Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 139

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 139 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Ricky Gervais
I've never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God.
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Christian
Image of Ricky Gervais
A Christian telling an atheist they're going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they're not getting any presents from Santa.
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Christian
Image of Phil Pringle
A vision is something worth living for, and it is something worth dying for. In fact, if it is not worth dying for, it is not worth living for. Brave, godly martyrs throughout history have proven time and again that what we as Christians live for is worth dying for.
- Phil Pringle
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
I make a forceful and urgent call to the entire Catholic Church, and also to every Christian of other confessions, as well as to followers of every religion and to those brothers and sisters who do not believe: peace is a good which overcomes every barrier, because it belongs to all of humanity!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Being a Christian is not just about following commandments: it is about letting Christ take possession of our lives and transform them.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
If God, in the Christmas mystery, reveals himself not as One who remains on high and dominates the universe, but as the One who bends down, descends to the little and poor earth, it means that, to be like him, we should not put ourselves above others, but indeed lower ourselves, place ourselves at the service of others, become small with the small and poor with the poor. It is regrettable to see a Christian who does not want to lower himself, who does not want to serve. A Christian who struts about is ugly: this is not Christian, it is pagan.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
How powerful prayer is! May we never lose the courage to say: Lord, give us your peace.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
If you don’t learn how to cry, you cannot be a good Christian. When they posed this question to us – why children suffer, why this or that tragedy occurs in life – our response must be either silence or a word that is born of our tears. Be courageous, don’t be afraid to cry.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Each individual Christian and every community is called to be an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Being Christian without the Church doesn't make sense. That's why the great Paul VI, said that the most absurd dichotomy is loving Christ without the Church. To listen to Christ, but not the Church. To be with Christ, but stay at the margins of the Church. It's not possible. It's an absurd dichotomy.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Pay attention, my young friends: to go against the current; this is good for the heart, but we need courage to swim against the tide. ... We Christians were not chosen by the Lord for little things; push onwards toward the highest principles. Stake your lives on noble ideals, my dear young people!
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
While all too many people live in dire poverty, others are caught up in materialism and lifestyles which are destructive of family life and the most basic demands of Christian morality.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Frederick The Great
You will certainly grant me that neither antiquity nor whatever nation has devised a more repulsive and blasphemous absurdity than that of eating your God. This is the most disgusting dogma of Christian religion, the greatest insult to the Highest Being, the climax of madness and insanity.
- Frederick The Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Frederick The Great
I think it better to keep a profound silence with regard to the Christian fables, which are canonized by their antiquity and the credulity of absurd and insipid people.
- Frederick The Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward Gibbon
As for this young Ali, one cannot but like him. A noble-minded creature, as he shows himself, now and always afterwards; full of affection, of fiery daring. Something chivalrous in him; brave as a lion; yet with a grace, a truth and affection worthy of Christian knighthood.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
The Christian mission has only one focus: to change individual's lives so they can change the world.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
The secret of Christian living is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Christians must respond to evil with good, taking the cross upon themselves as Jesus did
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Hart
An annoyed and joyless Christian is the devil's greatest billboard.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Christian
Image of Andre Gide
The difficulty comes from this, that Christianity (Christian orthodoxy) is exclusive and that belief in its truth excludes belief in any other truth. It does not absorb; it repulses.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Hirsch
There's no such thing as an unsent Christian. You have already been SENT.
- Alan Hirsch
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Hirsch
Currently, young Christians reach adulthood bored with church experience, and with little or no sense of their calling as missionaries.
- Alan Hirsch
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I am a Christian and a Hindu and a Muslim and a Jew.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Christians are those who let God clothe them with goodness and mercy, with Christ, so as to become, like Christ, servants of God and others.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
There is another important point: encountering the poor. If we step outside ourselves we find poverty. Today-it sickens the heart to say so-the discovery of a tramp who has died of the cold is not news. Today what counts as news is, maybe, a scandal. A scandal: ah, that is news! Today, the thought that a great many children do not have food to eat is not news. This is serious, this is serious! We cannot put up with this! Yet that is how things are. We cannot become starched Christians, those over-educated Christians who speak of theological matters as they calmly sip their tea.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
"I'm in a win-win playoff. " Response of a Christian dying of cancer at thirty on the prospect of miraculous healing.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
The Christian is an idol breaker.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of John Ashcroft
Civilized people - Muslims, Christians and Jews - all understand that the source of freedom and human dignity is the Creator.
- John Ashcroft
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Yes I am, I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Christian
Image of James Anthony Froude
I have long been convinced that the Christian Eucharist is but a continuation of the Eleusinian mysteries. St Paul, in using the word teleiois, almost confirms this.
- James Anthony Froude
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
‎"Sincerity is the biggest part of selling anything -- including the Christian plan of salvation.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
I don't think there is anything wrong with a man who wants to give credit to the Lord, but I don't think the team with the most Christians on it is necessarily going to win. The Lord may be helping their characters and souls, but I don't think he's any more for the Dodgers than he is for the Braves. More than being concerned with who's going to win the Super Bowl, I feel the Lord is probably more concerned that they might find a day other than Sunday to play it on.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Matt Groening
I was very disturbed when Jesus found a demon in a guy, and he put the demon in a herd of pigs, then sent them off a cliff. What did the pigs do? I could never figure that out. It just seemed very un-Christian. Technically, I'm an agnostic, but I definitely believe in hell -- especially after watching the fall TV schedule.
- Matt Groening
Collection: Christian
Image of Judah Smith
It is absolutely essential to have a living visible example of what a Christian ought to be.
- Judah Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
The true strength of the Christian is the power of truth and love, which leads to the renunciation of all violence. Faith and violence are incompatible.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Hosoi
I'm very careful with what I let my ear gate hear on my own. I don't care if I go out and something is playing that I wouldn't put on myself, that doesn't bother me but when I feed off and get nourishment from music, it's through things that are encouraging and lift me up, things that have integrity and purpose and that's what Christian Worship Music is all about.
- Christian Hosoi
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Hosoi
I listen to purely Christian Worship Music, Christian Rap etc. People will give me some old music, stuff I used to listen to back then and when I listen to the words, it blows me away.
- Christian Hosoi
Collection: Christian
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The thing about you Christians, is that you are so unlike your Christ.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
We Christians bring peace and grace as a treasure to be offered to the world, but these gifts can bear fruit only when Christians live and work together in harmony. This makes it easier to contribute to building relations of respect and peaceful coexistence with those who belong to other religious traditions, and with non-believers.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Our mission as Christians is to conform ourselves evermore to Jesus as the model of our lives.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Let Christ turn your natural optimism into Christian hope, your energy into moral virtue, your good will into genuine self-sacrificin g love! This is the path you are called to take. This is the path to overcoming all that threatens hope, virtue and love in your lives and in your culture. In this way your youth will be a gift to Jesus and to the world.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Prayer, humility, and charity toward all are essential in the Christian life: they are the way to holiness.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Francis
Division within a Christian community is a very grave sin; it is the work of the devil.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Hirsch
The appetite for adventure and risk is not exclusive to young Christians. In face, it seems to be a fundamental yearning, knitted into the fabric of the human soul.
- Alan Hirsch
Collection: Christian
Image of Andre Gide
Christianity, above all, consoles; but there are naturally happy souls who do not need consolation. Consequently Christianity begins by making such souls unhappy, for otherwise it would have no power over them.
- Andre Gide
Collection: Christian
Image of Anne Frank
What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews.
- Anne Frank
Collection: Christian
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The whole history of the Christian Church is a mixture of errors and violence.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Christian