idea that the Christian god is just, is directly contradicted by the idea that the Christian god is merciful. Perfect justice and any mercy are necessarily directly in contradiction, because mercy is a suspension of justice.
- Matt Dillahunty
Collection: Christian
Image of Milton R. Hunter
If the Savior had come back to earth at the beginning of the fifth century A.D., I doubt whether he would have recognized the Christian Church as the one that claimed descent from that which he had established, so far had it gone astray.
- Milton R. Hunter
Collection: Christian
Image of Christopher J. H. Wright
The trouble today is that many Christians live in a kind of bubble of assumptions about what their Christianity means, especially if it places them comfortably among "the good guys," - assumptions that are likely to be drawn as much from folk-Christianity, surrounding political culture, popular pulp-books about the "End Times," or their favourite guru writer or therapist, than from sober and comprehensive reading of the Bible as a whole. Prophets and preachers have the unwelcome task of pricking that bubble with the sharpness of actual texts and teachings of the Bible itself.
- Christopher J. H. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of Clive Tyldesley
Many of the Iranian players show their Christian names on their shirts.
- Clive Tyldesley
Collection: Christian
Image of James J. Kilpatrick
It wasn't the Supreme Court that expelled God from our public school classrooms. It was the textbook publishers.
- James J. Kilpatrick
Collection: Christian
Image of Rufus King
In our the oath which they prescribe, we appeal to the Supreme Being so to deal with us hereafter as we observe the obligation of our oaths. The Pagan world...are without the mighty influence of this principle which is proclaimed in the Christian system.
- Rufus King
Collection: Christian
Image of Nina Gunter
If you take missions out of the Bible, you won't have anything left but the covers.
- Nina Gunter
Collection: Christian
Image of Greg Laurie
Maybe 20 years ago, there would be an event every few months or so, maybe once a year. Now, it just seems like every week there are things happening that remind us that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and Christ is coming. Having said that, I think that should produce in the Christians, an urgency to share their faith.
- Greg Laurie
Collection: Christian
Image of Greg Laurie
He who rejects the Bible has nothing to live by. Neither does he have anything to die by.
- Greg Laurie
Collection: Christian
Image of Doug Davidson
When the state executes a member of the human family, it declares that person worthless, without possibility of redemption. As Christians, we believe this is a heresy, a denial that each human being is created in God's own image.
- Doug Davidson
Collection: Christian
Image of S. D Gordon
Joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its springs deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy.
- S. D Gordon
Collection: Christian
Image of S. D Gordon
If we lose the spirit of 'go,' we have lost the very Christian spirit itself. A disobedient church will become a dead church. It will die of heart failure.
- S. D Gordon
Collection: Christian
Image of Mike Evans
I am also praying for you, my beloved partner. God has a miracle breakthrough for your life.
- Mike Evans
Collection: Christian
Image of Jeremy Begbie
Christians are a polyphonic people.
- Jeremy Begbie
Collection: Christian
Image of Gerhard Tersteegen
To walk before God and in His presence, is the ground and the costly jewel of true Christian living. I would have you above all things to grasp this firmly,because, when it is rightly understood and practiced, it includes all else.
- Gerhard Tersteegen
Collection: Christian