Top children Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of children quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more children quotes.

Image of Marina Warner
There are a range of women not represented in the Western fairy tale tradition. Husband-beaters are particularly interesting, as well as male pederasts. Children are often told in The Arabian Nights, "This man likes to abduct boys, be careful of him." These issues are explored through the medium of the stories, but actually the architecture of the book is such that there are many examples of women who are loyal, brave, devoted - especially to their lovers.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Children
Image of Harry Belafonte
In the gun game, we are the most hunted. The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children.
- Harry Belafonte
Collection: Children
Image of Edward Snowden
A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalysed thought. And that's a problem because privacy matters, privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Children
Image of Edward Snowden
A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Children
Image of Erin McKean
People say to me, ‘How do I know if a word is real?’ You know, anybody who’s read a children’s book knows that love makes things real. If you love a word, use it. That makes it real.
- Erin McKean
Collection: Children
Image of William Strunk, Jr.
Avoid fancy words....If you admire fancy words, if every sky is beauteous, every blonde curvaceous, every intelligent child prodigious, if you are tickled by discombobulate, you will have bad time Reminder 14.
- William Strunk, Jr.
Collection: Children
Image of Stella Gibbons
And when April like an over-lustful lover leaped upon the lush flanks of the Downs there would be yet another child in the wretched hut down on Nettle Flitch Field, where Meriam housed the fruits of her shame.
- Stella Gibbons
Collection: Children
Image of Bono
Every age has its massive moral blind spots. We might not see them, but our children will.
- Bono
Collection: Children
Image of Kató Lomb
Whenever I read statistical reports, I try to imagine my unfortunate contemporary, the Average Person, who, according to these reports, has 0.66 children, 0.032 cars, and 0.046 TVs.
- Kató Lomb
Collection: Children
Image of Arthur W. Pink
It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors.
- Arthur W. Pink
Collection: Children
Image of Joseph Bruchac
A story is a burden which must be carried with as much care as we carry a sleeping child
- Joseph Bruchac
Collection: Children
Image of Barbara Walters
when your child is in trouble, the first thing you do is blame yourself.
- Barbara Walters
Collection: Children
Image of Elie Wiesel
... True, we are often too weak to stop injustices; but the least we can do is to protest against them. True, we are too poor to eliminate hunger; but in feeding one child, we protest against hunger. True, we are too timid and powerless to take on all the guards of all the political prisons in the world; but in offering our solidarity to one prisoner we denounce all the tormentors. True, we are powerless against death; but as long as we help one man, one woman, one child live one hour longer in safety and dignity, we affirm man's [woman's] right to live.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Children
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
Water: 35 Liters. Carbon: 20 Kg. Ammonia: 4 Liters. Lime: 1.5 Kg. Phosphorus: 800 g. Salt: 250 g. Saltpeter: 100g. Sulfur: 80g. Fluorine: 7.5 g. Iron: 5 g. Silicon: 3 g. And 15 other elements in small quantities. That's the total chemical makeup of the average adult body. For that matter, the elements found in a human being is all junk that you can buy in any market with a child's allowance. Humans are pretty cheaply made.
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Children
Image of Melanie Rawn
Nothing is written stone, child. Even if it were, the stones can be shattered
- Melanie Rawn
Collection: Children
Image of Zane
How can two people love each other, create children together, cohabitiate, build a life together, and then end up hating each other in the end.
- Zane
Collection: Children
Image of Julia Spencer-Fleming
If Carl Hiaasen and Donald Westlake had a literary love child, he would be Timothy Hallinan.
- Julia Spencer-Fleming
Collection: Children
Image of Lyn Nofziger
One other thing I think a conservative believes is that the parents, not government, are and should be responsible for the upbringing and behavior of their children.
- Lyn Nofziger
Collection: Children
Image of Malcolm Turnbull
It is unmanly. It is not some expression of macho virtue. It is the absolute antithesis of this. Real men don't bully women and children. Respect for women ... is so important.
- Malcolm Turnbull
Collection: Children
Image of Ilona Andrews
Do you know what separates adults from children? Self-discipline. We don’t want to go to work, we don’t want to do our chores, and we don’t want to make unpleasant decisions, but we do all those things because we’re aware of the consequences which will follow if we don’t.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Children
Image of George Q. Cannon
The saints should always remember that God sees not as man sees; that he does not willingly afflict his children, and that if he requires them to endure present privation and trial, it is that they may escape greater tribulations which would otherwise inevitably overtake them. If He deprives them of any present blessing, it is that he may bestow upon them greater and more glorious ones by-and by.
- George Q. Cannon
Collection: Children
Image of Pierre Trudeau
What sets a canoeing expedition apart is that it purifies you more rapidly and inescapably than any other. Travel a thousand miles by train and you are a brute; pedal five hundred on a bicycle and you remain basically a bourgeois; paddle a hundred in a canoe and you are already a child of nature.
- Pierre Trudeau
Collection: Children
Image of Marcus Brigstocke
You know you are fat when you hug a child and it gets lost.
- Marcus Brigstocke
Collection: Children
Image of Richard Roeper
Becca Gardner is wonderful as the good-hearted little Griff who refuses to be daunted by all the heart-ache and resentment on dad's ranch and this young actress proves there's another young child actress in Hollywood besides Dakota Fanning.
- Richard Roeper
Collection: Children
Image of Jennifer Worth
Whoever heard of a midwife as a literary heroine? Yet midwifery is the very stuff of drama. Every child is conceived either in love or lust, is born in pain, followed by joy or sometimes remorse. A midwife is in the thick of it, she sees it all.
- Jennifer Worth
Collection: Children
Image of Chuck Berry
Rock is my child and my grandfather.
- Chuck Berry
Collection: Children
Image of Marva Collins
The more monies we spend, the less children learn; because the more machines we have there, the more gadgets, the more gimmicks, the less children have to really think - the less they have to use their innate abilities, their curiosity, their brains.
- Marva Collins
Collection: Children
Image of Marva Collins
An error means a child needs help, not a reprimand or ridicule for doing something wrong.
- Marva Collins
Collection: Children
Image of Marva Collins
That's how I try to think of education - a school is a miniature society where children learn to function in a real world.
- Marva Collins
Collection: Children
Image of Hanna Rosin
We can no more create the perfect environment for our children than we can create perfect children.
- Hanna Rosin
Collection: Children
Image of Hanna Rosin
On the one hand, parents want their children to swim expertly in the digital stream that they will have to navigate all their lives; on the other hand, they fear that too much digital media, too early, will sink them.
- Hanna Rosin
Collection: Children
Image of Bill Moyers
Capitalism is out of control, thanks in no small part to Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision which said that a corporation is a person, even though it doesn't eat, drink, make love, sing, raise children or take care of aging parents. You can't have a people's democracy as long as corporations are considered people.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Children
Image of Bill Moyers
These are the now-endangered markers of a civilized society: legally ordained minimum wages, child labor laws, workers safety and compensation laws, pure foods and safe drugs, Social Security, Medicare and rules that promote competitive markets over monopolies and cartels.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Children
Image of Horace Bushnell
God listens for nothing so tenderly, as when His children help each other by their testimonies to His goodness and the way in which He has brought them deliverance.
- Horace Bushnell
Collection: Children
Image of Anna Sewell
Why don't they cut their own children's ears into points to make them look sharp? Why don't they cut off their noses to make them look plucky? One would be just as sensible as the other. What right have they to torment and disfigure God's creatures?
- Anna Sewell
Collection: Children
Image of Liam Neeson
The cause of making the world a better place for children unites us all.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Children
Image of Amy Waldman
My parents are aging and there are difficult issues. It's strange to have children at the beginning of life and parents nearing the end.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: Children
Image of Amy Waldman
My children, who are almost two: watching them develop has made me pay much closer attention to how we become who we are.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: Children
Image of Amy Waldman
I read Claire Messud's 'The Emperor's Children,' I read Joseph O'Neill's 'Netherland' - but to me, they're not 9/11 novels. In 'The Emperor's Children,' 9/11 felt to me like a piece of the plot; the novel wasn't wrestling with what 9/11 meant. And 'Netherland' felt the same way. I liked both books a lot but I don't see them as 9/11 novels.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: Children
Image of Lisa Gardner
It's kind of the yin and yang that fascinate me. That for all the evil men do, there are also people who work obnoxiously long hours and sacrifice their personal lives because it is a calling - if they don't keep our streets safe, if they aren't there to advocate for and save beaten women and children and murder victims, who will?
- Lisa Gardner
Collection: Children
Image of Clay Aiken
UNICEF is working for the survival of children worldwide. What can we do to get more Americans committed to the cause?
- Clay Aiken
Collection: Children
Image of Ann M. Martin
I think reading is a gift. It was a gift that was given to me as a child by many people, and now as an adult and a writer, I'm trying to give a little of it back to others. It's one of the greatest pleasures I know.
- Ann M. Martin
Collection: Children
Image of Hans Fallada
Not that she's a political animal, she's just an ordinary woman, but as a woman she's of the view that you don't bring children into the world to have them shot.
- Hans Fallada
Collection: Children
Image of Doug Stanhope
If you're offended by any word in any language, it's probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Children
Image of Eliot Spitzer
Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children's future. It is clear we must act.
- Eliot Spitzer
Collection: Children
Image of Jeff Shaara
Wars are indeed fought by children, by young people who have little to say in where they are sent to die.
- Jeff Shaara
Collection: Children
Image of Malcolm Bradbury
The better class of Briton likes to send his children away to school until they're old and intelligent enough to come home again. Then they're too old and intelligent to want to.
- Malcolm Bradbury
Collection: Children
Image of Lois Wyse
Don't get so involved in the duties of your life and your children that you forget the pleasure. Remember why you had children.
- Lois Wyse
Collection: Children
Image of Haley Joel Osment
I try to keep away from being bigheaded. That's what causes people to lose the acting thing. They start being commercial, and then they stink the rest of their life. But there are several respected adult actors who were child actors that started very young. I'm going to try to model myself after Kurt Russell and Jodie Foster. Just keep learning from the role and not just go for the money.
- Haley Joel Osment
Collection: Children